Class: CyberSource::Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformation
- Inherits:
- Object
- CyberSource::Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformation
- Defined in:
- lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#action_list ⇒ Object
Array of actions (one or more) to be included in the payment to invoke bundled services along with payment.
#action_token_types ⇒ Object
CyberSource tokens types you are performing a create on.
#authorization_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute authorization_options.
#bank_transfer_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute bank_transfer_options.
#bin_source ⇒ Object
Bin Source File Identifier.
#business_application_id ⇒ Object
Required for AFT and OCT transactions.
#capture ⇒ Object
Indicates whether to also include a capture in the submitted authorization request or not.
#capture_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute capture_options.
#commerce_indicator ⇒ Object
Type of transaction.
#commerce_indicator_label ⇒ Object
Type of transaction.
#electronic_benefits_transfer ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute electronic_benefits_transfer.
#enable_escrow_option ⇒ Object
Indicates whether to use the customer’s escrow agreement.
#enabler_id ⇒ Object
Enablers are payment processing entities that are not acquiring members and are often the primary relationship owner with merchants and originators.
#extended_credit_total_count ⇒ Object
A private national-use field submitted by acquirers and issuers in South Africa for South Africa-domestic (intra-country) authorizations and financial requests.
#industry_data_type ⇒ Object
Indicates that the transaction includes industry-specific data.
#intents_id ⇒ Object
Set to the value of the requestID field returned in the order service response.
#is_return_auth_record_enabled ⇒ Object
Flag that indicates the functionality we are having for merchants for which auth is done through Cybersource but settlement is done by themselves.
#japan_payment_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute japan_payment_options.
#language_code ⇒ Object
Contains the ISO 639-2 defined language Code.
#link_id ⇒ Object
Value that links the current authorization request to the original authorization request.
#loan_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute loan_options.
#mobile_remote_payment_type ⇒ Object
Type of payment initiated from a cardholder’s mobile device.
#national_net_domestic_data ⇒ Object
Supplementary domestic transaction information provided by the acquirer for National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) transactions.
#network_partner_id ⇒ Object
Merchant payment gateway ID that is assigned by Mastercard and is provided by the acquirer when a registered merchant payment gateway service provider is involved in the transaction.
#network_routing_order ⇒ Object
On PIN Debit Gateways: This U.S.-only field is optionally used by participants (merchants and acquirers) to specify the network access priority.
#original_payment_id ⇒ Object
This value is used for linking Authorization extension transaction to the original Authorization transaction and for linking MIT (Merchant initiated transaction) with the respective CIT (Customer initiated transaction).
#pay_by_points_indicator ⇒ Object
Flag that indicates if the transaction is pay by points transaction true: Transaction uses loyalty points false: Transaction does not use loyalty points Default: false.
#payment_solution ⇒ Object
Type of digital payment solution for the transaction.
#payment_type ⇒ Object
Identifier for the payment type.
#processing_instruction ⇒ Object
The instruction to process an order.
#processor_id ⇒ Object
Value that identifies the processor/acquirer to use for the transaction.
#purchase_level ⇒ Object
Set this field to 3 to indicate that the request includes Level III data.
#purchase_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute purchase_options.
#purpose_of_payment ⇒ Object
Possible values: - ‘16` : High Risk Security Other values can also be accommodated in future for different transactions.
#reconciliation_id ⇒ Object
Please check with Cybersource customer support to see if your merchant account is configured correctly so you can include this field in your request.
#recurring_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute recurring_options.
#report_group ⇒ Object
Attribute that lets you define custom grouping for your processor reports.
#timeout ⇒ Object
Minutes until a pending MyBank transaction will be timed out.
#transaction_timeout ⇒ Object
The time-out limit in seconds for the transaction.
#transaction_type_indicator ⇒ Object
This field is used identify the type of payment transaction taking place.
#visa_checkout_id ⇒ Object
Identifier for the **Visa Checkout** order.
#wallet_type ⇒ Object
This field carries the wallet type in authorization requests and credit requests.
Class Method Summary collapse
.attribute_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key.
.json_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from JSON key to ruby-style variable name.
.swagger_types ⇒ Object
Attribute type mapping.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#==(o) ⇒ Object
Checks equality by comparing each attribute.
#_deserialize(type, value) ⇒ Object
Deserializes the data based on type.
#_to_hash(value) ⇒ Hash
Outputs non-array value in the form of hash For object, use to_hash.
#build_from_hash(attributes) ⇒ Object
Builds the object from hash.
