Module: Bioroebe
- Included in:
- Taxonomy::Interactive
- Defined in:
- lib/bioroebe/svg/page.rb,
require ‘bioroebe/fasta/split_this_fasta_file_into_chromosomes/constants.rb’
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: BaseModule, Biomart, Blosum, CodonTable, CodonTables, CodonTablesFrequencies, ColourScheme, Colourize, ColoursForBase, CommandlineArguments, Configuration, ElectronMicroscopy, EmbeddableInterface, Features, GUI, InferTheNamespaceModule, InternalHashModule, MolecularWeightOfNucleotides, NucleotideModule, Parser, Postgresql, Quiz, RestrictionEnzymes, SinatraInterface, Taxonomy, VerboseTruth Classes: AdvancedDotplot, AlignOpenReadingFrames, Alignment, AlphaHelix, AminoacidSubstitution, AminoacidsMassTable, AnalyseGlycosylationPattern, AnalyseLocalDataset, AutocorrectTheNameOfThisFastaFile, B_cell, Base, BiolangParser, BlosumParser, CalculateBlosumScore, CalculateGCContent, CalculateMeltingTemperature, CalculateMeltingTemperatureForMoreThanThirteenNucleotides, CalculateThePositionSpecificScoringMatrix, Cell, CheckForMismatches, CodonPercentage, ColourSchemeDemo, ColourizeHydrophilicAndHydrophobicAminoacids, ColourizeSequence, CommandlineApplication, CompactFastaFile, Compacter, CompareTheseTwoSequencesViaBlosum, ComplementaryDnaStrand, Compseq, ConsensusSequence, ConvertAminoacidToDNA, ConvertThisCodonToThatAminoacid, CountAmountOfAminoacids, CountAmountOfNucleotides, CreateAnnotationFormat, CreateBatchEntrezFile, CreateRandomAminoacids, DNA, DeduceAminoacidSequence, DetectMinimalCodon, DetermineAntigenicAreas, DetermineMissingNucleotidesPercentage, DetermineOptimalCodons, Digestion, DisplayAminoacidTable, DisplayHowManyFastaEntriesAreInThisDirectory, DisplayOpenReadingFrames, DnaToAminoacidSequence, DotAlignment, Dotplot, DownloadFasta, DownloadFilesFromRebase, DownloadTaxonomyDatabase, FastaDefline, FastaParser, FastaToYaml, FastqFormatExplainer, FetchDataFromUniprot, FetchFastaSequenceFromPdb, FindGene, FindLongestSubstring, FindLongestSubstringViaLCSalgorithm, GenbankFlatFileFormatGenerator, GenbankParser, Gene, Genome, GenomePattern, GenomeRetriever, HammingDistance, HelixWheel, InvalidAminoacid, LengthModifier, Levensthein, Macrophage, MatplotlibGenerator, Matrix, MirrorRepeat, MostLikelyNucleotideSequenceForThisAminoacidSequence, MoveFileToItsCorrectLocation, Ncbi, Palindrome2DStructure, PalindromeFinder, PalindromeGenerator, ParseEMBL, ParseFasta, ParseFastq, ParseFrequencyTable, ParsePdbFile, ParseTaxonomy, ParsemmCIFFile, Pathways, Permutations, PhredQualityScoreTable, PossibleCodonsForThisAminoacid, ProfilePattern, Protein, Punnet, RGG_Scanner, RNA, RNALfoldWrapper, RawSequence, ReportSecondaryStructuresFromThisPdbFile, RestrictionEnzyme, ReverseComplement, Ruler, SVG, SanitizeCodonFrequency, SanitizeNucleotideSequence, ScanForRepeat, Sequence, Shell, ShowCodonTables, ShowCodonUsage, ShowFastaHeaders, ShowFastaStatistics, ShowHydrophobicity, ShowNucleotideSequence, ShowOrf, ShowRestrictionEnzymes, ShowThisCodonTable, ShowThisDNASequence, SiRNA, SimpleStringComparer, SimplifyFastaHeader, SinatraWrapper, SmithWaterman, SplitThisFastaFileIntoChromosomes, StrideParser, T_cell, TobaccoMosaicVirus, Trypsin, UsefulFormulas, Virus
Constant Summary collapse
The following constant will denote which colour we will use for DNA sequences by default, in this case, the HTML colour called steelblue.
This is called pdb_and_protein_structure/ since as of November 2023.
This constant will point to e. g. “/Programs/Ruby/2.6.4/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/bioroebe/yaml/pathways/”.
This variable keeps track as to when the bioroebe project was last updated. The notation is: DD.MM.YYYY
Keep track of where the documentation to BioRoebe is kept at.
- Aminoacids =
The following “alias” was added in May 2022.
- Seq =
Usage example
- N =
- R =
This constant is not often in use, though.
Just list the aminoacids that can typically be phosphorylated.
%w( S Y T )
We have to keep the long names for the amino acids in one constant, so that we can do queries lateron.
(%w( Alanine Arginine Asparagine Cysteine Glutamine Glycine Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Proline Serine Threonine Tryptophane Tyrosine Valine ) << 'Aspartic acid' << 'Glutamic acid').sort
Which Aminoacids are possible/allowed? We will list them here:
Note that this is distinct from the constant AMINO_ACIDS, which is instead loaded from a local .yml file. This constant includes all the 20 canonical aminoacids, whereas AMINO_ACIDS may also include pyrrolysine and selenocysteine.
This keeps an Array with all aminoacids, in one-letter format.
So it is equivalent to:
["A", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "K", "L", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y"]
{ 'citratzyklus' => { # Alpha-Ketoglutarat: EPQR 'alpha-ketoglutarat' => %w( E P Q R ), # Oxalacetat: DMN-KTI 'oxalacetat' => %w( D N K M T I ), }, 'glykolyse' => { 'pyruvat' => %w( A V L ), # AVL '3-phosphoglycerinsäure' => %w( S G C ), # SGC }, 'chorismat' => { 'aromatische_familie' => %w( F Y W ) # FYW }, 'ribose-5-p' => { 'histidinol' => %w( H ) # Histidine. }, }
All ways to exit will be recorded here.
If you need to use more ways, simply append to this Array.
This constant may have to be moved into the bio-shell part eventually.
%w( quit q exit qq :q qt bye rda r2 tq sq exit_program exitprogram )
This used to belong to the Taxonomy submodule.
This used to belong to the Taxonomy submodule.
This used to belong to the Taxonomy submodule.
This constant exists specifically for the taxonomy-component of the Bioroebe project.
This constant can be used as the default prompt for the bioshell component.
This is a default “test” DNA sequence, in the sense that it can be used to quickly test functionality within the bioroebe project.
It was added in May 2020, but it may be that we have to remove it at a later time, or move it into a separate .yml file. For the time being, though, it will reside here.
How long our DNA-generated strings should be by default.
This may be used by some scripts, so it provides a default value for use in these scripts.
150 nucleotides are the current default.
An alias to the above.
This constant is only useful on my home directory. Most other users will not need it, ever.
This constant can be set to determine where relion resides. It is mostly an ad-hoc constant.
ARRAY_REGISTERED_ACTIONS becomes @registered_actions.
%w( to_rna to_dna rest pubmed blosum restriction translate quit shorten_aminoacid )
My email address - not too terribly useful for other people, but nonetheless it may be useful to display it, in particular for GUI-related components of the bioroebe-project and simple feedback in the long run.
See rubular at:
The STOP codons that can be found in Humans, in RNA format.
This will refer to an Array including all four RNA nucleotides, that is A, U, G and C.
%w( A U G C )
This is a bit different to RNA_NUCLEOTIDES in that N is also a part of it. It is not entirely clear whether this array here is kept, though.
%w( A U G C N )
This is the variant without N.
%w( A T G C )
Since as of 20.04.2014, Uracil is also part of this Hash. While this is, strictly speaking, not absolutely correct, it does simplify some downstream code. However had, this may possibly be re-evaluated in the future.
This Hash may be helpful when the user wishes to find a complement to a nucleotide. There is a method that does the same, but this Hash should be faster than a method call, so use it in particular if you need to focus more on speed.
{ 'A' => 'T', 'T' => 'A', 'G' => 'C', 'C' => 'G', 'U' => 'A' }
This constant will keep all possible DNA nucleotides.
N is also a valid entry, ‘Yarrowia_lipolytica_genome.fa’ includes it. However had,
Only these sequences are allowed in DNA.
To scope to this, do:
%w( A T G C N )
This constant refers to the taxonomy-database from NCBI. This is the file that can be downloaded from the NCBI homepage (actually, the ftp-listing).
Take note that this database, in .tar.gz format, is about 50 MB in size or even larger these days. So only download it if you really need it locally.
An “alias” to the above ^^^ constant.
bl $BIOROEBE_YAML/aminoacids/amino_acids_monoisotopic_mass_table.yml
This constant may point to a directory such as:
"#{project_yaml_directory?}sequences/"\ "JX472995_Green_fluorescent_protein_from_Aequorea_victoria.fasta"
bl $BIOROEBE/yaml/restriction/enzymes/restriction_enzymes.yml
This constants points to the .yml file that will hold information in how to colourize the FASTA sequences.
We’ll keep the keys downcased.
bl $RUBY_SRC/bioroebe/lib/bioroebe/yaml/aminoacids/amino_acids_three_to_one.yml
This will point to the file amino_acids_average_mass_table.yml.
The path to the file that holds the weight of the nucleotides.
Else hardcode the AminoAcid table here. This may no longer be necessary, though.
{ 'A' => 71.03711, 'C' => 103.00919, 'D' => 115.02694, 'E' => 129.04259, 'F' => 147.06841, 'G' => 57.02146, 'H' => 137.05891, 'I' => 113.08406, 'K' => 128.09496, 'L' => 113.08406, 'M' => 131.04049, 'N' => 114.04293, 'P' => 97.05276, 'Q' => 128.05858, 'R' => 156.10111, 'S' => 87.03203, 'T' => 101.04768, 'V' => 99.06841, 'W' => 186.07931, 'Y' => 163.06333 }
An alias.
Currently listing 21 AminoAcids from amino_acids.yml
bl $BIOROEBE/yaml/aminoacids/amino_acids.yml
Else simply hardcode the AminoAcid table here.
{ 'A' => 71.0788, 'C' => 103.1388, 'D' => 115.0886, 'E' => 129.1155, 'F' => 147.1766, 'G' => 57.0519, 'H' => 137.1411, 'I' => 113.1594, 'K' => 128.1741, 'L' => 113.1594, 'M' => 131.1926, 'N' => 114.1038, 'P' => 97.1167, 'Q' => 128.1307, 'R' => 156.1875, 'S' => 87.0782, 'T' => 101.1051, 'V' => 99.1326, 'W' => 186.2132, 'Y' => 163.1760 }
This denotes the directory for uniprot-files.
opera # Hardcoded value in this case..
- ProteinToDNA =
Use an “alias” to the other name.
- Fasta =
Add an “alias” constant to class ParseFasta.
Class Method Summary collapse
.[](i = nil) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe[].
.ad_hoc_task(this_file = '/root/Bioroebe/') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.ad_hoc_task.
.align_this_string_via_multiple_sequence_alignment(this_string = "PSRARRDAVG--DH--PAVEALP----PQSGPHKKEISFFTVRKEEAADADLWFPS PGGASK--VGQTDNDPQAIKDLP----PQGED------------------------ ") ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.align_this_string_via_multiple_sequence_alignment.
.all_aminoacids? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.all_aminoacids?.
.allowed_dna_nucleotides? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.allowed_dna_nucleotides?.
.amino_acid_average_mass(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.amino_acid_average_mass.
.amino_acid_monoisotopic_mass(this_aminoacid) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.amino_acid_monoisotopic_mass.
.aminoacid_families? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.aminoacid_families?.
.aminoacid_frequency(of_this_sequence = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.aminoacid_frequency.
.aminoacid_substitution(from_this_sequence = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.aminoacid_substitution =========================================================================== #.
.aminoacids? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.aminoacids?.
.append_what_into(what = 'Hello world!', into = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.append_what_into.
.array_colourize_this_aminoacid ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.array_colourize_this_aminoacid.
.atomic_composition(of = 'GGGGA') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.atomic_composition.
.automatically_rename_this_fasta_file(fasta_file) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.automatically_rename_this_fasta_file.
.available_blosum_matrices? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.available_blosum_matrices?.
.available_codon_tables? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.available_codon_tables? =========================================================================== #.
.base_composition(i = '52%GC') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.base_composition.
.batch_create_windows_executables ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.batch_create_windows_executables.
.be_verbose? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.be_verbose? ========================================================================= #.
.bisulfite_treatment(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.bisulfite_treatment.
.blast_neighborhood(this_mer = 'CTC', optional_apply_filter_for_score_higher_than = nil) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.blast_neighborhood.
.blosum_directory? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.blosum_directory? ========================================================================= #.
.blosum_matrix(i = FILE_BLOSUM_MATRIX) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.blosum_matrix ========================================================================= #.
.calculate_exponential_growth(number_of_cells = 10, number_of_divisions = 10) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.calculate_exponential_growth.
.calculate_levensthein_distance(string1 = 'TTACCC', string2 = 'TTTCCC', be_verbose = true) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.calculate_levensthein_distance.
.calculate_melting_temperature_for_more_than_thirteen_nucleotides(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.calculate_melting_temperature_for_more_than_thirteen_nucleotides.
.calculate_n50_value(i = [ 1989, 1934, 1841, 1785, 1737, 1649, 1361, 926, 848, 723 ]) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.calculate_n50_value.
.calculate_original_amount_of_cells_of_exponential_growth(number_of_cells = 1600, number_of_divisions = 5) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.calculate_original_amount_of_cells_of_exponential_growth.
.calculate_the_frequencies_of_this_species(i = :homo_sapiens) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.calculate_the_frequencies_of_this_species ========================================================================= #.
.calculate_weight_of_the_aminoacids_in_this_fasta_file(fasta_file) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.calculate_weight_of_the_aminoacids_in_this_fasta_file.
.can_base_pair_with?(a, b) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.can_base_pair_with?.
.cat(i = nil) ⇒ Object
# === (cat tag).
.change_directory(i = '$HOME', be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.change_directory.
.clear_array_colourize_this_aminoacid ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.clear_array_colourize_this_aminoacid ========================================================================= #.
.clear_stop_codons ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.clear_stop_codons ========================================================================= #.
.cleave(with = :with_trypsin, i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.cleave (cleave tag).
.cleave_with_trypsin(this_sequence = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.cleave_with_trypsin.
.cliner(use_this_token = :default_token, how_many_times = 80, use_this_colour = nil) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.cliner.
.codon_frequencies_of_this_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.codon_frequencies_of_this_sequence.
# === Bioroebe.codon_frequency_of_this_string.
.codon_table_dataset? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.codon_table_dataset?.
.codon_table_in_use? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.codon_table_in_use?.
.codon_tables ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.codon_tables.
.codons_for_this_aminoacid?(i = ARGV) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.codons_for_this_aminoacid?.
.colourize_aa(i, array_colourize_these_aminoacids = array_colourize_this_aminoacid? ) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.colourize_aa.
.colourize_this_aminoacid_sequence_for_the_commandline(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.colourize_this_aminoacid_sequence_for_the_commandline.
.colourize_this_fasta_dna_sequence(i = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.colourize_this_fasta_dna_sequence.
.colours(enable_or_disable = '+') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.colours.
.compacter(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.compacter.
.complement(i = nil) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.complement.
.complementary_dna_strand(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.complementary_dna_strand.
.complementary_rna_strand(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.complementary_rna_strand.
.compseq(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.compseq =========================================================================== #.
.contains_an_inverted_repeat?(i = 'TTACGAAAAAACGTAA') ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.contains_an_inverted_repeat?.
.convert_global_env(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.convert_global_env.
.convert_one_letter_to_full(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.convert_one_letter_to_full.
.convert_one_letter_to_three(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.convert_one_letter_to_three.
.convert_this_codon_to_that_aminoacid(i = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.convert_this_codon_to_that_aminoacid =========================================================================== #.
.count_amount_of_aminoacids(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.count_amount_of_aminoacids =========================================================================== #.
.count_amount_of_nucleotides(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.count_amount_of_nucleotides.
.count_AT(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.count_AT.
.count_GC(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.count_GC.
.count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence(i, array = Bioroebe.return_DNA_nucleotides) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence.
.create_file(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.create_file.
.create_jar_archive ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.create_jar_archive.
.create_new_sequence(i = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.create_new_sequence.
.create_random_aminoacids(how_many_aminoacids = CREATE_N_AMINOACIDS, split_at = nil, be_verbose = false, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.create_random_aminoacids.
.create_the_pdf_tutorial(read_from_this_file = '/home/x/programming/ruby/src/bioroebe/', store_where = '/Depot/j/example.pdf') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.create_the_pdf_tutorial.
.decode_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = 'KKKA') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.decode_this_aminoacid_sequence.
.deduce_aminoacid_sequence(from_this_sequence = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.deduce_aminoacid_sequence =========================================================================== #.
.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence(from_this_sequence = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence =========================================================================== #.
.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence_as_string(i, use_this_codon_tables_frequencies = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence_as_string.
.default_colour? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.default_colour? ========================================================================= #.
.delimiter? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.delimiter?.
# === Bioroebe.determine_n_glycosylation_matches.
.determine_start_codons_from_the_codon_table(this_codon_table_dataset = @codon_table_dataset) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.determine_start_codons_from_the_codon_table ========================================================================= #.
.determine_stop_codons_from_the_codon_table(this_codon_table_dataset = @codon_table_dataset) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.determine_stop_codons_from_the_codon_table.
.digest_this_dna(this_DNA_sequence, hash = {}) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.digest_this_dna.
.directory_frequencies?(codon_tables_directory = CODON_TABLES_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.directory_frequencies?.
.disable_colours(be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.disable_colours.
.display_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.display_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence ========================================================================= #.
.dna_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.dna_sequence.
.dna_to_aminoacid_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.
.do_not_truncate ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.do_not_truncate.
.do_truncate ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.do_truncate ========================================================================= #.
.dotplot_array(dna_x, dna_y) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.dotplot_array.
.downcase_chunked_display(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 10) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.downcase_chunked_display.
.download(from_these_URLs) ⇒ Object
# === ========================================================================= #.
.download_directory? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.download_directory? ========================================================================= #.
.download_fasta(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.download_fasta.
.download_human_genome(from_this_URL = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.download_human_genome ========================================================================= #.
.download_taxonomy_database(i = ::Bioroebe::FTP_NCBI_TAXONOMY_DATABASE) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.download_taxonomy_database =========================================================================== #.
.download_this_pdb(i = '355D') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.download_this_pdb.
.e(i = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.e ========================================================================= #.
.edit_C_to_U(of_this_sequence, retain_hyphens = false) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.edit_C_to_U.
.editor? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.editor?.
.embeddable_interface ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.embeddable_interface =========================================================================== #.
.enable_colours ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.enable_colours.
.ensure_that_the_base_directories_exist ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.ensure_that_the_base_directories_exist.
.erev(i = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.erev ========================================================================= #.
.esystem(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.esystem ========================================================================= #.
.every_reverse_palindrome_in_this_string(i = 'TCAATGCATGCGGGTCTATATGCAT', min_length = 4, max_length = 12) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.every_reverse_palindrome_in_this_string.
.ewarn(i = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.swarn ========================================================================= #.
.extract(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.extract.
.extractseq(i = 'AAAGGGTTT', *regions) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.extractseq.
.fasta_dir? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.fasta_dir? ========================================================================= #.
.fasta_directory? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.fasta_directory?.
.fetch_data_from_uniprot(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.fetch_data_from_uniprot =========================================================================== #.
.fetch_fasta_sequence_from_pdb(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.fetch_fasta_sequence_from_pdb =========================================================================== #.
.file_amino_acids ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.file_amino_acids ========================================================================= #.
.file_amino_acids_abbreviations ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.file_amino_acids_abbreviations ========================================================================= #.
.file_amino_acids_frequency ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.file_amino_acids_frequency ========================================================================= #.
.file_amino_acids_long_name_to_one_letter ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.file_amino_acids_long_name_to_one_letter.
.file_fastq_quality_schemes ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.file_fastq_quality_schemes.
.file_molecular_weight ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.file_molecular_weight ========================================================================= #.
.file_restriction_enzymes ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.file_restriction_enzymes ========================================================================= #.
.file_statistics? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.file_statistics?.
.file_talens ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.file_talens ========================================================================= #.
.filter_away_invalid_aminoacids(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.filter_away_invalid_aminoacids.
.filter_away_invalid_nucleotides(i, preserve_uracil = false) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.filter_away_invalid_nucleotides.
.find_substring(full_string = 'GATATATGCATATACTT', this_substring = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.find_substring.
.format_this_nucleotide_sequence(i = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.format_this_nucleotide_sequence =========================================================================== #.
.frequency_per_thousand(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.frequency_per_thousand.
.gc_content(of_this_sequence, round_to_n_positions = 3) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.gc_content.
.genbank_to_fasta(this_file, be_verbose = :be_verbose) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.genbank_to_fasta.
.generate_nucleotide_sequence_based_on_these_frequencies(n_nucleotides = 1061, hash_frequencies = { A: 0.3191430, C: 0.2086633, G: 0.2580345, T: 0.2141593 }) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.generate_nucleotide_sequence_based_on_these_frequencies.
.generate_pdf_tutorial ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.generate_pdf_tutorial =========================================================================== #.
.generate_random_dna_sequence(i = ARGV, optional_hash_with_the_frequencies = {}) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.generate_random_dna_sequence.
.generate_random_rna_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.generate_random_rna_sequence.
.guess_format(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.guess_format ========================================================================= #.
.hamming_distance(sequence1 = 'ATCG', sequence2 = 'ATCC') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.hamming_distance.
.has_this_restriction_enzyme?(name_of_restriction_enzyme) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.has_this_restriction_enzyme?.
.hash_codon_tables? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.hash_codon_tables? =========================================================================== #.
.index_this_fasta_file(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.index_this_fasta_file.
.infer_type_from_this_sequence(i = 'ATGGTACGACAC') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.infer_type_from_this_sequence.
.initialize_codons ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.initialize_codons.
.initialize_default_stop_codons ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.initialize_default_stop_codons.
.input_as_dna(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.input_as_dna.
.is_a_protein?(i = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_a_protein?.
.is_a_purine?(i = 'A') ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_a_purine?.
.is_a_pyrimidine?(i = 'C') ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_a_pyrimidine?.
.is_a_stop_codon?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_a_stop_codon?.
.is_an_aminoacid?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_an_aminoacid?.
.is_in_the_three_letter_code?(i = 'Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu') ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_in_the_three_letter_code?.
.is_on_roebe? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_on_roebe? ========================================================================= #.
.is_palindrome?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_palindrome?.
.is_reverse_complement?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_reverse_complement?.
.is_start_codon?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_start_codon?.
.is_this_a_valid_codon?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_this_a_valid_codon?.
.is_this_sequence_a_EGF2_pattern?(this_sequence, use_this_pattern = :default) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.is_this_sequence_a_EGF2_pattern?.
.last_updated? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.last_updated? ========================================================================= #.
.leading_five_prime(i = '', get_rid_of_spaces = false, use_hyphen = true) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.leading_five_prime.
.length_modifier(of_this_file = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.length_modifier ========================================================================= #.
.levenshtein_distance(str1, str2) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.levenshtein_distance.
.load_and_return_the_restriction_enzymes ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.load_and_return_the_restriction_enzymes.
.load_psych_or_syck(i = @use_this_yaml_engine) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.load_psych_or_syck ========================================================================= #.
.load_the_codon_table_dataset(use_this_codon_table = @codon_table_in_use) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.load_the_codon_table_dataset.
.log_directory? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.log_directory?.
.longest_common_substring(sequences) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.longest_common_substring.
.map_ncbi_entry_to_eutils_id(i = 'NC_001416.1.fasta') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.map_ncbi_entry_to_eutils_id.
.min3(a, b, c) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.min3 ========================================================================= #.
.mirror_repeat_of(this_sequence = 'GAC', use_separator_token = false, use_colours = true, be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.mirror_repeat_of.
.mkdir(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.mkdir (mkdir tag) ========================================================================= #.
.move_file(a, b) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.move_file ========================================================================= #.
.move_file_to_its_correct_location(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.move_file_to_its_correct_location =========================================================================== #.
.mv(old, new) ⇒ Object
# ===
.n_stop_codons_in_this_sequence?(i = :default, check_for_this_frame = nil) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.n_stop_codons_in_this_sequence?.
.n_transitions(string1 = 'ATGAAA', string2 = 'ATGCTG') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.n_transitions.
.n_transversions(string1 = 'ATGAAA', string2 = 'ATGCTG') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.n_transversions ========================================================================= #.
.no_file_exists_at(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.no_file_exists_at ========================================================================= #.
.nucleotide_permutations(level = 2, nucleotides = DNA_NUCLEOTIDES) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.nucleotide_permutations.
.number_of_clones(average_size_of_the_dna_fragments = 10_000, size_of_the_genome = 4_693_221, desired_probability = 0.99) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.number_of_clones.
.one_to_three(i, use_this_as_join_token = '-') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.one_to_three.
.only_nucleotides?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.only_nucleotides?.
.open_in_browser(this_url, use_this_browser = :use_the_default_browser) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.open_in_browser.
# === Bioroebe.open_reading_frames_to_aminoacid_sequence.
.overwrite_fasta_header(of_this_file = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.overwrite_fasta_header.
.palindrome_generator(i = 6) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.palindrome_generator.
.parse(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.parse.
.parse_fasta(i, use_colours = true) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.parse_fasta.
.parse_fasta_file(i = ARGV, use_colours = true) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.parse_fasta_file =========================================================================== #.
.parse_fasta_quietly(i, use_colours = true) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.parse_fasta_quietly.
.parse_pdb_file(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.parse_pdb_file =========================================================================== #.
.parse_this_prosite_pattern(i = '[GSTNE]-[GSTQCR]-[FYW]-{ANW}-x(2)-P') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.parse_this_prosite_pattern.
.partner_nucleotide(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.partner_nucleotide.
.partner_nucleotide_hash ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.partner_nucleotide_hash.
.pathways ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.pathways =========================================================================== #.
.pdb_directory? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.pdb_directory?.
.percentage_count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence(i, array = Bioroebe.return_DNA_nucleotides) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.percentage_count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence.
.permanently_disable_opn ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.permanently_disable_opn.
.permutations(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.permutations.
.phred_error_probability(quality_score = 50, optional_use_this_formatting = nil) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.phred_error_probability.
.plain_palindrome(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.plain_palindrome.
.possible_codons_for_these_aminoacids(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.possible_codons_for_these_aminoacids.
.possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid.
.project_base_dir? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.project_base_dir?.
.project_yaml_directory?(i = @project_base_directory) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?.
.pwd ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.pwd (pwd tag).
.quaternary_encoding_DNA_to_numbers(i = 'TACATCTTTCGATCGATCGG', hash = { A: 0, T: 1, C: 2, G: 3 }) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.quaternary_encoding_DNA_to_numbers.
.quaternary_encoding_letter_to_number(letter, use_this_hash = { '0000': :A, '1000': :B, '2000': :C, '3000': :D, '0100': :E, '0200': :F, '0300': :G, '0010': :H, '0020': :I, '0030': :J, '0001': :K, '0002': :L, '0003': :M, '1100': :N, '1200': :O, '1300': :P, '1110': :Q, '1120': :R, '1130': :S, '1210': :T, '1220': :U, '1230': :V, '1231': :W }) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.quaternary_encoding_letter_to_number ========================================================================= #.
.quaternary_encoding_number_to_letter(number, use_this_hash = { '0000': :A, '1000': :B, '2000': :C, '3000': :D, '0100': :E, '0200': :F, '0300': :G, '0010': :H, '0020': :I, '0030': :J, '0001': :K, '0002': :L, '0003': :M, '1100': :N, '1200': :O, '1300': :P, '1110': :Q, '1120': :R, '1130': :S, '1210': :T, '1220': :U, '1230': :V, '1231': :W }) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.quaternary_encoding_number_to_letter ========================================================================= #.
.quaternary_encoding_numbers_to_DNA(i = '10201211123012301233', hash = { A: 0, T: 1, C: 2, G: 3 }) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.quaternary_encoding_numbers_to_DNA ========================================================================= #.
.quaternary_encoding_translate_from_alphabet_string_into_the_corresponding_DNA_sequence(this_string = 'Hello world') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.quaternary_encoding_translate_from_alphabet_string_into_the_corresponding_DNA_sequence.
.random_aminoacid?(optional_return_n_aminoacids = 1) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.random_aminoacid?.
.rds(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.rds.
.readline_is_available? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.readline_is_available?.
.regex_with_startcodons(use_this_start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.regex_with_startcodons.
.remove_file(i, be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.remove_file.
.remove_invalid_aminoacids(from_this_string) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.remove_invalid_aminoacids.
.remove_numbers(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.remove_numbers.
.remove_subsequence(subsequence, from) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.remove_subsequence.
.report_base_composition(i = '52%GC') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.report_base_composition.
.require_all_aminoacids_files(from_this_dir = AMINOACIDS_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_aminoacids_files.
.require_all_calculate_files ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_calculate_files.
.require_all_cleave_and_digest_files(i = CLEAVE_AND_DIGEST_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_cleave_and_digest_files ========================================================================= #.
.require_all_codon_files ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_codon_files.
.require_all_count_files ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_count_files.
.require_all_dotplot_files(i = DOTPLOTS_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_dotplot_files.
.require_all_electron_microscopy_files(from_this_dir = ELECTRON_MICROSCOPY_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_electron_microscopy_files ========================================================================= #.
.require_all_enzymes_files(from_this_dir = ENZYMES_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_enzymes_files.
.require_all_fasta_and_fastq_files ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_fasta_and_fastq_files.
.require_all_nucleotides_files(from_this_dir = NUCLEOTIDES_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_nucleotides_files.
.require_all_palindromes_files(from_this_dir = PALINDROMES_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_palindromes_files.
.require_all_parser_files(i = PARSERS_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_parser_files.
.require_all_pattern_files(from_this_dir = PATTERN_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_pattern_files.
.require_all_pdb_files(pdb_dir = PDB_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_pdb_files ========================================================================= #.
.require_all_sequence_files(i = SEQUENCE_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_sequence_files ========================================================================= #.
.require_all_string_matching_files(string_matching_dir = STRING_MATCHING_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_string_matching_files.
.require_all_taxonomy_files(target = taxonomy_directory? ) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_taxonomy_files ========================================================================= #.
.require_all_utility_scripts_files(this_dir = "#{project_base_dir?}utility_scripts/") ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_all_utility_scripts_files.
.require_the_toplevel_methods(from_this_dir = TOPLEVEL_METHODS_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.require_the_toplevel_methods.
.restriction_enzyme(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.restriction_enzyme.
.restriction_enzymes(what_format_type = :hash_format) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.restriction_enzymes.
.restriction_enzymes? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.restriction_enzymes? ========================================================================= #.
.restriction_enzymes_file ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.restriction_enzymes_file.
.restriction_sites?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.restriction_sites?.
.return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence(i = 'AGCCATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGCGACTTGGATTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATCCGAGTAGCATCTCAG', check_reverse_complement_as_well = true, start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?, stop_codons = ::Bioroebe.stop_codons?) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence.
.return_all_positions_of_this_nucleotide(input_string = 'AUGCUUCAGAAAGGUCUUACG', this_nucleotide = 'U') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_all_positions_of_this_nucleotide.
.return_all_substring_matches(this_string, use_this_as_substring = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_all_substring_matches.
.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_pdb_file(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_pdb_file.
.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_string(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_string =========================================================================== #.
.return_array_from_tryptic_digest(of_this_sequence = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_array_from_tryptic_digest =========================================================================== #.
.return_array_of_common_aminoacids ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_array_of_common_aminoacids ========================================================================= #.
.return_array_of_sequence_matches(main_sequence, subsequence) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_array_of_sequence_matches.
.return_chunked_display(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 10) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_chunked_display.
.return_composition_from_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_composition_from_this_aminoacid_sequence.
.return_consensus_sequence_of(*i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_consensus_sequence_of.
.return_current_day_month_year ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_current_day_month_year ========================================================================= #.
.return_current_hours_minutes_seconds ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_current_hours_minutes_seconds.
.return_DNA_composition_hash(of_this_sequence) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_DNA_composition_hash ========================================================================= #.
.return_DNA_nucleotides ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_DNA_nucleotides ========================================================================= #.
.return_every_substring_from_this_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_every_substring_from_this_sequence ========================================================================= #.
