Hidden Hooks

A way to defer hooks to reduce dependencies.

Sometimes we need callbacks that break architectural dependencies. This gem allows to invert those dependencies.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hidden_hooks', '~> 1.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or you can install the gem on its own:

gem install hidden_hooks


Raison d'ĂȘtre

Let's say we have a User model. Let's then say we integrate our app with a third-party issue tracker, and we need to mirror a user's issues in our app, so we create a IssueTracker::Issue model. In Rails we could do something like this:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :issues, 
           class_name: 'IssueTracker::Issue', 
           dependent: :destroy

# app/models/issue_tracker/issue.rb
module IssueTracker
  class Issue < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :user

This is fine for a small application, but becomes worrisome when the application grows and we start to need to track dependencies. Very clearly, the User model, which is a core part of the business model, should not depend on a third-party integration, but if we remove the association outright we lose the dependent: :destroy and the callback that it comes with.

We could do something like this:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  # Nothing here

# app/models/issue_tracker/issue.rb
module IssueTracker
  class Issue < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :user
    User.has_many :issues,
                  class_name: 'IssueTracker::Issue', 
                  dependent: :destroy

This is just hiding the association, but it's still there; we can still do something like user.issues. A slightly better solution is to forego the association, and only keep the callback:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  # Still nothing here

# app/models/issue_tracker/issue.rb
module IssueTracker
  class Issue < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :user
    User.before_destroy do
      Issue.where(user: self).find_each(&:destroy!)

This solves the dependency issue, but introduces a new one: looking at the User model, there's no trace of the callback, so for example we might assume that user.destroy! will never fail, just to be surprised by a completely unexpected ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed.

What we need is a way for User to declare that it expects others to define callbacks, while remaining ignorant about what those callbacks do. This would be an application of the Dependency Inversion Principle: User defines an interface, and others use that interface without having to really touch User.


Hidden Hooks provides a unified interface for this specific dependency inversion: in the example above, the models would be defined like this:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  before_destroy do
    HiddenHooks[User].before_destroy self

# app/models/issue_tracker/issue.rb
module IssueTracker
  class Issue < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :user
    HiddenHooks.hook_up do
      before_destroy User do |user|
        Issue.where(user: user).find_each(&:destroy!) 

[!NOTE] You can call the hook whatever you want. The only constraint is if you use the Rails integration, as you see below.

Interface Declaration

A class C declares the interface through HiddenHooks[C]. Calling a method on the returned proxy will call every hook that someone else defined, forwarding any argument.

class User
  def confirm!
    HiddenHooks[User].before_confirmation self
    @confirmed = true
    HiddenHooks[User].after_confirmation self

Hook Definition

Whenever you want to define a hook, you simply call HiddenHooks.hook_up. Inside the block, you can call any method and pass it a class and a block: the block will become a hook for that class.

class Admin
  HiddenHooks.hook_up do
    before_confirmation User do |user|
      Admin.first.notify! "#{user.name} is being confirmed."

You can provide a callable context, which will be invoked with the same parameters as the hook. Its result will be bound to self inside the hook.

class Admin
  HiddenHooks.hook_up do
    before_confirmation User, context: proc { Admin.first } do |user|
      notify! "#{user.name} is being confirmed."

Rails Callbacks

Thanks to the callback objects system, in Rails you can simply pass the proxy to the callback methods:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  before_destroy HiddenHooks[User]
  before_create HiddenHooks[User]

To implicitly set all hooks like this for a given model, you can include HiddenHooks::ActiveRecord. If you want this to work for all models, include it in your ApplicationRecord.

Eager Loading

The hooks you set up in a file can only work if that file is loaded, of course. In a Rails application, by default the development environment is not eager loaded, so you will probably see only certain hooks. To make Hidden Hooks work properly, enable eager loading in the config/environments/development.rb configuration file.


Hidden Hooks doesn't do anything to protect against concurrency fumbles. Its hook_up method is meant to be used "during class definition", not inside "runtime logic", for as much as these terms can mean in Ruby. For example, using hook_up inside an instance method is a recipe for fast disaster.

Version numbers

Hidden Hooks loosely follows Semantic Versioning, with a hard guarantee that breaking changes to the public API will always coincide with an increase to the MAJOR number.

Version numbers are in three parts: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

  • Breaking changes to the public API increment the MAJOR. There may also be changes that would otherwise increase the MINOR or the PATCH.
  • Additions, deprecations, and "big" non breaking changes to the public API increment the MINOR. There may also be changes that would otherwise increase the PATCH.
  • Bug fixes and "small" non breaking changes to the public API increment the PATCH.

Notice that any feature deprecated by a minor release can be expected to be removed by the next major release.


Full list of changes in CHANGELOG.md


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/moku-io/hidden_hooks.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.