- #eql?(o) ⇒ Boolean
#hash ⇒ Fixnum
Calculates hash code according to all attributes.
#initialize(attributes = {}) ⇒ Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformation
Initializes the object.
#list_invalid_properties ⇒ Object
Show invalid properties with the reasons.
#to_body ⇒ Hash
to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility).
#to_hash ⇒ Hash
Returns the object in the form of hash.
#to_s ⇒ String
Returns the string representation of the object.
#valid? ⇒ Boolean
Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid.
Constructor Details
#initialize(attributes = {}) ⇒ Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformation
Initializes the object
280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 280 def initialize(attributes = {}) return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.has_key?(:'actionList') if (value = attributes[:'actionList']).is_a?(Array) self.action_list = value end end if attributes.has_key?(:'enableEscrowOption') self.enable_escrow_option = attributes[:'enableEscrowOption'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'actionTokenTypes') if (value = attributes[:'actionTokenTypes']).is_a?(Array) self.action_token_types = value end end if attributes.has_key?(:'binSource') self.bin_source = attributes[:'binSource'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'capture') self.capture = attributes[:'capture'] else self.capture = false end if attributes.has_key?(:'processorId') self.processor_id = attributes[:'processorId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'businessApplicationId') self.business_application_id = attributes[:'businessApplicationId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'commerceIndicator') self.commerce_indicator = attributes[:'commerceIndicator'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'commerceIndicatorLabel') self.commerce_indicator_label = attributes[:'commerceIndicatorLabel'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'paymentSolution') self.payment_solution = attributes[:'paymentSolution'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'reconciliationId') self.reconciliation_id = attributes[:'reconciliationId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'linkId') self.link_id = attributes[:'linkId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'purchaseLevel') self.purchase_level = attributes[:'purchaseLevel'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'transactionTimeout') self.transaction_timeout = attributes[:'transactionTimeout'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'intentsId') self.intents_id = attributes[:'intentsId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'reportGroup') self.report_group = attributes[:'reportGroup'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'visaCheckoutId') self.visa_checkout_id = attributes[:'visaCheckoutId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'industryDataType') self.industry_data_type = attributes[:'industryDataType'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'authorizationOptions') self. = attributes[:'authorizationOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'captureOptions') self. = attributes[:'captureOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'recurringOptions') self. = attributes[:'recurringOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'bankTransferOptions') self. = attributes[:'bankTransferOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'purchaseOptions') self. = attributes[:'purchaseOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'electronicBenefitsTransfer') self.electronic_benefits_transfer = attributes[:'electronicBenefitsTransfer'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'loanOptions') self. = attributes[:'loanOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'walletType') self.wallet_type = attributes[:'walletType'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'nationalNetDomesticData') self.national_net_domestic_data = attributes[:'nationalNetDomesticData'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'japanPaymentOptions') self. = attributes[:'japanPaymentOptions'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'mobileRemotePaymentType') self.mobile_remote_payment_type = attributes[:'mobileRemotePaymentType'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'extendedCreditTotalCount') self.extended_credit_total_count = attributes[:'extendedCreditTotalCount'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'networkRoutingOrder') self.network_routing_order = attributes[:'networkRoutingOrder'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'payByPointsIndicator') self.pay_by_points_indicator = attributes[:'payByPointsIndicator'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'timeout') self.timeout = attributes[:'timeout'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'isReturnAuthRecordEnabled') self.is_return_auth_record_enabled = attributes[:'isReturnAuthRecordEnabled'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'networkPartnerId') self.network_partner_id = attributes[:'networkPartnerId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'paymentType') self.payment_type = attributes[:'paymentType'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'enablerId') self.enabler_id = attributes[:'enablerId'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'processingInstruction') self.processing_instruction = attributes[:'processingInstruction'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'transactionTypeIndicator') self.transaction_type_indicator = attributes[:'transactionTypeIndicator'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'purposeOfPayment') self.purpose_of_payment = attributes[:'purposeOfPayment'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'languageCode') self.language_code = attributes[:'languageCode'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'originalPaymentId') self.original_payment_id = attributes[:'originalPaymentId'] end end |
Instance Attribute Details
#action_list ⇒ Object
Array of actions (one or more) to be included in the payment to invoke bundled services along with payment. Possible values are one or more of follows: - ‘DECISION_SKIP`: Use this when you want to skip Decision Manager service(s). - `TOKEN_CREATE`: Use this when you want to create a token from the card/bank data in your payment request. - `CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION`: Use this when you want to check if a card is enrolled in Payer Authentication along with your payment request. - `VALIDATE_CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION`: Use this after you acquire a Payer Authentication result that needs to be included for your payment request. - `AP_INITIATE`: Use this when Alternative Payment Initiate service is requested. - `WATCHLIST_SCREENING` : Use this when you want to call Watchlist Screening service. - `AP_SALE` : Use this when Alternative Payment Sale service is requested. - `AP_AUTH` : Use this when Alternative Payment Authorize service is requested. - `AP_REAUTH` : Use this when Alternative Payment Reauthorize service is requested.
