Module: OsLib_Constructions
- Defined in:
- lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb
******************************************************************************* OpenStudio®, Copyright © Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. See also *******************************************************************************
Class Method Summary collapse
.addNewLayerToConstruction(construction, options = {}) ⇒ Object
add new material to outside of a construction.
.createConstructionWithSimpleGlazing(model, runner = nil, options = {}) ⇒ Object
create simple glazing material.
.getConstructionSRI(construction) ⇒ Object
sri of exposed surface of a construction (calculation from K-12 AEDG, derived from ASTM E1980 assuming medium wind speed).
.getTotalCostOfSelectedConstructions(constructionArray) ⇒ Object
get cost of selected constructions.
.inferInsulationLayer(construction, minThermalResistance) ⇒ Object
infer insulation layer from a construction.
.reportConstructionSetConstructions(constructionSet) ⇒ Object
report names of constructions in a construction set.
.setConstructionSurfaceProperties(construction, options = {}) ⇒ Object
set material surface properties for specific layer in construction.
.setMaterialSurfaceProperties(material, options = {}) ⇒ Object
similar to setMaterialSurfaceProperties but I just pass a material in.
.setMaterialThermalResistance(material, thermalResistance, options = {}) ⇒ Object
change thermal resistance of opaque materials.
Class Method Details
.addNewLayerToConstruction(construction, options = {}) ⇒ Object
add new material to outside of a construction
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 83 def self.addNewLayerToConstruction(construction, = {}) # set defaults to use if user inputs not passed in defaults = { 'cloneConstruction' => false, # in future give user option to clone or change live construction 'layerIndex' => 0, # 0 will be outside. Measure writer should validate any non 0 layerIndex passed in. 'name' => "#{} - new material", 'roughness' => nil, 'thickness' => nil, 'conductivity' => nil, 'density' => nil, 'specificHeat' => nil, 'thermalAbsorptance' => nil, 'solarAbsorptance' => nil, 'visibleAbsorptance' => nil } # merge user inputs with defaults = defaults.merge() # TODO: - would be nice to grab surface properties from previous exposed material # make new material exposedMaterialNew = exposedMaterialNew.setName(['name']) # set requested material properties if !['roughness'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setRoughness(['roughness']) end if !['thickness'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setThickness(['thickness']) end if !['conductivity'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setConductivity(['conductivity']) end if !['density'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setDensity(['density']) end if !['specificHeat'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setSpecificHeat(['specificHeat']) end if !['thermalAbsorptance'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setThermalAbsorptance(['thermalAbsorptance']) end if !['solarAbsorptance'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setSolarAbsorptance(['solarAbsorptance']) end if !['visibleAbsorptance'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setVisibleAbsorptance(['visibleAbsorptance']) end # add material to construction construction.insertLayer(['layerIndex'], exposedMaterialNew) result = exposedMaterialNew return result end |
.createConstructionWithSimpleGlazing(model, runner = nil, options = {}) ⇒ Object
create simple glazing material
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 226 def self.createConstructionWithSimpleGlazing(model, runner = nil, = {}) # set defaults to use if user inputs not passed in defaults = { 'constructionName' => nil, 'materialName' => nil, 'uFactor' => nil, 'solarHeatGainCoef' => nil, 'visibleTransmittance' => nil } # merge user inputs with defaults = defaults.merge() # create construction and material and link them together construction = if !['constructionName'].nil? then construction.setName(['constructionName'].to_s) end material = if !['materialName'].nil? then material.setName(['materialName'].to_s) end # add material to construction construction.insertLayer(0, material) # set material properties if !['uFactor'].nil? then material.setUFactor(['uFactor']) end if !['solarHeatGainCoef'].nil? then material.setSolarHeatGainCoefficient(['solarHeatGainCoef']) end if !['visibleTransmittance'].nil? then material.setVisibleTransmittance(['visibleTransmittance']) end # create info message if !runner.nil? # todo - need to look for bad visible transmittance here uFactorSiToIpConversion = OpenStudio.convert(material.uFactor, 'W/m^2*K', 'Btu/ft^2*h*R').get # version check to support 2.x and 3.x if >"2.9.1") runner.registerInfo("Created #{} construction. U-factor: #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(uFactorSiToIpConversion, 2, true)}(Btu/ft^2*h*R), SHGC: #{material.solarHeatGainCoefficient}, VT: #{material.getVisibleTransmittance.get}.") else runner.registerInfo("Created #{} construction. U-factor: #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(uFactorSiToIpConversion, 2, true)}(Btu/ft^2*h*R), SHGC: #{material.getSolarHeatGainCoefficient}, VT: #{material.getVisibleTransmittance.get}.") end end result = construction return result end |
.getConstructionSRI(construction) ⇒ Object
sri of exposed surface of a construction (calculation from K-12 AEDG, derived from ASTM E1980 assuming medium wind speed)
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 210 def self.getConstructionSRI(construction) exposedMaterial = construction.to_LayeredConstruction.get.getLayer(0) solarAbsorptance = exposedMaterial.to_OpaqueMaterial.get.solarAbsorptance thermalEmissivity = exposedMaterial.to_OpaqueMaterial.get.thermalAbsorptance # lines below just for testing # solarAbsorptance = 1 - 0.65 # thermalEmissivity = 0.86 x = (20.797 * solarAbsorptance - 0.603 * thermalEmissivity) / (9.5205 * thermalEmissivity + 12.0) sri = 123.97 - 141.35 * x + 9.6555 * x * x result = sri return result end |
