Class: Bioroebe::DnaToAminoacidSequence
- Inherits:
- Object
- Base
- CommandlineApplication
- Bioroebe::DnaToAminoacidSequence
- Defined in:
- lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb
Constant Summary collapse
Constants inherited from CommandlineApplication
Constants included from ColoursForBase
Constants inherited from Base
Class Method Summary collapse
.[](i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe::DnaToAminoacidSequence[] ========================================================================= #.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#be_quiet ⇒ Object
# === be_quiet ========================================================================= #.
#be_quiet_and_no_colours ⇒ Object
# === be_quiet_and_no_colours ========================================================================= #.
#colourize_stop_codons? ⇒ Boolean
# === colourize_stop_codons? ========================================================================= #.
#do_report_the_reading_frame(i = @result) ⇒ Object
# === do_report_the_reading_frame.
#do_show_as_the_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence ⇒ Object
# === do_show_as_the_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence ========================================================================= #.
#do_show_ruler ⇒ Object
# === do_show_ruler ========================================================================= #.
#do_show_this_reading_frame_header(i = @use_frame_number) ⇒ Object
# === do_show_this_reading_frame_header ========================================================================= #.
#do_the_conversion_step ⇒ Object
# === do_the_conversion_step.
#ensure_DNA_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
# === ensure_DNA_sequence ========================================================================= #.
#initialize(commandline_arguments = nil, run_already = DEFAULT_RUN_MODE) ⇒ DnaToAminoacidSequence
# === initialize ========================================================================= #.
#menu(i = return_commandline_arguments_starting_with_two_hyphens) ⇒ Object
# === menu (menu tag).
#no_output ⇒ Object
# === no_output ========================================================================= #.
#one_two_or_three(i) ⇒ Object
# === one_two_or_three ========================================================================= #.
#report ⇒ Object
# === report (report tag) ========================================================================= #.
#report_result? ⇒ Boolean
# === report_result? ========================================================================= #.
#reset ⇒ Object
# === reset (reset tag) ========================================================================= #.
#result? ⇒ Boolean
(also: #result, #input_sequence?, #seq?, #sequence?, #sequence)
# === result?.
#run ⇒ Object
# === run (run tag) ========================================================================= #.
#set_result(i) ⇒ Object
(also: #use_this_sequence, #use_this_sequence=, #set_sequence)
# === set_result ========================================================================= #.
#set_use_frame_number(i = :default) ⇒ Object
(also: #use_this_reading_frame=, #set_use_this_reading_frame)
# === set_use_frame_number.
#set_use_the_codon_table_for(i) ⇒ Object
# === set_use_the_codon_table_for ========================================================================= #.
#show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence? ⇒ Boolean
# === show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence? ========================================================================= #.
#show_help ⇒ Object
# === show_help (help tag) ========================================================================= #.
#show_ruler? ⇒ Boolean
# === show_ruler? ========================================================================= #.
#translate_dna_into_aminoacid(i) ⇒ Object
# === translate_dna_into_aminoacid.
#use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids? ⇒ Boolean
# === use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids? ========================================================================= #.