17 18 19 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 17 def action_list @action_list end |
#action_token_types ⇒ Object
CyberSource tokens types you are performing a create on. If not supplied the default token type for the merchants token vault will be used. Valid values: - customer - paymentInstrument - instrumentIdentifier - shippingAddress
23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 23 def action_token_types @action_token_types end |
#authorization_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute authorization_options.
70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 70 def @authorization_options end |
#bank_transfer_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute bank_transfer_options.
76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 76 def @bank_transfer_options end |
#bin_source ⇒ Object
Bin Source File Identifier. Possible values: - itmx - rupay
26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 26 def bin_source @bin_source end |
#business_application_id ⇒ Object
Required for AFT and OCT transactions. Given below is a list of all the BAI values available. However, the processors may support only few specific BAI values. - AA : Account-to-account - BB : Supplier Payments - BI : Bank-Initiated P2P Money Transfer - BP : Non-Card Bill Pay/Bill Pay - CD : Cash Deposit - CP : Credit card Bill Payment - FD : Funds disbursement - FT : Funds transfer - GD : Government Disbursement - GP : Gambling payout (non-online gambling) - LO : Loyalty credits and rebates - MD : Merchant Settlement - OG : Online Gambling Payout - PD : Payroll and pension disbursement - PP : Person-to-Person or Peer-to-Peer - TU : Top up, prepaid load - WT : Digital wallet
35 36 37 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 35 def business_application_id @business_application_id end |
#capture ⇒ Object
Indicates whether to also include a capture in the submitted authorization request or not. Possible values: - ‘true`: Include a capture with an authorization request. - `false`: (default) Do not include a capture with an authorization request. #### Used by **Authorization and Capture** Optional field.
29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 29 def capture @capture end |
#capture_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute capture_options.
72 73 74 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 72 def @capture_options end |
#commerce_indicator ⇒ Object
Type of transaction. Some payment card companies use this information when determining discount rates. #### Used by Authorization Required payer authentication transactions; otherwise, optional. Credit Required for standalone credits on Chase Paymentech solutions; otherwise, optional. The list of valid values in this field depends on your processor. #### Ingenico ePayments When you omit this field for Ingenico ePayments, the processor uses the default transaction type they have on file for you instead of the default value #### Card Present You must set this field to ‘retail`. This field is required for a card-present transaction. Note that this should ONLY be used when the cardholder and card are present at the time of the transaction. For all keyed transactions originated from a POS terminal where the cardholder and card are not present, commerceIndicator should be submitted as "moto"
38 39 40 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 38 def commerce_indicator @commerce_indicator end |
#commerce_indicator_label ⇒ Object
Type of transaction. Some payment card companies use this information when determining discount rates. #### Used by Authorization Required payer authentication transactions; otherwise, optional. Credit Required for standalone credits on Chase Paymentech solutions; otherwise, optional. The list of valid values in this field depends on your processor. #### Ingenico ePayments When you omit this field for Ingenico ePayments, the processor uses the default transaction type they have on file for you instead of the default value #### Card Present You must set this field to ‘retail`. This field is required for a card-present transaction. Note that this should ONLY be used when the cardholder and card are present at the time of the transaction. For all keyed transactions originated from a POS terminal where the cardholder and card are not present, commerceIndicator should be submitted as `moto`
41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 41 def commerce_indicator_label @commerce_indicator_label end |
#electronic_benefits_transfer ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute electronic_benefits_transfer.
80 81 82 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 80 def electronic_benefits_transfer @electronic_benefits_transfer end |
#enable_escrow_option ⇒ Object
Indicates whether to use the customer’s escrow agreement. Possible values: - ‘true`: yes, use the customer’s escrow agreement. - ‘false`: no, do not use the customer’s escrow agreement.
20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 20 def enable_escrow_option @enable_escrow_option end |
#enabler_id ⇒ Object
Enablers are payment processing entities that are not acquiring members and are often the primary relationship owner with merchants and originators. Enablers own technical solutions through which the merchant or originator will access acceptance. The Enabler ID is a five-character hexadecimal identifier that will be used by Visa to identify enablers. Enabler ID assignment will be determined by Visa. Visa will communicate Enablers assignments to enablers.
