Class: CyberSource::Ptsv2paymentsidrefundsProcessingInformation
- Inherits:
- Object
- CyberSource::Ptsv2paymentsidrefundsProcessingInformation
- Defined in:
- lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#action_list ⇒ Object
Array of actions (one or more) to be included in the payment to invoke bundled services along with payment status.
#industry_data_type ⇒ Object
Indicates that the transaction includes industry-specific data.
#link_id ⇒ Object
Value that links the current authorization request to the original authorization request.
#payment_solution ⇒ Object
Type of digital payment solution for the transaction.
#payment_type ⇒ Object
Identifier for the payment type.
#purchase_level ⇒ Object
Set this field to 3 to indicate that the request includes Level III data.
#reconciliation_id ⇒ Object
Please check with Cybersource customer support to see if your merchant account is configured correctly so you can include this field in your request.
#recurring_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute recurring_options.
#refund_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute refund_options.
#report_group ⇒ Object
Attribute that lets you define custom grouping for your processor reports.
#transaction_type_indicator ⇒ Object
This field is used identify the type of payment transaction taking place.
#visa_checkout_id ⇒ Object
Identifier for the **Visa Checkout** order.
Class Method Summary collapse
.attribute_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key.
.json_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from JSON key to ruby-style variable name.
.swagger_types ⇒ Object
Attribute type mapping.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#==(o) ⇒ Object
Checks equality by comparing each attribute.
#_deserialize(type, value) ⇒ Object
Deserializes the data based on type.
#_to_hash(value) ⇒ Hash
Outputs non-array value in the form of hash For object, use to_hash.
#build_from_hash(attributes) ⇒ Object
Builds the object from hash.
- #eql?(o) ⇒ Boolean
#hash ⇒ Fixnum
Calculates hash code according to all attributes.
#initialize(attributes = {}) ⇒ Ptsv2paymentsidrefundsProcessingInformation
Initializes the object.
#list_invalid_properties ⇒ Object
Show invalid properties with the reasons.
#to_body ⇒ Hash
to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility).
#to_hash ⇒ Hash
Returns the object in the form of hash.
#to_s ⇒ String
Returns the string representation of the object.
#valid? ⇒ Boolean
Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid.
Constructor Details
#initialize(attributes = {}) ⇒ Ptsv2paymentsidrefundsProcessingInformation
Initializes the object
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 106 def initialize(attributes = {}) return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.has_key?(:'actionList') if (value = attributes[:'actionList']).is_a?(Array) self.action_list = value end end if attributes.has_key?(:'paymentSolution') self.payment_solution = attributes[:'paymentSolution'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'reconciliationId') self.reconciliation_id = attributes[:'reconciliationId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'linkId') self.link_id = attributes[:'linkId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'reportGroup') self.report_group = attributes[:'reportGroup'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'visaCheckoutId') self.visa_checkout_id = attributes[:'visaCheckoutId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'purchaseLevel') self.purchase_level = attributes[:'purchaseLevel'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'recurringOptions') self. = attributes[:'recurringOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'industryDataType') self.industry_data_type = attributes[:'industryDataType'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'paymentType') self.payment_type = attributes[:'paymentType'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'refundOptions') self. = attributes[:'refundOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'transactionTypeIndicator') self.transaction_type_indicator = attributes[:'transactionTypeIndicator'] end end |
Instance Attribute Details
#action_list ⇒ Object
Array of actions (one or more) to be included in the payment to invoke bundled services along with payment status. Possible values are one or more of follows: - ‘AP_REFUND`: Use this when Alternative Payment Refund service is requested.
17 18 19 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 17 def action_list @action_list end |
#industry_data_type ⇒ Object
Indicates that the transaction includes industry-specific data. Possible Values: - ‘airline` - `restaurant` - `lodging` - `auto_rental` - `transit` - `healthcare_medical` - `healthcare_transit` - `transit` #### Card Present, Airlines and Auto Rental You must set this field to `airline` in order for airline data to be sent to the processor. For example, if this field is not set to `airline` or is not included in the request, no airline data is sent to the processor. You must set this field to `restaurant` in order for restaurant data to be sent to the processor. When this field is not set to `restaurant` or is not included in the request, no restaurant data is sent to the processor. You must set this field to `auto_rental` in order for auto rental data to be sent to the processor. For example, if this field is not set to `auto_rental` or is not included in the request, no auto rental data is sent to the processor. Restaurant data is supported only on CyberSource through VisaNet.