.return_fasta_entry_with_the_highest_gc_content(this_fasta_file) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_fasta_entry_with_the_highest_gc_content.
.return_fasta_sequence_from_this_pdb_file(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_fasta_sequence_from_this_pdb_file.
.return_fasta_subsection_of_this_file(i = nil, extra_options = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_fasta_subsection_of_this_file.
.return_illumina_offset(_ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_illumina_offset ========================================================================= #.
.return_long_aminoacid_name(short_name_of_the_aminoacid) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_long_aminoacid_name.
.return_longest_ORF_from_this_sequence(i = 'AGCCATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGC'\ 'GACTTGGATTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATC'\ 'CGAGTAGCATCTCAG', check_reverse_complement_as_well = true, start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?, stop_codons = ::Bioroebe.stop_codons?) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_longest_ORF_from_this_sequence.
.return_longest_substring_via_LCS_algorithm(sequence1 = ARGV, sequence2 = nil) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_longest_substring_via_LCS_algorithm.
# === Bioroebe.return_n_ORFs_in_this_sequence.
.return_n_repeats(i = ARGV, use_this_as_the_repeat_pattern = 'ATG') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_n_repeats.
.return_new_filename_based_on_fasta_identifier(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_new_filename_based_on_fasta_identifier.
.return_nucleotide_sequence_as_ten_nucleotides_chunks(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_nucleotide_sequence_as_ten_nucleotides_chunks ========================================================================= #.
.return_random_aminoacid_from_this_prosite_pattern(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_random_aminoacid_from_this_prosite_pattern.
.return_random_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = 'KKKA') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_random_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence.
.return_random_nucleotide ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_random_nucleotide.
.return_restriction_enzyme_sequence_and_cut_position(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_restriction_enzyme_sequence_and_cut_position.
.return_sanger_offset(_ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_sanger_offset ========================================================================= #.
.return_sequence_from_this_file(this_file = 'bla.fasta') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_sequence_from_this_file.
.return_sequence_that_is_cut_via_restriction_enzyme(i, use_colours = use_colours? ) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_sequence_that_is_cut_via_restriction_enzyme.
.return_short_aminoacid_letter_from_long_aminoacid_name(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_short_aminoacid_letter_from_long_aminoacid_name.
.return_sizeseq(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_sizeseq.
.return_solexa_offset(_ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_solexa_offset ========================================================================= #.
.return_source_code_of_this_method(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_source_code_of_this_method.
.return_subsequence_based_on_indices(i, *array_of_indices) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.return_subsequence_based_on_indices.
.return_the_most_likely_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = 'KKKA', use_this_codon_tables_frequencies = :homo_sapiens) ⇒ Object
# ==== Bioroebe.return_the_most_likely_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence.
# === Bioroebe.return_ubiquitin_sequence.
.rev ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.rev (rev tag).
.reverse_complement(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.reverse_complement.
.reverse_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.reverse_sequence ========================================================================= #.
.rna_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.rna_sequence.
.rna_splicing(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.rna_splicing.
.rnalfold(i = :use_all_fasta_files_in_the_current_directory) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.rnalfold.
.ruler(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.ruler.
.ruler_return_as_string(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.ruler_return_as_string.
.ruler_return_as_string_without_colours(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.ruler_return_as_string_without_colours.
.run_gtk_controller ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.run_gtk_controller =========================================================================== #.
.run_sql_query(i, be_verbose = true, optional_append_this = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.run_sql_query.
.salt_adjusted_tm(i = 'CCGTGTCGTACATCG') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.salt_adjusted_tm.
.sanitize_nucleotide_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sanitize_nucleotide_sequence.
.sanitize_this_fasta_file(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sanitize_this_fasta_file.
.scan_for_rgg_motifs(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.scan_for_rgg_motifs =========================================================================== #.
.scan_this_input_for_startcodons(input, regex = ::Bioroebe.regex_with_startcodons) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.scan_this_input_for_startcodons.
.sdir(i = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sdir ========================================================================= #.
.sequence? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.sequence?.
.sequence_based_on_these_restriction_enzymes(*i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sequence_based_on_these_restriction_enzymes.
.set_codon_table_in_use(i = :default, be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.set_codon_table_in_use.
.set_default_colour(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.set_default_colour.
.set_log_directory(i = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.set_log_dir.
.set_pgpassword(new_password = Bioroebe::Postgresql::POSTGRE_PASSWORD) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.set_pgpassword (password tag).
.set_start_codon(i = 'ATG') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.set_start_codon.
.set_start_codons(i = @start_codon) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.set_start_codons.
.set_stop_codons(*i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.set_stop_codons ========================================================================= #.
.set_use_this_codon_table(i = :humans) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.set_use_this_codon_table.
.set_use_this_yaml_engine=(i = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.use_which_yaml_engine?.
.sfancy(i = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sfancy ========================================================================= #.
.sfile(i = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sfile ========================================================================= #.
.shell(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# ===
.show_aminoacids_mass_table ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_aminoacids_mass_table =========================================================================== #.
.show_atomic_composition(of = 'GGGGA') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_atomic_composition.
.show_codon_tables(how = :headers) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_codon_tables.
.show_complementary_dna_strand(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_complementary_dna_strand =========================================================================== #.
.show_exon_statistics(these_files) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_exon_statistics.
.show_fasta_header(of_this_file) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_fasta_header.
.show_fasta_statistics(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_fasta_statistics =========================================================================== #.
.show_n_glycosylation_motifs(from_this_file = 'foobar.fasta') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_n_glycosylation_motifs.
.show_restriction_enzymes ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_restriction_enzymes.
.show_time_now(be_verbose = be_verbose? ) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.show_time_now.
.showorf(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.showorf =========================================================================== #.
.shuffleseq(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.shuffleseq.
.simp(i = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.simp ========================================================================= #.
.simplify_fasta_header(of_this_file = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.simplify_fasta_header ========================================================================= #.
.sizeseq(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sizeseq.
.sort_aminoacid_based_on_its_hydrophobicity(i = 'FDMS') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sort_aminoacid_based_on_its_hydrophobicity.
.start_codon? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.start_codon? ========================================================================= #.
.start_codons? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.start_codons? ========================================================================= #.
.start_sinatra_interface ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe::SinatraWrapper.start_sinatra_interface.
.stop_codons? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.stop_codons?.
.strict_filter_away_invalid_aminoacids(i = :default) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.strict_filter_away_invalid_aminoacids.
.sum_of_odd_integers(starting_point = 100, end_point = 200) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.sum_of_odd_integers.
.swarn(i = '', use_colours = @use_colours) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.swarn ========================================================================= #.
.taxonomy_directory? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.taxonomy_directory? ========================================================================= #.
.taxonomy_download_directory? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.taxonomy_download_directory? =========================================================================== #.
.taxonomy_ncbi_database_last_update_log_file ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.taxonomy_ncbi_database_last_update_log_file.
.this_aminoacid_has_n_codons(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.this_aminoacid_has_n_codons.
.this_nucleotide_pairs_with?(i) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.this_nucleotide_pairs_with? ========================================================================= #.
.thousand_percentage(this_codon_n_times = 1, total_n_elements = 1000) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.thousand_percentage.
.three_delimiter(array) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.three_delimiter.
.three_to_one(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.three_to_one.
.to_aminoacids(i, &block) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.to_aminoacids.
.to_camelcase(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.to_camelcase.
.to_dna(i = nil, upcase_me = true) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.to_dna.
.to_rna(i = nil, upcase_me = true) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.to_rna.
.to_utf(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.to_utf.
.trailing_three_prime(i = '', get_rid_of_spaces = false, use_hyphen = true) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.trailing_three_prime.
.transitions_to_transversions_ratio(string1, string2 = nil, round_to_n_positions = 11) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.transitions_to_transversions_ratio.
.translate_all_three_frames(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.translate_all_three_frames =========================================================================== #.
.truncate? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.truncate? ========================================================================= #.
.try_to_pass_through_beautiful_url(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.try_to_pass_through_beautiful_url.
.try_to_rename_kde_konsole? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.try_to_rename_kde_konsole? =========================================================================== #.
.two_dimensional_plot(dataset = '6 12 8 14 10 18 12 23 14 28 16 29 18 26 20 23 22 20', optional_hash = { width: 800, height: 640 }) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.two_dimensional_plot.
.unique_two_paired_permutations(array = %w( B E G I K L P S )) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.unique_two_paired_permutations.
.upcase_this_aminoacid_sequence_and_remove_numbers(i = '1 msasasacdc lvgvptgptl astcggsafm lfmgllevfi rsqcdledpc grassrfrse 61 pdyeydfivi gggsagsvva srlsevpqwk vllieaggde pvgaqipsmf lnfigsdidy') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.upcase_this_aminoacid_sequence_and_remove_numbers.
.upload_this_pdf_file(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.upload_this_pdf_file =========================================================================== #.
.use_colours? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.use_colours?.
.use_opn? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.use_opn?.
.use_this_codon_table(i) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.use_this_codon_table.
.use_which_yaml_engine? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.use_which_yaml_engine?.
.user_home_directory? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.user_home_directory?.
.version? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.version? ========================================================================= #.
.weight_of_these_aminoacids?(i, optional_round_to = nil) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.weight_of_these_aminoacids?.
.weight_of_this_aminoacid?(i, use_this_dataset = nil) ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.weight_of_this_aminoacid?.
.wget_download(target) ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.wget_download.
.windows_platform? ⇒ Boolean
# === Bioroebe.windows_platform? ========================================================================= #.
.write_what_into(what = 'Hello world!', into = '') ⇒ Object
# === Bioroebe.write_what_into.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#all_aminoacids? ⇒ Boolean
# === all_aminoacids? ========================================================================= #.
#cat(i) ⇒ Object
# === cat ========================================================================= #.
#default_colour? ⇒ Boolean
(also: #main_colour, #main_col)
# === default_colour? ========================================================================= #.
#ecomment(i) ⇒ Object
# === ecomment ========================================================================= #.
#file_restriction_enzymes ⇒ Object
# === file_restriction_enzymes ========================================================================= #.
#is_on_roebe? ⇒ Boolean
(also: #roebe?, #on_roebe?, #is_roebe?)
# === on_roebe?.
#mkdir(i) ⇒ Object
# === mkdir ========================================================================= #.
#pwd ⇒ Object
# === pwd ========================================================================= #.
#rev ⇒ Object
# === rev.
#Sequence(i) ⇒ Object
(also: #Seq)
# === Sequence().
#use_colours_in_general? ⇒ Boolean
# === use_colours_in_general? ========================================================================= #.
Class Method Details
.[](i = nil) ⇒ Object
Assign a sequence through the [] method.
Note that some aliases are allowed to this way; see the variants that use self.instance_eval below this method definition.
This method here could be compared to methods such as Integer(). Biopython uses something similar, by the way.
For instance, you can do this too:
Bioroebe << 'ATT'
x = Bioroebe['ATT']
x = Bioroebe << 'ATT'
685 686 687 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/sequence.rb', line 685 def self.[](i = nil) end |
.ad_hoc_task(this_file = '/root/Bioroebe/') ⇒ Object
This method can be used to specifically run an “ad-hoc” task.
An ad-hoc task is something that we just quickly “hack” together, in order to solve some existing bioinformatics-related problem or another problem that may exist right now.
For instance, in May 2021, this was used for a university course that required us to work with MEGA X and compare different proteins from a phylogenetics point of view.
4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4051 def self.ad_hoc_task( this_file = '/root/Bioroebe/' ) require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/download_fasta.rb' require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/simplify_fasta_header/simplify_fasta_header.rb' if this_file.is_a? Array this_file = this_file.join(' ') end cd ::Bioroebe.log_dir? # Make sure we are in the log-directory. e 'Now downloading some FASTA files, based on this file: '+ this_file # ======================================================================= # # (1) Download the remote FASTA dataset # ======================================================================= # download_fasta this_file # ======================================================================= # # (2) cd into the fasta directory # ======================================================================= # cd ::Bioroebe.log_dir?+'fasta/' # ======================================================================= # # (3) batch rename all .fasta files next via simplify-fasta-header. # ======================================================================= # all_files = Dir['*.fasta'] all_files.each {|this_fasta_file| Bioroebe.overwrite_fasta_header(this_fasta_file) } end |
.align_this_string_via_multiple_sequence_alignment(this_string = "PSRARRDAVG--DH--PAVEALP----PQSGPHKKEISFFTVRKEEAADADLWFPS PGGASK--VGQTDNDPQAIKDLP----PQGED------------------------ ") ⇒ Object
This method will simply return an Array.
957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 957 def self.align_this_string_via_multiple_sequence_alignment( this_string = "PSRARRDAVG--DH--PAVEALP----PQSGPHKKEISFFTVRKEEAADADLWFPS PGGASK--VGQTDNDPQAIKDLP----PQGED------------------------ " ) if this_string.is_a? Array this_string = this_string.join("\n") end this_string = this_string.dup if this_string.frozen? this_string.strip! this_string.delete!(' ') splitted = this_string.split("\n") return splitted end |
.all_aminoacids? ⇒ Boolean
This method will return all available aminoacids.
Bioroebe.all_aminoacids? # => ["A", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "K", "L", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y"]
162 163 164 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 162 def self.all_aminoacids? ARRAY_AMINO_ACIDS_ALPHABET end |
.allowed_dna_nucleotides? ⇒ Boolean
This will return an Array with valid DNA nucleotides.
522 523 524 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 522 def self.allowed_dna_nucleotides? POSSIBLE_DNA_NUCLEOTIDES - ['N'] end |
.amino_acid_average_mass(i) ⇒ Object
The input to this method should be in the form of the one-letter code for aminoacids. Several aminoacids can be input, of course, such as ‘AGL’.
Do note that since as of March 2020 a float will be returned by this method, if the input was found to be a valid aminoacid.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.amino_acid_average_mass('F') # => "147.17660"
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1985 def self.amino_acid_average_mass(i) use_this_table = AMINO_ACIDS_AVERAGE_MASS_TABLE i = i.split(//) if i.is_a? String i = [i] unless i.is_a? Array result = {|entry| entry = use_this_table[entry].to_f } return ('%.5f' % result.sum).to_f # ← This is our properly formatted result. end |
.amino_acid_monoisotopic_mass(this_aminoacid) ⇒ Object
We require the monoisotopic table for this method, and return the corresponding match to the given aminoacid.
The input format should be in the one-letter aminoacid abbreviation.
Invocation example:
Bioroebe.amino_acid_monoisotopic_mass 'L' # => 113.08406
Bioroebe.amino_acid_monoisotopic_mass 'K' # => 128.09496
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2009 def self.amino_acid_monoisotopic_mass(this_aminoacid) use_this_table = AMINO_ACIDS_AVERAGE_MONOISOTOPIC_TABLE # '%.5f' % use_this_table[this_aminoacid].to_f use_this_table[this_aminoacid].to_f end |
.aminoacid_families? ⇒ Boolean
Feedback which aminoacid-families we know of.
Usage example:
pp Bioroebe.aminoacid_families?; ''
223 224 225 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 223 def self.aminoacid_families? AMINOACID_FAMILIES end |
.aminoacid_frequency(of_this_sequence = '') ⇒ Object
Usage example:
Would yield the following Hash:
{"M"=>1, "V"=>4, "T"=>9, "D"=>2, "E"=>3, "G"=>4, "A"=>7, "I"=>2, "Y"=>3, "F"=>2, "K"=>2, "R"=>2, "N"=>2, "W"=>1, "S"=>5, "L"=>1}
2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2515 def self.aminoacid_frequency( of_this_sequence = '' ) if of_this_sequence.is_a? Array of_this_sequence = of_this_sequence.first end chars = of_this_sequence.split(//) hash = {} hash.default = 0 chars.each {|this_char| hash[this_char] += 1 } return hash end |
.aminoacid_substitution(from_this_sequence = :default) ⇒ Object
102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/aminoacids/aminoacid_substitution.rb', line 102 def self.aminoacid_substitution(from_this_sequence = :default) end |
.aminoacids? ⇒ Boolean
Note that this will return a Hash that looks like this:
{"A"=>{"ala"=>"alanine", "d
995 996 997 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 995 def self.aminoacids? AMINO_ACIDS end |
.append_what_into(what = 'Hello world!', into = '') ⇒ Object
This method can be used to append content onto a file.
1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1204 def self.append_what_into( what = 'Hello world!', into = '' ) unless File.exist? into base_dir = File.dirname(into) unless base_dir e rev+ 'No directory exists at '+sdir(base_dir)+ rev+'. Thus creating it now.' create_directory(base_dir) end e rev+ 'No file exists at '+sfile(into)+rev+ '. Thus creating it now.' create_file(into) end, 'a') { |file| file << what } end |
.array_colourize_this_aminoacid ⇒ Object
Query as to which aminoacid we will colourize, if any at all.
1268 1269 1270 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1268 def self.array_colourize_this_aminoacid @array_colourize_this_aminoacid end |
.atomic_composition(of = 'GGGGA') ⇒ Object
This method will return the composition of atoms in a given protein, via Hash, such as:
{"C"=>11, "H"=>19, "N"=>5, "O"=>6, "S"=>0}
The Hash keeps track of 11 C atoms, 19 H atoms, 5 N atoms, 6 O atoms and 0 S atoms.
This hash can then be formatted via the method:
Which can be found below.
Presently this method works on aminoacids only, but in theory the code could be extended to work with DNA nucleotides and RNA nucleotides as well.
Either way, the one letter abbreviation should be used as input to this method.
When we use aminoacids, we need to remember that a peptide bond deducts 1x H₂O (water). This will have to be deducted from the formula, but only if it is an internal aminoacid. In other words, the only two aminoacids that will behave differently, are the first one (since it will miss one -OH group) and the last aminoacid (as this one will lack a -H molecule.
Remember that the input sequence to this method should be the one-letter code for the aminoacid sequence at hand.
2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2122 def self.atomic_composition( of = 'GGGGA' # ← This should be the aminoacid sequence. ) begin require 'chemistry_paradise/split_molecule_names.rb' require 'chemistry_paradise/toplevel_methods/remove_this_molecule_from.rb' rescue LoadError if is_on_roebe? puts 'Two files from the chemistry_paradise gem are not available.' end end # ======================================================================= # # Load up the molecular formula for each aminoacid next. This will # be used as our reference-point for calculating things such as the # composition, or weight. # ======================================================================= # dataset_molecular_formula_for_the_aminoacids = YAML.load_file( FILE_AMINOACIDS_MOLECULAR_FORMULA ) if of.is_a?(Array) if of.empty? of = 'GGGGA' # In this case reinstate the default. else if of.first.is_a?(String) and of.first.size > 1 of = of.first.split(//) # Split it on a per-character basis here. end end end if of.is_a? String of = of.split(//) end unless of.is_a? Array of = [of] end hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition = {} # ======================================================================= # # Build up the default values, for the atoms C, H, N, O and S. # ======================================================================= # hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition['C'] = 0 hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition['H'] = 0 hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition['N'] = 0 hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition['O'] = 0 hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition['S'] = 0 # ======================================================================= # # Next obtain the formula from the ChemistryParadise project. We # do so by iterating over the given input, and we assume that # this input is always an Array. # ======================================================================= # {|this_amino_acid, position_of_that_aminoacid| # ===================================================================== # # Next, we have to obtain the formula for this amino acid. # ===================================================================== # this_amino_acid = AMINO_ACIDS_ENGLISH[this_amino_acid] formula_for_this_amino_acid = dataset_molecular_formula_for_the_aminoacids[this_amino_acid] # ===================================================================== # # The next case-menu will handle the position of the aminoacid at hand. # We will skip doing so if there is only one aminoacid though. # ===================================================================== # if of.first.to_s.size > 1 case position_of_that_aminoacid # case tag when 0 # This is the first aminoacid. It loses only one 'OH' group. formula_for_this_amino_acid = ::ChemistryParadise.remove_this_molecule_from('OH', formula_for_this_amino_acid) when (of.size - 1) # This is the last entry. It loses only one 'H' group. formula_for_this_amino_acid = ::ChemistryParadise.remove_this_molecule_from('H', formula_for_this_amino_acid) else # ================================================================= # # Else it will lose a full H₂O group. # ================================================================= # formula_for_this_amino_acid = ::ChemistryParadise.remove_this_molecule_from('H2O', formula_for_this_amino_acid) end end array_chemical_formula = ::ChemistryParadise.split_this_molecular_formula_into_a_hash( formula_for_this_amino_acid ) array_chemical_formula.each {|molecule_and_number| # e. g. 'H13' if molecule_and_number =~ /\d+/ # If it has at the least one number. molecule_and_number =~ /([A-Z]+)(\d{1,2})/ # See: molecule = $1.to_s.dup n_times = $2.to_s.dup.to_i hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition[molecule] += n_times else # else it must be 1, since there is no other number, such as 'N'. hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition[molecule_and_number] += 1 end } } return hash_keeping_track_of_the_atomic_composition end |
.automatically_rename_this_fasta_file(fasta_file) ⇒ Object
This method will automatically (try to) rename an existing fasta file, by tapping into the method called .return_new_filename_based_on_fasta_identifier().
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 135 def self.automatically_rename_this_fasta_file(fasta_file) fasta_file = [fasta_file].flatten.compact fasta_file.each {|this_fasta_file| if File.exist? this_fasta_file new_filename = return_new_filename_based_on_fasta_identifier(this_fasta_file) erev "Renaming #{sfile(this_fasta_file)}#{rev} "\ "to #{sfile(new_filename)} #{rev}next." Bioroebe.rename(this_fasta_file, new_filename) else no_file_exists_at(this_fasta_file) end } end |
.available_blosum_matrices? ⇒ Boolean
This method will return an Array of all available blosum matrices.
Example output:
["blosum45", "blosum50", "blosum62", "blosum80", "blosum90", "blosum_matrix"]
78 79 80 81 82 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/blosum/blosum.rb', line 78 def self.available_blosum_matrices? Bioroebe::Blosum.available_blosum_files?.map {|entry| File.basename(entry).delete_suffix('.yml') } end |
.available_codon_tables? ⇒ Boolean
125 126 127 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/show_codon_tables.rb', line 125 def self.available_codon_tables? ::Bioroebe::CodonTables.definitions?.values # Do not sort this. end |
.base_composition(i = '52%GC') ⇒ Object
This method can be used to query the composition of a given DNA sequence, that is, in percentage, the values for A, T, C and G.
This method will then return a Hash, consisting of the percentage values of A, T, C and G in the given DNA sequence at hand.
Note that the input to this method has to include a ‘%’ character, at the least up until March 2020. Past March 2020 this requirement was dropped, but I still think it is visually more elegant to include a ‘%’ character.
3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3908 def self.base_composition( i = '52%GC' ) if i.is_a? Array if i.empty? i = '52%GC' # Default value. else i = i.join(' ').strip end end # ======================================================================= # # Add support for Files here. # ======================================================================= # if i and File.exist?(i) i = File.readlines(i).reject {|line| line.start_with? '>' }.join("\n").delete("\n") end # ======================================================================= # # We must use a Hash for this. # ======================================================================= # hash = { 'A' => 0, 'T' => 0, 'C' => 0, 'G' => 0, } if i.include? '%' splitted = i.split('%').map(&:strip) frequency = splitted.first.to_i opposite_frequency = 100 - frequency characters = splitted.last.split(//) characters.each {|this_nucleotide| hash[this_nucleotide] = frequency / 2 } # ===================================================================== # # Next calculate the missing nucleotides: # ===================================================================== # missing_nucleotides = {|key, value| value == 0 } missing_nucleotides.each_pair {|this_nucleotide, value| hash[this_nucleotide] = opposite_frequency / 2 } else frequency = chars = i.chars chars.each { |entry| frequency[entry] += 1 } sum = frequency.values.sum frequency.each_pair {|this_nucleotide, value| hash[this_nucleotide] = ((value * 100.0) / sum).round(2) } end return hash end |
.batch_create_windows_executables ⇒ Object
This method is only useful for windows. We will use “ocra” to create various .exe files that have the desired widgt-functionality.
Note that the functionality depends on the roebe-gem.
2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2837 def self.batch_create_windows_executables begin require 'roebe/custom_methods/module.rb' rescue LoadError; end array_these_files = %w( /home/x/programming/ruby/src/bioroebe/lib/bioroebe/gui/libui/hamming_distance/hamming_distance.rb ) array_these_files.each {|this_file| Roebe.ocra_build( this_file, File.basename(this_file).delete_suffix('.rb') ) } end |
.be_verbose? ⇒ Boolean
164 165 166 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 164 def self.be_verbose? @be_verbose end |
.bisulfite_treatment(i) ⇒ Object
Simply convert all C into U. The underlying idea here is that bilsufite will convert unmethylated Cytosines into Uracil.
Usage example:
2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2822 def self.bisulfite_treatment(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join('').strip end'C','U') end |
.blast_neighborhood(this_mer = 'CTC', optional_apply_filter_for_score_higher_than = nil) ⇒ Object
The second argument to this method is a score-filter, e. g. to select only entries that have a score higher than 1.
4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4248 def self.blast_neighborhood( this_mer = 'CTC', optional_apply_filter_for_score_higher_than = nil ) if this_mer.is_a? Array this_mer = this_mer.first end if this_mer.nil? this_mer = 'CTC' # Set the same default as above. end match_score = 2 mis_match_score = -2 # ======================================================================= # # Next use an Array of sequences that we will compare. # ======================================================================= # compare_these_sequences = %w( AAA AAT AAC AAG ATA ATT ATC ATG ACA ACT ACC ACG AGA AGT AGC AGG TAA TAT TAC TAG TTA TTT TTC TTG TCA TCT TCC TCG TGA TGT TGC TGG CAA CAT CAC CAG CTA CTT CTC CTG CCA CCT CCC CCG CGA CGT CGC CGG GAA GAT GAC GAG GTA GTT GTC GTG GCA GCT GCC GCG GGA GGT GGC GGG ) compare_these_sequences.each {|this_sequence| score = 0 chars = this_sequence.chars first_char = chars[0] second_char = chars[1] third_char = chars[2] if first_char == this_mer[0] # =================================================================== # # Found the first match. # =================================================================== # score += match_score else # =================================================================== # # else it must be a mismatch # =================================================================== # score += mis_match_score end if second_char == this_mer[1] # =================================================================== # # Found the first match. # =================================================================== # score += match_score else # =================================================================== # # else it must be a mismatch # =================================================================== # score += mis_match_score end if third_char == this_mer[2] # =================================================================== # # Found the first match. # =================================================================== # score += match_score else # =================================================================== # # else it must be a mismatch # =================================================================== # score += mis_match_score end if optional_apply_filter_for_score_higher_than if (score.to_i > optional_apply_filter_for_score_higher_than) e "#{this_sequence}: score of "\ "#{score.to_s.rjust(3)}" end else e this_sequence+': score of '+ score.to_s.rjust(3) end } end |
.blosum_directory? ⇒ Boolean
899 900 901 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 899 def self.blosum_directory? "#{project_yaml_directory?}blosum/" end |
.blosum_matrix(i = FILE_BLOSUM_MATRIX) ⇒ Object
801 802 803 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 801 def self.blosum_matrix(i = FILE_BLOSUM_MATRIX) YAML.load_file(i) end |
.calculate_exponential_growth(number_of_cells = 10, number_of_divisions = 10) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to calculate how many bacteria will exist after n cell divisions (provided that we know, and supply to this method, how many bacteria existed when we started our calculation).
4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4787 def self.calculate_exponential_growth( number_of_cells = 10, number_of_divisions = 10 ) if number_of_cells.nil? number_of_cells = 10 # Default value. end if number_of_divisions.nil? number_of_divisions = 10 # Default value. end # ======================================================================= # # === Hashes # # Handle Hash as input given. # ======================================================================= # if number_of_cells.is_a? Hash if number_of_cells.has_key? :n_divisions number_of_divisions = number_of_cells.delete(:n_divisions) end if number_of_cells.has_key? :number_of_cells number_of_cells = number_of_cells.delete(:number_of_cells) elsif number_of_cells.has_key? :n_cells number_of_cells = number_of_cells.delete(:n_cells) end end # ======================================================================= # # We need numbers, aka integers - there are no "1.3" cells. # ======================================================================= # number_of_cells = number_of_cells.to_i number_of_divisions = number_of_divisions.to_i total_amount_of_cells = 0 total_amount_of_cells = number_of_cells * (2 ** number_of_divisions) return total_amount_of_cells end |
.calculate_levensthein_distance(string1 = 'TTACCC', string2 = 'TTTCCC', be_verbose = true) ⇒ Object
The following method is based on, slightly modified.
To test this code, do:
[ ['kitten','sitting'], ['saturday','sunday'], ["rosettde", "raisethyrd"] ].each { |s,t|
puts "calculate_levensthein_distance('#{s}', '#{t}') = #{Bioroebe.calculate_levensthein_distance(s, t)}"
However had, rubygems has a levensthein variant too.
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/calculate/calculate_levensthein_distance.rb', line 27 def self.calculate_levensthein_distance( string1 = 'TTACCC', string2 = 'TTTCCC', be_verbose = true ) case be_verbose when :be_quiet be_verbose = false end if string1.is_a?(Array) and (string1.size > 1) string2 = string1.shift string1 = string1.first elsif string1.is_a?(String) and string1.include?(' ') splitted = string1.split(' ') string2 = splitted.last string1 = splitted.first end m = string1.length n = string2.length return m if n == 0 # Stop at 0. return n if m == 0 # Stop at 0. arrays = { } # ======================================================================= # # Initialize the variable arrays next: # ======================================================================= # (0 .. m).each {|i| arrays[i][0] = i} (0 .. n).each {|j| arrays[0][j] = j} # ======================================================================= # # Now, iterate through: # ======================================================================= # (1 .. n).each {|j| (1 .. m).each {|i| arrays[i][j] = if string1[i-1] == string2[j-1] # adjust index into string arrays[i-1][j-1] # no operation required else [ arrays[i-1][j]+1, # deletion operation arrays[i][j-1]+1, # insertion operation arrays[i-1][j-1]+1, # substitution operation ].min end } } result = arrays[m][n] if be_verbose e rev+'The two strings '+simp(string1.to_s)+rev+' and '+ simp(string2.to_s)+rev+' have n differences ('+ steelblue('edit distance')+rev+'):' e " #{simp(result.to_s)}" end return result end |
.calculate_melting_temperature_for_more_than_thirteen_nucleotides(i) ⇒ Object
An alias exists for this method, called Bioroebe.melting_Temperature().
Usage example for the latter:
x = Bioroebe.melting_temperature('CCGTGTCGTACATCG')
269 270 271 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/calculate/calculate_melting_temperature_for_more_than_thirteen_nucleotides.rb', line 269 def self.calculate_melting_temperature_for_more_than_thirteen_nucleotides(i) end |
.calculate_n50_value(i = [ 1989, 1934, 1841, 1785, 1737, 1649, 1361, 926, 848, 723 ]) ⇒ Object
This method will calculate the N50 value of the given input. The input to this method should be a sorted Array.
3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3037 def self.calculate_n50_value( i = [ 1989, 1934, 1841, 1785, 1737, 1649, 1361, 926, 848, 723 ] ) # ======================================================================= # # The following conversion is necessary because ARGV will contain only # String objects, not integer-values. # ======================================================================= #! {|entry| entry.to_i } calculate_sum_for_the_loop = 0 sum = i.sum half = sum / 2.0 find_the_proper_contig = nil i.each {|this_number| calculate_sum_for_the_loop += this_number # ===================================================================== # # Compare the temporary sum with the half-sum. # ===================================================================== # if calculate_sum_for_the_loop > half find_the_proper_contig = this_number break end } return find_the_proper_contig end |
.calculate_original_amount_of_cells_of_exponential_growth(number_of_cells = 1600, number_of_divisions = 5) ⇒ Object
The first argument, number_of_cells, means “how many cells do we have now/currently”. This is necessary, in order to calculate how many cells we used to have initially.
