
Initiatives is the place on Decidim's where participants can promote an initiative. Unlike participatory processes that must be created by an administrator, initiatives can be created by any user of the platform.

An initiative will contain attachments and comments from other users as well.

Prior to be published an initiative must be technically validated. All the validation process and communication between the platform administrators and the sponsorship committee is managed via an administration UI.


This plugin provides:

  • A CRUD engine to manage initiatives.

  • Public views for initiatives via a high level section in the main menu.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'decidim-initiatives'

And then execute:

bundle exec rails decidim_initiatives:install:migrations
bundle exec rails db:migrate


The database requires the extension pg_trgm enabled. Contact your DBA to enable it.


Deactivating authorization requirement and other module settings

Some of the settings of the module need to be set in the code of your app, for example in the file config/initializers/decidim.rb.

This is the case if you want to enable the creation of initiatives even when no authorization method is set.

Just use the following line:

Decidim::Initiatives.do_not_require_authorization = true

All the settings and their default values which can be overridden can be found in the file lib/decidim/initiatives.rb.

For example, you can also change the minimum number of required committee members to 1 (default is 2) by adding this line:

Decidim::Initiatives.minimum_committee_members = 1

Or change the number of days given to gather signatures to 365 (default is 120) with:

Decidim::Initiatives.default_signature_time_period_length = 365

Rake tasks

This engine comes with three rake tasks that should be executed on daily basis. The best way to execute these tasks is using cron jobs. You can manage this cron jobs in your Rails application using the Whenever GEM or even creating them by hand.


This task move all initiatives in validation phase without changes for the amount of time defined in Decidim::Initiatives::max_time_in_validating_state. These initiatives will be moved to discarded state.


This task retrieves all published initiatives whose support method is online and the support period has expired. Initiatives that have reached the minimum supports required will pass to state accepted. The initiatives without enough supports will pass to rejected state.

Initiatives with offline support method enabled (pure offline or mixed) will get its status updated after the presential supports have been registered into the system.


This task sends notification mails when initiatives reaches the support percentages defined in Decidim::Initiatives.first_notification_percentage and Decidim::Initiatives.second_notification_percentage.

Author, members of the promoter committee and followers will receive it.

Exporting online signatures

When the signature method is set to any or face to face it may be necessary to implement a mechanism to validate that there are no duplicated signatures. To do so the engine provides a functionality that allows exporting the online signatures to validate them against physical signatures.

The signatures are exported as a hash string in order to preserve the identity of the signer together with their privacy. Each hash is composed with the following criteria:

  • Algorithm used: SHA1
  • Format of the string hashed: "#unique_id#title#description"

There are some considerations that you must keep in mind:

  • Title and description will be hashed using the same format included in the database, this is including html tags.
  • Title and description will be hashed using the same locale used by the initiative author. In case there is more than one locale available be sure that you change your locale settings to be inline with the locale used to generate the hashes outside Decidim.

Seeding example data

In order to populate the database with example data proceed as usual in rails:

bundle exec rails db:seed

Additional considerations


This engine makes use of cookies to store large form data. You should change the default session store or you might experience problems.

Check the Rails configuration guide in order to get instructions about changing the default session store.


See Decidim.


See Decidim.