117 118 119 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 117 def enabler_id @enabler_id end |
#extended_credit_total_count ⇒ Object
A private national-use field submitted by acquirers and issuers in South Africa for South Africa-domestic (intra-country) authorizations and financial requests. Values for this field are 00 through 99.
96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 96 def extended_credit_total_count @extended_credit_total_count end |
#industry_data_type ⇒ Object
Indicates that the transaction includes industry-specific data. Possible Values: - ‘airline` - `restaurant` - `lodging` - `auto_rental` - `transit` - `healthcare_medical` - `healthcare_transit` - `transit` #### Card Present, Airlines and Auto Rental You must set this field to `airline` in order for airline data to be sent to the processor. For example, if this field is not set to `airline` or is not included in the request, no airline data is sent to the processor. You must set this field to `restaurant` in order for restaurant data to be sent to the processor. When this field is not set to `restaurant` or is not included in the request, no restaurant data is sent to the processor. You must set this field to `auto_rental` in order for auto rental data to be sent to the processor. For example, if this field is not set to `auto_rental` or is not included in the request, no auto rental data is sent to the processor. Restaurant data is supported only on CyberSource through VisaNet.
68 69 70 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 68 def industry_data_type @industry_data_type end |
#intents_id ⇒ Object
Set to the value of the requestID field returned in the order service response.
59 60 61 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 59 def intents_id @intents_id end |
#is_return_auth_record_enabled ⇒ Object
Flag that indicates the functionality we are having for merchants for which auth is done through Cybersource but settlement is done by themselves. true: functionality is supported. Processor should send raw processor auth response to Merchant. false: functionality is not supported. Default: false
108 109 110 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 108 def is_return_auth_record_enabled @is_return_auth_record_enabled end |
#japan_payment_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute japan_payment_options.
90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 90 def @japan_payment_options end |
#language_code ⇒ Object
Contains the ISO 639-2 defined language Code
129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 129 def language_code @language_code end |
#link_id ⇒ Object
Value that links the current authorization request to the original authorization request. Set this value to the ID that was returned in the reply message from the original authorization request. This value is used for: - Partial authorizations - Split shipments
50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 50 def link_id @link_id end |
#loan_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute loan_options.
82 83 84 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 82 def @loan_options end |
#mobile_remote_payment_type ⇒ Object
Type of payment initiated from a cardholder’s mobile device. Possible values: - ‘1` : Consumer-initiated remote purchase, face-to-face - `2` : Consumer-initiated remote purchase, e-commerce - `3` : Consumer-initiated remote purchase, mail order / telephone order - `4` : Consumer-initiated bill pay - `5` : Consumer-initiated top up - `6` : Consumer-initiated cash out - `7` : ATM triggered or agent-initiated cash out - `8` : Merchant-initiated remote purchase, face-to-face - `9` : Merchant-initiated remote purchase, e-commerce This field is supported only for Mastercard transactions on CyberSource through VisaNet. Optional field. Note On CyberSource through VisaNet, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file: - Record: CP01 TCR6 - Position: 94 - Field: Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Program Indicator The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the purchases and refunds that a merchant submits to CyberSource. CyberSource through VisaNet creates the TC 33 Capture file at the end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.
93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 93 def mobile_remote_payment_type @mobile_remote_payment_type end |
#national_net_domestic_data ⇒ Object
Supplementary domestic transaction information provided by the acquirer for National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) transactions. NNSS is a settlement service that Visa provides. For transactions on CyberSource through VisaNet in countries that subscribe to NNSS: VisaNet clears transactions; VisaNet transfers funds to the acquirer after deducting processing fees and interchange fees. VisaNet settles transactions in the local pricing currency through a local financial institution. This field is supported only on CyberSource through VisaNet for domestic data in Colombia
88 89 90 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 88 def national_net_domestic_data @national_net_domestic_data end |
#network_partner_id ⇒ Object
Merchant payment gateway ID that is assigned by Mastercard and is provided by the acquirer when a registered merchant payment gateway service provider is involved in the transaction. This field is supported for Visa Platform Connect.