4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4829 def self.calculate_original_amount_of_cells_of_exponential_growth( number_of_cells = 1600, # 1600 cells to start with. number_of_divisions = 5 # 5 generations by default. ) number_of_cells = number_of_cells.to_i number_of_divisions = number_of_divisions.to_i initial_amount_of_cells_was = 0 initial_amount_of_cells_was = number_of_cells / ( 2 ** number_of_divisions ) return initial_amount_of_cells_was end |
.calculate_the_frequencies_of_this_species(i = :homo_sapiens) ⇒ Object
2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2454 def self.calculate_the_frequencies_of_this_species( i = :homo_sapiens ) require 'bioroebe/sequence/dna.rb' require 'yaml' if i.nil? i = :default end if i and i.is_a?(Array) and i.empty? i << :homo_sapiens end hash_aminoacids = {} hash_aminoacids.default = 0 if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end case i.to_sym # ======================================================================= # # === :homo_sapiens # ======================================================================= # when :homo_sapiens, :homo, :human, :default i = "#{project_base_directory?}"\ "codon_tables/frequencies/9606_Homo_sapiens.yml" end hash = YAML.load_file(i) # "GAC"=>25.1 hash.each_pair {|key, value| this_aminoacid = Bioroebe.to_aa(key) hash_aminoacids[this_aminoacid] += value } e # ======================================================================= # # Convert it into percent: # ======================================================================= # hash_aminoacids.each_pair {|key, value_for_percentage| value_for_percentage = ((value_for_percentage * 100.0) / 1000.0).round(3).to_s value_for_percentage = '%.2f' % value_for_percentage e ' '+ steelblue(key).to_s+' '+ royalblue( value_for_percentage.rjust(6)+'%' ) } e end |
.calculate_weight_of_the_aminoacids_in_this_fasta_file(fasta_file) ⇒ Object
This method will return a Hash containing the weight of the aminoacids in a .fasta file.
Usage example:
x = Bioroebe.calculate_weight_of_the_aminoacids_in_this_fasta_file('viruses.fa')
This may yield a Hash such as the following:
{ "sp|P23046|NSP5_ROTBV" => 21647.5341,
"sp|Q81835|SHDAG_HDVU2" => 22030.6392,
"sp|A5HBD7|ST_POVWU" => 23433.3773,
"sp|Q91FT8|234R_IIV6" => 21076.778 }
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 42 def self.calculate_weight_of_the_aminoacids_in_this_fasta_file(fasta_file) if File.exist? fasta_file hash = {} results = Bioroebe.parse_fasta_quietly(fasta_file) short_headers = results.short_headers? sequences = results.sequences? short_headers.each_with_index {|entry, index| sum = 0 this_sequence = sequences[index] # Next, convert this sequence into the corresponding mass. this_sequence.chars.each {|this_specific_aminoacid| sum += Bioroebe.weight_of_this_aminoacid?(this_specific_aminoacid) } hash[entry] = sum.round(4) } hash else e 'No file exists at '+fasta_file.to_s+'.' end end |
.can_base_pair_with?(a, b) ⇒ Boolean
4929 4930 4931 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4929 def self.can_base_pair_with?(a, b) ::Bioroebe.partner_nucleotide(a) == b end |
.cat(i = nil) ⇒ Object
# (cat tag)
A variant of cat to use here.
5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 5025 def i = nil ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end if i i = convert_global_env(i) if i.include? '$' i = Dir['*'][i.to_i - 1] if i =~ /^\d+$/ end if i.nil? erev 'Please provide an argument to (the name of a file)' # ======================================================================= # # === Handle directories next # ======================================================================= # elsif i erev "We can not read from `#{sdir(i)}#{rev}` as it is a directory." # ======================================================================= # # Else the File will exist in this clause: # ======================================================================= # elsif File.exist?(i) _ = File.extname(i).delete('.') case _ # case tag # ===================================================================== # # === fasta # ===================================================================== # when 'fasta', 'fa' e 'This is a fasta file, so rather than cat-ing the content,' e 'we will send this dataset to the ParseFasta class.' require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb' else # The default here. e "Now displaying the file `#{sfile(i)}`." # e # ^^^ Or we could use the above. We have to reconsider this one day. File.readlines(i).each {|line| e " #{line.chomp}" } # With a bit of padding. end else # else the file does not exist. e "#{swarn('Trying to display the file `')}#{sfile(i)}#{swarn('`')}" e swarn('but it does not exist.') end end |
.change_directory(i = '$HOME', be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
This method allows us to change the directory. is an alias to the method here.
4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4187 def self.change_directory( i = '$HOME', be_verbose = false ) case be_verbose # ======================================================================= # # === :do_report_current_directory # ======================================================================= # when :do_report_current_directory, :be_verbose be_verbose = true end case i # Do some sanitizing here. (case tag) # ======================================================================= # # === :home_directory # ======================================================================= # when :home_directory, :default, nil # ← Nil is also assumed to refer to this :default value. # ===================================================================== # # In this case we will try to cd into the base-directory of the # Bioroebe shell. # ===================================================================== # i = log_dir? # ======================================================================= # # === :download_dir # ======================================================================= # when :download_dir,':download_dir', :download_directory,':download_directory' i = download_dir? # ======================================================================= # # Bioroebe.save_dir? is defined in bioroebe/toplevel_methods/store_here.rb. # ======================================================================= # when 'base', 'logdir', :bioroebe_log_directory # ===================================================================== # # Enter the main log dir, unless a file exists with the same name. # ===================================================================== # i = save_dir? unless File.exist?(i.to_s) # .to_s to avoid Symbols here. end i = i.dup if i.is_a?(String) and i.frozen? i << '/' unless i.end_with? '/' if i e sdir(i) if be_verbose # Also colourize the directory and output it. Dir.chdir(i) else if be_verbose erev "No directory called `#{sdir(i)}#{rev}` exists," erev 'thus we can not cd to this target.' end end end |
.clear_array_colourize_this_aminoacid ⇒ Object
1259 1260 1261 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1259 def self.clear_array_colourize_this_aminoacid @array_colourize_this_aminoacid = [] end |
.clear_stop_codons ⇒ Object
256 257 258 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 256 def self.clear_stop_codons @stop_codons = [] end |
.cleave(with = :with_trypsin, i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
Bioroebe.cleave (cleave tag)
This is the general entry-point for “cleave-related” activities, such as cleaving a polypeptide or a DNA strand via an enzyme.
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/cleave_and_digest/cleave.rb', line 56 def self.cleave( with = :with_trypsin, i = ARGV ) case with # ======================================================================= # # === :with_trypsin # ======================================================================= # when :with_trypsin, :trypsin, :default Bioroebe.cleave_with_trypsin(i) else nil end end |
.cleave_with_trypsin(this_sequence = ARGV) ⇒ Object
Trypsin cleaves peptides on the C-terminal side of lysine and arginine amino acid residues. If a proline residue is on the carboxyl side of the cleavage site, the cleavage will not occur. If an acidic residue is on either side of the cleavage site, the rate of hydrolysis has been shown to be slower.
This method will return an Array.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/cleave_and_digest/cleave.rb', line 21 def self.cleave_with_trypsin( this_sequence = ARGV ) # ======================================================================= # # === Handle Arrays first # ======================================================================= # if this_sequence.is_a? Array this_sequence = this_sequence.first end array_cleave_positions = [] # This is the Array that will be returned. subrange = ''.dup this_sequence.size.times {|index| this_char = this_sequence[index, 1] case this_char # case tag when 'K','R' subrange << this_char next_char_is = this_sequence[index+1, 1] unless next_char_is == 'P' # Exclude Proline. array_cleave_positions << subrange subrange = ''.dup end else subrange << this_char end } array_cleave_positions << subrange return array_cleave_positions end |
.cliner(use_this_token = :default_token, how_many_times = 80, use_this_colour = nil) ⇒ Object
The first character denotes which token we will use, such as ‘#’, for the line that is to be displayed.
2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2555 def self.cliner( use_this_token = :default_token, how_many_times = 80, use_this_colour = nil ) require 'bioroebe/colours/colours.rb' if use_this_token.is_a? Hash # ===================================================================== # # === :length # ===================================================================== # if use_this_token.has_key? :length how_many_times = use_this_token.delete(:length) end if use_this_token.is_a? Hash # =================================================================== # # === :token # =================================================================== # if use_this_token.has_key? :token use_this_token = use_this_token.delete(:token) end end use_this_token = :default if use_this_token.is_a? Hash end # ======================================================================= # # The following case-when menu must come after the check for Hashes # above. # ======================================================================= # case use_this_token when :default_token, :default use_this_token = '=' end # ======================================================================= # # === handle blocks next # ======================================================================= # if block_given? yielded = yield if yielded.is_a?(Hash) # =================================================================== # # === :colour # =================================================================== # if yielded.has_key? :colour use_this_colour = yielded[:colour] # =================================================================== # # === :colours # =================================================================== # elsif yielded.has_key? :colours use_this_colour = yielded[:colours] end #else # cliner(use_this_token, how_many_times) end end if use_this_colour e ::Colours.send(use_this_colour, use_this_token * how_many_times) else e use_this_token * how_many_times end end |
.codon_frequencies_of_this_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
Usage example:
Will yield this Hash:
{"AAA"=>5, "ATG"=>4, "CCA"=>1, "CCG"=>1, "TTA"=>1, "CCT"=>1, "GCA"=>1, "GTG"=>1, "GGG"=>1, "GGC"=>1}
198 199 200 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/show_codon_usage.rb', line 198 def self.codon_frequencies_of_this_sequence(i = ARGV) { :be_quiet }.result? end |
The input to this method should ideally be a String. It will be assumed to be a RNA string, e. g. mRNA. Thus, all T are replaced with U by default. This can be toggled via the second argument of this method.
This method will return a Hash.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.codon_frequency_of_this_string 'ATTCGTACGATCGACTACTACT' # => {"UAC"=>2, "GAC"=>1, "AUC"=>1, "ACG"=>1, "CGU"=>1, "AUU"=>1}
917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 917 def self.codon_frequency_of_this_string( i = 'ATTCGTACGATCGACTGACTGACAGTCATTCGTAGTACGATCGACTGACTGACAGTCATTCGTAC'\ 'GATCGACTGACTGACAAGTCATTCGTACGATCGACTGACTTGACAGTCATAA', automatically_convert_into_a_RNA_sequence = true ) i = i.join if i.is_a? Array if automatically_convert_into_a_RNA_sequence i = i.dup if i.frozen?!('T','U') end scanned = i.scan(/.../) tally = scanned.tally # ======================================================================= # # We still have to sort it. # ======================================================================= # sorted_hash = Hash[tally.sort_by {|key, value| value }.reverse] return sorted_hash end |
.codon_table_dataset? ⇒ Boolean
This method will return the “codon table dataset”, as a Hash.
This Hash will contain entries like this:
{"TAA"=>"*", "TGA"=>'*',"CCA"=>"P", ...
and so forth.
39 40 41 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codon_table.rb', line 39 def self.codon_table_dataset? @codon_table_dataset end |
.codon_table_in_use? ⇒ Boolean
Query method to return the currently used codon table.
83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codon_table.rb', line 83 def self.codon_table_in_use? @codon_table_in_use end |
.codon_tables ⇒ Object
This method will return all codon tables that we have registered.
This is probably not so terribly useful for most projects, but in the event that you do need all codon tables, you can use this method.
The result will be a Hash having key->value pairs such as:
"9" => {"TAA"=>"*", "TAG"=>"*"
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codon_tables.rb', line 30 def self.codon_tables require 'bioroebe/requires/require_yaml.rb' hash = {} _ = "#{yaml_directory?}codon_tables/*.yml" all_files = Dir[_].sort all_files.each {|yaml_file| next if yaml_file.end_with? 'overview.yml' # We reject this one here. dataset = YAML.load_file(yaml_file) entry_number = File.basename(yaml_file).delete_suffix('.yml') dataset = { entry_number => dataset} hash.merge!(dataset) } hash end |
.codons_for_this_aminoacid?(i = ARGV) ⇒ Boolean
This method will return all possible DNA codons for a specific aminoacid, as an Array.
So for example, for the aminoacid serine, this method would return an Array containing all 6 codons that code for this aminoacid (if the eukaryotic codon table is used, which also includes humans).
This method supports to query only ONE aminoacid at a given time.
Currently the method relies on the file called “codons_of_the_aminoacids.yml”. In the future, the method here will probably be changed to add support for different codon tables.
Specific invocation examples:
To test this for another organism, try:
Bioroebe.decode_this_aminoacid 'K' # => ["AAA", "AAG"]
322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 322 def self.codons_for_this_aminoacid?( i = ARGV ) # ======================================================================= # # First, convert the input a bit and sanitize it. # ======================================================================= # i = i.first if i.is_a? Array if i.is_a?(String) and i.start_with?(':') i = i.delete(':').to_sym end case i # case tag when :default, nil i = :lysine end if i.is_a? Symbol # ===================================================================== # # === Convert e. g. :serine into 'ser' # ===================================================================== # _ = i.to_s.downcase[0 .. 2] i = AMINO_ACIDS_THREE_TO_ONE[_] end # ======================================================================= # # Next we must use the one-letter abbreviation, and then find all # entries that match to the given input at hand. # # @codon_table_dataset is a Hash and will have these key->value # entries: # # "TTC" => "F" # # ======================================================================= # result = {|key, value| value == i } return result.keys end |
.colourize_aa(i, array_colourize_these_aminoacids = array_colourize_this_aminoacid? ) ⇒ Object
Use this method if you wish to colourize an aminoacid, in a red colour.
The input should be the specific aminoacid sequence in question that you wish to see being colourized here.
This currently only works for aminoacids, and only in red. Perhaps at a later time it will become more flexible, but for now, it will be exclusive for aminoacids alone.
Usage example:
puts Bioroebe.colourize_aa 'STGYGGCTR', 'S T Y'
1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1901 def self.colourize_aa( i, array_colourize_these_aminoacids = array_colourize_this_aminoacid? ) if array_colourize_these_aminoacids.is_a? String array_colourize_these_aminoacids = array_colourize_these_aminoacids.split(' ') # Split it into an Array. end unless array_colourize_these_aminoacids.empty? if i.nil? puts 'You first have to assign a sequence.' else if i.chars.any? {|entry| array_colourize_these_aminoacids.include? entry } # =================================================================== # # Ok, we have established a need to colourize the result. # =================================================================== # array_colourize_these_aminoacids.each {|colour| i.gsub!(/(#{colour})/, swarn('\\1')+rev) } end end end if use_colours? # But only if we use colours. return i end |
.colourize_this_aminoacid_sequence_for_the_commandline(i) ⇒ Object
This method uses some hardcoded colour assignments to the 20 different aminoacids.
Usage example:
puts Bioroebe.colourize_this_aminoacid_sequence_for_the_commandline('NLKRSPTHY')
1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1694 def self.colourize_this_aminoacid_sequence_for_the_commandline(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end dataset = YAML.load_file(FILE_DEFAULT_COLOURS_FOR_THE_AMINOACIDS) array_of_allowed_aminoacids = %w( A R N D B C E Q Z G H I L K M F P S T W Y V ) _ = ''.dup splitted = i.chars splitted.each {|this_aminoacid| case this_aminoacid when *array_of_allowed_aminoacids this_aminoacid = send(dataset[this_aminoacid.to_s], this_aminoacid) # else # else it will not be colourized. end _ << this_aminoacid } return _ end |
.colourize_this_fasta_dna_sequence(i = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
This toplevel method can be used to colourize a FASTA (DNA) sequence, e. g. “ATGCGCGTATTA” and so forth.
Note that this is intended for the commandline, that is to be displayed on e. g. a KDE Konsole terminal.
Usage examples:
puts Bioroebe.colourize_this_fasta_dna_sequence('ATGCGCATGCGCGTATTAGTATTAATGCGCGTATTAATGCGCGTATTA')
puts Bioroebe.colourize_this_fasta_dna_sequence('ATGCGCATGCGCGTATTAGTATTAATGCGCGTATTAATGCGCGTATTA') { :with_ruler }
puts Bioroebe.colourize_this_fasta_dna_sequence('TGCGCGTATTAGTATTAATGCGCGTATTAATGCGCGTATTA') { :with_ruler_steelblue_colour }
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 232 def self.colourize_this_fasta_dna_sequence( i = nil, &block ) unless ::Bioroebe.respond_to?(:ruler_return_as_string_without_colours) require 'bioroebe/misc/ruler.rb' end if i.nil? e 'Please provide a valid FASTA sequence as input to '\ 'Bioroebe.colourize_this_fasta_dna_sequence()' return end if i.is_a? Array # ===================================================================== # # Arrays will be joined together. # ===================================================================== # i = i.join(' ').strip end # ======================================================================= # # Check for existing files next: # ======================================================================= # if i and File.file?(i) i = end original_input = i.dup i = i.dup # Always dup it here. if i.is_a? String # ===================================================================== # # The colours are either defined in a file called # 'colourize_fasta_sequences.yml' or they are simply hardcoded. # # The preferred (and thus default) way is to simply make use # of that .yml file. That works on my home system, so it # should work for other people as well. # ===================================================================== # if use_colours? this_file = FILE_COLOURIZE_FASTA_SEQUENCES if File.exist? this_file dataset_for_the_colours = YAML.load_file(this_file) dataset_for_the_colours.each_pair {|this_nucleotide, this_colour_to_be_used| i.gsub!( /#{this_nucleotide}/, Colours.send(this_colour_to_be_used, this_nucleotide)+ rev ) } else i.gsub!(/A/, "#{teal('A')}#{rev}") i.gsub!(/C/, "#{slateblue('C')}#{rev}") i.gsub!(/G/, "#{royalblue('G')}#{rev}") i.gsub!(/T/, "#{steelblue('T')}#{rev}") i.gsub!(/U/, "#{steelblue('U')}#{rev}") # Uracil is just the same as Thymine. end end end # ======================================================================= # # === Handle blocks next # ======================================================================= # if block_given? yielded = yield case yielded # ===================================================================== # # === with_ruler # ===================================================================== # when :with_ruler, :add_ruler, :ruler i.prepend( ::Bioroebe.ruler_return_as_string_without_colours(original_input)+ "\n" ) else # Assume something like: # :with_ruler_steelblue_colour if yielded.to_s.include? 'colo' # This assumes "colour" or "color". use_this_colour = yielded.to_s.sub(/_colou?r/,''). sub(/with_ruler_/,'') this_string = send(use_this_colour, ::Bioroebe.ruler_return_as_string_without_colours(original_input)+ "\n" ) i.prepend(this_string) end end end return i end |
.colours(enable_or_disable = '+') ⇒ Object
This method can be used to quickly enable or disable colours, by passing ‘+’ or ‘-’.
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 131 def self.colours( enable_or_disable = '+' ) case enable_or_disable.to_s when '+', 'true' enable_colours when '-', 'false', '' disable_colours end end |
.compacter(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
Note that this variant will NEVER ask for user-input of the Bioroebe::Compacter class.
243 244 245 246 247 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/compacter/compacter.rb', line 243 def self.compacter( i = ARGV ) { :do_not_ask_for_user_input } end |
.complement(i = nil) ⇒ Object
This method will return the complementary DNA strand.
We will use possibilities though.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.complement 'ATGGGTCCC' # => "TACCCAGGG"
3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3974 def self.complement( i = nil ) # ======================================================================= # # Refer to the main Hash. # ======================================================================= # hash = HASH_DNA_NUCLEOTIDES result = ''.dup i = i.first if i.is_a? Array if i if File.exist?(i) i = File.readlines(i).join(' ').strip end i.each_char { |char| char = char.upcase if hash.has_key? char result << hash[char] else case char.downcase # case tag when 'n' # Means any. result << '(A/T/G/C)' when 'r' # Means a purine. (larger) result << '(A/G)' when 'y' # Means a pyrimidine. (smaller) result << '(T/C)' end end } return result end end |
.complementary_dna_strand(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This method will simply return the corresponding (complementary) DNA strand.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.complementary_dna_strand('ATCATCATC') # => "TAGTAGTAG"
152 153 154 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/nucleotides/complementary_dna_strand.rb', line 152 def self.complementary_dna_strand(i = ARGV) retrn end |
.complementary_rna_strand(i) ⇒ Object
This method will simply return the corresponding (complementary) RNA strand.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.complementary_rna_strand('ATCATCATC') # => "UAGUAGUAG"
588 589 590 591 592 593 594 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 588 def self.complementary_rna_strand(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end hash = partner_nucleotide_hash {|entry| hash[entry] }'T','U') end |
.compseq(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
514 515 516 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/compseq/compseq.rb', line 514 def self.compseq(i = ARGV) { :disable_colours_and_be_quiet }.result_as_string? end |
.contains_an_inverted_repeat?(i = 'TTACGAAAAAACGTAA') ⇒ Boolean
We assume an inverted repeat to exist if at the least 2 nucleotides match to one another in the reverse, so a total of 4 matching nucleotides. This assumption may not necessarily be correct and we may have to fine-tune this at a later time.
For testing purpose, the sequence ‘TTACGAAAAAACGTAA’ can be used.
532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 532 def self.contains_an_inverted_repeat?( #i = 'AGCCCCGCAAAAAAGGCGGGCU' i = 'TTACGAAAAAACGTAA' # This is in the 5'→3' direction. ) contains_an_inverted_repeat = false longest_stretch = 0 current_stretch = 0 halfed_position = i.size / 2 both_sides = [ i[0 .. (halfed_position-1)], i[halfed_position .. -1] ] # ======================================================================= # # Now that we have both sides, we will try to match them. First reverse # the second, though. # ======================================================================= # first = both_sides[0] second = both_sides[1].reverse # Work via the reverse sequence. first.chars.each_with_index {|this_nucleotide, index| if can_base_pair_with?(second[index], this_nucleotide) current_stretch += 1 longest_stretch = current_stretch if current_stretch > longest_stretch else current_stretch = 0 end } if longest_stretch >= 2 contains_an_inverted_repeat = true end return contains_an_inverted_repeat end |
.convert_global_env(i) ⇒ Object
Note that the method will pick only the first argument given to it if an Array is supplied.
801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 801 def self.convert_global_env(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end unless Object.const_defined? :ConvertGlobalEnv begin # Require an external gem in this case. require 'convert_global_env' rescue LoadError; end end if Object.const_defined? :ConvertGlobalEnv if i and !i.start_with?('$') i = i.dup if i.frozen? i.prepend('$') end return ConvertGlobalEnv.convert(i, :do_not_report_errors) # Handle ENV variables. end return i end |
.convert_one_letter_to_full(i) ⇒ Object
Convert one aminoacid to the real name.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.convert_one_letter_to_full('T') # => "threonine"
1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1959 def self.convert_one_letter_to_full(i) if i.is_a? Array i.each {|entry| convert_one_letter_to_full(entry) } else i = i.to_s.downcase # need it to be downcased. three_letters = convert_one_letter_to_three(i) i = AMINO_ACIDS_ABBREVIATIONS[three_letters] return i end end |
.convert_one_letter_to_three(i) ⇒ Object
Convert a one-letter-code for an aminoacid into the slightly longer three-letter-code variant for that particular aminoacid.
Note that this method will return the result in a downcased variant, such as “gly” for “glycine”.
A string of three characters, if it is a valid one-letter aminoacid.
Usage example for an aminoacid such as Glycine:
Bioroebe.convert_one_letter_to_three('G') # => "gly"
1611 1612 1613 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1611 def self.convert_one_letter_to_three(i) AMINO_ACIDS_THREE_TO_ONE.invert[i.upcase] end |
.convert_this_codon_to_that_aminoacid(i = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
225 226 227 228 229 230 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/convert_this_codon_to_that_aminoacid.rb', line 225 def self.convert_this_codon_to_that_aminoacid( i = ARGV, &block ) { :be_quiet }.result?.to_s end |
.count_amount_of_aminoacids(i) ⇒ Object
344 345 346 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/count/count_amount_of_aminoacids.rb', line 344 def self.count_amount_of_aminoacids(i) end |
.count_amount_of_nucleotides(i) ⇒ Object
This method will always return the result in the form of a single line. The order is: A C G T
This can also be used to solve a problem listed at Rosalind.
Invocation examples:
483 484 485 486 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/count/count_amount_of_nucleotides.rb', line 483 def self.count_amount_of_nucleotides(i) _ =, :do_not_run_yet) { :display_short_form } _.return_the_amount_of_nucleotides_in_short_form_on_a_single_line end |
.count_AT(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This method will count how characters in a given String are “A” or “T”, in total. The method will assume that an Array passed to it is meant to be a String.
So, every time this method encounters a “A” or a “T” in that string, we will “add” +1 to the number that will be returned by that method.
Usage example:
25 26 27 28 29 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/count/count_at.rb', line 25 def self.count_AT(i = ARGV) i = i.join(' ').strip if i.is_a? Array i.upcase.count('A')+ i.upcase.count('T') end |
.count_GC(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This method will count how characters in a given String are “G” or “C”, in total. The method will assume that an Array passed to it is meant to be a String.
So, every time this method encounters a “G” or a “C” in that string, we will “add” +1 to the number that will be returned by that method.
Specific usage examples:
Bioroebe.count_GC 'ATTATTATGGCCAATATA' # => 4
Bioroebe.count_GC 'ATG' # => 1
27 28 29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/count/count_gc.rb', line 27 def self.count_GC(i = ARGV) i = i.join(' ').strip if i.is_a? Array i.upcase.count('G')+ i.upcase.count('C') end |
.count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence(i, array = Bioroebe.return_DNA_nucleotides) ⇒ Object
Usage example:
3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3021 def self.count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence( i, array = Bioroebe.return_DNA_nucleotides ) i = i.dup array.each {|this_nucleotide| i.delete!(this_nucleotide) } return i.size end |
.create_file(i) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to create a file.
1195 1196 1197 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1195 def self.create_file(i) FileUtils.touch(i) unless File.file?(i) end |
.create_jar_archive ⇒ Object
This method will create a .jar file.
To invoke it from the commandline do:
bioroebe --jar
To execute a .jar file do:
java -jar foobar.jar
3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3131 def self.create_jar_archive e 'Creating a .jar archive next:' e original_dir = return_pwd cd '/home/x/programming/ruby/src/bioroebe/lib/bioroebe/java/bioroebe/src/main/java/' esystem 'jar cf bioroebe.jar bioroebe/' target_file = File.absolute_path('bioroebe.jar') cd original_dir if File.exist? target_file e 'Moving the created .jar file into the current working '\ 'directory next.' move_file(target_file, original_dir) e 'It should now be at:' e e sfile(" #{original_dir}#{File.basename(target_file)}") e end # esystem 'jar cfe bioroebe.jar myClass myClass.class' e end |
.create_new_sequence(i = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
Create a new Bioroebe::Sequence object. It will also assign to the @sequence module-level instance variable.
727 728 729 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/sequence.rb', line 727 def self.create_new_sequence(i = ARGV, &block) @sequence =, &block) end |
.create_random_aminoacids(how_many_aminoacids = CREATE_N_AMINOACIDS, split_at = nil, be_verbose = false, &block) ⇒ Object
This method will create a random chain of aminoacids.
The first argument to this method shall denote how many aminoacids are to be generated, e. g. 25 would mean to create “25 aminoacids”.
If the second argument, called ‘split_at`, is not nil and is a number, then this method we add a newline into the returned String.
This method will return a String, consisting of the random aminoacids.
Usage Examples:
Bioroebe.create_random_aminoacids 125
Bioroebe.create_random_aminoacids 25 # => "SQHWVGGGVSRCWLMWAPECMYVWW"
Bioroebe.create_random_aminoacids 15 # => "CLKHMLMGLVAEEKA"
Bioroebe.random_aminoacids(5) # => "STRRM"
Bioroebe.random_aminoacids(8) # => "TRTQHSNN"s
203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/aminoacids/create_random_aminoacids.rb', line 203 def self.create_random_aminoacids( how_many_aminoacids = CREATE_N_AMINOACIDS, split_at = nil, be_verbose = false, &block ) _ = how_many_aminoacids, split_at, be_verbose, &block ) return _.amino_acid_sequence # ← And return the aminoacid sequence here. end |
.create_the_pdf_tutorial(read_from_this_file = '/home/x/programming/ruby/src/bioroebe/', store_where = '/Depot/j/example.pdf') ⇒ Object
This method can be used to quickly turn the file into a .pdf file, for whatever the reason the user may want this.
2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2858 def self.create_the_pdf_tutorial( read_from_this_file = '/home/x/programming/ruby/src/bioroebe/', store_where = '/Depot/j/example.pdf' ) require 'prawn' Prawn::Fonts::AFM.hide_m17n_warning = true # Hide a useless warning. pdf = page_size: 'A4', page_layout: :landscape ) pdf.text "The Bioroebe Project", size: 80 pdf.start_new_page pdf.bounding_box [50, 600], width: 200 do pdf.fill_color '000000' pdf.text "making bioinformatics great again:", size: 15 end pdf.start_new_page dataset =, encoding: UTF_ENCODING) dataset = dataset.encode("Windows-1252", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace) pdf.text(dataset) e 'Storing at this location: '+store_where pdf.render_file store_where end |
.decode_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = 'KKKA') ⇒ Object
This method can be used as means to decode an aminoacid sequence, such as a String like ‘KKKA’.
The input to this method may also be in the form of an Array, such as [‘K’,‘K’,‘K’,‘A’]. Only valid one-letter aminoacids will be honoured by this method; invalid letters will be silently dropped.
After that, this method will replace all valid letters, that is valid aminoacids (in single letter code), with the corresponding codon. It will return all possibilities.
Invocation example:
Bioroebe.decode_this_aminoacid_sequence('KKKA') # => [["AAG", "AAA"], ["AAG", "AAA"], ["AAG", "AAA"], ["GCT", "GCC", "GCA", "GCG"]]
385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 385 def self.decode_this_aminoacid_sequence( i = 'KKKA' ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end if i.is_a? String # ===================================================================== # # We may have a 3-letter code too, so check for that first. # ===================================================================== # if i.include? '-' i = i.split('-').map {|entry| ::Bioroebe.three_to_one(entry) } else i = i.split(//) end end i = [i] {|entry| ::Bioroebe.decode_this_aminoacid(entry) } return i end |
.deduce_aminoacid_sequence(from_this_sequence = :default) ⇒ Object
465 466 467 468 469 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/aminoacids/deduce_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 465 def self.deduce_aminoacid_sequence( from_this_sequence = :default ) end |
.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence(from_this_sequence = :default) ⇒ Object
140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/nucleotides/most_likely_nucleotide_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 140 def self.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence(from_this_sequence = :default) end |
.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence_as_string(i, use_this_codon_tables_frequencies = :default) ⇒ Object
This method will attempt to deduce the most likely aminoacid sequence for a given protein, as a String.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence_as_string('KKKA') # => "AAGAAGAAGGCC"
452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 452 def self.deduce_most_likely_aminoacid_sequence_as_string( i, use_this_codon_tables_frequencies = :default ) result = return_the_most_likely_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence( i, use_this_codon_tables_frequencies ) result = result.join if result.is_a? Array return result end |
.default_colour? ⇒ Boolean
96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 96 def self.default_colour? @default_colour end |
.delimiter? ⇒ Boolean
This is simply the primary delimiter used for reading “multiline input” of the Bioroebe::Shell component.
413 414 415 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 413 def self.delimiter? '___' end |
This method can be used to determine N-Glycosylation patterns in a protein.
The input to this method should be an aminoacid chain - aka a protein sequence.
This method will return an Array. This Array holds the indices where a N-glycosylation pattern begins.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.determine_n_glycosylation_matches # => [85, 118, 142, 306, 395]
2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 |
.determine_start_codons_from_the_codon_table(this_codon_table_dataset = @codon_table_dataset) ⇒ Object
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 61 def self.determine_start_codons_from_the_codon_table( this_codon_table_dataset = @codon_table_dataset ) this_codon_table_dataset = {|key, value| key == 'START' # '*' refers to a stop codon. } use_these_start_codons = this_codon_table_dataset.values if use_these_start_codons.is_a? Array use_these_start_codons = use_these_start_codons.first end set_start_codon( use_these_start_codons ) end |
.determine_stop_codons_from_the_codon_table(this_codon_table_dataset = @codon_table_dataset) ⇒ Object
This method will determine the stop codons in use for the given species/organism, depending on the proper codon table.
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 45 def self.determine_stop_codons_from_the_codon_table( this_codon_table_dataset = @codon_table_dataset ) this_codon_table_dataset = {|key, value| value == '*' # '*' refers to a stop codon. } use_these_stop_codons = this_codon_table_dataset.keys set_stop_codons( use_these_stop_codons ) end |
.digest_this_dna(this_DNA_sequence, hash = {}) ⇒ Object
This method depends on the file bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb.
