# dtas - duct tape audio suite for *nix

Free Software command-line tools for audio playback, mastering, and whatever else related to audio. dtas follows the worse-is-better philosophy and acts as duct tape to combine existing command-line tools for flexibility and ease-of-development. dtas is currently implemented in Ruby (and some embedded shell), but may use other languages in the future.

Primary executables available are:

  • dtas-player - gapless music player (or pipeline/process manager :P)

  • dtas-cueedit - embedded cuesheet editor (FLAC-only for now)

  • dtas-splitfx - split audio and apply effects to all tracks

The centerpiece is dtas-player, a gapless music player designed to aid in writing scripts for sox/ecasound use. Unlike monolithic music players, dtas-player is close to a *nix shell in functionality, allowing for the execution of arbitrary commands as sources, filters, and sinks for audio. dtas-player supports:

  • any DSP effects offered by SoX, ecasound, LADSPA, LV2, etc..

  • multiple outputs for playback (including dumping audio to files or piping to arbitrary commands)

  • ReplayGain (including fallback gain and peak normalization)

dtas-player is a *nix pipeline and process manager. It may be used spawn and pipe to arbitrary Unix commands, not just audio-related commands. It can interactively restart/replace the source (audio decoder) component of a pipeline while keeping the sink (playback endpoint) running.

Users of dtas-player will also be interested in the following scripts:

  • dtas-ctl - “raw” command-line scripting interface for dtas-player

  • dtas-enq - enqueue files/commands for dtas-player

  • dtas-msinkctl - enable/disable multiple sinks with one command

  • dtas-console - rudimentary curses interface for dtas-player

  • dtas-sinkedit - edit sinks (playback targets) for dtas-player

  • dtas-sourceedit - edit source (decoder process parameters) for dtas-player

  • dtas-xdelay - alternative sink for dtas-player

  • dtas-tl - command-line helpers for tracklist functionality in dtas-player

All scripts have some documentation in the Documentation/ directory or manpages distributed with the gem. Documentation is also available on 80x24.org/dtas/$COMMAND.txt in plain-text form.

dtas exposes no public APIs outside of command-line and YAML text. dtas is aimed at users familiar with the *nix command-line and editing text files. Familiarity with the Ruby programming language is absolutely NOT required.


  • mpd (Music Player Daemon) bridge for partial dtas-player control

  • MPRIS/MPRIS 2.0 bridge for partial dtas-player control

  • whatever command-line tools come to mind…

  • better error handling, many bugfixes, etc…

  • better documentation

## Source code

git clone https://80x24.org/dtas.git

Please use git-format-patch(1) and git-send-email(1) distributed with the git(7) suite for generating and sending patches. Please format pull requests with the git-request-pull(1) script (also distributed with git(7)) and send them via email to <dtas-all@nongnu.org>.

See www.git-scm.com/ for more information on git.

## Contact

All feedback (comments, results, feature requests, bug reports, patches, pull-requests) via plain-text mail to the mailing list is very much appreciated.

Please send plain-text mail to the list at <dtas-all@nongnu.org> HTML mail will not be read. dtas is for GUI-phobes, by GUI-phobes. Mailing list archives available at <80x24.org/dtas-all/> or <lists.gnu.org/archive/html/dtas-all/>.

No subscription is necessary to post to the mailing list. You may also read via: NNTP: <nntps://news.public-inbox.org/inbox.comp.audio.dtas> <nntp://7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/inbox.comp.audio.dtas> <nntp://news.gmane.io/gmane.comp.audio.dtas.general> IMAP: <imaps://anon:mous@public-inbox.org/inbox.comp.audio.dtas.0> <imap://anon:mous@7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/inbox.comp.audio.dtas.0> Atom: <80x24.org/dtas-all/new.atom> <7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/dtas-all/new.atom> (.onion URLs require Tor: <www.torproject.org/>)

## Copyright

Copyright all contributors <dtas-all@nongnu.org> License: GPL-3.0+ <www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>

dtas is copyrighted Free Software by all contributors, see logs in revision control for names and email addresses of all of them.

dtas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

dtas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt

Note: The GPL does not and can not apply to external commands run by dtas scripts, so users may run any non-Free Software they want via dtas (just like one may do so via bash). However, the dtas project does not endorse or support the use of any non-Free Software.