111 112 113 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 111 def network_partner_id @network_partner_id end |
#network_routing_order ⇒ Object
On PIN Debit Gateways: This U.S.-only field is optionally used by participants (merchants and acquirers) to specify the network access priority. VisaNet checks to determine if there are issuer routing preferences for any of the networks specified by the sharing group code. If an issuer preference exists for one of the specified debit networks, VisaNet makes a routing selection based on the issuer’s preference. If an issuer preference exists for more than one of the specified debit networks, or if no issuer preference exists, VisaNet makes a selection based on the acquirer’s routing priorities. #### PIN debit Priority order of the networks through which he transaction will be routed. Set this value to a series of one-character network codes in your preferred order. This is a list of the network codes: | Network | Code | | — | — | | Accel | E | | AFFN | U | | Alaska Option | 3 | | CU24 | C | | Interlink | G | | Maestro | 8 | | NETS | P | | NYCE | F | | Pulse | H | | Shazam | 7 | | Star | M | | Visa | V | For example, if the Star network is your first preference and Pulse is your second preference, set this field to a value of ‘MH`. When you do not include this value in your PIN debit request, the list of network codes from your account is used. Note This field is supported only for businesses located in the U.S. Optional field for PIN debit credit or PIN debit purchase.
99 100 101 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 99 def network_routing_order @network_routing_order end |
#original_payment_id ⇒ Object
This value is used for linking Authorization extension transaction to the original Authorization transaction and for linking MIT (Merchant initiated transaction) with the respective CIT (Customer initiated transaction).
132 133 134 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 132 def original_payment_id @original_payment_id end |
#pay_by_points_indicator ⇒ Object
Flag that indicates if the transaction is pay by points transaction true: Transaction uses loyalty points false: Transaction does not use loyalty points Default: false
102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 102 def pay_by_points_indicator @pay_by_points_indicator end |
#payment_solution ⇒ Object
Type of digital payment solution for the transaction. Possible Values: - ‘visacheckout`: Visa Checkout. This value is required for Visa Checkout transactions. For details, see `payment_solution` field description in [Visa Checkout Using the REST API.]( - `001`: Apple Pay. - `004`: Cybersource In-App Solution. - `005`: Masterpass. This value is required for Masterpass transactions on OmniPay Direct. - `006`: Android Pay. - `007`: Chase Pay. - `008`: Samsung Pay. - `012`: Google Pay. - `013`: Cybersource P2PE Decryption - `014`: Mastercard credential on file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a TMS token. - `015`: Visa credential on file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a TMS token. - `027`: Click to Pay.
44 45 46 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 44 def payment_solution @payment_solution end |
#payment_type ⇒ Object
Identifier for the payment type.
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 114 def payment_type @payment_type end |
#processing_instruction ⇒ Object
The instruction to process an order. - default value: ‘NO_INSTRUCTION’ - ‘ORDER_SAVED_EXPLICITLY’
120 121 122 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 120 def processing_instruction @processing_instruction end |
#processor_id ⇒ Object
Value that identifies the processor/acquirer to use for the transaction. This value is supported only for **CyberSource through VisaNet**. Contact CyberSource Customer Support to get the value for this field.
32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 32 def processor_id @processor_id end |
#purchase_level ⇒ Object
Set this field to 3 to indicate that the request includes Level III data.
53 54 55 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 53 def purchase_level @purchase_level end |
#purchase_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute purchase_options.
78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 78 def @purchase_options end |
#purpose_of_payment ⇒ Object
Possible values: - ‘16` : High Risk Security Other values can also be accommodated in future for different transactions. Currently this field is only used in OCT, we could not find any existing valid values for the past 30 days in production. Issuer may decline invalid purpose of payment code with response code 93. This field is also applicable for AFT transactions. For list of supported values, please refer to Developer Guide.
126 127 128 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 126 def purpose_of_payment @purpose_of_payment end |
#reconciliation_id ⇒ Object
Please check with Cybersource customer support to see if your merchant account is configured correctly so you can include this field in your request. * For Payouts: max length for FDCCompass is String (22).
47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 47 def reconciliation_id @reconciliation_id end |
#recurring_options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute recurring_options.
74 75 76 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 74 def @recurring_options end |
#report_group ⇒ Object
Attribute that lets you define custom grouping for your processor reports. This field is supported only for **Worldpay VAP**.
62 63 64 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 62 def report_group @report_group end |
#timeout ⇒ Object
Minutes until a pending MyBank transaction will be timed out. Value must be between 5 and 30. Default is 5.
105 106 107 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 105 def timeout @timeout end |
#transaction_timeout ⇒ Object
The time-out limit in seconds for the transaction. The time-out limit starts when the customer is directed to the merchant URL that is included in the sale service response. The maximum value is 99999 (about 27 hours). When the transaction times out, the payment system changes the status to abandoned.