Usage examples:
x = Bioroebe.digest_this_dna(:lambda_genome, with: :EcoRI)
x = Bioroebe.digest_this_dna("/root/Bioroebe/fasta/NC_001416.1_Enterobacteria_phage_lambda_complete_genome.fasta", with: :EcoRI)
x = Bioroebe.digest_this_dna("/Depot/j/foobar.fasta", with: :PvuII)
3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3773 def self.digest_this_dna( this_DNA_sequence, hash = {} ) require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb' restriction_enzymes = Bioroebe.load_and_return_the_restriction_enzymes this_restriction_enzyme = nil nucleotide_sequence = nil if this_DNA_sequence.is_a? Array this_DNA_sequence = this_DNA_sequence.first end if this_DNA_sequence.is_a?(String) and File.exist?(this_DNA_sequence) nucleotide_sequence = end # ======================================================================= # # === Handle the hash next (and ensure that it is a Hash) # ======================================================================= # if hash.is_a? Hash # ===================================================================== # # === :with # ===================================================================== # if hash.has_key? :with this_restriction_enzyme = hash.delete(:with).to_s end end target_sequence = restriction_enzymes[this_restriction_enzyme].dup if target_sequence =~ /\d$/ # If it ends with a number. target_sequence.chop! target_sequence.strip! end if nucleotide_sequence and nucleotide_sequence.include?(target_sequence) print rev+'Yes, the restriction-sequence '+ lightblue(target_sequence)+ rev+ ' is found in the given sequence. ' scanned = nucleotide_sequence.scan( /#{target_sequence}/ ) erev "It can be found #{steelblue(scanned.size.to_s)}#{rev} "\ "times, at these positions:" e sub_sequences = nucleotide_sequence.split(/#{target_sequence}/) sub_sequences.sort_by {|entry| entry.size }.reverse.each {|sequence| erev " #{sequence.size}" } e return sub_sequences else e 'Nothing found.' end end |
.directory_frequencies?(codon_tables_directory = CODON_TABLES_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Boolean
Preferentially use this method past the year 2022 - it is a tiny bit more flexible than the above constant.
685 686 687 688 689 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 685 def self.directory_frequencies?( codon_tables_directory = CODON_TABLES_DIRECTORY ) "#{codon_tables_directory}frequencies/" end |
.disable_colours(be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
Use this method if you wish to disable colours for the whole Bioroebe project.
186 187 188 189 190 191 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 186 def self.disable_colours(be_verbose = false) if be_verbose e 'Disabling colours.' end @use_colours = false end |
.display_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1537 def self.display_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence(i = ARGV) require 'bioroebe/colours/colours.rb' if i.empty? array = Bioroebe.return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence pp array pp Bioroebe.to_aa(array) else this_sequence = i array = return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence(this_sequence) this_sequence = this_sequence.join if array.empty? e "No open reading from has been found from "\ "this sequence: #{this_sequence}" else e rev+ 'The following ORFs have been found in this sequence: ' e e " #{Colours.lightgreen(this_sequence)}" e array.each_with_index {|sequence, index| index += 1 name_for_the_ORF = "ORF number #{index}" e " #{Colours.steelblue(sequence.ljust(50))} "\ "#{Colours.lightslategrey('#')} "\ "#{Colours.mediumseagreen(name_for_the_ORF)}" } e end end end |
.dna_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
200 201 202 203 204 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/dna.rb', line 200 def self.dna_sequence(i) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i.delete!('U') # Reject Uracil there. end |
.dna_to_aminoacid_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
Usage example:
Bioroebe.dna_to_aminoacid_sequence('ATGGGGCCC') # => "MGP"
650 651 652 653 654 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 650 def self.dna_to_aminoacid_sequence( i = ARGV ) { :be_quiet }.sequence? end |
.do_not_truncate ⇒ Object
Do not truncate any “too long” output. This method disable the truncate-functionality.
146 147 148 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 146 def self.do_not_truncate @truncate = false end |
.do_truncate ⇒ Object
136 137 138 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 136 def self.do_truncate @truncate = true end |
.dotplot_array(dna_x, dna_y) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to return a 2D dotplot-array of two input sequences. Be careful with large data as input - the RAM usage may go up, so this method has NOT been optimized for such situations. It is deliberately kept simple.
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/dotplots/advanced_dotplot.rb', line 215 def self.dotplot_array(dna_x, dna_y) dotplot_matrix = dna_y.size,, 0) ) dotplot_matrix = { { 0 } } dna_x.chars.each_with_index {|x_value, x_index| # ===================================================================== # # Next, we work from top-to-bottom. # ===================================================================== # dna_y.chars.each_with_index {|y_value, y_index| if x_value == y_value dotplot_matrix[y_index][x_index] = 1 end } } return dotplot_matrix end |
.downcase_chunked_display(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 10) ⇒ Object
This is similar to the regular chunked display, but will return the nucleotides in a downcased manner, aka “A” will become “a” and so forth.
In the past this functionality resided in its own .rb file, but since as of March 2020 a bin/ executable was added, so that the functionality can be more easily called when the bioroebe gem is installed.
Usage example:
4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4131 def self.downcase_chunked_display( i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 10 ) sequence = ::Bioroebe.return_chunked_display(i, group_together_n_nucleotides).downcase return sequence end |
.download(from_these_URLs) ⇒ Object
4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4428 def from_these_URLs ) require 'open-uri' array_these_urls = [from_these_URLs].flatten.compact array_these_urls.each {|remote_url| # ===================================================================== # # First, we must determine the remote file listing here. # Due to convenience we will simply use curl here. # ===================================================================== # cmd = "curl -s \"#{remote_url}\" --list-only" # e cmd remote_files = `#{cmd}`.split("\n") remote_files.each {|this_remote_file| target = remote_url+this_remote_file e "Downloading `#{this_remote_file}` next. '"\ "(Full target: '#{target})" wget_download(target) } } end |
.download_directory? ⇒ Boolean
171 172 173 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 171 def self.download_directory? "#{log_directory?}Downloads/" end |
.download_fasta(i) ⇒ Object
Easier wrapper-method to download fasta files.
233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/download_fasta.rb', line 233 def self.download_fasta(i) end |
.download_human_genome(from_this_URL = '') ⇒ Object
2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2758 def self.download_human_genome( from_this_URL = '' ) esystem "wget #{from_this_URL}" extract( File.basename(from_this_URL) ) end |
.download_taxonomy_database(i = ::Bioroebe::FTP_NCBI_TAXONOMY_DATABASE) ⇒ Object
92 93 94 95 96 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/databases/download_taxonomy_database.rb', line 92 def self.download_taxonomy_database( i = ::Bioroebe::FTP_NCBI_TAXONOMY_DATABASE ) end |
.download_this_pdb(i = '355D') ⇒ Object
This method can be used to download a remote .pdb file to the local file-system. If the default pdb/ directory exists as well locally then the downloaded .pdb file will be relocated into that file.
An example for a remote URL to a .pdb file would be:
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/pdb_and_protein_structure/download_this_pdb.rb', line 29 def self.download_this_pdb( i = '355D' ) # ======================================================================= # # Treat all input as an Array past the next point. # ======================================================================= # [i].flatten.compact.each {|this_entry| if this_entry.frozen? this_entry = this_entry.dup end if this_entry.end_with? '.pdb' # This will lateron be appended again anyway. this_entry.sub!(/\.pdb$/,'') end this_entry.upcase! # For convenience. unless this_entry.end_with? '.pdb' this_entry << '.pdb' end e this_entry # ===================================================================== # # Build up our remote URL next: # ===================================================================== # remote_url = "{this_entry}" e steelblue(remote_url) esystem "wget #{remote_url}" _ = File.basename(remote_url) if File.exist? _ ::Bioroebe.move_file_to_its_correct_location(_) end } end |
.e(i = '') ⇒ Object
246 247 248 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 246 def self.e(i = '') puts i end |
.edit_C_to_U(of_this_sequence, retain_hyphens = false) ⇒ Object
This method attempts to do a RNA editing job, such as may be done in mitochondrial DNA.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.edit_C_to_U('AGG-GGU-GCU-UCG-GAU-CGG-GAG', :retain_hyphens) # => "AGG-GGU-GUU-UUG-GAU-UGG-GAG"
Bioroebe.to_aa(Bioroebe.edit_C_to_U('AGG-GGU-GCU-UCG-GAU-CGG-GAG', false)) # => "AGG-GGU-GUU-UUG-GAU-UGG-GAG")
4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4402 def self.edit_C_to_U( of_this_sequence, retain_hyphens = false ) case retain_hyphens # ======================================================================= # # === :retain_hyphens # ======================================================================= # when :retain_hyphens retain_hyphens = true end if of_this_sequence.is_a? Array of_this_sequence = of_this_sequence.first end if of_this_sequence.frozen? of_this_sequence = of_this_sequence.dup end unless retain_hyphens of_this_sequence.delete!('-') if of_this_sequence.include? '-' end'C','U') end |
.editor? ⇒ Boolean
This method will determine which editor is to be used, if we have to use an editor for the bioroebe project.
442 443 444 445 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 442 def self.editor? require 'bioroebe/configuration/constants.rb' ::Bioroebe::Configuration::DEFAULT_EDITOR_TO_USE end |
.embeddable_interface ⇒ Object
775 776 777 778 779 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/www/embeddable_interface.rb', line 775 def self. object = object.extend(::Bioroebe::EmbeddableInterface) return object end |
.enable_colours ⇒ Object
Use this method to enable colours for the whole Bioroebe project.
All classes that are part of the Bioroebe project should honour this setting (if it is a class that may make use of colours; some smaller classes do not need colours, and hence have no need for the method here).
203 204 205 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 203 def self.enable_colours @use_colours = true end |
.ensure_that_the_base_directories_exist ⇒ Object
This method will ensure that the base directory for the Bioroebe project exist.
3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3259 def self.ensure_that_the_base_directories_exist # ======================================================================= # # We also need to create the temp directory, as well as having to # notify the user that this will be done. The taxonomy subdirectory # will also be created. # ======================================================================= # use_this_log_dir = log_dir? unless File.exist? use_this_log_dir erev "The base directory at `#{sdir(use_this_log_dir)}#{rev}` does not exist." erev 'It will thus be created next.' mkdir use_this_log_dir end # ======================================================================= # # === Ensure that the Downloads/ directory exists # ======================================================================= # _ = "#{use_this_log_dir}Downloads/" unless File.exist? _ erev "The directory at `#{sdir(_)}#{rev}` does not exist." erev 'It will thus be created next.' mkdir _ end # ======================================================================= # # === Ensure that the pdb/ directory exists # ======================================================================= # _ = "#{use_this_log_dir}pdb/" unless File.exist? _ erev "The directory at `#{sdir(_)}#{rev}` does not exist." erev 'It will thus be created next.' mkdir _ end autogenerated_sql_files_dir = AUTOGENERATED_SQL_FILES_DIR unless Dir.exist? autogenerated_sql_files_dir erev 'The directory at `'+sdir(autogenerated_sql_files_dir)+ rev+'` does not exist.' erev 'It will thus be created next.' mkdir(autogenerated_sql_files_dir) end end |
.erev(i = '') ⇒ Object
69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 69 def self.erev(i = '') puts "#{rev}#{i}" end |
.esystem(i) ⇒ Object
253 254 255 256 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 253 def self.esystem(i) puts i.to_s system i.to_s end |
.every_reverse_palindrome_in_this_string(i = 'TCAATGCATGCGGGTCTATATGCAT', min_length = 4, max_length = 12) ⇒ Object
This method can return every reverse palindrome in the given input String.
The output will be an Array such as this:
[[4, 6], [5, 4], [6, 6], [7, 4], [17, 4], [18, 4], [4, 6], [5, 4]]
4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4984 def self.every_reverse_palindrome_in_this_string( i = 'TCAATGCATGCGGGTCTATATGCAT', min_length = 4, max_length = 12 ) require 'bioroebe/sequence/reverse_complement.rb' if i.is_a? Array # Arrays will become Strings - or rather, whatever is the first argument. i = i.first end if i and File.exist?(i) i = File.readlines(i).reject {|entry| entry.start_with?('>') }.map {|inner_entry| inner_entry.strip }.join end # ======================================================================= # # How do we find all subsequences that are relevant? Well - we # need to find all the sequences between min_length and # max_length, e. g. 4 and 12. # ======================================================================= # string = i.dup array_containing_starting_index_and_length_of_reverse_palindromes = [] i.size.times { substrings = return_every_substring_from_this_sequence(string) substrings.each {|entry| next if entry.size > max_length if (entry.size >= min_length) and (Bioroebe.reverse_complement(entry) == entry) array_containing_starting_index_and_length_of_reverse_palindromes << [i.index(entry)+1, entry.size] end } string[0,1] = '' } return array_containing_starting_index_and_length_of_reverse_palindromes end |
.ewarn(i = '') ⇒ Object
168 169 170 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 168 def self.ewarn(i = '') e swarn(i) end |
.extract(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to quickly extract a local archive.
2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2298 def self.extract( i = ARGV ) require 'bioroebe/colours/sdir_sfancy_sfile_simp_swarn.rb' if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end unless i.include?('/') unless File.exist? i i = return_pwd+ File.basename(i) end end if File.exist? i case i when /bz2$/ _ = "tar -xfv #{i}" when /xz$/ _ = "tar -xvf #{i}" end if be_verbose? e "Now extracting `#{sfancy((i).squeeze('/'))}`." esystem(_) e 'Done extracting!' else system _ end else ewarn "Can not extract #{sfile(i)} because it does "\ "not appear to exist." end end |
.extractseq(i = 'AAAGGGTTT', *regions) ⇒ Object
Bioroebe.extractseq reads a sequence and writes sub-sequences from it to file. The set of regions to extract is specified on the command-line or in a file as pairs of start and end positions. The regions are written in the order in which they are specified. Thus, if the sequence AAAGGGTTT has been input and the regions: 7-9, 3-4 have been specified, then the output sequence will be:
See the next ruler for that:
012345678 # real index
123456789 # desired index
Usage example
Bioroebe.extractseq('AAAGGGTTT', '7-9','3-4') # => TTTAG
282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 282 def self.extractseq( i = 'AAAGGGTTT', *regions ) new_sequence = ''.dup regions.each {|this_region| splitted = this_region.split('-') # We assume a '-' must be there. first_position = splitted[0].to_i - 1 last_position = splitted[1].to_i - 1 subsequence = i[first_position .. last_position] new_sequence << subsequence } return new_sequence end |
.fasta_dir? ⇒ Boolean
721 722 723 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 721 def self.fasta_dir? "#{Bioroebe.log_dir?}fasta/" end |
.fasta_directory? ⇒ Boolean
This method will return a path such as “/root/Bioroebe/fasta/”.
193 194 195 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 193 def self.fasta_directory? "#{::Bioroebe.log_directory?}fasta/" end |
.fetch_data_from_uniprot(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
259 260 261 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/fetch_data_from_uniprot/fetch_data_from_uniprot.rb', line 259 def self.fetch_data_from_uniprot(i = ARGV) end |
.fetch_fasta_sequence_from_pdb(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
126 127 128 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/pdb_and_protein_structure/fetch_fasta_sequence_from_pdb.rb', line 126 def self.fetch_fasta_sequence_from_pdb(i = ARGV) end |
.file_amino_acids ⇒ Object
638 639 640 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 638 def self.file_amino_acids FILE_AMINO_ACIDS end |
.file_amino_acids_abbreviations ⇒ Object
651 652 653 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 651 def self.file_amino_acids_abbreviations FILE_AMINO_ACIDS_ABBREVIATIONS end |
.file_amino_acids_frequency ⇒ Object
830 831 832 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 830 def self.file_amino_acids_frequency "#{BIOROEBE_YAML_AMINOACIDS_DIRECTORY}amino_acids_frequency.yml" end |
.file_amino_acids_long_name_to_one_letter ⇒ Object
This method will return a String such as:
1134 1135 1136 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 1134 def self.file_amino_acids_long_name_to_one_letter "#{project_yaml_directory?}aminoacids/amino_acids_long_name_to_one_letter.yml" end |
.file_fastq_quality_schemes ⇒ Object
This constant will point to a location such as this one here:
733 734 735 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 733 def self.file_fastq_quality_schemes "#{project_yaml_directory?}fasta_and_fastq/fastq_quality_schemes.yml" end |
.file_molecular_weight ⇒ Object
1122 1123 1124 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 1122 def self.file_molecular_weight "#{project_yaml_directory?}aminoacids/molecular_weight.yml" end |
.file_restriction_enzymes ⇒ Object
885 886 887 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 885 def self.file_restriction_enzymes FILE_RESTRICTION_ENZYMES end |
.file_statistics? ⇒ Boolean
This file can normally be found here:
714 715 716 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 714 def self.file_statistics? "#{Bioroebe.log_dir?}statistics.yml" end |
.file_talens ⇒ Object
740 741 742 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 740 def self.file_talens "#{project_yaml_directory?}talens.yml" end |
.filter_away_invalid_aminoacids(i) ⇒ Object
Usage example:
Bioroebe.filter_away_invalid_aminoacids('ATMÜ') # => "ATM"
174 175 176 177 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 174 def self.filter_away_invalid_aminoacids(i) array_that_is_allowed = all_aminoacids? return {|entry| array_that_is_allowed.include? entry }.join end |
.filter_away_invalid_nucleotides(i, preserve_uracil = false) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to filter away invalid nucleotides. An “invalid” nucleotide is, for example, if you work with DNA sequences, any character that is not allowed to be part of DNA. For example, Uracil, which can be found (almost exclusively) only in RNA.
As for now, the behaviour is to downcase the given input before applying the .tr() method on the given String.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.filter_away_invalid_nucleotides 'ATGCCGGAGGAGANNN' # => "ATGCCGGAGGAGA"
3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3842 def self.filter_away_invalid_nucleotides( i, preserve_uracil = false ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end case preserve_uracil when :preserve_uracil preserve_uracil = true when :preserve_nothing preserve_uracil = false end i = i.to_s.upcase if preserve_uracil!('B,D-F,H-S,V-Z','') # A T C G U else!('B,D-F,H-S,U-Z','') # A T C G end return i end |
.find_substring(full_string = 'GATATATGCATATACTT', this_substring = :default) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to find a substring within a larger String.
For example, in the below default values, the substring “ATAT” would exist at the positions 2, 4 and 10, if compared to the larger parent string “GATATATGCATATACTT”.
The following display may help you see this more easily, in regards to the substring matches:
If you look closely, you will be able to see that “ATAT” can be found three times in the string above.
Indices in this context start at position 1, not 0. This is mostly done to refer to nucleotides or aminoacids, which also typically start at the first letter. Position 0 makes no sense for a nucleotide - what would “nucleotide 0” even refer to?
The first argument to this method may also be the path to a locally existing file, such as “/rosalind_subs.txt”. In fact this method has been largely motivated by Rosalind tasks.
The method will return an Array with the positions of all substrings that are found in the full_string variable. See the usage example below for how this may be.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.find_substring 'GATATATGCATATACTT', 'ATAT' # => [2, 4, 10]
2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2401 def self.find_substring( full_string = 'GATATATGCATATACTT', # ← The full String comes here. this_substring = :default # ← The substring we are searching for comes here. ) if full_string.is_a? Array # ===================================================================== # # Presently this method will only work on the first member of an Array. # ===================================================================== # full_string = full_string.first end if full_string and File.file?(full_string) and this_substring == :default # ===================================================================== # # In this case it is ok to read from that file. # ===================================================================== # _ = splitted = _.split("\n") full_string = splitted.first this_substring = splitted.last end case this_substring # ======================================================================= # # Use a default value in this case. In reality users should supply # their own substring when they use this method here. # ======================================================================= # when :default, nil this_substring = 'ATAT' else if this_substring.empty? this_substring = 'ATAT' end end if full_string.nil? or full_string.empty? full_string = 'GATATATGCATATACTT' # ← Use the default in this case. end result = { |indexes| final_index_position = full_string.size - this_substring.size i = 0 while (i < final_index_position) index = full_string.to_s.index(this_substring.to_s, i) break if index.nil? i = index + 1 indexes << i end } result = nil if result.empty? # ← We will try this here; could also return an empty Array, though. result # Return our findings here. end |
.format_this_nucleotide_sequence(i = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/nucleotides/show_nucleotide_sequence/show_nucleotide_sequence.rb', line 660 def self.format_this_nucleotide_sequence( i = ARGV, &block ) _ = i, :do_not_report_anything, &block ) _.clear_padding _.format _.formatted_sequence? end |
.frequency_per_thousand(i) ⇒ Object
The input to this method should be a String ideally. If an Array is input then it will simply be .join()-ed.
This method will return a String, if all goes well.
867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 867 def self.frequency_per_thousand(i) result = "fields: [triplet] [frequency: per thousand] ([number])\n".dup # This String will be returned. if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end i.delete!("\n") hash = ::Bioroebe.codon_frequency_of_this_string(i) hash.default = 0 total_n_elements = hash.values.sum append_this = <<-EOF UUU#{thousand_percentage(hash['UUU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UUU']}) UCU#{thousand_percentage(hash['UCU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UCU']}) UAU#{thousand_percentage(hash['UAU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UAU']}) UGU#{thousand_percentage(hash['UGU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UGU']}) UUC#{thousand_percentage(hash['UUC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UUC']}) UCC#{thousand_percentage(hash['UCC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UCC']}) UAC#{thousand_percentage(hash['UAC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UAC']}) UGC#{thousand_percentage(hash['UGC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UGC']}) UUA#{thousand_percentage(hash['UUA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UUA']}) UCA#{thousand_percentage(hash['UCA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UCA']}) UAA#{thousand_percentage(hash['UAA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UAA']}) UGA#{thousand_percentage(hash['UGA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UGA']}) UUG#{thousand_percentage(hash['UUG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UUG']}) UCG#{thousand_percentage(hash['UCG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UCG']}) UAG#{thousand_percentage(hash['UAG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UAG']}) UGG#{thousand_percentage(hash['UGG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['UGG']}) CUU#{thousand_percentage(hash['CUU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CUU']}) CCU#{thousand_percentage(hash['CCU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CCU']}) CAU#{thousand_percentage(hash['CAU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CAU']}) CGU#{thousand_percentage(hash['CGU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CGU']}) CUC#{thousand_percentage(hash['CUC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CUC']}) CCC#{thousand_percentage(hash['CCC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CCC']}) CAC#{thousand_percentage(hash['CAC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CAC']}) CGC#{thousand_percentage(hash['CGC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CGC']}) CUA#{thousand_percentage(hash['CUA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CUA']}) CCA#{thousand_percentage(hash['CCA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CCA']}) CAA#{thousand_percentage(hash['CAA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CAA']}) CGA#{thousand_percentage(hash['CGA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CGA']}) CUG#{thousand_percentage(hash['CUG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CUG']}) CCG#{thousand_percentage(hash['CCG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CCG']}) CAG#{thousand_percentage(hash['CAG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CAG']}) CGG#{thousand_percentage(hash['CGG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['CGG']}) AUU#{thousand_percentage(hash['AUU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AUU']}) ACU#{thousand_percentage(hash['ACU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['ACU']}) AAU#{thousand_percentage(hash['AAU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AAU']}) AGU#{thousand_percentage(hash['AGU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AGU']}) AUC#{thousand_percentage(hash['AUC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AUC']}) ACC#{thousand_percentage(hash['ACC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['ACC']}) AAC#{thousand_percentage(hash['AAC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AAC']}) AGC#{thousand_percentage(hash['AGC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AGC']}) AUA#{thousand_percentage(hash['AUA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AUA']}) ACA#{thousand_percentage(hash['ACA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['ACA']}) AAA#{thousand_percentage(hash['AAA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AAA']}) AGA#{thousand_percentage(hash['AGA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AGA']}) AUG#{thousand_percentage(hash['AUG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AUG']}) ACG#{thousand_percentage(hash['ACG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['ACG']}) AAG#{thousand_percentage(hash['AAG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AAG']}) AGG#{thousand_percentage(hash['AGG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['AGG']}) GUU#{thousand_percentage(hash['GUU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GUU']}) GCU#{thousand_percentage(hash['GCU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GCU']}) GAU#{thousand_percentage(hash['GAU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GAU']}) GGU#{thousand_percentage(hash['GGU'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GGU']}) GUC#{thousand_percentage(hash['GUC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GUC']}) GCC#{thousand_percentage(hash['GCC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GCC']}) GAC#{thousand_percentage(hash['GAC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GAC']}) GGC#{thousand_percentage(hash['GGC'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GGC']}) GUA#{thousand_percentage(hash['GUA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GUA']}) GCA#{thousand_percentage(hash['GCA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GCA']}) GAA#{thousand_percentage(hash['GAA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GAA']}) GGA#{thousand_percentage(hash['GGA'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GGA']}) GUG#{thousand_percentage(hash['GUG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GUG']}) GCG#{thousand_percentage(hash['GCG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GCG']}) GAG#{thousand_percentage(hash['GAG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GAG']}) GGG#{thousand_percentage(hash['GGG'], total_n_elements)}( #{hash['GGG']}) EOF result << append_this return result end |
.gc_content(of_this_sequence, round_to_n_positions = 3) ⇒ Object
This is a convenience method that will return back the GC content, as a percentage value, of the input-given sequence (nucleotide sequence).
So for instance, the following example will correctly return 50.0 because the G and C content of the sequence is exactly 50%.
The second argument can be used for denoting where to round.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.gc_content('ATCG') # => 50.0
280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/calculate/calculate_gc_content.rb', line 280 def self.gc_content( of_this_sequence, round_to_n_positions = 3 ) if of_this_sequence.is_a? Array of_this_sequence.each {|entry| gc_content(of_this_sequence, round_to_n_positions) } else ::Bioroebe::CalculateGCContent.gc_percentage( of_this_sequence, round_to_n_positions ) end end |
.genbank_to_fasta(this_file, be_verbose = :be_verbose) ⇒ Object
This method will convert from a genbank file, to a .fasta file.
Invocation example:
1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb', line 1457 def self.genbank_to_fasta( this_file, be_verbose = :be_verbose ) case be_verbose when :be_quiet be_verbose = false end if this_file.is_a? Array this_file = this_file.first end if File.exist? this_file _ = { :be_quiet } else _ = { :be_quiet } _.set_data # This will use the default file. _.split_into_proper_sections end file_path = _.save_into_a_fasta_file(be_verbose) return file_path end |
.generate_nucleotide_sequence_based_on_these_frequencies(n_nucleotides = 1061, hash_frequencies = { A: 0.3191430, C: 0.2086633, G: 0.2580345, T: 0.2141593 }) ⇒ Object
The second argument to this method should be a Hash.
The default output may be a String such as this one here:
Usage example:
Bioroebe.generate_nucleotide_sequence_based_on_these_frequencies(:default, { A: 0.25, C: 0.25, G: 0.25, T: 0.25 })
4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4675 def self.generate_nucleotide_sequence_based_on_these_frequencies( n_nucleotides = 1061, # Denote how many nucleotides to use. hash_frequencies = { A: 0.3191430, C: 0.2086633, G: 0.2580345, T: 0.2141593 } ) case n_nucleotides # ======================================================================= # # === :default # ======================================================================= # when :default n_nucleotides = 500 end result = ''.dup frequency_for_A = hash_frequencies[:A] frequency_for_C = hash_frequencies[:C] frequency_for_G = hash_frequencies[:G] frequency_for_T = hash_frequencies[:T] n_nucleotides.times {|run_number_n| use_this_number = rand(0) if use_this_number <= frequency_for_A result << 'A' elsif use_this_number <= (frequency_for_A+frequency_for_C) result << 'C' elsif use_this_number <= (frequency_for_A+frequency_for_C+frequency_for_G) result << 'G' elsif use_this_number <= (frequency_for_A+frequency_for_C+frequency_for_G+frequency_for_T) result << 'T' end } return result end |
.generate_pdf_tutorial ⇒ Object
11918 11919 11920 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/shell/shell.rb', line 11918 def self.generate_pdf_tutorial ::Bioroebe::Shell.generate_pdf_tutorial end |
.generate_random_dna_sequence(i = ARGV, optional_hash_with_the_frequencies = {}) ⇒ Object
This method will “generate” a random DNA sequence (as a String).
A String will be returned by this method.
The second argument to this method can be a Hash, specifying the percentage likelihood for each of the nucleotides. See the following usage examples to find out how to use this.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.random_dna 15 # => "TTGGTAAGCTCTTTA"
Bioroebe.random_dna 25 # => "TTAGCACAAGCATGGACGGACCAGA"
Bioroebe.random_dna(50, { A: 10, T: 10, C: 10, G: 70}) # => "GGGGTGGGGAGGGTATGCGGAGGAAGGGCGGGAAGGGCGGGGGCTGGGCG"
Bioroebe.random_dna(20, 'ATGGGGGGGG') # => "TGAGGGGGGGGGTGGGAGGG"
Bioroebe.random_dna(20, 'ATGGGGGGGG') # => "GGTAGGGGGGGGTAGGGGGG"
3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3646 def self.generate_random_dna_sequence( i = ARGV, optional_hash_with_the_frequencies = {} # ← This may be a String too, mind you. ) # ======================================================================= # # First define our result-String. This one will be returned by this # method. # ======================================================================= # result = ''.dup _ = Bioroebe::DNA_NUCLEOTIDES # Get a handle to the four DNA nucleotides. if i.is_a? Array i = i.join.strip end case i when :default i = 250 end i = i.to_i # This is "n times". # ======================================================================= # # First handle the case where the user passed a String: # ======================================================================= # if optional_hash_with_the_frequencies.is_a? String pool = optional_hash_with_the_frequencies.dup.chars.shuffle i.times { if pool.size == 0 pool = optional_hash_with_the_frequencies.dup.chars.shuffle end result << pool.pop } elsif optional_hash_with_the_frequencies.empty? # ===================================================================== # # This is the default clause. # ===================================================================== # i.times { result << _.sample } else # ===================================================================== # # Else, the user wants to use a frequency hash: # ===================================================================== # hash = optional_hash_with_the_frequencies frequency_for_A = hash[:A] frequency_for_T = hash[:T] frequency_for_C = hash[:C] frequency_for_G = hash[:G] i.times { percentage = rand(100)+1 if percentage <= frequency_for_A match = 'A' elsif (percentage > frequency_for_A) and (percentage <= frequency_for_A+frequency_for_T) match = 'T' elsif (percentage > frequency_for_A+frequency_for_T) and (percentage <= frequency_for_A+frequency_for_T+frequency_for_C) match = 'C' elsif (percentage > frequency_for_A+frequency_for_T+frequency_for_C) and (percentage <= frequency_for_A+frequency_for_T+frequency_for_C+frequency_for_G) match = 'G' else e 'Not found a match for '+percentage.to_s end result << match } end result end |
.generate_random_rna_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
The input-argument should be a number, an Integer, such as 10.
Usage example:
2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2662 def self.generate_random_rna_sequence(i = ARGV) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end _ = Bioroebe::RNA_NUCLEOTIDES # Point to the allowed RNA-nucleotides here. result = ''.dup i.to_s.to_i.times { result << _.sample } return result end |
.guess_format(i) ⇒ Object
2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2770 def self.guess_format(i) case i # ======================================================================= # # === fasta # ======================================================================= # when /.fa$/, /.fna$/, /.faa$/, /.fasta$/ 'fasta' # ======================================================================= # # === fastq # ======================================================================= # when /.fq$/, /.fastq$/ 'fastq' when /.fx/ '' end end |
.hamming_distance(sequence1 = 'ATCG', sequence2 = 'ATCC') ⇒ Object
This method will return an Integer, aka a number, which represents the hamming distance between two sequences of equal length. This will state how many differences exist between two same-sized sequences (aka sequences that have the same length).
Do note that a second implementation may exist for the hamming distance, in the Bioroebe project.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.hamming_distance('ATCG','ATCC') # => 1
1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1062 def self.hamming_distance( sequence1 = 'ATCG', sequence2 = 'ATCC' ) if sequence1.nil? e 'Please provide a sequence (String) as input to this method.' return end if sequence1.is_a? String sequence1 = sequence1.split(//) end if sequence2.is_a? String sequence2 = sequence2.split(//) end array_sequence1 = [sequence1].flatten array_sequence2 = [sequence2].flatten # ======================================================================= # # Zip the two sequences together, then reduce this Array of # zipped values to an integer value, which will be returned. # ======================================================================= # zipped_array = hamming_value = 0 zipped_array.each { |left, right| hamming_value += 1 unless left == right } return hamming_value end |
.has_this_restriction_enzyme?(name_of_restriction_enzyme) ⇒ Boolean
This method will determine whether we have a specific restriction enzyme registered in the yaml file restriction_enzymes.yml or whether we do not. That way we can query whether a restriction enzyme is registered (and thus available) or whether it is not.