.getTotalCostOfSelectedConstructions(constructionArray) ⇒ Object
get cost of selected constructions
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 269 def self.getTotalCostOfSelectedConstructions(constructionArray) envelope_cost = 0 # loop through selected constructions constructionArray.each do |construction| next if construction.getNetArea == 0 const_llcs = construction.lifeCycleCosts const_llcs.each do |const_llc| if const_llc.category == 'Construction' envelope_cost += const_llc.totalCost end end end result = envelope_cost return result end |
.inferInsulationLayer(construction, minThermalResistance) ⇒ Object
infer insulation layer from a construction
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 8 def self.inferInsulationLayer(construction, minThermalResistance) construction_layers = construction.layers counter = 0 max_resistance = 0 thermal_resistance_array = [] # loop through construction layers and infer insulation layer/material construction_layers.each do |construction_layer| construction_thermal_resistance = construction_layer.to_OpaqueMaterial.get.thermalResistance if !thermal_resistance_array.empty? if construction_thermal_resistance > max_resistance thermal_resistance_array = [construction_layer, counter, construction_thermal_resistance] max_resistance = construction_thermal_resistance end else thermal_resistance_array = [construction_layer, counter, construction_thermal_resistance] end counter += 1 end # test against minimum if max_resistance > minThermalResistance minTestPass = true else minTestPass = false end result = { 'construction' => construction, 'construction_layer' => thermal_resistance_array[0], 'layer_index' => thermal_resistance_array[1], 'construction_thermal_resistance' => thermal_resistance_array[2], 'insulationFound' => minTestPass } return result end |
.reportConstructionSetConstructions(constructionSet) ⇒ Object
report names of constructions in a construction set
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 288 def self.reportConstructionSetConstructions(constructionSet) constructionArray = [] # populate exterior surfaces if constructionSet.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.is_initialized surfaceSet = constructionSet.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.get if surfaceSet.floorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.floorConstruction.get end if surfaceSet.wallConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.wallConstruction.get end if surfaceSet.roofCeilingConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.roofCeilingConstruction.get end end # populate interior surfaces if constructionSet.defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions.is_initialized surfaceSet = constructionSet.defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions.get if surfaceSet.floorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.floorConstruction.get end if surfaceSet.wallConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.wallConstruction.get end if surfaceSet.roofCeilingConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.roofCeilingConstruction.get end end # populate ground surfaces if constructionSet.defaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions.is_initialized surfaceSet = constructionSet.defaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions.get if surfaceSet.floorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.floorConstruction.get end if surfaceSet.wallConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.wallConstruction.get end if surfaceSet.roofCeilingConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << surfaceSet.roofCeilingConstruction.get end end # populate exterior sub-surfaces if constructionSet.defaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions.is_initialized subSurfaceSet = constructionSet.defaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions.get if subSurfaceSet.fixedWindowConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.fixedWindowConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.operableWindowConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.operableWindowConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.doorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.doorConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.glassDoorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.glassDoorConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.overheadDoorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.overheadDoorConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.skylightConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.skylightConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.tubularDaylightDomeConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.tubularDaylightDomeConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.tubularDaylightDiffuserConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.tubularDaylightDiffuserConstruction.get end end # populate interior sub-surfaces if constructionSet.defaultInteriorSubSurfaceConstructions.is_initialized subSurfaceSet = constructionSet.defaultInteriorSubSurfaceConstructions.get if subSurfaceSet.fixedWindowConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.fixedWindowConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.operableWindowConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.operableWindowConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.doorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.doorConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.glassDoorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.glassDoorConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.overheadDoorConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.overheadDoorConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.skylightConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.skylightConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.tubularDaylightDomeConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.tubularDaylightDomeConstruction.get end if subSurfaceSet.tubularDaylightDiffuserConstruction.is_initialized then constructionArray << subSurfaceSet.tubularDaylightDiffuserConstruction.get end end # populate misc surfaces if constructionSet.interiorPartitionConstruction.is_initialized constructionArray << constructionSet.interiorPartitionConstruction.get end if constructionSet.spaceShadingConstruction.is_initialized constructionArray << constructionSet.spaceShadingConstruction.get end if constructionSet.buildingShadingConstruction.is_initialized constructionArray << constructionSet.buildingShadingConstruction.get end if constructionSet.siteShadingConstruction.is_initialized constructionArray << constructionSet.siteShadingConstruction.get end result = constructionArray return result end |
