
Foobara is a command-based software framework with an emphasis on reflection features to facilitate integration with other systems or subsystems. The focus of the framework is to provide these features to help with managing domain complexity in projects with higher domain complexity. However, Foobara is also expected to be pleasant for use in projects with simpler domains as well.


To add foobara to an existing project, you can add foobara gem to your Gemfile or .gemspec as you normally would.

To create a new project using a foobara generator, you could install the foob gem with gem install foob and then run foob generate ruby-project --name your-org/your-new-project-name


TODO: Write usage instructions here or defer to some tutorial somewhere


Can contribute via a github pull request as is typical but see info about licensing below first.

Make sure the test suite and linter pass locally before opening a pull request. The build will fail if test coverage is below 100%.

It might be a good idea to reach out for advice if unsure how to chip away at the part of this project that you are interested in.

Developing locally

You should be able to run bundle install and then rake to run the test suite and the linter.

Monorepo Structure

Foobara is split up into many projects. Many are in separate repositories. This repository however is unique in the Foobara ecosystem of projects because it is a monorepo. Sometimes projects are extracted from here into their own repositories.

Each project has its own directory in the projects/ directory.


Temporarily licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license. This is to to get the gem out there for convenient use in demos, releasing it under a very restrictive license to buy time on a final licensing decision (leaning towards Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

My intention is to either release this under MIT license, Apache 2.0, or MPL, or a similar license (permissive or possibly weak copyleft.)

See for the current thoughts on licensing.