The method will downcase all keys in use to simplify finding a matching entry.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.has_this_restriction_enzyme? 'MvnI' # => true
Bioroebe.has_this_restriction_enzyme? 'EcoRI' # => true
Bioroebe.has_this_restriction_enzyme? 'EcoRII' # => true
Bioroebe.has_this_restriction_enzyme? 'EcoRIII' # => false
Bioroebe.has_this_restriction_enzyme? 'PvuI' # => true
Bioroebe.has_this_restriction_enzyme? 'PvuII' # => true
Bioroebe.has_this_restriction_enzyme? 'PvuIII' # => false
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/has_this_restriction_enzyme.rb', line 33 def self.has_this_restriction_enzyme?( name_of_restriction_enzyme ) _ = {} if name_of_restriction_enzyme.frozen? name_of_restriction_enzyme = name_of_restriction_enzyme.dup end name_of_restriction_enzyme.delete!('?') if name_of_restriction_enzyme.include? '?' name_of_restriction_enzyme.downcase! ::Bioroebe.restriction_enzymes?.each_pair {|key, value| _[key.downcase] = value } return _.has_key? name_of_restriction_enzyme end |
.hash_codon_tables? ⇒ Boolean
115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codon_tables.rb', line 115 def self.hash_codon_tables? ::Bioroebe::CodonTables.definitions? end |
.index_this_fasta_file(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This method will use samtools faidx to index files.
569 570 571 572 573 574 575 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 569 def self.index_this_fasta_file(i = ARGV) [i].flatten.compact.each {|this_file| e esystem "samtools faidx #{this_file}" e } end |
.infer_type_from_this_sequence(i = 'ATGGTACGACAC') ⇒ Object
This method will try to infer the type from a given sequence.
The three valid return types are the following symbols:
Note that this may not work 100% reliably, so do not depend too much on this method working absolutely perfect.
4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4473 def self.infer_type_from_this_sequence( i = 'ATGGTACGACAC' ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end type = :dna # This is the default - DNA. # ======================================================================= # # === :rna # ======================================================================= # if i.include? 'U' type = :rna # ======================================================================= # # === :dna # ======================================================================= # elsif i =~ /^[ATCG]+$/ type = :dna # ======================================================================= # # === :protein # ======================================================================= # else # else simply assume this to be a protein. type = :protein end return type end |
.initialize_codons ⇒ Object
This method will first initialize the stop-codons, and then determine the start codons in use.
82 83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 82 def self.initialize_codons initialize_stop_codons determine_start_codons_from_the_codon_table end |
.initialize_default_stop_codons ⇒ Object
This method will initialize the default stop codons. This defaults to
the stop codons that can be found in the human genome.
Note that this method will NOT work if @stop_codons already contains elements; this is a tiny “safeguard” to prevent erroneous use. If you wish to not be handicapped then clear it by yourself first, via:
246 247 248 249 250 251 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 246 def self.initialize_default_stop_codons if @stop_codons.empty? @stop_codons << %w( TAG TAA TGA ) # <- Add the default stop codons here. @stop_codons.flatten! end end |
.input_as_dna(i) ⇒ Object
This method will only accept input that is DNA, that is, the short letter variant (thus, A, T, C or G). Any other input will be stripped away, aka discarded, so this methods acts as a filter - a forward-filter for DNA.
The method will return a “String” that is assumed to be a “DNA string”. You can expect only DNA nucleotides to be part of that string.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.input_as_dna 'UUTGAGGACCA' # => "TGAGGACCA"
4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4516 def self.input_as_dna(i) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i = i.dup if i.frozen? i.upcase! # ======================================================================= # # The next method is defined in this file here. # ======================================================================= # i = filter_away_invalid_nucleotides(i, :preserve_nothing) return i end |
.is_a_protein?(i = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Boolean
740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/sequence.rb', line 740 def self.is_a_protein?(i = ARGV, &block) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end _ = Bioroebe.sequence(i) _.try_to_infer_the_type return _.is_a_protein? end |
.is_a_purine?(i = 'A') ⇒ Boolean
This method will simply return true if we have a purine (as the given input to this method), and false otherwise.
The argument given to this method should be a single letter, such as ‘A’ or ‘G’ (a String).
In nucleic acids, two types of nucleobases are purine derivatives and would, thus, return true via this method:
- adenine (A)
- guanine (G)
612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 612 def self.is_a_purine?( i = 'A' ) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array case i when 'A','G' true else # This is for T, C and U, at the least. false end end |
.is_a_pyrimidine?(i = 'C') ⇒ Boolean
This method will return true if we have a pyrimidine (as input), and false otherwise.
In DNA and RNA we may find these pyrimidine derivatives:
cytosine (C), thymine (T), and uracil (U)
URL for explanations is at:
3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3329 def self.is_a_pyrimidine?( i = 'C' ) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array case i when 'C','T','U' true else # This is for A and G, at the least. false end end |
.is_a_stop_codon?(i) ⇒ Boolean
This method will return true if the given input to this method (== codon) is a stop codon in the currently selected codon table, otherwise it will return false.
- true if the given input is a stop codon
- false otherwise
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.is_a_stop_codon? 'TAG'
Bioroebe.stop_codon? 'TAG'
228 229 230 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 228 def self.is_a_stop_codon?(i) @stop_codons.include?(i.upcase) end |
.is_an_aminoacid?(i) ⇒ Boolean
This method will return either true or false, depending on whether the given input is an Aminoacid or whether it is not.
Currently this requires the long letter, but it should be no problem to also check or one-letter key codes.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.is_aminoacid? 'Tryptophane' # => true
Bioroebe.is_aminoacid? 'Glycine'
Bioroebe.is_aminoacid? 'lysine' # => true
Bioroebe.is_aminoacid? 'GB'
1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1751 def self.is_an_aminoacid?(i) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i = i.dup if i.frozen? if i i.downcase! return_value = false keys = AMINO_ACIDS_RESTE.keys return_value = true if keys.include? i return return_value else e 'Something went wrong in the method Bioroebe.is_an_aminoacid?() - '\ 'nil was passed.' e 'caller() was:' e pp caller e end end |
.is_in_the_three_letter_code?(i = 'Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu') ⇒ Boolean
1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1126 def self.is_in_the_three_letter_code?( i = 'Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu' ) result = true dataset = AMINO_ACIDS_THREE_TO_ONE if i.is_a? Array i = i.join('-').strip end i = i.to_s.dup i.strip! i.delete!(' ') if i.include? ' ' i.delete!('-') if i.include? '-' scanned = i.scan(/.../).map(&:downcase) scanned.each {|key| if dataset.has_key? key else result = false end } return result end |
.is_on_roebe? ⇒ Boolean
12 13 14 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/roebe.rb', line 12 def self.is_on_roebe? ENV['IS_ROEBE'] == '1' # This is the case on my home system. end |
.is_palindrome?(i) ⇒ Boolean
This method will return true if the target sequence is a palindrome, and false otherwise.
When will a sequence be considered to be a “palindrome”?
Firstly, it must have an even number of components. If it has an odd number then it can never be a Palindrome, by definition alone.
So, “GATC” is a palindrome, but “GATCC” can never be. (GATC is a palindrome because the reverse of GATC will bind to itself again.)
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.is_palindrome? 'GAATTC' # => true
Bioroebe.is_palindrome? 'GAATTCCC' # => false
4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4888 def self.is_palindrome?(i) require 'bioroebe/toplevel_methods/nucleotides.rb' if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end hash = ::Bioroebe.partner_nucleotide_hash return_value = false if i if i.to_s.size.odd? # Then it can never be a Palindrome. else # Ok, it may be a palindrome here. first_half = i[0 .. (i.size / 2)-1] _ = ''.dup first_half.chars.reverse.each {|char| _ << hash[char] if hash.has_key? char } if (first_half + _) == i # Compare it to the original input. return_value = true end end return return_value else :invalid_input end end |
.is_reverse_complement?(i) ⇒ Boolean
3622 3623 3624 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3622 def self.is_reverse_complement?(i) ::Bioroebe.complement(i) == i.reverse end |
.is_start_codon?(i) ⇒ Boolean
Query-method to determine whether the given input is a start codon.
The method will return true if the given input is a start codon in the currently selected codon table; otherwise this method will return false.
This way the method can be used to determine whether something is a start codon.
Note that the method does not do any additional checks, so, for instance, if you have RNA and work with that, then you may have to convert it to DNA before calling this method here. See the usage examples below for that.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.is_a_start_codon? 'AUG' # => false
Bioroebe.is_a_start_codon? 'ATG' # => true
96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/start_codons.rb', line 96 def self.is_start_codon?(i) @start_codon == i.upcase end |
.is_this_a_valid_codon?(i) ⇒ Boolean
436 437 438 439 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 436 def self.is_this_a_valid_codon?(i) conversion_result = Bioroebe.codon_to_aminoacid(i) !conversion_result.empty? end |
.is_this_sequence_a_EGF2_pattern?(this_sequence, use_this_pattern = :default) ⇒ Boolean
This method makes use of a “special” syntax, which will be explained next.
An ‘x’ represents any amino acid.
represents any of the 3 amino acids (Ala, Leu, Val).
A(2,4) - represents 2 to 4 Ala.
x(2,4) - represents 2 to 4 amino acids (any).
The pattern for the EGF-like domain signature 2 is:
This means cystein, any aminoacid, cystein, two any aminoacids, either G or P, either F or Y o W, then 4 up to 8 any aminoacid, followed by C.
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/patterns/is_this_sequence_a_EGF2_pattern.rb', line 33 def self.is_this_sequence_a_EGF2_pattern?( this_sequence, use_this_pattern = :default ) result = false if this_sequence.is_a? Array this_sequence = this_sequence.first if this_sequence.nil? this_sequence = 'XXCXCXXGFXXXXCXX' end end case use_this_pattern # ======================================================================= # # === :default # ======================================================================= # when :default use_this_pattern = 'C-x-C-x(2)-[GP]-[FYW]-x(4,8)-C' end # ======================================================================= # # See this on rubular: # ======================================================================= # use_this_regex = /(C[ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY]C[ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY]{2}[GP][FYW][ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY]{4,8}C)/ this_sequence =~ use_this_regex if $1 result = true end return result end |
.last_updated? ⇒ Boolean
33 34 35 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/version/version.rb', line 33 def self.last_updated? LAST_UPDATE end |
.leading_five_prime(i = '', get_rid_of_spaces = false, use_hyphen = true) ⇒ Object
This method will output the leading 5’ part of a nucleotide sequence, like a header. In this context, the most commonly usage case for this method is to display a leading “5’-” part to a sequence such as “ATCGATCG”.
The hyphen refers to the ‘-’ character which may be used by this method. This is optional, though - have a look at the third argument to this method called ‘use_hyphen?.
4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4564 def self.leading_five_prime( i = '', # The default to '' is important. get_rid_of_spaces = false, use_hyphen = true # By default this method will use '-' characters. ) case get_rid_of_spaces # ======================================================================= # # === :no_spaces # ======================================================================= # when :no_spaces, :get_rid_of_spaces get_rid_of_spaces = true end if i.is_a? Array i = i.join.strip end if use_hyphen _ = "5' - #{i}" # ← This here is the header-tag. else # This variant is a bit simpler and shorter. _ = "5' #{i}" # ← This here is the header-tag. end if get_rid_of_spaces _ = _.dup if _.frozen? _.delete!(' ') end return _ end |
.length_modifier(of_this_file = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
76 77 78 79 80 81 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/length_modifier/length_modifier.rb', line 76 def self.length_modifier( of_this_file = ARGV, &block ), &block) end |
.levenshtein_distance(str1, str2) ⇒ Object
Usage example:
Bioroebe.levenshtein_distance('shevy', 'chevy').to_s # => 1
5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 5084 def self.levenshtein_distance( str1, str2 ) n = str1.length m = str2.length return m if return n if x = nil d = (0 .. m).to_a # Get the distance. # ======================================================================= # # To avoid duplicating an enumerable object, create it outside of the # loop. # ======================================================================= # str2_codepoints = str2.codepoints str1.each_codepoint.with_index(1) { |char1, i| j = 0 while j < m cost = (char1 == str2_codepoints[j]) ? 0 : 1 x = min3( d[j + 1] + 1, # insertion i + 1, # deletion d[j] + cost # substitution ) d[j] = i i = x j += 1 end d[m] = x } x # Return the cost here. end |
.load_and_return_the_restriction_enzymes ⇒ Object
This method will load, and then return the restriction enzymes that are bundled within the bioroebe-project.
878 879 880 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 878 def self.load_and_return_the_restriction_enzymes YAML.load_file(FILE_RESTRICTION_ENZYMES) end |
.load_psych_or_syck(i = @use_this_yaml_engine) ⇒ Object
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_yaml.rb', line 63 def self.load_psych_or_syck( i = @use_this_yaml_engine ) case i # ======================================================================= # # === :default # ======================================================================= # when :default, :psych, nil require 'yaml' # This should suffice as-is. else # Else give more information to the user how to get syck. begin require 'syck' rescue LoadError # =================================================================== # # Inform the user how syck can be installed. # =================================================================== # e e 'syck is not available. It can be installed via:' e e ' gem install syck' e end end end |
.load_the_codon_table_dataset(use_this_codon_table = @codon_table_in_use) ⇒ Object
Several aliases can be used as input for this method, such as:
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codon_table.rb', line 96 def self.load_the_codon_table_dataset( use_this_codon_table = @codon_table_in_use ) this_file = nil # ======================================================================= # # We ideally prefer a Symbol here as input, but we won't force it. # Since as of May 2020, a Symbol would be bad, because the user # shall be able to supply a String too, onto which we can then # use a regex. Thus, we have to extend the following entries to # support the full name as well - we'll put this as the second # last position. # ======================================================================= # case use_this_codon_table # case tag # ======================================================================= # # === :human # ======================================================================= # when :human, :humans, :default, :codons_of_the_aminoacids, /^Standard(-|_| |,)?\(?Eukaryote\)?$/i, /^human?$/i, 1 this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/1.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === :mitochondria # # This actually refers to "The Vertebrate Mitochondrial Code". # ======================================================================= # when :mitochondria, :vertebrate_mitochondria, /^Vertebrate(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i, 2 this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/2.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === :yeast_mitochondria # ======================================================================= # when :yeast_mitochondrial_code, :yeast_mitochondria, :yeast_mt, /^Yeast(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i, 3 this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/3.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Coelenterate Mitochondrial Code # ======================================================================= # when 4, /^Coelenterate(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i, /^Coelenterate(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial(-|_| |,)?Code$/i, /^Mold(-|_| |,)?(-|_| |,)?Protozoan(-|_| |,)?(-|_| |,)?Coelenterate(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial(-|_| |,)?and(-|_| |,)?Mycoplasma\/Spiroplasma$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/4.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === 5 # ======================================================================= # when 5, /^Invertebrate(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/5.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === 6 # ======================================================================= # when 6, /^Ciliate(-|_| |,)?Macronuclear(-|_| |,)?and(-|_| |,)?Dasycladacean$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/6.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === 7 # ======================================================================= # when 7 e 'No codon table 7 exists. Please avoid calling it.' # ======================================================================= # # === 8 # ======================================================================= # when 8 e 'No codon table 8 exists. Please avoid calling it.' # ======================================================================= # # === 9 # ======================================================================= # when 9, /^Echinoderm(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/9.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === 11 # ======================================================================= # when 10, /^Euplotid(-|_| |,)?Nuclear$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/10.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === :bacteria # # This is the codon-table for bacteria, including E. coli. # ======================================================================= # when :bacteria, :bacterium, :prokaryotes, :ecoli, :e_coli, 11, /^Bacteria$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/11.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === 11 # ======================================================================= # when 12, /^Alternative(-|_| |,)?Yeast(-|_| |,)?Nuclear$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/12.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === 13 # ======================================================================= # when 13, /^Ascidian(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/13.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === 14 # ======================================================================= # when 14, /^Flatworm(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/14.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Blepharisma Macronuclear # # This refers to a unicellular protist. See: # # # # ======================================================================= # when :blepharisma_macronuclear, 15, /^Blepharisma(-|_| |,)?Macronuclear$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/15.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Chlorophycean Mitochondrial # ======================================================================= # when :chlorophycean_mitochondrial, 16, /^Chlorophycean(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/16.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Trematode Mitochondrial Code # ======================================================================= # when :trematode_mitochondrial_code, 21, /^Trematode(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/21.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Scenedesmus obliquus mitochondrial # ======================================================================= # when :scenedesmus_obliquus_mitochondrial, 22, /^Scenedesmus(-|_| |,)?obliquus(-|_| |,)?mitochondrial$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/22.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Thraustochytrium Mitochondrial # ======================================================================= # when :thraustochytrium_mitochondrial, 23, /^Thraustochytrium(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/23.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Pterobranchia Mitochondrial # ======================================================================= # when :pterobranchia_mitochondrial, 24, /^Pterobranchia(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial(-|_| |,)?Code$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/24.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Candidate Division SR1 and Gracilibacteria Code # ======================================================================= # when :candidate_division_sr1_and_gracilibacteria, 25, /^Candidate(-|_| |,)?Division(-|_| |,)?SR1(-|_| |,)?and(-|_| |,)?Gracilibacteria(-|_| |,)?Code$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/25.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Pachysolen tannophilus Nuclear Code # ======================================================================= # when :pachysolen_tannophilus_nuclear, :pachysolen_tannophilus_nuclear_code, 26, /^Pachysolen(-|_| |,)?tannophilus(-|_| |,)?Nuclear(-|_| |,)?Code$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/26.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Karyorelict # ======================================================================= # when :karyorelict, :karyorelict_nuclear_code, 27, /^Karyorelict(-|_| |,)?Nuclear$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/27.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Condylostoma Nuclear Code # ======================================================================= # when :condylostoma, :condylostoma_nuclear_code, 28, /^Condylostoma(-|_| |,)?Nuclear$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/28.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Mesodinium Nuclear Code # ======================================================================= # when :mesodinium, :mesodinium_nuclear_code, 29, /^Mesodinium(-|_| |,)?Nuclear$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/29.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Peritrich Nuclear Code # ======================================================================= # when :peritrich, :peritrich_nuclear_code, 30, /^Peritrich(-|_| |,)?Nuclear$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/30.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Blastocrithidia Nuclear Code # ======================================================================= # when :blastocrithidia, :blastocrithidia_nuclear_code, 31, /^Blastocrithidia(-|_| |,)?Nuclear$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/31.yml" # ======================================================================= # # === Cephalodiscidae Mitochondrial UAA-Tyr Code # ======================================================================= # when :cephalodiscidae, :cephalodiscidae_nuclear_code, 33, /^Cephalodiscidae(-|_| |,)?Mitochondrial(-|_| |,)?UAA-Tyr(-|_| |,)?Code$/i this_file = "#{::Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}codon_tables/33.yml" else e "(Line: #{__LINE__}) Unknown input was given "\ "to file bioroebe/codons/codon_table.rb: `#{use_this_codon_table}`" end @codon_table_dataset = YAML.load_file(this_file) end |
.log_directory? ⇒ Boolean
This method will keep track over where we will store output, related to the Bioroebe project. On my home system this will default to “/root/Bioroebe” usually.
46 47 48 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/log_directory/log_directory.rb', line 46 def self.log_directory? @log_directory end |
.longest_common_substring(sequences) ⇒ Object
This method will return the longest common substring. There may be more than one solution, though.
Note that this method was specifically written for Rosalind, so it may not be too overly useful for most general tasks. For example, it is not optimised for speed, so you should probably not use it for very long sequences.
3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3095 def self.longest_common_substring(sequences) if sequences and !sequences.empty? and File.file?(sequences.first) require 'bioroebe/requires/require_all_fasta_and_fastq_files.rb' hash = parse_fasta_quietly(sequences.first).hash? sequences = {|entry| entry.delete("\n") } end # ======================================================================= # # First obtain a handle towards the shortest sequence. # ======================================================================= # shortest_sequence = sequences.min_by(&:length) maxlen = shortest_sequence.length maxlen.downto(1) {|len| 0.upto(maxlen - len) { |start| substring = shortest_sequence.to_s[start,len] if sequences.all? {|seq| seq.to_s.include? substring } return end } } return nil end |
.map_ncbi_entry_to_eutils_id(i = 'NC_001416.1.fasta') ⇒ Object
This is a general “URL mapper” from certain NCBI IDs to specific nucleotide sequences. Only some URLs will be mapped, in particular those that I use more frequently.
The method was created specifically to allow simpler input via the commandline and the bioshell - it is easier to remember a name such as “rhinovirus” as opposed to the NC entry, which is “NC_038311”.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.map_ncbi_entry_to_eutils_id 'rhinovirus'
Bioroebe.map_ncbi_entry_to_eutils_id 'T6'
3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3170 def self.map_ncbi_entry_to_eutils_id( i = 'NC_001416.1.fasta' ) case i # ======================================================================= # # === Lambda phage genome # ======================================================================= # when /^-?-?NC_001416.1.fasta$/i, 'lambda' i = '9626243' # ======================================================================= # # === P1 # ======================================================================= # when 'NC_005856.1.fasta', 'P1' i = '46401626' # ======================================================================= # # === P2 # ======================================================================= # when 'NC_041848.1.fasta', 'P2' i = '1631913463' # ======================================================================= # # === T12 # ======================================================================= # when 'NC_028700.1.fasta', 'T12' i = '966201481' # ======================================================================= # # === T2 # ======================================================================= # when 'AP018813.1.fasta', 'T2' i = 'AP018813.1' # ======================================================================= # # === T4 # ======================================================================= # when 'NC_000866.4.fasta', 'T4' i = 'NC_000866.4' # ======================================================================= # # === T6 # ======================================================================= # when 'T6' i = 'MH550421.1' # ======================================================================= # # === rhinovirus # ======================================================================= # when /NC_038311/, 'rhinovirus' i = '1464306962' end return i end |
.min3(a, b, c) ⇒ Object
3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3883 def self.min3(a, b, c) if a < b && a < c a elsif b < c b else c end end |
.mirror_repeat_of(this_sequence = 'GAC', use_separator_token = false, use_colours = true, be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
This is the easier toplevel API for class MirrorRepeat.
Note that this will not report anything; it will just return a String that can then be embedded elsewhere.
Usage example:
x = Bioroebe.mirror_repeat('ATGC')
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/mirror_repeat/mirror_repeat.rb', line 215 def self.mirror_repeat_of( this_sequence = 'GAC', use_separator_token = false, # Whether to show a "|" or not. use_colours = true, be_verbose = false ) _ = {{ separator_token: use_separator_token, use_colours: use_colours, be_verbose: be_verbose }} return _.result? end |
.mkdir(i) ⇒ Object
Bioroebe.mkdir (mkdir tag)
3302 3303 3304 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3302 def self.mkdir(i) FileUtils.mkdir_p(i) end |
.move_file(a, b) ⇒ Object
1093 1094 1095 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1093 def self.move_file(a, b), b) end |
.move_file_to_its_correct_location(i) ⇒ Object
140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/move_file_to_its_correct_location.rb', line 140 def self.move_file_to_its_correct_location(i) end |
.mv(old, new) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to rename or move a (local) file.
1186 1187 1188 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1186 def, new), new) end |
.n_stop_codons_in_this_sequence?(i = :default, check_for_this_frame = nil) ⇒ Boolean
This method will return how many stop codons have been found in the passed sequence (the argument to this method), as an integer number, such as 4 or 6 or 0.
Note that by default, this method will NOT honour specific frames - so if you need a frame-aware method, such as frame1, frame2 or frame3, then you may have to use another method or check afterwards whether the stop codons can be in the correct frame. Or, an alterative, is to input a subsequence that already has the proper frame aligned with,
if you drop the leading, or the first two, nucleotides, before
calling this method here.
The optional second argument for this method allows us to check only for a given frame, such as frame1, frame2 or frame3. frame1 specifies the default, as-is; frame2 means a shift of 1; frame3 means a shift of 2 (frame4 for a shift of +3 would again restore the original reading frame, so we can ignore all of these events that come past that, since the reading frame will remain the same).
By default this is turned off, though.
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 144 def self.n_stop_codons_in_this_sequence?( i = :default, check_for_this_frame = nil ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end case i when :default, nil # i = 'ATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGCGACTTGGATTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATCCGAGTAG' i = 'ATGCCCGGGTGA' end n_stop_codons = 0 if @stop_codons.empty? Bioroebe.set_use_this_codon_table(:default) end array_stop_codons = @stop_codons if check_for_this_frame # ===================================================================== # # Check for the corresponding frame. # ===================================================================== # case check_for_this_frame when :frame1 i = i.scan(/.../).select {|entry| array_stop_codons.include? entry } when :frame2 i = i[1..-1].scan(/.../).select {|entry| array_stop_codons.include? entry } when :frame3 i = i[2..-1].scan(/.../).select {|entry| array_stop_codons.include? entry } end n_stop_codons += i.size else # ===================================================================== # # If we do not have to care about frames then we can just do a direct # counting. # ===================================================================== # array_stop_codons.each {|this_stop_codon| scanned = i.scan(/#{this_stop_codon}/) n_stop_codons += scanned.size } end n_stop_codons end |
.n_transitions(string1 = 'ATGAAA', string2 = 'ATGCTG') ⇒ Object
In genetics, a transition is a point mutation that changes a purine nucleotide to another purine (A ←→ G) or a pyrimidine nucleotide to another pyrimidine (C ←→ T).
The method Bioroebe.n_transitions will return an Integer value.
It expects two Strings as arguments.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.n_transitions('ATGAAAAACA', 'ATGCTGATGG') # => 2
4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4755 def self.n_transitions( string1 = 'ATGAAA', string2 = 'ATGCTG' ) n_transitions = 0 chars1 = string1.chars chars2 = string2.chars chars1.each_with_index {|char1, index| char2 = chars2[index] if char1 == char2 # Equal, so it can not be a transition or transversion. elsif is_a_pyrimidine?(char1) # In this case it can be either a transition or a transversion. if is_a_pyrimidine?(char2) n_transitions += 1 end elsif is_a_purine?(char1) if is_a_purine?(char2) n_transitions += 1 end end } n_transitions end |
.n_transversions(string1 = 'ATGAAA', string2 = 'ATGCTG') ⇒ Object
4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4714 def self.n_transversions( string1 = 'ATGAAA', string2 = 'ATGCTG' ) n_transversions = 0 chars1 = string1.chars chars2 = string2.chars chars1.each_with_index {|char1, index| char2 = chars2[index] if char1 == char2 # Equal, so it can not be a transition or transversion. elsif is_a_pyrimidine?(char1) # In this case it can be either a transition or a transversion. if is_a_purine?(char2) n_transversions += 1 end elsif is_a_purine?(char1) if is_a_pyrimidine?(char2) n_transversions += 1 end end } n_transversions end |
.no_file_exists_at(i) ⇒ Object
1177 1178 1179 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1177 def self.no_file_exists_at(i) erev "No file exists at `#{sfile(i)}#{rev}`." end |
.nucleotide_permutations(level = 2, nucleotides = DNA_NUCLEOTIDES) ⇒ Object
This method will try to permutate the given nucleotides, so that we get an Array that has e. g. “AA”, “AT”, “AG”, “AC”. So really all permutations possible.
The first argument to this method tells us how long we will run the algorithm at hand. A level of 2 means to show only permutations for two nucleotides and so forth. Unfortunately, this does not yet work with anything more than 2 for the time being.
Since as of August 2019, this method can also read from a local file - this was added to specifically solve a problem of the ROSALIND challenges. The task can be seen here:
Usage example:
3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3537 def self.nucleotide_permutations( level = 2, nucleotides = DNA_NUCLEOTIDES # => ["A", "T", "G", "C"] ) # ======================================================================= # # Grab a reference to the possible nucleotides next. # ======================================================================= # _ = [] if level and File.file?(level.to_s) dataset = splitted = dataset.split("\n") nucleotides = splitted.first.strip.split(' ') level = splitted.last end level = level.to_i # We need an Integer past this point. (level - 1).times { nucleotides.each {|entry| _ << {|inner_entry| entry+inner_entry } } } return _.flatten.uniq.sort end |
.number_of_clones(average_size_of_the_dna_fragments = 10_000, size_of_the_genome = 4_693_221, desired_probability = 0.99) ⇒ Object
This method will “calculate” the number of clones required for an experiment that attempts to create a genomic library.
The general formula is:
N = ln (1 - P ) / ln (1 - a/b)
N is the number of clones required.
P is the desired probability.
a is the average size of the DNA fragments that are cloned.
b is the size of the genome at hand (in n bp).
3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3243 def self.number_of_clones( average_size_of_the_dna_fragments = 10_000, size_of_the_genome = 4_693_221, # ← E. coli K12. desired_probability = 0.99 # ← Or 0.95 (this is P) ) n_clones = Math.log(1 - desired_probability) / (Math.log(1 - (average_size_of_the_dna_fragments.to_f / size_of_the_genome.to_f))) n_clones.round(0) end |
.one_to_three(i, use_this_as_join_token = '-') ⇒ Object
This method will convert from the one-aminoacid letter to the three-letter code.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.one_to_three('HIM') # => "His-Ile-Met"
5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 5132 def self.one_to_three( i, use_this_as_join_token = '-' # Or it could be empty, for no-join token. ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end inverted_hash = AMINO_ACIDS_THREE_TO_ONE.invert chars = i.chars result = {|one_aminoacid_letter| "#{inverted_hash[one_aminoacid_letter].capitalize}#{use_this_as_join_token}" }.join return result.chop end |
.only_nucleotides?(i) ⇒ Boolean
This filter-method will return true or false depending on whether we have only valid nucleotides as part of the given input to this method.
In order for this to work, we will tap into the constant called HASH_DNA_NUCLEOTIDES. Note that, despite the name, we also include RNA there.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.only_nucleotides? 'ATGCG' # => true
Bioroebe.only_nucleotides? 'ATGCGi' # => false
3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3604 def self.only_nucleotides?(i) i = i.join.strip if i.is_a? Array allowed_keys = HASH_DNA_NUCLEOTIDES.keys chars = i.chars chars.all? {|entry| allowed_keys.include? entry } end |
.open_in_browser(this_url, use_this_browser = :use_the_default_browser) ⇒ Object
This method will try to open a remote URL in the specified browser - the one that has been noted down in ‘browser.yml’. It is accessed via the Symbol :use_the_default_browser (as second argument to this method).
If you wish to make use of another browser then you can also pass in the location to the browser as the second argument tp this method.
Usage example:
699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 699 def self.open_in_browser( this_url, use_this_browser = :use_the_default_browser ) if this_url.is_a? Array this_url.each {|entry| open_in_browser(entry, use_this_browser) } else case use_this_browser # case tag # ===================================================================== # # === :default # ===================================================================== # when :default, :use_the_default_browser # =================================================================== # # Sanitize the default setting here, by loading up the content of # the proper yaml file. # =================================================================== # use_this_browser = YAML.load_file(FILE_BROWSER) end this_url = ::Bioroebe.try_to_pass_through_beautiful_url(this_url) esystem "#{use_this_browser.strip} -new-tab #{this_url}" end end |
This method is similar to Bioroebe.open_reading_frames(), but it will additionally convert to the corresponding aminoacids at once.
This method will return a String as a result.
Usage example:
x = Bioroebe.open_reading_frames_to_aminoacid_sequence('AAAATGGGCCCATGA') # => ["MGP"]
1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1580 def self.open_reading_frames_to_aminoacid_sequence( i = 'AGCCATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGCGACTTGGA'\ 'TTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATCCGAGTAGCATCTCAG' ) all_aminoacids = ::Bioroebe.open_reading_frames(i).map {|nucleotide_sequence| ::Bioroebe.to_aa(nucleotide_sequence) } if all_aminoacids all_aminoacids = all_aminoacids.first end return all_aminoacids end |
.overwrite_fasta_header(of_this_file = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
Usage example:
overwritefastaheader YP_003540719.1_cytochrome_b_mitochondrion_Columba_livia.fasta
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/simplify_fasta_header/simplify_fasta_header.rb', line 93 def self.overwrite_fasta_header( of_this_file = ARGV, &block ) of_this_file = [of_this_file].flatten.compact # Ensure that we have an Array here. of_this_file << ['--overwrite'] of_this_file.flatten!, &block) end |
.palindrome_generator(i = 6) ⇒ Object
255 256 257 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/palindromes/palindrome_generator.rb', line 255 def self.palindrome_generator(i = 6) end |
.parse(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This is a general parse-related method.
The main idea for this method is to parse files in particular, in a simplified manner. That means, for example, if the input to this method is a genbank file, then this method will simply return the sequence. If it is a .pdb file, same thing. A .fasta file, same result - the content will be returned. Thus, this method attempts to make it simpler to parse a wide array of different file formats - simply feed it what you want and you get the “most logical” output.
