Class: EasyPost::Models::EasyPostObject
- Defined in:
- lib/easypost/models/base.rb
The base class for all API objects in the library that have an ID (plus optional timestamps).
Direct Known Subclasses
Address, ApiKey, Batch, Brand, CarrierAccount, CarrierType, Claim, CustomsInfo, CustomsItem, EndShipper, Event, Insurance, Order, Parcel, Payload, PaymentMethod, Pickup, PickupRate, PostageLabel, Rate, Referral, Refund, Report, ScanForm, Shipment, TaxIdentifier, Tracker, User, Webhook
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Object
#[], #[]=, #initialize, #to_hash, #to_s
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from EasyPost::Models::Object