Module: Kernel
- Defined in:
- lib/qbash.rb
Execute one bash command.
- Author
Yegor Bugayenko (
- Copyright
Copyright © 2024-2025 Yegor Bugayenko
- License
Instance Method Summary collapse
#qbash(cmd, stdin: '', env: {}, log: Loog::NULL, accept: [0], both: false, level: Logger::DEBUG) ⇒ String
Execute a single bash command.
Instance Method Details
#qbash(cmd, stdin: '', env: {}, log: Loog::NULL, accept: [0], both: false, level: Logger::DEBUG) ⇒ String
Execute a single bash command.
For example:
year = qbash('date +%Y')
If exit code is not zero, an exception will be raised.
To escape arguments, use Shellwords.escape() method.
Stderr automatically merges with stdout.
Read this <a href=“”>README</a> file for more details.
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/qbash.rb', line 58 def qbash(cmd, stdin: '', env: {}, log: Loog::NULL, accept: [0], both: false, level: Logger::DEBUG) env.each { |k, v| raise "env[#{k}] is nil" if v.nil? } cmd = cmd.reject { |a| a.nil? || (a.is_a?(String) && a.empty?) }.join(' ') if cmd.is_a?(Array) mtd = case level when Logger::DEBUG :debug when Logger::INFO :info when Logger::WARN :warn when Logger::ERROR :error else raise "Unknown log level #{level}" end if log.nil? # nothing to print elsif log.respond_to?(mtd) log.__send__(mtd, "+ #{cmd}") else log.print("+ #{cmd}\n") end buf = '' e = 1 start = Open3.popen2e(env, "/bin/bash -c #{Shellwords.escape(cmd)}") do |sin, sout, thr| sin.write(stdin) sin.close until sout.eof? begin ln = sout.gets rescue IOError => e ln = end if log.nil? # no logging elsif log.respond_to?(mtd) log.__send__(mtd, ln) else log.print("#{ln}\n") end buf += ln end e = thr.value.to_i if !accept.nil? && !accept.include?(e) raise "The command '#{cmd}' failed with exit code ##{e} in #{start.ago}\n#{buf}" end end return [buf, e] if both buf end |