40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 40 def industry_data_type @industry_data_type end |
#link_id ⇒ Object
Value that links the current authorization request to the original authorization request. Set this value to the ID that was returned in the reply message from the original authorization request. This value is used for: - Partial authorizations - Split shipments
26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 26 def link_id @link_id end |
#payment_solution ⇒ Object
Type of digital payment solution for the transaction. Possible Values: - ‘visacheckout`: Visa Checkout. This value is required for Visa Checkout transactions. For details, see `payment_solution` field description in [Visa Checkout Using the REST API.]( - `001`: Apple Pay. - `004`: Cybersource In-App Solution. - `005`: Masterpass. This value is required for Masterpass transactions on OmniPay Direct. - `006`: Android Pay. - `007`: Chase Pay. - `008`: Samsung Pay. - `012`: Google Pay. - `013`: Cybersource P2PE Decryption - `014`: Mastercard credential on file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a TMS token. - `015`: Visa credential on file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a TMS token. - `027`: Click to Pay.
20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 20 def payment_solution @payment_solution end |
#payment_type ⇒ Object
Identifier for the payment type
43 44 45 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 43 def payment_type @payment_type end |
#purchase_level ⇒ Object
Set this field to 3 to indicate that the request includes Level III data.
35 36 37 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 35 def purchase_level @purchase_level end |
#reconciliation_id ⇒ Object
Please check with Cybersource customer support to see if your merchant account is configured correctly so you can include this field in your request. * For Payouts: max length for FDCCompass is String (22).
23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 23 def reconciliation_id @reconciliation_id end |
#recurring_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute recurring_options.
37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 37 def @recurring_options end |
#refund_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute refund_options.
45 46 47 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 45 def @refund_options end |
#report_group ⇒ Object
Attribute that lets you define custom grouping for your processor reports. This field is supported only for **Worldpay VAP**.
29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 29 def report_group @report_group end |
#transaction_type_indicator ⇒ Object
This field is used identify the type of payment transaction taking place. This field is applicable for MasterCard transactions only. Possible values: - 201- Mastercard Rebate - 202- rePower Load Value - 203- Gaming Re-pay - 204- General Person-to-Person - 205- General Transfer to Own Account - 206- Agent Cash Out - 207- Payment of Own Credit Card Bill - 208- Business Disbursement - 209- Government/Non-Profit Disbursement - 210- Rapid Merchant Settlement - 211- Cash in at ATM (Usage limited to specific countries) - 212- Cash in at Point of Sale (Usage limited to specific countries) - 213- General Business to Business Transfer - 214- Mastercard Merchant Presented QR - 215- Mastercard Merchant Presented QR Refund Payment - 216- Utility Payments (for Brazil domestic use only) - 217- Government Services (for Brazil domestic use only) - 218- Mobile phone top-ups (for Brazil domestic use only) - 219- Coupon booklet payments (for Brazil domestic use only) - 220- General Person-to-Person Transfer - 221- Person-to-Person Transfer to Card Account - 222- General Transfer to Own Account - 223- Agent Cash Out - 224- Payment of Own Credit Card Bill - 225- Business Disbursement - 226- Transfer to Own Staged Digital Wallet Account - 227- Transfer to Own Debit or Prepaid Account - 228- General Business-to-Business Transfer - 229- Installment-based repayment - 230- Mastercard ATM Cash Pick-Up Transaction - 231- Cryptocurrency - 232- High-risk Securities
48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 48 def transaction_type_indicator @transaction_type_indicator end |
#visa_checkout_id ⇒ Object
Identifier for the **Visa Checkout** order. Visa Checkout provides a unique order ID for every transaction in the Visa Checkout callID field.