Methods inherited from CommandlineApplication
#all_aminoacids?, #append_what_into, #at_home?, #be_silent, #be_verbose?, #cat, #ccliner, #change_directory, #cliner, #codon_table_dataset?, #codon_to_aminoacid, #codons_for?, #colourize_this_dna_sequence, #complement, #cp, #disable_warnings, #download_dir?, #editor?, #enable_warnings, #ensure_that_the_base_directories_exist, #esystem, #extract, #is_this_a_start_codon?, #is_this_a_stop_codon?, #leading_five_prime, #load_bioroebe_yaml_file, #log_directory?, #one_letter_to_long_name, #one_to_three, #only_numbers?, #open_in_browser, #opnerev, #opnn, #pad_with_double_quotes, #pad_with_single_quotes, #partner_nucleotide, #remove_numbers, #remove_trailing_ansii_escape_code, #return_all_possible_start_codons, #return_array_of_one_letter_aminoacids, #return_cheerful_person, #return_chunked_display, #return_ubiquitin_sequence, #runmode?, #set_be_verbose, #set_runmode, #start_codon?, #stop_codons?, #strict_filter_away_invalid_aminoacids, #taxonomy_download_directory?, #three_to_one, #to_rna, #trailing_three_prime, #use_opn?, #verbose_truth, #was_or_were, #without_extname, #write_what_into
Methods included from BaseModule
#absolute_path, #default_file_read, #file_readlines
Methods included from CommandlineArguments
#commandline_arguments?, #commandline_arguments_that_are_files?, #e, #first?, #first_non_hyphen_argument?, #remove_hyphens_from_the_commandline_arguments, #return_commandline_arguments_as_string, #return_commandline_arguments_that_are_not_files, #return_entries_without_two_leading_hyphens, #select_commandline_arguments, #select_entries_starting_with_two_hyphens, #set_commandline_arguments
Methods included from ColoursForBase
#colourize_this_aminoacid_sequence_for_the_commandline, #colourize_this_nucleotide_sequence, #disable_colours, #ecomment, #efancy, #egold, #enable_colours, #eorange, #eparse, #erev, #red, #remove_trailing_escape_part, #return_colour_for_nucleotides, #rev, #sdir, #set_will_we_use_colours, #sfancy, #sfile, #simp, #swarn, #use_colours?, #use_colours_within_the_bioroebe_namespace?
Methods inherited from Base
#append_what_into, #can_base_pair?, #convert_global_env, #delete_file, #directory_to_the_codon_tables?, #is_on_roebe?, #is_palindrome?, #main_encoding?, #mkdir, #move_file, #mv, #no_file_exists_at, #no_newlines, #project_yaml_directory?, #rds, #register_sigint, #return_pwd, #return_the_first_line_of_this_file, #word_wrap, #write_what_into
Methods included from InternalHashModule
#internal_hash?, #reset_the_internal_hash
Methods included from InferTheNamespaceModule
#infer_the_namespace, #namespace?
Constructor Details
#initialize(commandline_arguments = nil, run_already = DEFAULT_RUN_MODE) ⇒ DnaToAminoacidSequence
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 53 def initialize( commandline_arguments = nil, run_already = DEFAULT_RUN_MODE ) reset set_commandline_arguments( commandline_arguments ) # ======================================================================= # # === Handle blocks given next: # ======================================================================= # if block_given? yielded = yield case yielded # ===================================================================== # # === :be_verbose # ===================================================================== # when :be_verbose set_be_verbose # ===================================================================== # # === :be_quiet # ===================================================================== # when :be_quiet be_quiet end end case run_already # case tag # ======================================================================= # # === :frame_two # ======================================================================= # when :frame_two, :two set_use_frame_number(:two) run_already = DEFAULT_RUN_MODE # ======================================================================= # # === :frame_three # ======================================================================= # when :frame_three, :three set_use_frame_number(:three) run_already = DEFAULT_RUN_MODE # ======================================================================= # # === :be_quiet_and_no_colours_and_no_output, # ======================================================================= # when :be_quiet_and_no_colours_and_no_output, :return_silently be_quiet disable_colours no_output run_already = DEFAULT_RUN_MODE # ======================================================================= # # === :be_quiet_and_no_colours # ======================================================================= # when :be_quiet_and_no_colours be_quiet disable_colours run_already = DEFAULT_RUN_MODE # ======================================================================= # # === :be_quiet # ======================================================================= # when :be_quiet be_quiet run_already = DEFAULT_RUN_MODE # ======================================================================= # # === :do_not_run_yet # ======================================================================= # when :do_not_run_yet run_already = false end run if run_already end |
Class Method Details
.[](i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
636 637 638 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 636 def self.[](i = ARGV) new(i) { :be_quiet }.result end |
Instance Method Details
#be_quiet ⇒ Object
218 219 220 221 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 218 def be_quiet set_be_quiet @internal_hash[:report_result] = false end |
#be_quiet_and_no_colours ⇒ Object
226 227 228 229 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 226 def be_quiet_and_no_colours be_quiet disable_colours end |
#colourize_stop_codons? ⇒ Boolean
190 191 192 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 190 def colourize_stop_codons? @internal_hash[:colourize_stop_codons] end |
#do_report_the_reading_frame(i = @result) ⇒ Object
This method will, with colours, output the full reading frame.
