
by @colindean

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FillerText is a gem useful for generating, well, filler text. It can do the standard "lorem ipsum" text or a variety of other clever substitute texts.

Installing FillerText

Install using:

gem install fillertext

or add the gem to your project's Gemfile:

gem 'fillertext'

Using FillerText

Here's how you use FillerText.

There are two main ways. One is cleaner because it keeps FillerText within its own namespace. The other method will add Fixnum#filler to keep some tasty syntactical sugar.

FillerText::FillerText.sentences 5
FillerText::FillerText.words 2
FillerText::FillerText.characters 5
FillerText::FillerText.bytes 4
FillerText::FillerText.paragraphs 1

or the much easier and intended method:


You can also change the style from the default "lorem ipsum" to something else.

# the old favorite = FillerText::Style::LoremIpsum
# a mash of words = FillerText::Style::HipsterIpsum
# handmade just like grandma's pierogies = FillerText::Style::YinzerIpsum
# homage to the great Pittsburgh Penguins announcer = FillerText::Style::MikeLange

Contributing to FillerText

Setting up the project

  1. Create a fork of the GitHub project repo.
  2. git clone the forked repository to your local system.
  3. Make sure that the version of Ruby you're using meets the minimum requirement in the gemspec.
  4. Run bundle install to install dependencies. It should tell you at this point if you don't have an adequate Ruby version installed.
  5. Check basic sanity by running bundle exec rake to run tests and checks before you make any changes.
  6. Make your changes and commit them to a feature branch. If you're picking a particular GitHub issue, please put gh-##-topic in the branch where ## is the ticket number and topic is a few words about it.
  7. Push to your own repo and then submit a pull request to this one!

Testing the project

FillerText uses RSpec for unit testing and SimpleCov for code coverage. New specifications can be added inside the spec/ directory.

  1. Make sure that the project is set up properly (see Setting up the project) 2.
    1. Run rspec to run all the tests by default
    2. To run only a selected few tests, run rspec spec/<test_you're_interested_in>_spec.rb
  2. To access code coverage details, run xdg-open coverage/index.html (on Linux) or open coverage/index.html (on Mac)

Patches welcome. Please file using Github issues.

I sincerely thank Ashvith Shetty for modernizing the build system for this software in 2022. Things are a lot easier to handle now than they were in 2011!


As of 0.2.3, FillerText uses release-please along with release-please-action for release automation in GitHub Actions.

Following Conventional Commits v1.0 standard, prefix a commit with fix: to increment the patch version in a future release, prefix with feat: to increment the minor version, and prefix with feat!: or fix!: or refactor!: to mark a breaking change and a major version increment.

For more information, read the release-please-action documentation on releasing.


FillerText is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (C) 2011-2022 by Colin Dean. See LICENSE.txt for more.