Usage example:
1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1291 def self.parse( i = ARGV ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end if i case i # ===================================================================== # # === .genbank # ===================================================================== # when /\.genbank$/i require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb' i = Bioroebe.genbank_to_fasta(i, :be_quiet) # ===================================================================== # # === .pdb # ===================================================================== # when /\.pdb$/i require 'bioroebe/pdb/parse_pdb_file.rb' i = Bioroebe.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_pdb_file(i) # ===================================================================== # # === .fasta # ===================================================================== # when /\.fasta$/i, /\.fa$/i require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb' i = { :be_quiet }.sequence? end return i end end |
.parse_fasta(i, use_colours = true) ⇒ Object
Easier reader-method for .fasta files.
The second argument determines whether we will use colours or whether we will not. For now, the default is to not use colours when we use this particular class method.
Invocation examples:
x = Bioroebe.parse_fasta('/rosalind_gc.txt')
hash = Bioroebe.parse_fasta('/rosalind_gc.txt').hash?
1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb', line 1508 def self.parse_fasta( i, use_colours = true ) use_this_hash = { use_colours: use_colours } if block_given? use_this_hash = { use_colours: use_colours, be_verbose: yield } end { use_this_hash } end |
.parse_fasta_file(i = ARGV, use_colours = true) ⇒ Object
1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb', line 1482 def self.parse_fasta_file( i = ARGV, use_colours = true ) use_this_hash = { use_colours: use_colours, be_verbose: false } { use_this_hash } end |
.parse_fasta_quietly(i, use_colours = true) ⇒ Object
As the variant above, but will work quietly.
1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb', line 1382 def self.parse_fasta_quietly( i, use_colours = true ) ::Bioroebe.parse_fasta(i, use_colours) { :be_quiet } end |
.parse_pdb_file(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
1043 1044 1045 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/pdb_and_protein_structure/parse_pdb_file.rb', line 1043 def self.parse_pdb_file(i = ARGV) end |
.parse_this_prosite_pattern(i = '[GSTNE]-[GSTQCR]-[FYW]-{ANW}-x(2)-P') ⇒ Object
Usage example:
Bioroebe.parse_this_prosite_pattern('[GSTNE]-[GSTQCR]-[FYW]-{ANW}-x(2)-P') # => "EGFIWQP"
1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1778 def self.parse_this_prosite_pattern( i = '[GSTNE]-[GSTQCR]-[FYW]-{ANW}-x(2)-P' ) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array if i.include? '-' splitted = i.split('-') return {|entry| return_random_aminoacid_from_this_prosite_pattern(entry) }.join end end |
.partner_nucleotide(i) ⇒ Object
This small “table” will simply return the corresponding Nucleotide matching the given input at hand - in other words, the corresponding DNA nucleotide that can base-pair with the input nucleotide.
Since this is a method call this may be a bit slow if you have to invoke the method repeatedly. In this case, you should consider using the method befined below, through the method Bioroebe.partner_nucleotide_hash(), and then use that Hash instead.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.partner_nucleotide('A') # => "T"
Bioroebe.should_match_to?('T') # => "A"
499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 499 def self.partner_nucleotide(i) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array # We only handle the first entry in an Array. if i i = i.dup if i.frozen? i.upcase! # just in caase. case i # case tag. when 'A' return 'T' when 'T','U' return 'A' when 'G' return 'C' when 'C' return 'G' else return nil # means illegal value. end end return i # Return just in case. end |
.partner_nucleotide_hash ⇒ Object
This method will return a Hash, which should be faster for lookup.
3511 3512 3513 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3511 def self.partner_nucleotide_hash HASH_DNA_NUCLEOTIDES end |
.pathways ⇒ Object
145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/pathways/pathways.rb', line 145 def self.pathways Bioroebe::Pathways.show_all_pathways end |
.pdb_directory? ⇒ Boolean
This refers to the local pdb/ directory.
4455 4456 4457 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4455 def self.pdb_directory? return "#{log_dir?}pdb/" end |
.percentage_count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence(i, array = Bioroebe.return_DNA_nucleotides) ⇒ Object
3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3005 def self.percentage_count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence( i, array = Bioroebe.return_DNA_nucleotides ) n = count_non_DNA_bases_in_this_sequence(i, array) percentage = (n * 100.0 / i.size.to_f) return percentage end |
.permanently_disable_opn ⇒ Object
The purpose of this method is to permanently disable opn for the whole Bioroebe-project.
423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 423 def self.permanently_disable_opn require 'bioroebe/project/project.rb' require 'bioroebe/colours/colours.rb' erev 'Permanently disabling the use of opn for the Bioroebe project next.' target_dir = CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY target_file = "#{target_dir}use_opn.yml" if File.exist? target_file erev 'Modifying the file `'+ sfile(target_file)+rev+'` next.' write_what_into('false', target_file) end end |
.permutations(i) ⇒ Object
You can also pass in the location to a local file as the first argument to this method.
Invocation example:
Bioroebe.permutations 7
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/permutations/permutations.rb', line 156 def self.permutations(i) if i.is_a? Array i.each {|entry| permutations(entry) } else if i and File.file?(i) i = end end end |
.phred_error_probability(quality_score = 50, optional_use_this_formatting = nil) ⇒ Object
Datasets obtained from next-generation reads specify a Phred score for each base. This is also known as the “Q score” (Quality score).
The Q score is an integer value, and is typically within the range 2 to 40. Q indicates the probability that the base call is incorrect (P_e).
For example, Q=2 means that the error probability is 63%, so the machine is reporting that the base is more likely to be wrong than right, while Q=20 corresponds to an error probability of only 1%.
The second argument to this method can be used to format to a specific number. So if we pass in 6 as the second argument then the result will be rounded to 6 slots after the first ‘.’. See the usage examples below.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.phred_error_probability '48'
Bioroebe.phred_error_probability '48',6 # => "0.000016"
997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 997 def self.phred_error_probability( quality_score = 50, optional_use_this_formatting = nil ) if quality_score.is_a? Array quality_score = quality_score.first end quality_score = quality_score.to_f # Need a Float past this point. result = 10 ** (- quality_score / 10.0) # ======================================================================= # # Next, do some rounding if the user requested this through the # second argument to this method. # ======================================================================= # if optional_use_this_formatting if optional_use_this_formatting.is_a? Numeric use_this_formatting_rule = "%.#{optional_use_this_formatting}f" result = use_this_formatting_rule % result else result = optional_use_this_formatting.to_s % result end end return result end |
.plain_palindrome(i) ⇒ Object
4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4852 def self.plain_palindrome(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end i = i.dup.downcase if i.size.even? first_half = i[0 .. (i.size / 2 - 1)] second_half = i[(i.size / 2) .. -1] return (first_half == second_half.reverse) else # This is for odd numbers. first_half = i[0 .. (i.size / 2 - 1)] second_half = i[(i.size / 2 + 1) .. -1] return (first_half == second_half.reverse) end end |
.possible_codons_for_these_aminoacids(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This variant is similar to Bioroebe.possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid, but the main use case is to specifically return an Array of ALL codons for a given aminoacid sequence.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.possible_codons_for_these_aminoacids('KLKKMNRRTS') # => [["AAG", "AAA"], ["TTA", "TTG", "CTT", "CTC", "CTA", "CTG"], # and so forth
352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid.rb', line 352 def self.possible_codons_for_these_aminoacids(i = ARGV) if i.is_a? String i = i.split(//) end i = [i].flatten.compact return {|entry| ::Bioroebe.possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid(entry) } end |
.possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
331 332 333 334 335 336 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid.rb', line 331 def self.possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid(i = ARGV) possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid = i ) { :do_not_simplify_purines_and_pyrimidines } return possible_codons_for_this_aminoacid.array_as_result end |
.project_base_dir? ⇒ Boolean
This method will return the value of @project_base_directory - that is where the files that belong to Bioroebe are assumed to reside.
50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/project/project.rb', line 50 def self.project_base_dir? @project_base_directory end |
.project_yaml_directory?(i = @project_base_directory) ⇒ Boolean
This method will return the path to the yaml-directory of the bioroebe project. It will be a dynamic result rather than make use of the above constant.
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/project/project.rb', line 63 def self.project_yaml_directory?(i = @project_base_directory) # ========================================================================= # # The following code allows us to default to the HOME directory of the # user. # ========================================================================= # use_this_as_the_project_base_directory = i unless use_this_as_the_project_base_directory use_this_as_the_project_base_directory = File.('~') end return "#{use_this_as_the_project_base_directory}yaml/" end |
.pwd ⇒ Object
Bioroebe.pwd (pwd tag)
Feedback the current working directory (it will be returned, as a String).
1103 1104 1105 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1103 def self.pwd "#{Dir.pwd}/".squeeze('/') end |
.quaternary_encoding_DNA_to_numbers(i = 'TACATCTTTCGATCGATCGG', hash = { A: 0, T: 1, C: 2, G: 3 }) ⇒ Object
You can pass in another hash as the second argument to this method, if you’d like to.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.quaternary_encoding_DNA_to_numbers('TACATCTTTCGATCGATCGG') # => "10201211123012301233"
2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2539 def self.quaternary_encoding_DNA_to_numbers( i = 'TACATCTTTCGATCGATCGG', hash = { A: 0, T: 1, C: 2, G: 3 } ) i = i.chars unless i.is_a? Array return {|entry| hash[entry.to_sym] }.join end |
.quaternary_encoding_letter_to_number(letter, use_this_hash = { '0000': :A, '1000': :B, '2000': :C, '3000': :D, '0100': :E, '0200': :F, '0300': :G, '0010': :H, '0020': :I, '0030': :J, '0001': :K, '0002': :L, '0003': :M, '1100': :N, '1200': :O, '1300': :P, '1110': :Q, '1120': :R, '1130': :S, '1210': :T, '1220': :U, '1230': :V, '1231': :W }) ⇒ Object
2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2677 def self.quaternary_encoding_letter_to_number( letter, use_this_hash = { '0000': :A, '1000': :B, '2000': :C, '3000': :D, '0100': :E, '0200': :F, '0300': :G, '0010': :H, '0020': :I, '0030': :J, '0001': :K, '0002': :L, '0003': :M, '1100': :N, '1200': :O, '1300': :P, '1110': :Q, '1120': :R, '1130': :S, '1210': :T, '1220': :U, '1230': :V, '1231': :W }) use_this_hash = use_this_hash.invert return use_this_hash[letter.to_sym].to_s end |
.quaternary_encoding_number_to_letter(number, use_this_hash = { '0000': :A, '1000': :B, '2000': :C, '3000': :D, '0100': :E, '0200': :F, '0300': :G, '0010': :H, '0020': :I, '0030': :J, '0001': :K, '0002': :L, '0003': :M, '1100': :N, '1200': :O, '1300': :P, '1110': :Q, '1120': :R, '1130': :S, '1210': :T, '1220': :U, '1230': :V, '1231': :W }) ⇒ Object
2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2711 def self.quaternary_encoding_number_to_letter( number, use_this_hash = { '0000': :A, '1000': :B, '2000': :C, '3000': :D, '0100': :E, '0200': :F, '0300': :G, '0010': :H, '0020': :I, '0030': :J, '0001': :K, '0002': :L, '0003': :M, '1100': :N, '1200': :O, '1300': :P, '1110': :Q, '1120': :R, '1130': :S, '1210': :T, '1220': :U, '1230': :V, '1231': :W }) return use_this_hash[number.to_s].to_s end |
.quaternary_encoding_numbers_to_DNA(i = '10201211123012301233', hash = { A: 0, T: 1, C: 2, G: 3 }) ⇒ Object
2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2744 def self.quaternary_encoding_numbers_to_DNA( i = '10201211123012301233', hash = { A: 0, T: 1, C: 2, G: 3 } ) i = i.chars unless i.is_a? Array inverted_hash = hash.invert return {|number| inverted_hash[number.to_i] }.join end |
.quaternary_encoding_translate_from_alphabet_string_into_the_corresponding_DNA_sequence(this_string = 'Hello world') ⇒ Object
Usage example:
1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1029 def self.quaternary_encoding_translate_from_alphabet_string_into_the_corresponding_DNA_sequence( this_string = 'Hello world' ) _ = ''.dup chars = this_string.chars chars.each {|this_char| case chars when ' ','!','?' # pass through in this case. else this_char = this_char.upcase _ << Bioroebe.quaternary_encoding_letter_to_number(this_char) end } return _ end |
.random_aminoacid?(optional_return_n_aminoacids = 1) ⇒ Boolean
This method will return a random aminoacid.
A number can be passed to this method, which specifies how many random aminoacids are to be returned, e. g. 20 as argument refers to 20 aminoacids that will be generated here.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.random_aminoacid? 20 # => "UAVHYQQESWUYAOVESEIY"
1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 1094 def self.random_aminoacid?(optional_return_n_aminoacids = 1) case optional_return_n_aminoacids when 1 AMINO_ACIDS.keys.sample # This should be a bit faster. else { AMINO_ACIDS.keys.sample }.join.strip end end |
.rds(i) ⇒ Object
rds is an abbreviation and is short for “remove double slashes”.
We will thus get rid of too many ‘/’ tokens in a given string, via this method.
This is mostly used in order to sanitize local file paths, as “foo//bar” entries look quite ugly.
382 383 384 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 382 def self.rds(i) i.squeeze('/') end |
.readline_is_available? ⇒ Boolean
Check whether readline is available.
26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/readline/readline.rb', line 26 def self.readline_is_available? @readline_is_available end |
.regex_with_startcodons(use_this_start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?) ⇒ Object
This toplevel-method will return the regex for a start codon.
Usually this means that we will return /ATG|AUG/ so we also match towards the mRNA variant. It was created precisely because the user may often wish to identify any start codon, no matter if it is kept in RNA or in DNA.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/regexes/regexes.rb', line 19 def self.regex_with_startcodons( use_this_start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon? ) require 'bioroebe/codons/start_codons.rb' start_codon_as_mRNA = use_this_start_codon. tr('T','U') regex = /(#{use_this_start_codon}|#{start_codon_as_mRNA})/i return regex # Return the regex here. end |
.remove_file(i, be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
Use this method to remove a file.
4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4166 def self.remove_file( i, be_verbose = false ) if File.exist? i File.delete(i) if be_verbose this_file = "#{return_pwd}#{i}" e 'File '+sfile(this_file)+' exists, '\ 'we will thus remove it now.' end end end |
.remove_invalid_aminoacids(from_this_string) ⇒ Object
This method will filter away invalid aminoacids such as “U”. “U” is not a valid aminoacid. It requires the data stored in the yaml file at:
Note that U is a valid aminoacid - it is selenocysteine.
Usage example:
1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1669 def self.remove_invalid_aminoacids( from_this_string ) if from_this_string.is_a? Array from_this_string = from_this_string.first end all_valid_aminoacids = YAML.load_file(Bioroebe.file_amino_acids).keys new_result = ''.dup from_this_string.chars.each {|entry| new_result << entry if all_valid_aminoacids.include?(entry) } return new_result end |
.remove_numbers(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This method will simply remove numbers from the given input at hand.
Usage example:
788 789 790 791 792 793 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 788 def self.remove_numbers(i = ARGV) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end i.gsub(/[0-9]/,'') end |
.remove_subsequence(subsequence, from) ⇒ Object
This method will remove one or more subsequences from a given String at hand. The String that you wish to modify, should be given as the second argument to this method, called ‘from`.
The first argument to this method can be an Array or a String - in either case, if the variable ‘from` contains this sequence, it will be removed.
Note that only the FIRST occurence found will be removed - the others will be ignored, if they exist.
The second argument to this method must be a String.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.remove_subsequence(array, main_sequence)
842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 842 def self.remove_subsequence( subsequence, from # ← Must be a String. ) unless from.is_a? String raise 'Please input a String as second argument to this method.' end unless subsequence.is_a? Array subsequence = [subsequence].flatten end from = from.dup if from.frozen? subsequence.each {|this_subsequence| from.sub!(/#{this_subsequence}/,'') } from # Return the, possibly modified, String here. end |
.report_base_composition(i = '52%GC') ⇒ Object
This is the convenience-method for reporting the base composition at hand.
4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4012 def self.report_base_composition( i = '52%GC' ) if i.is_a? Array if i.empty? i = '52%GC' # Default value. else i = i.join(' ').strip end end hash = ::Bioroebe.base_composition(i) a = hash['A'] t = hash['T'] c = hash['C'] g = hash['G'] erev 'The base composition frequencies of this sequence '\ '(length: '+i.size.to_s+') is as follows:' e e ' '\ ' A: '+steelblue(a.to_s+'%')+rev+ ' T: '+steelblue(t.to_s+'%')+rev+ ' C: '+steelblue(c.to_s+'%')+rev+ ' G: '+steelblue(g.to_s+'%')+rev e end |
.require_all_aminoacids_files(from_this_dir = AMINOACIDS_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
Use this to require all aminoacids.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_aminoacids_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_aminoacids_files( from_this_dir = AMINOACIDS_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{from_this_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/aminoacids/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_calculate_files ⇒ Object
Use this to require all files in the calculate/ directory.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_calculate_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_calculate_files _ = Dir["#{CALCULATE_DIRECTORY}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/calculate/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_cleave_and_digest_files(i = CLEAVE_AND_DIGEST_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_cleave_and_digest.rb', line 14 def self.require_all_cleave_and_digest_files( i = CLEAVE_AND_DIGEST_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{i}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/cleave_and_digest/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_codon_files ⇒ Object
Use this to require all codon/ files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_codon_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_codon_files _ = Dir["#{CODONS_DIRECTORY}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/codons/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_count_files ⇒ Object
Use this to require all count/ files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_count_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_count_files _ = Dir["#{COUNT_DIRECTORY}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/count/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_dotplot_files(i = DOTPLOTS_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
Use this to require all dotplot/ files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_dotplot_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_dotplot_files( i = DOTPLOTS_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{i}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/dotplots/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_electron_microscopy_files(from_this_dir = ELECTRON_MICROSCOPY_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_electron_microscopy_files.rb', line 14 def self.require_all_electron_microscopy_files( from_this_dir = ELECTRON_MICROSCOPY_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{from_this_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/electron_microscopy/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_enzymes_files(from_this_dir = ENZYMES_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
Use this to require all enzymes/ files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_enzymes_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_enzymes_files( from_this_dir = ENZYMES_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{from_this_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/enzymes/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_fasta_and_fastq_files ⇒ Object
Use this to require all fasta and fastq files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_fasta_and_fastq_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_fasta_and_fastq_files _ = Dir["#{FASTA_AND_FASTQ_DIRECTORY}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } # ======================================================================= # # Next, add other fasta-related files residing elsewhere. # ======================================================================= # require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb' require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fastq/parse_fastq.rb' require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/compact_fasta_file/compact_fasta_file.rb' end |
.require_all_nucleotides_files(from_this_dir = NUCLEOTIDES_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
Use this to require all nucleotides/ files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_nucleotides_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_nucleotides_files( from_this_dir = NUCLEOTIDES_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{from_this_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/nucleotides/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_palindromes_files(from_this_dir = PALINDROMES_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
Use this method in order to require all palindromes/ files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_palindromes_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_palindromes_files( from_this_dir = PALINDROMES_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{from_this_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/palindromes/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_parser_files(i = PARSERS_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
Use this to require all parsers/ files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_parser_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_parser_files( i = PARSERS_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{i}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/parsers/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_pattern_files(from_this_dir = PATTERN_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
Use this method in order to require all pattern/ files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_pattern_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_pattern_files( from_this_dir = PATTERN_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{from_this_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/pattern/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_pdb_files(pdb_dir = PDB_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_pdb_files.rb', line 14 def self.require_all_pdb_files( pdb_dir = PDB_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{pdb_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/pdb_and_protein_structure/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_sequence_files(i = SEQUENCE_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_sequence_files.rb', line 14 def self.require_all_sequence_files( i = SEQUENCE_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{i}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/sequence/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_string_matching_files(string_matching_dir = STRING_MATCHING_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
Use this to require all string_matching files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_string_matching_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_string_matching_files( string_matching_dir = STRING_MATCHING_DIRECTORY ) _ = Dir["#{string_matching_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/string_matching/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_taxonomy_files(target = taxonomy_directory? ) ⇒ Object
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_taxonomy_files.rb', line 23 def self.require_all_taxonomy_files( target = taxonomy_directory? ) _ = Dir["#{target}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/taxonomy/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.require_all_utility_scripts_files(this_dir = "#{project_base_dir?}utility_scripts/") ⇒ Object
Use this to require all utility_scripts.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_utility_scripts_files.rb', line 16 def self.require_all_utility_scripts_files( this_dir = "#{project_base_dir?}utility_scripts/" ) _ = Dir["#{this_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/utility_scripts/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/check_for_mismatches/check_for_mismatches.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/compseq/compseq.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/showorf/showorf.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/display_open_reading_frames/display_open_reading_frames.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/pathways/pathways.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/download_files_from_rebase/download_files_from_rebase.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/punnet/punnet.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/permutations/permutations.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/mirror_repeat/mirror_repeat.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/parse_taxonomy/parse_taxonomy.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/consensus_sequence/consensus_sequence.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/show_this_dna_sequence/show_this_dna_sequence.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/create_batch_entrez_file/create_batch_entrez_file.rb' require 'bioroebe/utility_scripts/fetch_data_from_uniprot/fetch_data_from_uniprot.rb' end |
.require_the_toplevel_methods(from_this_dir = TOPLEVEL_METHODS_DIRECTORY) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to require all toplevel_method files.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_the_toplevel_methods.rb', line 16 def self.require_the_toplevel_methods( from_this_dir = TOPLEVEL_METHODS_DIRECTORY ) require 'bioroebe/project/project.rb' _ = Dir["#{from_this_dir}*.rb"] _.each {|file| file = "bioroebe/toplevel_methods/#{File.basename(file)}" require file } end |
.restriction_enzyme(i) ⇒ Object
This will simply return the raw format.
To test this, try:
result = Bioroebe.restriction_enzyme '' # => "GAATTC"
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/restriction_enzyme.rb', line 171 def self.restriction_enzyme(i) i = i.downcase # Trying this since July 2015. i.sub!(/\.site/,'') if i.include? '.site' _ = {} ::Bioroebe.restriction_enzymes?.each_pair {|key, value| # ===================================================================== # # We discard the trailing part after ' ' since as of November 2014. # ===================================================================== # if value.include? ' ' value = value.split(' ').first end _[key.downcase] = value } _[i] end |
.restriction_enzymes(what_format_type = :hash_format) ⇒ Object
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/restriction_enzymes_file.rb', line 50 def self.restriction_enzymes( what_format_type = :hash_format ) sorted = restriction_enzymes?.sort_by {|key, value| key } case what_format_type when :array_format, :array # ======================================================================= # # === :hash_format # ======================================================================= # when :hash_format, :hash if sorted.is_a? Array sorted = Hash[*sorted.flatten] end end return sorted end |
.restriction_enzymes? ⇒ Boolean
32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/restriction_enzymes_file.rb', line 32 def self.restriction_enzymes? YAML.load_file(restriction_enzymes_file) end |
.restriction_enzymes_file ⇒ Object
This tiny method just returns where we keep the restriction enzymes.
Is a “class” method (toplevel-method).
Use it like this:
Bioroebe.restriction_enzymes_file # => "/home/Programs/Ruby/2.7.1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.7.0/bioroebe/yaml/restriction_enzymes/restriction_enzymes.yml"
The RESTRICTION_ENZYMES file is now a part of the Bioroebe project.
25 26 27 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/restriction_enzymes_file.rb', line 25 def self.restriction_enzymes_file FILE_RESTRICTION_ENZYMES # This keeps the location of the yaml file. end |
.restriction_sites?(i) ⇒ Boolean
Usage examples:
x = Bioroebe.restriction_sites?('EcoRI') # => "GAATTC"
x = Bioroebe.restriction_sites?('SacI') # => "GAGCTC"
x = Bioroebe.restriction_sites?('KpnI') # => "GGTACC"
x = Bioroebe.restriction_sites?('XmaI') # => "CCCGGG"
x = Bioroebe.restriction_sites?('BamHI') # => "GGATCC"
x = Bioroebe.restriction_sites?('XbaI') # => "TCTAGA"
x = Bioroebe.restriction_sites?('SalI') # => "GTCGAC"
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/restriction_enzyme.rb', line 201 def self.restriction_sites?(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end i = i.dup if i.frozen? return restriction_enzyme(i) end |
.return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence(i = 'AGCCATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGCGACTTGGATTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATCCGAGTAGCATCTCAG', check_reverse_complement_as_well = true, start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?, stop_codons = ::Bioroebe.stop_codons?) ⇒ Object
This method will return an Array of all open reading frames from the given input-sequence.
The second argument to this method, called ‘check_reverse_complement_as_well`, can be used to find the reverse complement.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence # =>
1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1431 def self.return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence( i = 'AGCCATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGCGACTTGGATTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATCCGAGTAGCATCTCAG', check_reverse_complement_as_well = true, start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?, stop_codons = ::Bioroebe.stop_codons? # ← This method will yield an Array. ) if i.is_a? Array # ===================================================================== # # Only handle the first entry in the event that an Array was given. # ===================================================================== # i = i.first end array = [] # ← We will return this Array. if stop_codons.empty? # ===================================================================== # # In this case we will use a hardcoded approach and define all # valid stop codons, referring to the eukaryotic genome. # ===================================================================== # stop_codons = %w( TAG TGA TAA ) end # ======================================================================= # # Find all positions for start codons next; it will be stored in # an Array that contains all indices thereof. # ======================================================================= # all_start_codons = (0 ... i.length).find_all { |entry| i[entry, 3] == start_codon # First three must equal the start_codon. } array_all_subsequences = [] all_start_codons.each {|start_index| subsequence = i[start_index .. -1] array_all_subsequences << subsequence } # ======================================================================= # # Now that we have all subsequences (stored in array_all_subsequences) # we can now match all subsequences that end with a stop codon. # ======================================================================= # array_all_subsequences.each {|sequence| # ===================================================================== # # We know that these sequences must begin with 'ATG'. Now we must # determine all remaining sequences with a stop-sequence here, # but only if they are in-frame (aka can be divided by 3). # # In order to simplify this, we will group these sequences # in pairs of three. # ===================================================================== # scanned = sequence.scan(/.../) scanned.each_with_index {|codon, index| index += 1 if stop_codons.include? codon # In this case it is a valid stop-codon. array << sequence[0 .. ((index * 3)-1)] end } } # ======================================================================= # # The next check will also include the reverse complement as well. # ======================================================================= # if check_reverse_complement_as_well array << return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence(i.reverse, false) end array.flatten! # ======================================================================= # # Sort by size next - longest substring is returned first. # ======================================================================= # array = array.sort_by {|entry| entry.size }.reverse return array end |
.return_all_positions_of_this_nucleotide(input_string = 'AUGCUUCAGAAAGGUCUUACG', this_nucleotide = 'U') ⇒ Object
This method will return all positions of a given nucleotide in a larger subsequence, as an Array. Thus, the returned value will be an Array.
For example: if the input String is ‘AUGCUUCAGAAAGGUCUUACG’ and we search for ‘U’ then this method must return an Array that holds [2, 5, 6, 15, 17, 18].
3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3571 def self.return_all_positions_of_this_nucleotide( input_string = 'AUGCUUCAGAAAGGUCUUACG', this_nucleotide = 'U' ) # ======================================================================= # # Setting the default for this_nucleotide next: # ======================================================================= # this_nucleotide = 'U' if this_nucleotide.nil? if input_string array = (0 ... input_string.length).find_all {|position| input_string[position, 1] == this_nucleotide }.map {|line| line += 1 } # This line is for dealing with nucleotides. return array end end |
.return_all_substring_matches(this_string, use_this_as_substring = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?) ⇒ Object
This method will give us back an Array that contains all matching substrings.
By default, the method will search for start codons such as ATG or GTG.
3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3433 def self.return_all_substring_matches( this_string, use_this_as_substring = ::Bioroebe.start_codon? ) # ======================================================================= # # We will search for both ATG and AUG though, respectively the # input variants given to us. If the following regex appears to # be complicated to you, here is the old variant for the regex: # # use_this_regex = /(ATG|AUG)/i # # =================================================================== # if use_this_as_substring.include? 'T' use_this_regex = /(#{use_this_as_substring}|#{'T','U')})/i else use_this_regex = /#{use_this_as_substring}/i end result = this_string.to_enum(:scan, use_this_regex).map { |match| [$`.size + 1, match] # +1 because we refer to the nucleotide positions. } return result end |
.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_pdb_file(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This variant will (silently) return the aminoacid sequence. The input must be a file that exists locally; if you already have a String that you wish to just parse, use the method defined below instead.
Invocation example:
Bioroebe.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_pdb_file "1VII.pdb" # => "MLSDEDFKAVFGMTRSAFANLPLWKQQNLKKEKGLF"
1060 1061 1062 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/pdb_and_protein_structure/parse_pdb_file.rb', line 1060 def self.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_pdb_file(i = ARGV) { :be_silent }.aminoacid_sequence? end |
.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_string(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/pdb_and_protein_structure/parse_pdb_file.rb', line 1067 def self.return_aminoacid_sequence_from_this_string(i = ARGV) _ =, :do_not_run_yet) { :be_silent } dataset = i.split("\n") _.set_header_title_and_body(dataset) _.aminoacid_sequence? end |
.return_array_from_tryptic_digest(of_this_sequence = ARGV) ⇒ Object
233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/cleave_and_digest/trypsin.rb', line 233 def self.return_array_from_tryptic_digest( of_this_sequence = ARGV ) if of_this_sequence.is_a? Array of_this_sequence = of_this_sequence.first end { :be_quiet } end |
.return_array_of_common_aminoacids ⇒ Object
1109 1110 1111 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 1109 def self.return_array_of_common_aminoacids AMINO_ACIDS.keys - ['O'] - ['U'] end |
.return_array_of_sequence_matches(main_sequence, subsequence) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to return an Array of subsequence matches.
This method will always return an Array - an empty Array if no subsequence match has been found; and an Array with integer numbers as indices, to denote which indices contain the subsequence. These numbers store the start position of the subsequence.
Keep in mind that for nucleotides we will start at +1, not 0, so if you see an Array such as [3, 7] as result then this refers to the nucleotide at position 3 and the nucleotide at position 7.
Arguments to this method:
The first argument to this method should be the main sequence.
The second argument to this method should be the subsequence that we assume to be part of the main sequence (that is, to occur within that main sequence at the least once).
Specific invocation examples, with the last example showing how an empty Array will be returned:
Bioroebe.return_array_of_sequence_matches('ACGTACGTAACG','GTA') # => [3, 7]
Bioroebe.return_array_of_sequence_matches('ACGTACGTAACG','GTAAA') # => []
3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3402 def self.return_array_of_sequence_matches( main_sequence, subsequence # ← The subsequence that you wish to match onto the main sequence. ) if main_sequence array = [] chars = main_sequence.chars if main_sequence.is_a? ::Bioroebe::Sequence main_sequence = main_sequence.sequence? end {|char, index| if main_sequence[index, subsequence.length] == subsequence array << index+1 end } return array else [] end end |
.return_chunked_display(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 10) ⇒ Object
The second argument to this method tells us how many nucleotides shall be grouped together (and then displayed as such).
4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4092 def self.return_chunked_display( i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 10 ) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array chunks = i.split(/(.{#{group_together_n_nucleotides}})/).reject(&:empty?) sliced = chunks.each_slice(6).to_a _ = ''.dup # We need a dynamic String. sliced.each {|array| # ===================================================================== # # First, add the number to the beginning. # ===================================================================== # nucleotide_position = (' ','').tr(N,'').gsub(/\d/,'').strip.size + 1 ).to_s _ << nucleotide_position.rjust(9)+' ' _ << array.join(' ') _ << N } return _ end |
.return_composition_from_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This method will return a Hash, containing the number of aminoacids in the given aminoacid sequence.
Usage example:
x = Bioroebe.return_composition_from_this_aminoacid_sequence('HSLOEVCKWUCKFLVNUYWYGPNRAQMDCITKM')
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/count/count_amount_of_aminoacids.rb', line 332 def self.return_composition_from_this_aminoacid_sequence( i = ARGV ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end return Bioroebe::CountAmountOfAminoacids.return_composition_hash(i) { :be_quiet } end |
.return_consensus_sequence_of(*i) ⇒ Object
This is a simpler module-method. It will just return the consensus sequence of the given input sequence.