32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 32 def visa_checkout_id @visa_checkout_id end |
Class Method Details
.attribute_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key.
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 51 def self.attribute_map { :'action_list' => :'actionList', :'payment_solution' => :'paymentSolution', :'reconciliation_id' => :'reconciliationId', :'link_id' => :'linkId', :'report_group' => :'reportGroup', :'visa_checkout_id' => :'visaCheckoutId', :'purchase_level' => :'purchaseLevel', :'recurring_options' => :'recurringOptions', :'industry_data_type' => :'industryDataType', :'payment_type' => :'paymentType', :'refund_options' => :'refundOptions', :'transaction_type_indicator' => :'transactionTypeIndicator' } end |
.json_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from JSON key to ruby-style variable name.
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 69 def self.json_map { :'action_list' => :'action_list', :'payment_solution' => :'payment_solution', :'reconciliation_id' => :'reconciliation_id', :'link_id' => :'link_id', :'report_group' => :'report_group', :'visa_checkout_id' => :'visa_checkout_id', :'purchase_level' => :'purchase_level', :'recurring_options' => :'recurring_options', :'industry_data_type' => :'industry_data_type', :'payment_type' => :'payment_type', :'refund_options' => :'refund_options', :'transaction_type_indicator' => :'transaction_type_indicator' } end |
.swagger_types ⇒ Object
Attribute type mapping.
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 87 def self.swagger_types { :'action_list' => :'Array<String>', :'payment_solution' => :'String', :'reconciliation_id' => :'String', :'link_id' => :'String', :'report_group' => :'String', :'visa_checkout_id' => :'String', :'purchase_level' => :'String', :'recurring_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsidrefundsProcessingInformationRecurringOptions', :'industry_data_type' => :'String', :'payment_type' => :'String', :'refund_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsidrefundsProcessingInformationRefundOptions', :'transaction_type_indicator' => :'String' } end |
Instance Method Details
#==(o) ⇒ Object
Checks equality by comparing each attribute.
226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 226 def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && action_list == o.action_list && payment_solution == o.payment_solution && reconciliation_id == o.reconciliation_id && link_id == o.link_id && report_group == o.report_group && visa_checkout_id == o.visa_checkout_id && purchase_level == o.purchase_level && == o. && industry_data_type == o.industry_data_type && payment_type == o.payment_type && == o. && transaction_type_indicator == o.transaction_type_indicator end |
#_deserialize(type, value) ⇒ Object
Deserializes the data based on type
279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 279 def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime DateTime.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :BOOLEAN if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?<inner_type>.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?<k_type>.+?), (?<v_type>.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model temp_model = CyberSource.const_get(type).new temp_model.build_from_hash(value) end end |
#_to_hash(value) ⇒ Hash
Outputs non-array value in the form of hash For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value
345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 345 def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end |
#build_from_hash(attributes) ⇒ Object
Builds the object from hash
258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 258 def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{self.class.json_map[key]}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{self.class.json_map[key]}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) end # or else data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional end self end |
#eql?(o) ⇒ Boolean
245 246 247 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 245 def eql?(o) self == o end |
#hash ⇒ Fixnum
Calculates hash code according to all attributes.
251 252 253 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 251 def hash [action_list, payment_solution, reconciliation_id, link_id, report_group, visa_checkout_id, purchase_level, , industry_data_type, payment_type, , transaction_type_indicator].hash end |
#list_invalid_properties ⇒ Object
Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid?
165 166 167 168 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 165 def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = invalid_properties end |
#to_body ⇒ Hash
to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility)
325 326 327 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 325 def to_body to_hash end |
#to_hash ⇒ Hash
Returns the object in the form of hash
331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 331 def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) next if value.nil? hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end |
#to_s ⇒ String
Returns the string representation of the object
319 320 321 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 319 def to_s to_hash.to_s end |
#valid? ⇒ Boolean
Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid
172 173 174 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2paymentsidrefunds_processing_information.rb', line 172 def valid? true end |