A delightful Ruby interface to the latest large language models. Stop wrestling with multiple APIs and inconsistent interfaces. RubyLLM gives you a clean, unified way to work with models from OpenAI, Anthropic, and more.

Gem Version Ruby Style Guide


Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'ruby_llm'

Or install it yourself:

gem install ruby_llm

Quick Start

RubyLLM makes it dead simple to start chatting with AI models:

require 'ruby_llm'

# Configure your API keys
RubyLLM.configure do |config|
  config.openai_api_key = ENV['OPENAI_API_KEY']
  config.anthropic_api_key = ENV['ANTHROPIC_API_KEY']

# Start a conversation
chat =
chat.ask "What's the best way to learn Ruby?"

Available Models

RubyLLM gives you access to the latest models from multiple providers:

# List all available models

# Get models by type
chat_models = RubyLLM.models.chat_models
embedding_models = RubyLLM.models.embedding_models
audio_models = RubyLLM.models.audio_models
image_models = RubyLLM.models.image_models

Having a Conversation

Conversations are simple and natural, with automatic token counting built right in:

chat = model: 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022'

# Single messages with token tracking
response = chat.ask "What's your favorite Ruby feature?"
puts "Response used #{response.input_tokens} input tokens and #{response.output_tokens} output tokens"

# Multi-turn conversations just work
chat.ask "Can you elaborate on that?"
chat.ask "How does that compare to Python?"

# Stream responses as they come
chat.ask "Tell me a story about a Ruby programmer" do |chunk|
  print chunk.content

# Get token usage for the whole conversation from the last message
last_message = chat.messages.last
puts "Conversation used #{last_message.input_tokens} input tokens and #{last_message.output_tokens} output tokens"

Using Tools

Give Claude some Ruby superpowers by letting it call your code. Simply create a tool class:

class CalculatorTool < RubyLLM::Tool
  description "Performs arithmetic calculations"

  param :expression,
    type: :string,
    required: true,
    desc: "A mathematical expression to evaluate (e.g. '2 + 2')"

  def execute(expression:)

Then use it in your conversations:

chat =

# Claude will automatically use the calculator when appropriate
chat.ask "What's 2+2?"
# => "Let me calculate that for you. The result is 4."

chat.ask "If I have 3 apples and multiply them by 5, how many do I have?"
# => "Let me help you calculate that. 3 × 5 = 15, so you would have 15 apples."

# Add multiple tools
chat.with_tools(CalculatorTool, WeatherTool, DatabaseTool)

Tools let you seamlessly integrate your Ruby code with AI capabilities. The model will automatically decide when to use your tools and handle the results appropriately.

Need to debug a tool? RubyLLM automatically logs all tool calls and their results when debug logging is enabled:

ENV['RUBY_LLM_DEBUG'] = 'true'

chat.ask "What's 123 * 456?"
# D, -- RubyLLM: Tool calculator called with: {"expression" => "123 * 456"}
# D, -- RubyLLM: Tool calculator returned: "56088"

Create tools for anything - database queries, API calls, custom business logic - and let Claude use them naturally in conversation.

Coming Soon

  • Rails integration for seamless database and Active Record support
  • Automatic retries and error handling
  • Much more!


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.