56 57 58 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 56 def transaction_timeout @transaction_timeout end |
#transaction_type_indicator ⇒ Object
This field is used identify the type of payment transaction taking place. This field is applicable for MasterCard transactions only. Possible values: - 201- Mastercard Rebate - 202- rePower Load Value - 203- Gaming Re-pay - 204- General Person-to-Person - 205- General Transfer to Own Account - 206- Agent Cash Out - 207- Payment of Own Credit Card Bill - 208- Business Disbursement - 209- Government/Non-Profit Disbursement - 210- Rapid Merchant Settlement - 211- Cash in at ATM (Usage limited to specific countries) - 212- Cash in at Point of Sale (Usage limited to specific countries) - 213- General Business to Business Transfer - 214- Mastercard Merchant Presented QR - 215- Mastercard Merchant Presented QR Refund Payment - 216- Utility Payments (for Brazil domestic use only) - 217- Government Services (for Brazil domestic use only) - 218- Mobile phone top-ups (for Brazil domestic use only) - 219- Coupon booklet payments (for Brazil domestic use only) - 220- General Person-to-Person Transfer - 221- Person-to-Person Transfer to Card Account - 222- General Transfer to Own Account - 223- Agent Cash Out - 224- Payment of Own Credit Card Bill - 225- Business Disbursement - 226- Transfer to Own Staged Digital Wallet Account - 227- Transfer to Own Debit or Prepaid Account - 228- General Business-to-Business Transfer - 229- Installment-based repayment - 230- Mastercard ATM Cash Pick-Up Transaction - 231- Cryptocurrency - 232- High-risk Securities
123 124 125 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 123 def transaction_type_indicator @transaction_type_indicator end |
#visa_checkout_id ⇒ Object
Identifier for the **Visa Checkout** order. Visa Checkout provides a unique order ID for every transaction in the Visa Checkout callID field.
65 66 67 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 65 def visa_checkout_id @visa_checkout_id end |
#wallet_type ⇒ Object
This field carries the wallet type in authorization requests and credit requests. Possible value are: - ‘101`: Masterpass remote payment. The customer created the wallet by manually interacting with a customer-controlled device such as a computer, tablet, or phone. This value is supported only for Masterpass transactions on Chase Paymentech Solutions and CyberSource through VisaNet. - `102`: Masterpass remote near field communication (NFC) payment. The customer created the wallet by tapping a PayPass card or customer-controlled device at a contactless card reader. This value is supported only for card-present Masterpass transactions on CyberSource through VisaNet. - `103`: Masterpass Apple Pay payment. The payment was made with a combination of Masterpass and Apple Pay. This value is supported only for Masterpass Apple Pay transactions on CyberSource through VisaNet. - `216`: Masterpass Google Pay payment. The payment was made with a combination of Masterpass and Google Pay. This value is supported only for Masterpass Google Pay transactions on CyberSource through VisaNet. - `217`: Masterpass Samsung Pay payment. The payment was made with a combination of Masterpass and Samsung Pay. This value is supported only for Masterpass Samsung Pay transactions on CyberSource through VisaNet. - `SDW`: Staged digital wallet. An issuer or operator created the wallet. This value is supported only for Masterpass transactions on Chase Paymentech Solutions. - `VCIND`: Visa Checkout payment. This value is supported only on CyberSource through VisaNet, FDC Compass, FDC Nashville Global, FDI Australia, and TSYS Acquiring Solutions. See Getting Started with Visa Checkout. For Visa Checkout transactions, the way CyberSource processes the value for this field depends on the processor. See the Visa Checkout section below. For all other values, this field is a passthrough; therefore, CyberSource does not verify the value or modify it in any way before sending it to the processor. Masterpass (101, 102, 103, 216, and 217): The Masterpass platform generates the wallet type value and passes it to you along with the customer’s checkout information. Visa Checkout: This field is optional for Visa Checkout authorizations on FDI Australia. For all other processors, this field is required for Visa Checkout authorizations. For Visa Checkout transactions on the following processors, CyberSource sends the value that the processor expects for this field:FDC Compass,FDC Nashville Global,FDI Australia,TSYS Acquiring Solutions For all other processors, this field is a passthrough; therefore, CyberSource does not verify the value or modify it in any way before sending it to the processor. For incremental authorizations, this field is supported only for Mastercard and the supported values are 101 and 102. Payment card companies can introduce new values without notice. Your order management system should be able to process new values without problems. CyberSource through VisaNet When the value for this field is 101, 102, 103, 216, or 217, it corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5: Record: CP01 TCR6, Position: 88-90, Field: Mastercard Wallet Identifier. When the value for this field is VCIND, it corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file5: Record: CP01 TCR8, Position: 72-76, Field: Agent Unique ID.