344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 344 def do_report_the_reading_frame( i = @result ) # ======================================================================= # # Always assign to @result next. # ======================================================================= # if show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence? i = one_to_three(i) end if use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids? splitted = i.split(//) i = splitted.join('-') end result = "#{lightgreen(i)}#{rev}" if colourize_stop_codons? and result.include?('*') result = result.dup if result.frozen? # ===================================================================== # # Colourize stop codons in orchid colour. # ===================================================================== # result.gsub!( /\*/, orchid('*')+ remove_trailing_ansii_escape_code(lightgreen('')) ) end set_result(result) if report_result? and be_verbose? if show_ruler? # Show a pretty ruler here. e " #{Bioroebe.return_ruler(i)}" end e " #{@result}" e N end end |
#do_show_as_the_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence ⇒ Object
197 198 199 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 197 def do_show_as_the_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence @internal_hash[:show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence] = true end |
#do_show_ruler ⇒ Object
613 614 615 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 613 def do_show_ruler @internal_hash[:show_ruler] = true end |
#do_show_this_reading_frame_header(i = @use_frame_number) ⇒ Object
318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 318 def do_show_this_reading_frame_header( i = @use_frame_number ) e coloured_frame = palegreen( 'frame-'+one_two_or_three(i) )+rev e "#{rev}The #{coloured_frame}#{rev} sequence is: (#{sequence?.size} aminoacids)" e end |
#do_the_conversion_step ⇒ Object
This method will do the actual DNA-to-aminoacid conversion step.
Make sure that the correct reading frame has been “selected” before calling this method.
533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 533 def do_the_conversion_step # ======================================================================= # # Use the proper, designated codon-table. # ======================================================================= # ::Bioroebe.load_the_codon_table_dataset(@use_the_codon_table_for) _ = ensure_DNA_sequence( commandline_arguments?.join(' ').strip.dup. delete(' '). delete('|'). # We don't want any '|' here. delete('-') # And we don't want any "-" there either. ) if _ and _.include?('.') and File.file?(_) _ = # Add support for reading local files here. end if _ =~ /\d+/ # Handle input such as "5'-ATGAATAGGAAGACCTAA-3'". _.delete!('[0-9]') end # ======================================================================= # # Here we have to honour the correct reading frame: # ======================================================================= # case @use_frame_number when :frame_two _[0,1] = '' when :frame_three _[0,2] = '' end unless _ erev 'Please supply a sequence to this class.' exit end splitted = _.scan(/.../) @result = ''.dup splitted.each {|this_codon| # ===================================================================== # # === Do convert the DNA sequence into the corresponding aminoacid # sequence next. # # Find the corresponding aminoacid next, by looking at the # codon_table_dataset. We will replace all 'U' with 'T' to # support RNA as input as well, just in case. # # The result is stored in the variable called @result. # ===================================================================== # translated_codon = translate_dna_into_aminoacid(this_codon).to_s @result << translated_codon if @stop_at_the_first_stop_codon and (translated_codon == '*') break end } end |
#ensure_DNA_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
587 588 589 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 587 def ensure_DNA_sequence(i) return'U','T') end |
#menu(i = return_commandline_arguments_starting_with_two_hyphens) ⇒ Object
menu (menu tag)
These are the registered commandline arguments for this class.
We will act only on arguments given to this method, staring with two hyphens (aka –).