It can be used like this:
Bioroebe.return_consensus_sequence_of(%w( ACTCC CACCA AGCCA AACGC CGCAT CGACC ACCGC GGCCG GGCGT GGCGT ))
374 375 376 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/consensus_sequence/consensus_sequence.rb', line 374 def self.return_consensus_sequence_of(*i) { :be_quiet }.consensus_sequence? end |
.return_current_day_month_year ⇒ Object
4916 4917 4918 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4916 def self.return_current_day_month_year'%d.%m.%Y') # => "15.12.2020" end |
.return_current_hours_minutes_seconds ⇒ Object
This method would return a String such as “21:03:32”.
4938 4939 4940 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4938 def self.return_current_hours_minutes_seconds'%H:%M:%S') end |
.return_DNA_composition_hash(of_this_sequence) ⇒ Object
2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2889 def self.return_DNA_composition_hash( of_this_sequence ) of_this_sequence = of_this_sequence.first if of_this_sequence.is_a? Array hash = {} array1 = %w( A T C G ) array2 =, 0) array = # Zip it up with 0-values here. hash = Hash[array] of_this_sequence.chars.each {|this_char| hash[this_char] += 1 } sorted_hash = Hash[*hash.sort_by {|key, value| key }.flatten] # ======================================================================= # # The hash may then look like this: # # {"A"=>7, "T"=>6, "C"=>7, "G"=>6} # # ======================================================================= # return sorted_hash end |
.return_DNA_nucleotides ⇒ Object
529 530 531 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 529 def self.return_DNA_nucleotides return DNA_NUCLEOTIDES end |
.return_every_substring_from_this_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4965 def self.return_every_substring_from_this_sequence(i) result = [] i.chars.each_with_index {|entry, index| result << i[0, (index+1)] } return result end |
.return_fasta_entry_with_the_highest_gc_content(this_fasta_file) ⇒ Object
The first argument should be a locally existing FASTA file that contains different sequences.
Usage example:
x = Bioroebe.return_fasta_entry_with_the_highest_gc_content('/rosalind_gc.txt')
1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb', line 1399 def self.return_fasta_entry_with_the_highest_gc_content(this_fasta_file) if File.exist? this_fasta_file dataset = dataset = parse_fasta(dataset) { :be_quiet } hash = dataset.hash? hash.transform_values! {|this_value| ::Bioroebe.gc_content(this_value).to_f } return hash.max_by {|key, value| value } else erev "No file exists at #{sfile(this_fasta_file)}#{rev}." end end |
.return_fasta_sequence_from_this_pdb_file(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This variant will (silently) return the aminoacid sequence.
Invocation example:
x = Bioroebe.return_fasta_sequence_from_this_pdb_file "2bts" # => "MLSDEDFKAVFGMTRSAFANLPLWKQQNLKKEKGLF"
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/pdb_and_protein_structure/fetch_fasta_sequence_from_pdb.rb', line 140 def self.return_fasta_sequence_from_this_pdb_file(i = ARGV) require 'bioroebe/pdb_and_protein_structure/parse_pdb_file.rb' sequence = { :be_silent }.aminoacid_sequence? if sequence.start_with? '>' sequence = sequence.split("\n")[1..-1] end if sequence.is_a? Array sequence = sequence.first end return sequence end |
.return_fasta_subsection_of_this_file(i = nil, extra_options = :default) ⇒ Object
This method will parse an existing fasta file into its constituent header and body parts, stored as an Array in an Array.
The second argument to this method can be used to flatten the inner Array keeping track of the FASTA content; or to keep it separate. Keeping it separate is the default behaviour.
Invocation examples:
Bioroebe.return_fasta_subsection_of_this_file("foobar.fa", :keep_it_flat)
Bioroebe.return_fasta_subsection_of_this_file("/home/Temp/bioroebe/fasta/alu_elements.fasta", :keep_it_flat)
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/return_fasta_subsection_of_this_file.rb', line 29 def self.return_fasta_subsection_of_this_file( i = nil, = :default # The two values can be :keep_it_flat or :keep_body_together ) case when :default = :keep_it_flat end array = [] i = i.first if i.is_a? Array if i.nil? e 'Please provide the file path to a locally '\ 'existing fasta file, as argument.' return end if File.exist? i dataset = File.readlines(i) pp 'DEBUG' pp dataset inner_array = [] size = dataset.size dataset.each_with_index {|line, index| if line.start_with? '>' # ================================================================= # # Store it in that case - this will be a fasta header section. # ================================================================= # unless inner_array.empty? array << inner_array inner_array = [] # And reset it here as well. end inner_array.prepend(line) else # ================================================================= # # This will be a FASTA body section. # ================================================================= # case # ================================================================= # # === :keep_body_together # ================================================================= # when :keep_body_together, # the default :keep_it_flat inner_array << line else # =============================================================== # # Else we have to append it. # =============================================================== # previous_line = inner_array.last if previous_line and previous_line.start_with?('>') inner_array << line else inner_array.last.strip! inner_array.last << line end end end if (index + 1) == size # Store the last entry as well. array << inner_array inner_array = [] # And reset it here as well. end } array else e "No file exists at `#{i}`." end end |
.return_illumina_offset(_ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES) ⇒ Object
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 107 def self.return_illumina_offset( _ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES ) dataset = YAML.load_file(_) entry = dataset['fastq-illumina'] offset = entry['offset'] return offset end |
.return_long_aminoacid_name(short_name_of_the_aminoacid) ⇒ Object
Use this method to translate a one-letter aminoacid to the long name of the given aminoacid.
We also have to consider Stop-Codons as input.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.return_long_aminoacid_name 'M' # => "Methionin"
Bioroebe.return_long_aminoacid_name 'T' # => "Threonine"
2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2029 def self.return_long_aminoacid_name( short_name_of_the_aminoacid ) aminoacid = AMINO_ACIDS_ENGLISH[short_name_of_the_aminoacid].dup if aminoacid aminoacid = {|key,value| key.size == 3 }.flatten[1] else aminoacid = short_name_of_the_aminoacid aminoacid = 'Translation Stop' if aminoacid == '*' end unless aminoacid.is_a? String return aminoacid end |
.return_longest_ORF_from_this_sequence(i = 'AGCCATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGC'\ 'GACTTGGATTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATC'\ 'CGAGTAGCATCTCAG', check_reverse_complement_as_well = true, start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?, stop_codons = ::Bioroebe.stop_codons?) ⇒ Object
This method will return the longest ORF from the given input sequence. By default it will assume that the input sequence is meant to have derived from a dsDNA sequence, so the reverse complement is evaluated as well. If you do not need or want that behaviour then simply pass “false” as the second argument to this method.
Usage example:
x = Bioroebe.return_longest_ORF_from_this_sequence; puts x
1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1395 def self.return_longest_ORF_from_this_sequence( i = 'AGCCATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGC'\ 'GACTTGGATTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATC'\ 'CGAGTAGCATCTCAG', check_reverse_complement_as_well = true, start_codon = ::Bioroebe.start_codon?, stop_codons = ::Bioroebe.stop_codons? # ← This method will yield an Array. ) results = Bioroebe.return_all_open_reading_frames_from_this_sequence( i, check_reverse_complement_as_well, start_codon, stop_codons ).sort_by {|entry| entry.size }.reverse longest_result = results.first return longest_result end |
.return_longest_substring_via_LCS_algorithm(sequence1 = ARGV, sequence2 = nil) ⇒ Object
This method will return the longest substring between two different sequences. It will ignore gaps and will thus not be as sophisticated as other algorithms.
This method will return a String.
Usage example in plain ruby:
Bioroebe.return_longest_substring_via_LCS_algorithm 'ATGAAA','ATGCAT' # => 'ATGA'
3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3355 def self.return_longest_substring_via_LCS_algorithm( sequence1 = ARGV, sequence2 = nil ) begin require 'diff/lcs' # Require the gem here. rescue LoadError; end if sequence1.is_a? Array if sequence1.size > 1 sequence2 = sequence1[1] sequence1 = sequence1[0] end end lcs_object = Diff::LCS.LCS(sequence1, sequence2) return lcs_object.join # Must return a String. end |
Return how many ORFs are in a given sequence.
1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1505 def self.return_n_ORFs_in_this_sequence( i = 'AGCCATGTAGCTAACTCAGGTTACATGGGGATGACCCCGCGACTTGGATTAGAGTCTCTTTTGGAATAAGCCTGAATGATCCGAGTAGCATCTCAG', start_codon = Bioroebe.to_aa(::Bioroebe.start_codon?) ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end if i.is_a? String i = i.chars end n_ORFs_in_this_sequence = 0 all_start_codons = (0 ... i.length).find_all {|index| i[index] == start_codon } stop_codons_are_at_that_position = (0 ... i.length).find_all {|index| i[index] == '*' } all_start_codons.each {|this_start_codon_position| stop_codons_are_at_that_position.each {|this_stop_codon_position| if this_start_codon_position < this_stop_codon_position n_ORFs_in_this_sequence += 1 break end } } return n_ORFs_in_this_sequence end |
.return_n_repeats(i = ARGV, use_this_as_the_repeat_pattern = 'ATG') ⇒ Object
This willy not output anything but simply return the number of matches matches.
138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/patterns/scan_for_repeat.rb', line 138 def self.return_n_repeats( i = ARGV, use_this_as_the_repeat_pattern = 'ATG' ) return {{ pattern: use_this_as_the_repeat_pattern, verbose: :be_quiet }}.n_patterns? end |
.return_new_filename_based_on_fasta_identifier(i) ⇒ Object
This method will give us a new filename suggestion, which we can use to then rename a FASTA file (.fa).
Usage example:
Bioroebe.return_new_filename_based_on_fasta_identifier "NC_008253.fna" # => "NC_008253.1_Escherichia_coli_536.fasta"
Bioroebe.return_new_filename_based_on_fasta_identifier ">NC_000866.4 Enterobacteria phage T4, complete genome" # => "NC_008253.1_Escherichia_coli_536.fasta"
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 161 def self.return_new_filename_based_on_fasta_identifier(i) if i.is_a? Array i.flatten! i.compact! i = i.first end fasta_identifier = File.readlines(i).first if fasta_identifier if fasta_identifier.include? '|' splitted = fasta_identifier.split('|') elsif fasta_identifier.start_with?('>') # else may look like ">NC_000866.4 Enterobacteria phage T4, complete genome\n" splitted = fasta_identifier.delete('>,').split(' ') nm_identifier = splitted[0] name_of_the_sequence = splitted[1 .. -1].join(' ').strip end if fasta_identifier.include? '|' case splitted.size when 3 nm_identifier = splitted[1] name_of_the_sequence = splitted[2] else nm_identifier = splitted[3] # Such as "NM_007315.3" name_of_the_sequence = splitted[4] # Such as "Homo sapiens signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1)" end end if nm_identifier nm_identifier.strip! name_of_the_sequence.strip! if name_of_the_sequence.include? ',' name_of_the_sequence = name_of_the_sequence[0 .. name_of_the_sequence.index(',')].strip end!(' ()/','_')!(',','')!('.','') # We need no '.' characters. name_of_the_sequence.squeeze!('_') # We want only one '_'. name_of_the_sequence.squeeze!('-') name_of_the_sequence.chop! if name_of_the_sequence.end_with? '_' new_filename = nm_identifier+'_'+name_of_the_sequence+'.fasta' # =================================================================== # # Next, prepend the target directory. # =================================================================== # new_filename.prepend(log_dir?) # =================================================================== # # And get rid of any possible dual '//'. # =================================================================== # new_filename = rds(new_filename) else e swarn('Something went wrong - we did not find a valid NCBI entry.') return nil end else erev "No FASTA identifier could be found for #{sfile(i)}#{rev}." end end |
.return_nucleotide_sequence_as_ten_nucleotides_chunks(i) ⇒ Object
4082 4083 4084 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4082 def self.return_nucleotide_sequence_as_ten_nucleotides_chunks(i) i.split(/(.{10})/).reject(&:empty?) end |
.return_random_aminoacid_from_this_prosite_pattern(i) ⇒ Object
If no match was found, the original input will be returned.
Usage examples:
1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1803 def self.return_random_aminoacid_from_this_prosite_pattern(i) if i.include?('(') and i.include?(')') and i.include?('x') n_aminoacids = i.scan(REGEX_PROSITE_FOR_ANY_AMINOACID).flatten.first.to_i result = { return_random_aminoacid }.join return result end if i.include?('[') and i.include?(']') splitted = i.delete('[]').split(//) return splitted.sample end if i.include?('{') and i.include?('}') # ===================================================================== # # In this case we will return a random aminoacid # without any of the specified aminoacids. # ===================================================================== # forbidden_aminoacids = i.delete('{}').split(//) all_aminoacids = Bioroebe.aminoacids?.keys filtered_aminoacids = all_aminoacids.reject {|this_aminoacid| forbidden_aminoacids.include? this_aminoacid } return filtered_aminoacids.sample end return i # Return the original input in this case. end |
.return_random_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = 'KKKA') ⇒ Object
This method will return a random linear codon sequence, as an Array, for the given input aminoacid sequence.
Usage examples:
Bioroebe.return_random_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence('KKKA') # => ["AAA", "AAA", "AAA", "GCG"]
Bioroebe.return_random_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence('KKKA') # => ["AAA", "AAA", "AAG", "GCC"]
419 420 421 422 423 424 425 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 419 def self.return_random_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = 'KKKA') _ = decode_this_aminoacid_sequence(i) {|array| sample = array.sample sample } end |
.return_random_nucleotide ⇒ Object
This method will randomly return either ‘A’, ‘T’, ‘C’ or ‘G’.
513 514 515 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 513 def self.return_random_nucleotide (POSSIBLE_DNA_NUCLEOTIDES - ['N']).sample # This constant holds A T G and C. end |
.return_restriction_enzyme_sequence_and_cut_position(i) ⇒ Object
This method will return an Array.
The format of this Array is as follows:
- The first entry is the target sequence that is recognized for
- The second entry will be the target position where the cut will
occur, as an Integer.
The input to this method should be the name of the restriction enzyme.
Since as of August 2016, we may also return the type, e. g. “blunt” for a blunt-end cutter, or “sticky” for a sticky-end cutter.
Usage example:
result = Bioroebe.return_restriction_enzyme_sequence_and_cut_position 'EcoRI'
result = Bioroebe.return_restriction_enzyme_sequence_and_cut_position 'MvnI'
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/return_restriction_enzyme_sequence_and_cut_position.rb', line 36 def self.return_restriction_enzyme_sequence_and_cut_position(i) i = i.dup if i.frozen? i.downcase! # Trying to downcase since as of July 2015. i.sub!(/\.site/,'') if i.include? '.site' _ = {} dataset = ::Bioroebe.restriction_enzymes? dataset.each_pair {|key, value| _[key.downcase] = value } if _ result = _[i] # result could be: "GAATTC 1" if result splitted = result.split(' ') # =================================================================== # # Next, build-up our Array. # =================================================================== # cuts_at_this_site = splitted.first cuts_at_this_internal_position = splitted.last.to_i # Return an Integer. produces_blunt_ends_or_sticky_ends = :sticky # =================================================================== # # Determine restriction enzymes that are blunt. If not then they # will be sticky. # =================================================================== # if ((cuts_at_this_site.size % cuts_at_this_internal_position.to_i) == 0) produces_blunt_ends_or_sticky_ends = :blunt end return [ cuts_at_this_site, cuts_at_this_internal_position, produces_blunt_ends_or_sticky_ends ] else nil end else _ end end |
.return_sanger_offset(_ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES) ⇒ Object
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 95 def self.return_sanger_offset( _ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES ) dataset = YAML.load_file(_) entry = dataset['fastq-sanger'] offset = entry['offset'] return offset end |
.return_sequence_from_this_file(this_file = 'bla.fasta') ⇒ Object
This is mostly an ad-hoc method to quickly read data from a local fasta file.
Usage example:
x = Bioroebe.return_sequence_from_this_file('viruses.fa')
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 74 def self.return_sequence_from_this_file( this_file = 'bla.fasta' ) if File.exist? this_file dataset = File.readlines(this_file).select {|line| line.start_with? ' ' }.map(&:strip).map {|line| Bioroebe.remove_numbers( line.upcase.delete(' ') ) } if dataset.is_a? Array dataset = dataset.join end return dataset end end |
.return_sequence_that_is_cut_via_restriction_enzyme(i, use_colours = use_colours? ) ⇒ Object
This method will return a string such as “G|AATTC”. This is the restriction recognition site for EcoRI.
This method prefers an Array as input. This Array should have two entries.
Usage examples:
x = Bioroebe.return_sequence_that_is_cut_via_restriction_enzyme('EcoRI', :no_colours) # => "G|AATTC"
x = Bioroebe.return_sequence_that_is_cut_via_restriction_enzyme('MvnI', :no_colours)
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/return_sequence_that_is_cut_via_restriction_enzyme.rb', line 27 def self.return_sequence_that_is_cut_via_restriction_enzyme( i, use_colours = use_colours? ) case use_colours when :no_colours use_colours = false end unless i.is_a? Array i = return_restriction_enzyme_sequence_and_cut_position(i) end if i # ======================================================================= # # Ok, now we assume that everything is fine. # ======================================================================= # first = i.first second = i[1] # Can not be i.last because as of August 2016 we may also return "blunt" or "overhang". result = ''.dup result << rev if use_colours result << first[0, second.to_i] if use_colours result << swarn('|') else result << '|' # We like to return '|' tokens. end result << rev if use_colours result << first[second.to_i .. -1] return result else return nil end end |
.return_short_aminoacid_letter_from_long_aminoacid_name(i) ⇒ Object
This will turn input such as “lysine” into “K”.
Invocation example:
Bioroebe.return_short_aminoacid_letter_from_long_aminoacid_name('lysine') # => "K"
Commandline invocation example:
short_aminoacid_letter_from_long_aminoacid_name lysine
1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1629 def self.return_short_aminoacid_letter_from_long_aminoacid_name( i ) if i.nil? e "Please provide some input to the method #{__method__.to_s}." return nil end aminoacids = AMINO_ACIDS_ENGLISH inverted_table = aminoacids.invert i = [i] if i.first.include? '-' i = i.join.strip.split('-').map {|entry| entry.capitalize! if inverted_table.has_key? entry entry = inverted_table[entry] else e "The given input `#{entry}` does not appear to be "\ "a valid long-letter aminoacid." end entry } end end |
.return_sizeseq(i) ⇒ Object
This is as Bioroebe.sizeseq(), but it will just return the result, rather than output it.
1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb', line 1432 def self.return_sizeseq(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end _ = Bioroebe.parse_fasta(i) { :be_quiet } hash = _.return_size_sorted_hash result = ''.dup hash.each_pair {|key, sequence| result << '> ID '+sequence.size.to_s+' AA.; DE: '+key.to_s+ ' SQ '+sequence.size.to_s+' AA'+N result << sequence+N+N } return result end |
.return_solexa_offset(_ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES) ⇒ Object
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 119 def self.return_solexa_offset( _ = FILE_FASTQ_QUALITY_SCHEMES ) dataset = YAML.load_file(_) entry = dataset['fastq-solexa'] offset = entry['offset'] return offset end |
.return_source_code_of_this_method(i) ⇒ Object
This method will return the source code of a particular method.
Note that the method will stop at the first ‘end’ encountered.
1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1720 def self.return_source_code_of_this_method(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end content = i.source_location full_content = File.readlines( content[0].to_s )[ (content[1]-1) .. -1 ].join.to_s if full_content.include? 'end' full_content = full_content[0 .. full_content.index('end')+2] end return full_content end |
.return_subsequence_based_on_indices(i, *array_of_indices) ⇒ Object
This method will return a subsequence that was sliced out from the given input array of indices (the second argument to this method).
This method here also allows us to read from an existing File. The format of that file has to be simple, though - the first line must be the sequence; and the second line will constitute the array of indices.
For a usage example, see the end of this file here please. It has been written primarily to solve a specific task at Rosalind.
2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2275 def self.return_subsequence_based_on_indices( i, *array_of_indices ) if array_of_indices.is_a? Array! {|entry| entry.to_i } end result = ''.dup if i and i.is_a?(String) and File.exist?(i) dataset = File.readlines(i).reject {|line| line.strip.empty? } i = dataset.first array_of_indices = dataset.last.split(' ').map(&:to_i) end array_of_indices.each_slice(2).each {|a, b| result << i[a .. b]+' ' } result.strip end |
.return_the_most_likely_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence(i = 'KKKA', use_this_codon_tables_frequencies = :homo_sapiens) ⇒ Object
This method will (quietly) return the most likely codon sequence (in DNA) from a particular aminoacid sequence.
Presently this method will use the Homo sapiens codon table as default input (the second parameter).
Numeric values such as 1 or 2 can also be provided as first argument to this method.
A String will be returned by this method.
Invocation examples:
Bioroebe.return_the_most_likely_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence 'KKKA' # => "AAGAAGAAGGCC"
Bioroebe.return_the_most_likely_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence 'KKKA', :yeast # => "AAAAAAAAAGCU"
Bioroebe.return_the_most_likely_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence 'AWKT', :drosophila # => "GCCUGGAAGACC"
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/nucleotides/most_likely_nucleotide_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 165 def self.return_the_most_likely_codon_sequence_for_this_aminoacid_sequence( i = 'KKKA', use_this_codon_tables_frequencies = :homo_sapiens ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.reject {|entry| entry.start_with?('--') }.join.strip end return, use_this_codon_tables_frequencies) { :be_quiet }.sequence? end |
This method will simply return the Ubiquitin sequence. We may also colourize some aminoacids, if we have enabled this.
2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2797 def self.return_ubiquitin_sequence( i = 'MQIFVKTLTGKTITLEVEPSDTIENVKAKIQDKEGIPPDQQRLIFAGKQLEDGRTLSDYNIQKESTLHLVLRLRGG' ) colourize_aa(i) # Consider colourizing it. end |
.rev ⇒ Object
Bioroebe.rev (rev tag)
The general pointer towards using the default colour.
This will, however had, only be in use if we do not use colours.
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 47 def self.rev if @use_colours unless Object.const_defined?(:Colours) require 'colours/html_colours' end return ::Colours::GREEN # Default colour goes in here. end return '' end |
.reverse_complement(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
137 138 139 140 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/reverse_complement.rb', line 137 def self.reverse_complement(i = ARGV) result = { :be_quiet }.result? return result end |
.reverse_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
2806 2807 2808 2809 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2806 def self.reverse_sequence(i) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i.reverse end |
.rna_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
208 209 210 211 212 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/rna.rb', line 208 def self.rna_sequence(i) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i.delete!('T') # Reject Thymine there. end |
.rna_splicing(i) ⇒ Object
This is a VERY primitive method that has been written primarily to solve a specific question on Rosalind.
This is NOT how splicing normally works - but it works to solve the given question at Rosalind.
Invocation example:
2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2345 def self.rna_splicing(i) require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb' if i and File.exist?(i) # ===================================================================== # # Read in the file should it exist. # ===================================================================== # i = end if i.is_a?(String) and i.include?('>') _ = { :be_quiet } sequences = _.sequences? main_sequence = sequences.first array_subsequences = sequences[1 .. -1] result = ::Bioroebe.remove_subsequence(array_subsequences, main_sequence) return result end end |
.rnalfold(i = :use_all_fasta_files_in_the_current_directory) ⇒ Object
This method allows us to make use of RNALfold. By default the method will attempt to obtain all .fa files in the current directory; this should simplify batch-processing.
Otherwise, the first input argument to this method should be the file(s) that you wish to manipulate.
A typical usage example may be:
Bioroebe.rnalfold { '--zscore=-3 -L 200' }
741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 741 def self.rnalfold( i = :use_all_fasta_files_in_the_current_directory ) # ======================================================================= # # RNALfold will be used (as command). # ======================================================================= # use_this_command = 'RNALfold'.dup case i when :default, :use_all_fasta_files_in_the_current_directory i = Dir['**.fa'] end if block_given? yielded = yield # ===================================================================== # # Simply append these block-commands in that case: # ===================================================================== # use_this_command << " #{yielded}" end # ======================================================================= # # We assume that our input is an Array past this point. # ======================================================================= # i.each {|this_file| e "Working on `#{sfancy(this_file)}` next." new_filename = this_file.dup regex_to_use = /-L (\d+)/ use_this_command =~ regex_to_use new_filename << '.'+$1.to_s.dup new_filename << '.lfold' _ = use_this_command+' < '+this_file+' > '+new_filename esystem _ if File.exist? new_filename e "A new file has been created at `#{sfile(new_filename)}`." end } end |
.ruler(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70) ⇒ Object
Simpler toplevel-API for when you may want to use a ruler.
203 204 205 206 207 208 209 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/misc/ruler.rb', line 203 def self.ruler( i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70 ) i, group_together_n_nucleotides ).result? end |
.ruler_return_as_string(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70) ⇒ Object
223 224 225 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/misc/ruler.rb', line 223 def self.ruler_return_as_string(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70), group_together_n_nucleotides).result_as_string end |
.ruler_return_as_string_without_colours(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70) ⇒ Object
This is like Bioroebe.ruler_return_as_string(), as defined above in this file, but without any colours.
Invocation example:
puts Bioroebe.ruler_return_as_string_without_colours 'ATGCTGACAGGGGGGGEEEEEE'
238 239 240 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/misc/ruler.rb', line 238 def self.ruler_return_as_string_without_colours(i, group_together_n_nucleotides = 70), group_together_n_nucleotides) { :no_colours }.result_as_string end |
.run_gtk_controller ⇒ Object
466 467 468 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/gui/universal_widgets/controller/controller.rb', line 466 def self.run_gtk_controller end |
.run_sql_query(i, be_verbose = true, optional_append_this = '') ⇒ Object
This method will run a SQL query using –command.
It will return the result as well.
The second argument determines whether we will be verbose or not.
The result, however, will always be displayed.
647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 647 def self.run_sql_query( i, be_verbose = true, optional_append_this = '' ) set_pgpassword i = i.to_s _ = '' if is_on_roebe? _ << POSTGRE_LOGIN_COMMAND_HOME else _ << POSTGRE_LOGIN_COMMAND end case be_verbose when :silent be_verbose = false end case optional_append_this # ======================================================================= # # === :bare # ======================================================================= # when :bare, :tuples optional_append_this = ' --tuples-only' end _ << optional_append_this.to_s _ << ' --command="' _ << i _ << '"' unless _.end_with? '"' result = `#{_}`.chomp erev _ if be_verbose erev result if be_verbose return result end |
.salt_adjusted_tm(i = 'CCGTGTCGTACATCG') ⇒ Object
This method will just return the Tm value, as a float (number).
The input to this method should be your DNA sequence at hand,
the PCR-primer.
Invocation example:
result = Bioroebe.salt_adjusted_tm # => 48.836
286 287 288 289 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/calculate/calculate_melting_temperature_for_more_than_thirteen_nucleotides.rb', line 286 def self.salt_adjusted_tm(i = 'CCGTGTCGTACATCG') _ = { :do_not_report_anything } _.tm_value? end |
.sanitize_nucleotide_sequence(i) ⇒ Object
Usage example:
Bioroebe.sanitize_nucleotide_sequence "1 ATCCG\n30 TTACG\n50 AAATTTG" # => "ATCCGTTACGAAATTTG"
165 166 167 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/nucleotides/sanitize_nucleotide_sequence.rb', line 165 def self.sanitize_nucleotide_sequence(i) end |
.sanitize_this_fasta_file(i) ⇒ Object
This method will modify a .fasta file’s sequence header, by appending the number of aminoacids to this header.
Usage example:
1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb', line 1535 def self.sanitize_this_fasta_file(i) if File.exist? i dataset = File.readlines(i).map(&:strip) header = dataset.first.dup aminoacid_sequence = { :be_silent }.return_n_aminoacids header << ", #{aminoacid_sequence} aminoacids" dataset[0] = header # ===================================================================== # # Now we can save it again. # ===================================================================== # e 'Storing the modified data into '+sfile(i)+'.' write_what_into(dataset.join(N), i) end end |
.scan_for_rgg_motifs(i) ⇒ Object
154 155 156 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/patterns/rgg_scanner.rb', line 154 def self.scan_for_rgg_motifs(i) end |
.scan_this_input_for_startcodons(input, regex = ::Bioroebe.regex_with_startcodons) ⇒ Object
The first argument to this method should be the DNA sequence that you wish to scan for.
The second input is optional - it should be the regex to apply in order to find all matches.
The method will then return an Array that may look like this:
[[1, ["ATG"]], [12, ["ATG"]], [18, ["ATG"]]]
So it starts at 1, rather than 0, as there is no nucleotide 0.
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 102 def self.scan_this_input_for_startcodons( input, regex = ::Bioroebe.regex_with_startcodons ) if input.is_a? Array input = input.first end array = [] # ======================================================================= # # We will search for both ATG and AUG though, respectively what # the above regex will return. # ======================================================================= # input.to_enum(:scan, regex).map { |match| array << [$`.size + 1, match] # +1 because we refer to the nucleotide positions. } return array end |
.sdir(i = '') ⇒ Object
86 87 88 89 90 91 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 86 def self.sdir(i = '') if @use_colours i = Colours.sdir(i) end return i end |
.sequence? ⇒ Boolean
Will return the sequence.
717 718 719 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/sequence.rb', line 717 def self.sequence? @sequence.sequence end |
.sequence_based_on_these_restriction_enzymes(*i) ⇒ Object
Usage example:
x = Bioroebe.sequence_based_on_these_restriction_enzymes(%w( EcoRI SacI KpnI XmaI BamHI XbaI SalI )); 'GAATTCGAGCTCGGTACCCCCGGGGGATCCTCTAGAGTCGAC'
3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3075 def self.sequence_based_on_these_restriction_enzymes(*i) require 'bioroebe/enzymes/restriction_enzyme.rb' _ = ''.dup i.flatten.each {|this_restriction_enzyme| _ << ::Bioroebe.restriction_sites?(this_restriction_enzyme) } return _ end |
.set_codon_table_in_use(i = :default, be_verbose = false) ⇒ Object
This method can set which codon table is in use. Note that it does not have to do any sanitizing, as this will be done in another method anyway.
::Bioroebe.set_codon_table :human
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codon_table.rb', line 55 def self.set_codon_table_in_use( i = :default, be_verbose = false ) case i when :default, 1 i = 1 # :human end case be_verbose # ======================================================================= # # === :be_verbose # ======================================================================= # when :be_verbose be_verbose = :be_verbose end if be_verbose e 'We will use this codon table next:' p use_this_codon_table end @codon_table_in_use = i end |
.set_default_colour(i) ⇒ Object
This is primarily used by the Bioroebe::Shell.
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 114 def self.set_default_colour(i) @default_colour = i end |
.set_log_directory(i = :default) ⇒ Object
This method will set the log-directory for the Bioroebe project.
Usually this will be in the user’s home directory, and then a ‘Bioroebe/’ suffix appended onto it. The default input-value is the symbol :default.
The user can set to use another log-directory through this method.
By default this method will append the name “bioroebe/” to the target directory, if :default is given as argument to this method - which is also the default argument, hence the name. If you do not want this behaviour then you have to call Bioroebe.set_base_directory() on your own by yourself, with the desired base directory to use.
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/log_directory/log_directory.rb', line 73 def self.set_log_directory( i = :default ) # ======================================================================= # # We may need YAML support in this method. # ======================================================================= # require 'bioroebe/requires/require_yaml.rb' require 'bioroebe/project/project.rb' # ← For Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory? require 'bioroebe/toplevel_methods/roebe.rb' # ← For Bioroebe.is_on_roebe? case i # case tag # ======================================================================= # # === :default # # This is the default value, aka the primary entry point into this # method. # ======================================================================= # when :default user_home_directory = user_home_directory? unless user_home_directory # =================================================================== # # === Expand the file path # # Enter this clause for regular systems that do not have a # /Depot/Temp/ directory. Such systems will store output # into the home directory of the user. # =================================================================== # i = "#{File.('~')}/" end # ===================================================================== # # Query the default path to be used, as stored in the configuration # file. # ===================================================================== # file_temp_dir = "#{Bioroebe.project_yaml_directory?}configuration/temp_dir.yml" if File.exist?(file_temp_dir) and !File.empty?(file_temp_dir) i = YAML.load_file(file_temp_dir) else i = "#{user_home_directory}bioroebe/" end # ===================================================================== # # Modify the path a little on my home setup. # ===================================================================== # if is_on_roebe? i << 'bioroebe/' unless i.include? 'bioroebe' end end # ======================================================================= # # Keep a trailing '/' for this variable, at all times. # ======================================================================= # unless i.end_with? '/' i = i.dup if i.frozen? i << '/' end @log_directory = i end |
.set_pgpassword(new_password = Bioroebe::Postgresql::POSTGRE_PASSWORD) ⇒ Object
Bioroebe.set_pgpassword (password tag)
Set the password for Postgresql here. As input to this method you can pass the password for the postgreSQL database.