.setConstructionSurfaceProperties(construction, options = {}) ⇒ Object
set material surface properties for specific layer in construction. this should work on OS:Material and OS:MasslessOpaqueMaterial
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 126 def self.setConstructionSurfaceProperties(construction, = {}) # set defaults to use if user inputs not passed in defaults = { 'cloneConstruction' => false, # in future give user option to clone or change live construction 'nameConstruction' => "#{} - adj", # not currently used 'cloneMaterial' => true, 'roughness' => nil, 'thermalAbsorptance' => nil, 'solarAbsorptance' => nil, 'visibleAbsorptance' => nil } # merge user inputs with defaults = defaults.merge() exposedMaterial = construction.to_LayeredConstruction.get.getLayer(0) if ['cloneMaterial'] # clone material exposedMaterialNew = exposedMaterial.clone(construction.model).to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get # to_StandardOpaqueMaterial is needed to access roughness, otherwise to_OpaqueMaterial would have been fine. exposedMaterialNew.setName("#{} - adj") # connect new material to original construction construction.eraseLayer(0) construction.insertLayer(0, exposedMaterialNew) else exposedMaterialNew = exposedMaterial.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get # not being cloned but still want to rename exposedMaterialNew.setName("#{} - adj") end # TODO: - need to test with MasslessOpaqueMaterial. Add test if doesn't return anything when use to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get # set requested material properties if !['roughness'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setRoughness(['roughness']) end if !['thermalAbsorptance'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setThermalAbsorptance(['thermalAbsorptance']) end if !['solarAbsorptance'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setSolarAbsorptance(['solarAbsorptance']) end if !['visibleAbsorptance'].nil? then exposedMaterialNew.setVisibleAbsorptance(['visibleAbsorptance']) end result = { 'exposedMaterial' => exposedMaterial, 'exposedMaterialNew' => exposedMaterialNew } return result end |
.setMaterialSurfaceProperties(material, options = {}) ⇒ Object
similar to setMaterialSurfaceProperties but I just pass a material in. Needed this to set material properties for interior walls and both sides of interior partitions.
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 170 def self.setMaterialSurfaceProperties(material, = {}) # set defaults to use if user inputs not passed in defaults = { 'cloneMaterial' => true, 'roughness' => nil, 'thermalAbsorptance' => nil, 'solarAbsorptance' => nil, 'visibleAbsorptance' => nil } # merge user inputs with defaults = defaults.merge() if ['cloneMaterial'] # clone material materialNew = exposedMaterial.clone(construction.model).get materialNew.setName("#{} - adj") else materialNew = material # not being cloned materialNew.setName("#{} - adj") end # to_StandardOpaqueMaterial is needed to access roughness, otherwise to_OpaqueMaterial would have been fine. if !materialNew.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.empty? materialNew = materialNew.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get elsif !materialNew.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.empty? materialNew = materialNew.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.get end # set requested material properties if !['roughness'].nil? then materialNew.setRoughness(['roughness']) end if !['thermalAbsorptance'].nil? then materialNew.setThermalAbsorptance(['thermalAbsorptance']) end if !['solarAbsorptance'].nil? then materialNew.setSolarAbsorptance(['solarAbsorptance']) end if !['visibleAbsorptance'].nil? then materialNew.setVisibleAbsorptance(['visibleAbsorptance']) end result = { 'material' => material, 'materialNew' => materialNew } return result end |
.setMaterialThermalResistance(material, thermalResistance, options = {}) ⇒ Object
change thermal resistance of opaque materials
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# File 'lib/openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions.rb', line 47 def self.setMaterialThermalResistance(material, thermalResistance, = {}) # set defaults to use if user inputs not passed in defaults = { 'cloneMaterial' => true, # in future give user option to clone or change live material 'name' => "#{} - adj" } # merge user inputs with defaults = defaults.merge() # clone input material new_material = material.clone(material.model) new_material = new_material.to_OpaqueMaterial.get new_material.setName(['name']) # edit insulation material new_material_matt = new_material.to_Material if !new_material_matt.empty? starting_thickness = new_material_matt.get.thickness target_thickness = starting_thickness * thermalResistance / material.to_OpaqueMaterial.get.thermalResistance final_thickness = new_material_matt.get.setThickness(target_thickness) end new_material_massless = new_material.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial if !new_material_massless.empty? final_thermal_resistance = new_material_massless.get.setThermalResistance(thermalResistance) end new_material_airgap = new_material.to_AirGap if !new_material_airgap.empty? final_thermal_resistance = new_material_airgap.get.setThermalResistance(thermalResistance) end result = new_material return result end |