413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 413 def ( i = return_commandline_arguments_starting_with_two_hyphens ) if i.is_a? Array i.each {|entry| (entry) } else case i # ===================================================================== # # === Use a spacer token # # The default spacer token will be '-'. # # Usage example: # # dnatoaminoacidsequence ATGGCCGAGATTGTGCTGGAGCACGTCAACAAGAAT --spacer # # ===================================================================== # when /^-?-?3(-|_| )?spacer$/i, /^-?-?spacer$/i @internal_hash[:use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids] = true # ===================================================================== # # === Show the aminoacids as three-letter code # # Usage example: # # dnatoaminoacidsequence AUGUUUAAGCCGAAA --three-letter # # ===================================================================== # when /^-?-?three(-|_| )?letter$/i do_show_as_the_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence # ===================================================================== # # === Show a helpful ruler # # Usage example: # # dnatoaminoacidsequence AUGUUU --ruler # # ===================================================================== # when /^-?-?ruler$/i do_show_ruler # ===================================================================== # # === Show the help section # # Usage example: # # dnatoaminoacidsequence --help # # ===================================================================== # when /^-?-?help$/i show_help exit # ===================================================================== # # === Start the GUI component # # Usage example: # # dnatoaminoacidsequence --gui # # ===================================================================== # when /^-?-?gui$/i require 'bioroebe/gui/gtk3/dna_to_aminoacid_widget/dna_to_aminoacid_widget.rb' exit # ===================================================================== # # === Stop at the first stop codon # # This entry point allows us to stop at the first found stop codon. # # Normally the whole aminoacid sequence would be shown, but via # the --stop-at-the-first-stop-codon flag we can stop right at # the first found '*' token. # # Usage example: # # dna_to_aminoacid_sequence ATGATGCCTCCAGGG --stop-at-the-first-stop-codon # # ===================================================================== # when /^-?-?stop(-|_| )?at(-|_| )?the(-|_| )?first(-|_| )?stop(-|_| )?codon$/i @stop_at_the_first_stop_codon = true # ===================================================================== # # === Use a specific frame # # This entry point can be used to designate a specific frame, # such as frame2 or frame3. (Specifying frame1 won't make # a whole lot of sense, though, but it exists primarily for # debugging purposes). # # Usage example: # # dna_to_aminoacid_sequence ATGATGCCTCCAGGG --frame1 # dna_to_aminoacid_sequence ATGATGCCTCCAGGG --frame2 # dna_to_aminoacid_sequence ATGATGCCTCCAGGG --frame3 # # ===================================================================== # when /^-?-?frame(\d{1})$/i set_use_this_reading_frame($1.to_s.dup) # ===================================================================== # # === dna_to_aminoacid_sequence ATGATGCCTCCA # # Usage example: # # dna_to_aminoacid_sequence ATGATGCCTCCAGGG --use-this-codon-table=bacteria # dna_to_aminoacid_sequence ATGATGCCTCCAGGG --use-this-codon-table=humans # # ===================================================================== # when /^-?-?use(-|_| )?this(-|_| )?codon(-|_| )?table=(.+)$/i # === $4 _ = $4.to_s.dup.to_sym set_use_the_codon_table_for(_) end end end |
#no_output ⇒ Object
300 301 302 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 300 def no_output @internal_hash[:report_result] = false end |
#one_two_or_three(i) ⇒ Object
234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 234 def one_two_or_three(i) case i # ======================================================================= # # === :frame_one # ======================================================================= # when :frame_one '1' # ======================================================================= # # === :frame_two # ======================================================================= # when :frame_two '2' # ======================================================================= # # === :frame_three # ======================================================================= # when :frame_three '3' end end |
#report ⇒ Object
report (report tag)
332 333 334 335 336 337 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 332 def report if be_verbose? do_show_this_reading_frame_header(@use_frame_number) end do_report_the_reading_frame end |
#report_result? ⇒ Boolean
293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 293 def report_result? @internal_hash[:report_result] end |
#reset ⇒ Object
reset (reset tag)