630 631 632 633 634 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 630 def self.set_pgpassword( new_password = Bioroebe::Postgresql::POSTGRE_PASSWORD ) ENV['PGPASSWORD'] = new_password end |
.set_start_codon(i = 'ATG') ⇒ Object
This will designate the most important start codon.
36 37 38 39 40 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/start_codons.rb', line 36 def self.set_start_codon( i = 'ATG' ) @start_codon = i end |
.set_start_codons(i = @start_codon) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to designate the start-codons.
It will be called automatically from code within codon_table.rb as well, so that we always have the corect start-codons ready for use.
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/start_codons.rb', line 51 def self.set_start_codons( i = @start_codon ) if i.is_a? String and i.include? '|' i = i.split('|').map(&:strip) end i = [i].flatten # Will always be an Array. @start_codons = i end |
.set_stop_codons(*i) ⇒ Object
263 264 265 266 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 263 def self.set_stop_codons(*i) i = [i].flatten.compact @stop_codons = i end |
.set_use_this_codon_table(i = :humans) ⇒ Object
This method combines three other methods - it will first set the codon table in use, and then load the codon table dataset at once and additionally determine the stop codons from the codon table.
It is the most complete method for properly using the correct codon table. I recommend that you use this method - it is more convenient than the other methods.
357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codon_table.rb', line 357 def self.set_use_this_codon_table( i = :humans ) require 'bioroebe/codons/codons.rb' set_codon_table_in_use(i) load_the_codon_table_dataset(i) determine_stop_codons_from_the_codon_table end |
.set_use_this_yaml_engine=(i = :default) ⇒ Object
Query method to determine which yaml engine is in use for the Bioroebe project.
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_yaml.rb', line 47 def self.set_use_this_yaml_engine=( i = :default ) case i # case tag # ======================================================================= # # === :default # ======================================================================= # when :default i = :psych end @use_this_yaml_engine = i end |
.sfancy(i = '') ⇒ Object
76 77 78 79 80 81 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 76 def self.sfancy(i = '') if @use_colours return Colours.sfancy(i) end return i end |
.sfile(i = '') ⇒ Object
158 159 160 161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 158 def self.sfile(i = '') if @use_colours return Colours.sfile(i) end return i end |
.shell(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This is the main method to instantiate the Shell component of the Bioroebe component.
11928 11929 11930 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/shell/shell.rb', line 11928 def = ARGV) end |
.show_aminoacids_mass_table ⇒ Object
112 113 114 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/aminoacids/aminoacids_mass_table.rb', line 112 def self.show_aminoacids_mass_table end |
.show_atomic_composition(of = 'GGGGA') ⇒ Object
This method will output the above.
Display style is similar to ExPASY output.
Atomic composition:
Carbon C 11
Hydrogen H 19
Nitrogen N 5
Oxygen O 6
Sulfur S 0
2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2229 def self.show_atomic_composition( of = 'GGGGA' ) if of.is_a? Array of = of.join(' ').strip end padding_to_use = ' ' hash = ::Bioroebe.atomic_composition(of) _ = ''.dup _ << "#{rev}Atomic composition of #{steelblue(of)}#{rev}:\n\n" n_atoms_in_total = hash.values.sum array = %w( C H N O S ) array.each {|this_atom| case this_atom when 'C' _ << "#{padding_to_use}#{rev}Carbon C #{hash[this_atom].to_s.rjust(4)}\n" when 'H' _ << "#{padding_to_use}#{rev}Hydrogen H #{hash[this_atom].to_s.rjust(4)}\n" when 'N' _ << "#{padding_to_use}#{rev}Nitrogen N #{hash[this_atom].to_s.rjust(4)}\n" when 'O' _ << "#{padding_to_use}#{rev}Oxygen O #{hash[this_atom].to_s.rjust(4)}\n" when 'S' _ << "#{padding_to_use}#{rev}Sulfur S #{hash[this_atom].to_s.rjust(4)}\n" end } _ << " "+("-" * 18) _ << "\n" _ << " Total: #{n_atoms_in_total}\n\n" puts _ end |
.show_codon_tables(how = :headers) ⇒ Object
Here, the default input argument is reversed.
117 118 119 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/show_codon_tables.rb', line 117 def self.show_codon_tables(how = :headers) end |
.show_complementary_dna_strand(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
136 137 138 139 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/nucleotides/complementary_dna_strand.rb', line 136 def self.show_complementary_dna_strand(i = ARGV) complementary_dna_strand = end |
.show_exon_statistics(these_files) ⇒ Object
This is mostly “throw-away” code; it will quickly tell us how many exons may span over some junction.
It was specifically created to analyze a .gtf file.
Invocation example:
bioroebe --show-exon-statistics-for=/tmp/praktikum/Mouse/chromosome_8/parsed/
460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 460 def self.show_exon_statistics(these_files) [these_files].flatten.compact.each {|this_file| if File.exist? this_file result = `cat #{this_file} | awk '{print $12}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1n | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | less` e gold(' n exons') splitted = result.split("\n") # =================================================================== # # splitted may look like this: # # [" 89839 1", " 26031 2", " 1136 3", " 24 4"] # # =================================================================== # splitted.each {|line| e line.sub(/( \d+)$/, gold('\1')) } else no_file_exists_at(this_file) end } end |
.show_fasta_header(of_this_file) ⇒ Object
This ad-hoc method can be used to quickly show the first line of an assumed .fasta file.
326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/fasta_and_fastq.rb', line 326 def self.show_fasta_header( of_this_file ) if of_this_file.is_a? Array of_this_file = of_this_file.first end e File.readlines(of_this_file).first end |
.show_fasta_statistics(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
180 181 182 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/show_fasta_statistics.rb', line 180 def self.show_fasta_statistics(i = ARGV) end |
.show_n_glycosylation_motifs(from_this_file = 'foobar.fasta') ⇒ Object
The argument to this method should be a local file, which stores the IDs of the proteins. Only use one ID per given line, though.
This method has been inspired by this Rosalind task:
3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3468 def self.show_n_glycosylation_motifs( from_this_file = 'foobar.fasta' ) require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb' if from_this_file.is_a? Array from_this_file = from_this_file.first end from_this_file = from_this_file.to_s if File.exist? from_this_file result = ''.dup dataset = File.readlines(from_this_file).reject {|entry| entry.strip.empty? } index = 0 dataset.each {|this_id_for_the_protein| index += 1 this_id_for_the_protein.strip! # =================================================================== # # Fetch the remote dataset from uniprot. # =================================================================== # e e royalblue( index.to_s.rjust(2)+') ' ) file_location = ::Bioroebe.fetch_data_from_uniprot(this_id_for_the_protein) parsed_fasta_sequence = { :be_quiet }.first_value array_of_indices = ::Bioroebe.determine_n_glycosylation_matches(parsed_fasta_sequence) # =================================================================== # # Next, this is the output that Rosalind wants to have. # =================================================================== # unless array_of_indices.empty? result << this_id_for_the_protein+"\n" result << array_of_indices.join(' ')+"\n" end } e result # And display that result finally. else no_file_exists_at(from_this_file) end end |
.show_restriction_enzymes ⇒ Object
Use this method if you wish to show all restriction enzymes.
111 112 113 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/enzymes/show_restriction_enzymes.rb', line 111 def self.show_restriction_enzymes # bl $BIOROEBE/show_restriction_enzymes.rb end |
.show_time_now(be_verbose = be_verbose? ) ⇒ Object
This method will show the current time. It will do so only if the verbosity-variable has been set to true.
4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4948 def self.show_time_now( be_verbose = be_verbose? ) require 'bioroebe/colours/colours.rb' @time = return_current_hours_minutes_seconds case be_verbose # ======================================================================= # # === :be_verbose # ======================================================================= # when :be_verbose, true e "#{rev}Showing the current time: #{simp(@time)}" end end |
.showorf(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
874 875 876 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/showorf/showorf.rb', line 874 def self.showorf(i = ARGV), :all_frames) end |
.shuffleseq(i = ARGV) ⇒ Object
This method simulates the Emboss shuffleseq-functionality. It will take the input string, such as an assumed DNA sequence, and simply re-arrange it as-is.
You can read this here:
Usage example:
Bioroebe.shuffleseq 'ATCGATCG' # => "AGTTACGC"
1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1242 def self.shuffleseq(i = ARGV) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end return i.chars.shuffle.join end |
.simp(i = '') ⇒ Object
148 149 150 151 152 153 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 148 def self.simp(i = '') if @use_colours return Colours.simp(i) end return i end |
.simplify_fasta_header(of_this_file = ARGV, &block) ⇒ Object
78 79 80 81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/simplify_fasta_header/simplify_fasta_header.rb', line 78 def self.simplify_fasta_header( of_this_file = ARGV, &block ), &block) end |
.sizeseq(i) ⇒ Object
This method will “size-sequence compare”, typically on a .fasta file.
1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb', line 1418 def self.sizeseq(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end _ = Bioroebe.parse_fasta(i) { :be_quiet } _.do_sort_by_size end |
.sort_aminoacid_based_on_its_hydrophobicity(i = 'FDMS') ⇒ Object
This method can sort aminoacids based on their hydrophobicity.
The input to this method MUST happen in the form of the one-aminoacid letter code, as the input will be upcased, as-is.
The preferred input “type” should be a String.
The output of this method will be a String, such as ‘D < F < P’ or something similar. This output is then already sorted by hydrophobicity, e. g. D being not as hydrophobic as F, and so forth.
This method was created primarily because of a Rosalind challenge, but the functionality seems sufficiently useful to retain in general, as it may be useful for other code elements.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.sort_aminoacid_based_on_its_hydrophobicity('TAMS') # => T < G < A
1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1348 def self.sort_aminoacid_based_on_its_hydrophobicity( i = 'FDMS' ) dataset_from_the_hydropathy_table_file = YAML.load_file( FILE_HYDROPATHY_TABLE ) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i = 'FDMS' if i.nil? i = i.chars.uniq # Obtain the characters. hash = {} i.each {|entry| # ===================================================================== # # Find the entry in our main dataset next. # ===================================================================== # hash[entry] = dataset_from_the_hydropathy_table_file[entry] } sorted_hash = hash.sort_by {|key, hydrophobicity_value| hydrophobicity_value } # ======================================================================= # # We will return a String as a result. # ======================================================================= # result = ''.dup sorted_hash.each {|a,b| result << "#{a} < " } result.strip! result.chop! if result.end_with? '<' result.strip! return result end |
.start_codon? ⇒ Boolean
27 28 29 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/start_codons.rb', line 27 def self.start_codon? @start_codon end |
.start_codons? ⇒ Boolean
69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/start_codons.rb', line 69 def self.start_codons? @start_codons end |
.start_sinatra_interface ⇒ Object
This method can be used to start the sinatra interface.
1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sinatra/sinatra_wrapper.rb', line 1091 def self.start_sinatra_interface erev 'Trying to start the sinatra-interface of Bioroebe next.' e erev 'This should use the following URL:' e erev " #{sfancy(Bioroebe::EmbeddableInterface.localhost_to_use?)}" e! end |
.stop_codons? ⇒ Boolean
This method will return the three regular stop codons that can be “found” in DNA.
Usually, the Stop Codons will be saved in DNA-form simply because the yaml files that keep the codon tables also use DNA.
This method will return the Stop Codons that are valid for the respective organism at hand (if you selected the right codon table before).
The default codon table in use will be for humans (mammals rather), which is valid for most eukaryotes as well.
205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 205 def self.stop_codons? @stop_codons end |
.strict_filter_away_invalid_aminoacids(i = :default) ⇒ Object
This method, named ‘Bioroebe.strict_filter_away_invalid_aminoacids()`, is a strict filter for aminoacids. That is, if an invalid aminoacid is passed to this method, that aminoacid will simply be discarded.
Only 20 aminoacids are valid, in regards to this filter here - the canonical aminoacids.
The following behaviour is valid for this method:
Any String passed into this method will be converted to an Array.
Any Array passed into this method will be turned into an Array“ of Strings” if it contains at the least one String.
Note that this method will return an Array as a result. This Array will retain only valid aminoacids (e. g. from the 20 that are possible).
Usage example:
Bioroebe.strict_filter_away_invalid_aminoacids('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') # => 'ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWY'
1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1854 def self.strict_filter_away_invalid_aminoacids( i = :default ) case i when :default # Assign a default in this case. i = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' # In the past, the above entry also handled nil, '', # but I realized that this makes no sense, so it was # disabled as of 06.12.2020. end if i.is_a? String i = i.chars elsif i.is_a?(Array) and i.first.is_a?(String) i = i.first.chars end # ======================================================================= # # We should now have an Array, hopefully. Next we can apply a filter on # that Array. # ======================================================================= # valid_aminoacids = AMINO_ACIDS.keys! {|this_aminoacid| valid_aminoacids.include? this_aminoacid } if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end i end |
.sum_of_odd_integers(starting_point = 100, end_point = 200) ⇒ Object
This method was primarily written to solve a specific problem at Rosalind.
This method will probably not be hugely important for every-day tasks, but I will leave it here nonetheless in the event that others want to solve problems at Rosalind and may find this method useful.
The method will calculate the “sum of odd integers”. A local file can be provided - see the code at in the method. For more use cases, see the end of this .rb file.
3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3731 def self.sum_of_odd_integers( starting_point = 100, end_point = 200 ) if starting_point and File.file?(starting_point) case end_point # ===================================================================== # # === :default # ===================================================================== # when :default, nil dataset = splitted = dataset.split(' ') starting_point = splitted.first end_point = splitted.last end end result = 0 # ======================================================================= # # We need our start and end point to be Integers past this point: # ======================================================================= # starting_point = starting_point.to_i end_point = end_point.to_i (starting_point .. end_point).each {|number| result += number if number.odd? } result end |
.swarn(i = '', use_colours = @use_colours) ⇒ Object
210 211 212 213 214 215 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 210 def self.swarn( i = '', use_colours = @use_colours ) return Colours.swarn(i) if use_colours return i end |
.taxonomy_directory? ⇒ Boolean
16 17 18 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_all_taxonomy_files.rb', line 16 def self.taxonomy_directory? "#{project_base_dir?}taxonomy/" end |
.taxonomy_download_directory? ⇒ Boolean
171 172 173 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/taxonomy.rb', line 171 def self.taxonomy_download_directory? ::Bioroebe::Taxonomy.taxonomy_download_directory? end |
.taxonomy_ncbi_database_last_update_log_file ⇒ Object
This constant is used specifically for the taxonomy-component of the Bioroebe project.
282 283 284 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 282 def self.taxonomy_ncbi_database_last_update_log_file "#{::Bioroebe.log_dir?}taxonomy_ncbi_database_last_update.log" end |
.this_aminoacid_has_n_codons(i) ⇒ Object
This method must return a Number at all times, either 0, or any other positive number. 0 will be returned if the aminoacid at hand does not exist as well, so it should be ensure that the aminoacid exists.
Otherwise the number will be a positive integer, showing how many codons this aminoacid has.
Since 22.03.2020 the method will also honour the specified codon-table.
281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codons.rb', line 281 def self.this_aminoacid_has_n_codons(i) if i.is_a? Array {|entry| this_aminoacid_has_n_codons(entry) }.sum # Recursive call. else result = 0 array = codons_for_this_aminoacid?(i) result += array.size if array return result end end |
.this_nucleotide_pairs_with?(i) ⇒ Boolean
485 486 487 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 485 def self.this_nucleotide_pairs_with?(i) HASH_DNA_NUCLEOTIDES[i.to_s.upcase] end |
.thousand_percentage(this_codon_n_times = 1, total_n_elements = 1000) ⇒ Object
This method is solely a helper-method for Bioroebe.frequency_per_thousand().
941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 941 def self.thousand_percentage( this_codon_n_times = 1, total_n_elements = 1000 ) result = ( (this_codon_n_times * 1000.0) / total_n_elements.to_f ).round(1) padded_result = result.to_s.rjust(5, ' ') return padded_result end |
.three_delimiter(array) ⇒ Object
This method will, applied onto an Array of Strings, add the ‘|’ token after 3 positions.
The argument to this method should be an Array.
Bioroebe.three_delimiter('ATGGGGATGTAGGTA','ATGTAGGTA') # => ["ATG|GGG|ATG|TAG|GTA", "ATG|TAG|GTA"]
399 400 401 402 403 404 405 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 399 def self.three_delimiter(array) {|entry| splitted = entry.scan(/.../) entry = splitted.join('|') entry } end |
.three_to_one(i) ⇒ Object
This method will convert from e. g. “THR” to “T” - aka from a three letter input, towards the one-letter abbreviation for the aminoacid threonine.
That way this method acts as the sister method to the other method that gives us three letters from ONE letter, sort of. Taken together, these two methods form a corresponding dual-pair there, yin/yang, from 3-to-1 and from 1-to-3.
Behaviour of this method:
This method will translate "Lys" into "L", and the other
corresponding aminoacids into their one-letter abbreviation.
The input to this method should be a String.
The output will not contain any ‘-’ character by default, even if the input came with ‘-’ characters. The reason why this is the default is because the most common use cases may wish to continue to work with the one-letter abbreviation instead, which is much more common than the three-letter abbreviation.
339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 339 def self.three_to_one(i) _ = ''.dup if i if i.is_a? Array i = i.join end if i =~ /gui/i require 'bioroebe/gui/gtk3/three_to_one/three_to_one.rb' # three_to_one --gui return end if i.include? '-' i = i.dup if i.frozen? i.delete!('-') end dataset = AMINO_ACIDS_THREE_TO_ONE # ===================================================================== # # The table keeps the members in a downcase variant, hence why we # also apply .downcase next. The above dataset will keep the hash # keys in a downcased variant as-is. # ===================================================================== # scanned = i.scan(/.../).map(&:downcase) scanned.each {|key| if dataset.has_key? key match = dataset[key] _ << match end } end return _ end |
.to_aminoacids(i, &block) ⇒ Object
This method can be used to convert a String such as ‘ATG’ into the corresponding aminoacid sequence - in this example, the String ‘M’.
Invocation examples:
Bioroebe.to_aminoacids '/rosalind_prot.txt' # => "MAMAPRTEINSTRING"
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/dna.rb', line 175 def self.to_aminoacids(i, &block) if i and File.file?(i) i = end result =, &block) if i.is_a?(String) and !result.is_a?(String) # ======================================================================= # # If the user did input a String, then we must make sure that the # returned value will also be a String. # ======================================================================= # result = result.join(' ').strip end result end |
.to_camelcase(i) ⇒ Object
Convert the given String (the input) into a camelcased variant.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.to_camelcase('foo_bar') # => "FooBar"
307 308 309 310 311 312 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 307 def self.to_camelcase(i) if i.is_a? Array i = i.first end i.split('_').map {|entry| entry.capitalize }.join end |
.to_dna(i = nil, upcase_me = true) ⇒ Object
This method will essentially replace all “U” with “T”, from the given input argument (which can be a String or an Array).
To test this method, do:
4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4645 def self.to_dna( i = nil, upcase_me = true ) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i = i.to_s i = filter_away_invalid_nucleotides(i, :preserve_uracil) # A module-method. i = i.upcase if upcase_me if upcase_me # Sanitize all U into T.!('U','T') else!('u','t') end return i end |
.to_rna(i = nil, upcase_me = true) ⇒ Object
This method will convert DNA into RNA. See the usage example below for a bit more details.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.to_rna 'ATGACCG' # => "AUGACCG"
4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4538 def self.to_rna( i = nil, upcase_me = true ) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i = i.to_s i = i.dup if i.frozen? if i and File.exist?(i) and i.include?('.') # Assume input such as ''. i = end i.gsub!(/T/,'U') return i end |
.to_utf(i) ⇒ Object
This method will convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 (Unicode) encoding.
It was created in the year 2015, but it is no longer that important, simply because all .rb files in this project now make use of UTF-8 encoding by default. Since some code in the taxonomy-submodule of the bioroebe gem may still use this method, the code is retained.
Do not expect to see much use of it outside of the taxonomy submodule, though.
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/encoding/encoding.rb', line 32 def self.to_utf(i) return i.encode( 'iso-8859-1', 'UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace ).force_encoding('utf-8') end |
.trailing_three_prime(i = '', get_rid_of_spaces = false, use_hyphen = true) ⇒ Object
This method will output the trailing 3’ part, like a header (or rather, a trailer).
4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4603 def self.trailing_three_prime( i = '', # The default to '' is important. get_rid_of_spaces = false, use_hyphen = true ) case get_rid_of_spaces # ======================================================================= # # === :no_spaces # ======================================================================= # when :no_spaces, :get_rid_of_spaces, :eliminate_spaces get_rid_of_spaces = true end if i.is_a? Array i = i.join.strip end if use_hyphen _ = "#{i} - 3'" # ← This here is the header-tag. else # This variant is a bit simpler and shorter. _ = "#{i} 3'" # ← This here is the header-tag. end _.delete!(' ') if get_rid_of_spaces return _ end |
.transitions_to_transversions_ratio(string1, string2 = nil, round_to_n_positions = 11) ⇒ Object
This method will calculate the transition-to-transversion ratio between two Strings of equal length.
The second argument, called ‘string2`, can be nil, in which case we may re-set it to a value if the input to string1 is a file. The reason for this is that we may want to read both string1 and string2 from a file, if available. If it is a file then it is typically assumed to be a FASTA (.fasta or .fa) file. See the following usage examples for this.
Usage examples:
dataset = Bioroebe.transitions_to_transversions_ratio('/XXX.txt')
dataset = Bioroebe.transitions_to_transversions_ratio('/TRANSITIONS.txt')
2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2633 def self.transitions_to_transversions_ratio( string1, string2 = nil, round_to_n_positions = 11 ) if File.file? string1 # ===================================================================== # # We can read in fasta-data here. # ===================================================================== # require 'bioroebe/fasta_and_fastq/parse_fasta/parse_fasta.rb' dataset = { :be_quiet }.values if dataset.size > 1 string1 = dataset[0] string2 = dataset[1] end end n_transitions = n_transitions(string1, string2).to_f ratio = ( n_transitions / n_transversions(string1, string2).to_f ) return ratio.to_f.round(round_to_n_positions) end |
.translate_all_three_frames(i) ⇒ Object
661 662 663 664 665 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/conversions/dna_to_aminoacid_sequence.rb', line 661 def self.translate_all_three_frames(i) { :be_verbose }, :frame_two) { :be_verbose }, :frame_three) { :be_verbose } end |
.truncate? ⇒ Boolean
129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 129 def self.truncate? @truncate end |
.try_to_pass_through_beautiful_url(i) ⇒ Object
Simply pass through BeautifulUrl. If the input is registered then this method will return the remote or local file that is “pointed at” by the given input. Basically this is a shortcut: we input a few characters, and get back the full length, a bit similar to how tinyurl used to work.
3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3873 def self.try_to_pass_through_beautiful_url(i) i = i.first if i.is_a? Array i = BeautifulUrl[i] if Object.const_defined? :BeautifulUrl i = i.first if i.is_a? Array return i end |
.try_to_rename_kde_konsole? ⇒ Boolean
105 106 107 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/configuration/configuration.rb', line 105 def self.try_to_rename_kde_konsole? ::Bioroebe::Configuration::TRY_TO_RENAME_KDE_KONSOLE end |
.two_dimensional_plot(dataset = '6 12 8 14 10 18 12 23 14 28 16 29 18 26 20 23 22 20', optional_hash = { width: 800, height: 640 }) ⇒ Object
This method makes use of gnuplot to draw a 2D plot.
The first argument should contain your dataset, as a String.
2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2933 def self.two_dimensional_plot( dataset = '6 12 8 14 10 18 12 23 14 28 16 29 18 26 20 23 22 20', optional_hash = { width: 800, height: 640 } ) # ======================================================================= # # Provide some generic fall-back values for width and height next: # ======================================================================= # width = 1000 height = 800 _ = optional_hash if _.is_a? Hash # ===================================================================== # # === :width # ===================================================================== # if _.has_key? :width width = _.delete(:width) end # ===================================================================== # # === :height # ===================================================================== # if _.has_key? :height height = _.delete(:height) end end # ======================================================================= # # Go to a safe base directory. # ======================================================================= # cd :bioroebe_log_directory mkdir 'gnuplot' unless'gnuplot') cd 'gnuplot' # ======================================================================= # # First save the dataset into # ======================================================================= # into = File.absolute_path('') e 'Storing the dataset into '+sfile(into)+' next.' write_what_into(dataset, into) what = <<-EOF set terminal png size #{width},#{height} enhanced font "Helvetica, 18" set output 'fancy_graph.png' plot '#{into}' with linespoints ls 1 notitle EOF into = File.absolute_path('gnuplot.file') e 'Storing into '+into+'.' write_what_into(what, into) esystem 'gnuplot '+into if File.exist? 'fancy_graph.png' and is_on_roebe? Open.in_browser('fancy_graph.png') end end |
.unique_two_paired_permutations(array = %w( B E G I K L P S )) ⇒ Object
This method will return all unique permutations of a given Array.
The method will return an Array of all possible, unique combinations, as a pair of two entries per inner array.
Invocation example:
Bioroebe.unique_two_paired_permutations # Would yield an Array of 28 members.
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/utility_scripts/permutations/permutations.rb', line 131 def self.unique_two_paired_permutations( array = %w( B E G I K L P S ) ) # ========================================================================= # # Example: ["B", "E", "G", "I", "K", "L", "P", "S"] # ========================================================================= # all_permutations = array.permutation(2).to_a all_unique_permutations = [] all_permutations.each {|this_array| all_unique_permutations << this_array unless all_unique_permutations.include?(this_array.reverse) } return all_unique_permutations end |
.upcase_this_aminoacid_sequence_and_remove_numbers(i = '1 msasasacdc lvgvptgptl astcggsafm lfmgllevfi rsqcdledpc grassrfrse 61 pdyeydfivi gggsagsvva srlsevpqwk vllieaggde pvgaqipsmf lnfigsdidy') ⇒ Object
This method can be used to remove numbers, upcase all entries and delete all ‘ ’ characters and newlines. It is mostly a “sanitize” method.
Invocation example:
Bioroebe.upcase_this_aminoacid_sequence_and_remove_numbers # => "MSASASA" (etc..)
1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1937 def self.upcase_this_aminoacid_sequence_and_remove_numbers( i = '1 msasasacdc lvgvptgptl astcggsafm lfmgllevfi rsqcdledpc grassrfrse 61 pdyeydfivi gggsagsvva srlsevpqwk vllieaggde pvgaqipsmf lnfigsdidy' ) if i.is_a? Array i = i.join(' ').strip end i = i.dup if i.frozen? i = i.delete(' ').delete("\n").gsub(/\d+/,'').strip.upcase e i end |
.upload_this_pdf_file(i) ⇒ Object
11911 11912 11913 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/shell/shell.rb', line 11911 def self.upload_this_pdf_file(i) ::Bioroebe::Shell.upload_this_pdf_file(i) end |
.use_colours? ⇒ Boolean
Query-method to determine whether the Bioroebe gem will try to make use of colours.
23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/use_colours.rb', line 23 def self.use_colours? @use_colours end |
.use_opn? ⇒ Boolean
This is the toplevel-method that should be used, ideally, for determining whether opn will be used for the bioroebe project.
98 99 100 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/configuration/configuration.rb', line 98 def self.use_opn? ::Bioroebe::Configuration.use_opn? end |
.use_this_codon_table(i) ⇒ Object
This method combines setting a specific codon-table in use, and it will also load the dataset of that codon table.
Usage example:
340 341 342 343 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/codons/codon_table.rb', line 340 def self.use_this_codon_table(i) set_codon_table_in_use(i) load_the_codon_table_dataset end |
.use_which_yaml_engine? ⇒ Boolean
Query-method to find out which yaml-engine is used for the BioRoebe project.
37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/requires/require_yaml.rb', line 37 def self.use_which_yaml_engine? @use_this_yaml_engine end |
.user_home_directory? ⇒ Boolean
This method will either refer to the home directory of the user at hand, or, if unavailable, simply refer to ‘/tmp/’ as hardcoded target.
The main assumption here is that the home directory is writable and readable for the user, by default.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/log_directory/log_directory.rb', line 18 def self.user_home_directory? begin # ===================================================================== # # Expand to find the proper directory. # ===================================================================== # return "#{File.('~')}/" rescue ArgumentError # ===================================================================== # # Rescued in .cgi environments, where it will default to /tmp/. # ===================================================================== # return '/tmp/' end end |
.version? ⇒ Boolean
40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/version/version.rb', line 40 def self.version? ::Bioroebe::VERSION end |
.weight_of_these_aminoacids?(i, optional_round_to = nil) ⇒ Boolean
The second argument allows you to specify whether you wish to round the result. By default no rounding will be performed.
Usage example:
Bioroebe.weight_of_these_aminoacids? 'SKADYEK'
Bioroebe.weight_of_these_aminoacids? 'SKADYEK',3
Bioroebe.weight_of_these_aminoacids? '/'
350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/protein.rb', line 350 def self.weight_of_these_aminoacids?( i, optional_round_to = nil ) if i and File.file?(i) i = end result = if optional_round_to result = result.round(optional_round_to) end result end |
.weight_of_this_aminoacid?(i, use_this_dataset = nil) ⇒ Boolean
This method will return the weight of an aminoacid (that is bound in a protein, thus having a H2O group less than normally in total).
1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1154 def self.weight_of_this_aminoacid?( i, use_this_dataset = nil ) if use_this_dataset.nil? use_this_dataset = YAML.load_file(FILE_AMINO_ACIDS_MASS_TABLE) end if i.is_a? Array {|entry| result = weight_of_this_aminoacid?(entry, use_this_dataset) if result.nil? erev 'A nil value happened for '+steelblue(entry)+rev+ '. Check file '+sfile(FILE_AMINO_ACIDS_MASS_TABLE) end result }.compact.sum else use_this_dataset[i] end end |
.wget_download(target) ⇒ Object
This variant will always use “wget” - hence the name.
4385 4386 4387 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4385 def self.wget_download(target) esystem "wget #{target}" end |
.windows_platform? ⇒ Boolean
2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 2916 def self.windows_platform? case RUBY_PLATFORM when /(?:mswin|bccwin|mingw|windows)(?:32|64)/i true else false end end |
.write_what_into(what = 'Hello world!', into = '') ⇒ Object
This method will simply write the content of the variable ‘what` into the file called `into`.
4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 4145 def self.write_what_into( what = 'Hello world!', into = '' ) base_directory = File.dirname(into) if base_directory, 'w') { |file| file << what } else e "No directory exists at #{base_directory}. Thus, "\ "no file could be saved." end end |
Instance Method Details
#all_aminoacids? ⇒ Boolean
182 183 184 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 182 def all_aminoacids? ::Bioroebe.all_aminoacids? end |
#cat(i) ⇒ Object
5072 5073 5074 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 5072 def cat(i) end |
#default_colour? ⇒ Boolean Also known as: main_colour, main_col
104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 104 def default_colour? ::Bioroebe.default_colour? end |
#ecomment(i) ⇒ Object
175 176 177 178 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 175 def ecomment(i) return Colours.ecomment(i) if use_colours_in_general? return i end |
#file_restriction_enzymes ⇒ Object
892 893 894 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/constants/constants.rb', line 892 def file_restriction_enzymes ::Bioroebe.file_restriction_enzymes end |
#is_on_roebe? ⇒ Boolean Also known as: roebe?, on_roebe?, is_roebe?
Whether I am at home or whether I am not.
23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/roebe.rb', line 23 def is_on_roebe? Bioroebe.is_on_roebe? end |
#mkdir(i) ⇒ Object
3310 3311 3312 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 3310 def mkdir(i) ::Bioroebe.mkdir(i) end |
#pwd ⇒ Object
1110 1111 1112 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/toplevel_methods/toplevel_methods.rb', line 1110 def pwd ::Bioroebe.pwd end |
#rev ⇒ Object
Delegate towards Bioroebe.rev() there.
62 63 64 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 62 def rev ::Bioroebe.rev end |
#Sequence(i) ⇒ Object Also known as: Seq
701 702 703 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/sequence/sequence.rb', line 701 def Sequence(i) end |
#use_colours_in_general? ⇒ Boolean
121 122 123 |
# File 'lib/bioroebe/colours/colours.rb', line 121 def use_colours_in_general? ::Bioroebe.use_colours? end |