85 86 87 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 85 def wallet_type @wallet_type end |
Class Method Details
.attribute_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key.
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 135 def self.attribute_map { :'action_list' => :'actionList', :'enable_escrow_option' => :'enableEscrowOption', :'action_token_types' => :'actionTokenTypes', :'bin_source' => :'binSource', :'capture' => :'capture', :'processor_id' => :'processorId', :'business_application_id' => :'businessApplicationId', :'commerce_indicator' => :'commerceIndicator', :'commerce_indicator_label' => :'commerceIndicatorLabel', :'payment_solution' => :'paymentSolution', :'reconciliation_id' => :'reconciliationId', :'link_id' => :'linkId', :'purchase_level' => :'purchaseLevel', :'transaction_timeout' => :'transactionTimeout', :'intents_id' => :'intentsId', :'report_group' => :'reportGroup', :'visa_checkout_id' => :'visaCheckoutId', :'industry_data_type' => :'industryDataType', :'authorization_options' => :'authorizationOptions', :'capture_options' => :'captureOptions', :'recurring_options' => :'recurringOptions', :'bank_transfer_options' => :'bankTransferOptions', :'purchase_options' => :'purchaseOptions', :'electronic_benefits_transfer' => :'electronicBenefitsTransfer', :'loan_options' => :'loanOptions', :'wallet_type' => :'walletType', :'national_net_domestic_data' => :'nationalNetDomesticData', :'japan_payment_options' => :'japanPaymentOptions', :'mobile_remote_payment_type' => :'mobileRemotePaymentType', :'extended_credit_total_count' => :'extendedCreditTotalCount', :'network_routing_order' => :'networkRoutingOrder', :'pay_by_points_indicator' => :'payByPointsIndicator', :'timeout' => :'timeout', :'is_return_auth_record_enabled' => :'isReturnAuthRecordEnabled', :'network_partner_id' => :'networkPartnerId', :'payment_type' => :'paymentType', :'enabler_id' => :'enablerId', :'processing_instruction' => :'processingInstruction', :'transaction_type_indicator' => :'transactionTypeIndicator', :'purpose_of_payment' => :'purposeOfPayment', :'language_code' => :'languageCode', :'original_payment_id' => :'originalPaymentId' } end |
.json_map ⇒ Object
Attribute mapping from JSON key to ruby-style variable name.
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 183 def self.json_map { :'action_list' => :'action_list', :'enable_escrow_option' => :'enable_escrow_option', :'action_token_types' => :'action_token_types', :'bin_source' => :'bin_source', :'capture' => :'capture', :'processor_id' => :'processor_id', :'business_application_id' => :'business_application_id', :'commerce_indicator' => :'commerce_indicator', :'commerce_indicator_label' => :'commerce_indicator_label', :'payment_solution' => :'payment_solution', :'reconciliation_id' => :'reconciliation_id', :'link_id' => :'link_id', :'purchase_level' => :'purchase_level', :'transaction_timeout' => :'transaction_timeout', :'intents_id' => :'intents_id', :'report_group' => :'report_group', :'visa_checkout_id' => :'visa_checkout_id', :'industry_data_type' => :'industry_data_type', :'authorization_options' => :'authorization_options', :'capture_options' => :'capture_options', :'recurring_options' => :'recurring_options', :'bank_transfer_options' => :'bank_transfer_options', :'purchase_options' => :'purchase_options', :'electronic_benefits_transfer' => :'electronic_benefits_transfer', :'loan_options' => :'loan_options', :'wallet_type' => :'wallet_type', :'national_net_domestic_data' => :'national_net_domestic_data', :'japan_payment_options' => :'japan_payment_options', :'mobile_remote_payment_type' => :'mobile_remote_payment_type', :'extended_credit_total_count' => :'extended_credit_total_count', :'network_routing_order' => :'network_routing_order', :'pay_by_points_indicator' => :'pay_by_points_indicator', :'timeout' => :'timeout', :'is_return_auth_record_enabled' => :'is_return_auth_record_enabled', :'network_partner_id' => :'network_partner_id', :'payment_type' => :'payment_type', :'enabler_id' => :'enabler_id', :'processing_instruction' => :'processing_instruction', :'transaction_type_indicator' => :'transaction_type_indicator', :'purpose_of_payment' => :'purpose_of_payment', :'language_code' => :'language_code', :'original_payment_id' => :'original_payment_id' } end |
.swagger_types ⇒ Object
Attribute type mapping.