128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 128 def reset super() set_use_frame_number(:one) # Default is reading frame number one. # ======================================================================= # # === :use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids # ======================================================================= # @internal_hash[:use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids] = false # ======================================================================= # # === @codon_table_dataset # # Obtain the codon table dataset next. # ======================================================================= # @codon_table_dataset = ::Bioroebe.codon_table_dataset? # ======================================================================= # # === @stop_at_the_first_stop_codon # ======================================================================= # @stop_at_the_first_stop_codon = false # ======================================================================= # # === @result # ======================================================================= # @result = nil # ======================================================================= # # === @use_the_codon_table_for # # Specifiy which codon table is to be used. By default we will use # the codon table for humans. # ======================================================================= # @use_the_codon_table_for = :humans # ======================================================================= # # === :report_result # ======================================================================= # @internal_hash[:report_result] = true # ======================================================================= # # === :show_ruler # ======================================================================= # @internal_hash[:show_ruler] = false # ======================================================================= # # === :show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence # # If this is true then this class will show "Phe" rather than "F" for # that amino acid. The same is true for all the other aminoacids as well. # ======================================================================= # @internal_hash[:show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence] = false # ======================================================================= # # === :colourize_stop_codons # # If the following variable is set to true then any stop codon, aka # '*', will appear in the colour orchid. # ======================================================================= # @internal_hash[:colourize_stop_codons] = true end |
#result? ⇒ Boolean Also known as: result, input_sequence?, seq?, sequence?, sequence
This variable will hold the translated sequence ready, e. g. the aminoacid sequence.
385 386 387 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 385 def result? @result end |
#run ⇒ Object
run (run tag)
627 628 629 630 631 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 627 def run do_the_conversion_step report end |
#set_result(i) ⇒ Object Also known as: use_this_sequence, use_this_sequence=, set_sequence
307 308 309 310 311 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 307 def set_result(i) i = i.join if i.is_a? Array i.delete!('|') if i.include? '|' @result = i end |
#set_use_frame_number(i = :default) ⇒ Object Also known as: use_this_reading_frame=, set_use_this_reading_frame
Designate which frame is to be used through this method. By default it will be frame number 1.
260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 260 def set_use_frame_number( i = :default ) case i # ======================================================================= # # === :one # # First comes the default. # ======================================================================= # when :one, :default, '1' i = :frame_one # ======================================================================= # # === :two # ======================================================================= # when :two, '2' i = :frame_two # ======================================================================= # # === :three # ======================================================================= # when :three, '3' i = :frame_three end @use_frame_number = i end |
#set_use_the_codon_table_for(i) ⇒ Object
211 212 213 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 211 def set_use_the_codon_table_for(i) @use_the_codon_table_for = i end |
#show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence? ⇒ Boolean
204 205 206 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 204 def show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence? @internal_hash[:show_as_three_letter_aminoacid_sequence] end |
#show_help ⇒ Object
show_help (help tag)
594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 594 def show_help e 'Available options:' e e ' --gui # start the GUI' e ' --stop-at-the-first-stop-codon # stop at the first stop codon encountered' e ' --frame1 # show the first frame translation only' e ' --frame2 # show the second frame translation only' e ' --frame3 # show the third frame translation only' e ' --use-this-codon-table=bacteria # specify a specific codon table '\ '(in this case bacteria)' e ' --three-letter # show the three letter amino acid code' e ' --ruler # show a helpful ruler on top '\ 'of the sequence' e end |
#show_ruler? ⇒ Boolean
620 621 622 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 620 def show_ruler? @internal_hash[:show_ruler] end |
#translate_dna_into_aminoacid(i) ⇒ Object
This method will perform the lookup onto the hash (codon table dataset), in order to find the corresponding aminoacid.
399 400 401 402 403 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 399 def translate_dna_into_aminoacid(i) @codon_table_dataset['U','T') ] end |
#use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids? ⇒ Boolean
183 184 185 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 183 def use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids? @internal_hash[:use_a_spacer_between_the_aminoacids] end |