Vng - a Ruby client for the Vonigo API

Vng helps you write apps that need to interact with Vonigo.

The source code is available on GitHub and the documentation on RubyDoc.

Code Climate

After registering your app, you can run commands like:

Vng::ServiceType.where zip:
Vng::SecurityToken.create host:, usename:, password:
Vng::Lead.create email:, phone:, name: full_name
Vng::Contact.create first_name:, last_name:, email:, phone:, client_id:
Vng::Location.create address:, city:, zip:, state: state, client_id:
Vng::Asset.create name:, weight:, breed_option_id:, client_id:
Vng::PriceItem.where location_id:, asset_id:
Vng::Availability.where(location_id:, duration:, from_time:, to_time:
Vng::Lock.create date:, duration: location_id: 
Vng::WorkOrder.create lock_id:, client_id:, contact_id:, location_id:, duration:, summary:, line_items:
Vng::Case.create client_id:, summary:, comments:

The full documentation is available at

How to install

To install on your system, run

gem install vng

To use inside a bundled Ruby project, add this line to the Gemfile:

gem 'vng', '~> 0.1.13'

Since the gem follows Semantic Versioning, indicating the full version in your Gemfile (~> major.minor.patch) guarantees that your project won’t occur in any error when you bundle update and a new version of Vng is released.

Configuring your app

In order to use Vng you must have credentials to the Vonigo API.

Add them to your code with the following snippet of code (replacing with your own credentials):

Vng.configure do |config| = ''
  config.username = 'VonigoUser'
  config.password = 'VonigoPassword'

Configuring with environment variables

As an alternative to the approach above, you can configure your app with variables. Setting the following environment variables:

export VNG_HOST=""
export VNG_USERNAME="VonigoUser"
export VNG_PASSWORD="VonigoPassword"

is equivalent to the previous approach so pick the one you prefer. If a variable is set in both places, then Vng.configure takes precedence.

How to test

To run tests:


Set VNG_MOCK=1 to test against HTTP mocks.

How to release new versions

If you are a manager of this project, remember to upgrade the Vng gem whenever a new feature is added or a bug gets fixed. Make sure all the tests are passing and the code is 100% test-covered. Document the changes in and, bump the version, then run:

rake release

Remember that the vng gem follows Semantic Versioning. Any new release that is fully backward-compatible should bump the patch version (0.0.x). Any new version that breaks compatibility should bump the minor version (0.x.0)

How to contribute

Vng needs your support! The goal of Vng is to provide a Ruby interface for all the methods exposed by the Vonigo API.

If you find that a method is missing, fork the project, add the missing code, write the appropriate tests, then submit a pull request, and it will gladly be merged!