231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 231 def self.swagger_types { :'action_list' => :'Array<String>', :'enable_escrow_option' => :'BOOLEAN', :'action_token_types' => :'Array<String>', :'bin_source' => :'String', :'capture' => :'BOOLEAN', :'processor_id' => :'String', :'business_application_id' => :'String', :'commerce_indicator' => :'String', :'commerce_indicator_label' => :'String', :'payment_solution' => :'String', :'reconciliation_id' => :'String', :'link_id' => :'String', :'purchase_level' => :'String', :'transaction_timeout' => :'Integer', :'intents_id' => :'String', :'report_group' => :'String', :'visa_checkout_id' => :'String', :'industry_data_type' => :'String', :'authorization_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationAuthorizationOptions', :'capture_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationCaptureOptions', :'recurring_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationRecurringOptions', :'bank_transfer_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationBankTransferOptions', :'purchase_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationPurchaseOptions', :'electronic_benefits_transfer' => :'Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationElectronicBenefitsTransfer', :'loan_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationLoanOptions', :'wallet_type' => :'String', :'national_net_domestic_data' => :'String', :'japan_payment_options' => :'Ptsv2paymentsProcessingInformationJapanPaymentOptions', :'mobile_remote_payment_type' => :'String', :'extended_credit_total_count' => :'String', :'network_routing_order' => :'String', :'pay_by_points_indicator' => :'BOOLEAN', :'timeout' => :'Integer', :'is_return_auth_record_enabled' => :'BOOLEAN', :'network_partner_id' => :'String', :'payment_type' => :'String', :'enabler_id' => :'String', :'processing_instruction' => :'String', :'transaction_type_indicator' => :'String', :'purpose_of_payment' => :'String', :'language_code' => :'String', :'original_payment_id' => :'String' } end |
Instance Method Details
#==(o) ⇒ Object
Checks equality by comparing each attribute.
626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 626 def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && action_list == o.action_list && enable_escrow_option == o.enable_escrow_option && action_token_types == o.action_token_types && bin_source == o.bin_source && capture == o.capture && processor_id == o.processor_id && business_application_id == o.business_application_id && commerce_indicator == o.commerce_indicator && commerce_indicator_label == o.commerce_indicator_label && payment_solution == o.payment_solution && reconciliation_id == o.reconciliation_id && link_id == o.link_id && purchase_level == o.purchase_level && transaction_timeout == o.transaction_timeout && intents_id == o.intents_id && report_group == o.report_group && visa_checkout_id == o.visa_checkout_id && industry_data_type == o.industry_data_type && == o. && == o. && == o. && == o. && == o. && electronic_benefits_transfer == o.electronic_benefits_transfer && == o. && wallet_type == o.wallet_type && national_net_domestic_data == o.national_net_domestic_data && == o. && mobile_remote_payment_type == o.mobile_remote_payment_type && extended_credit_total_count == o.extended_credit_total_count && network_routing_order == o.network_routing_order && pay_by_points_indicator == o.pay_by_points_indicator && timeout == o.timeout && is_return_auth_record_enabled == o.is_return_auth_record_enabled && network_partner_id == o.network_partner_id && payment_type == o.payment_type && enabler_id == o.enabler_id && processing_instruction == o.processing_instruction && transaction_type_indicator == o.transaction_type_indicator && purpose_of_payment == o.purpose_of_payment && language_code == o.language_code && original_payment_id == o.original_payment_id end |
#_deserialize(type, value) ⇒ Object
Deserializes the data based on type
709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 709 def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime DateTime.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :BOOLEAN if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?<inner_type>.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?<k_type>.+?), (?<v_type>.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model temp_model = CyberSource.const_get(type).new temp_model.build_from_hash(value) end end |
#_to_hash(value) ⇒ Hash
Outputs non-array value in the form of hash For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value
775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 775 def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end |
#build_from_hash(attributes) ⇒ Object
Builds the object from hash
688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 688 def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{self.class.json_map[key]}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{self.class.json_map[key]}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) end # or else data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional end self end |
#eql?(o) ⇒ Boolean
675 676 677 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 675 def eql?(o) self == o end |
#hash ⇒ Fixnum
Calculates hash code according to all attributes.
681 682 683 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 681 def hash [action_list, enable_escrow_option, action_token_types, bin_source, capture, processor_id, business_application_id, commerce_indicator, commerce_indicator_label, payment_solution, reconciliation_id, link_id, purchase_level, transaction_timeout, intents_id, report_group, visa_checkout_id, industry_data_type, , , , , , electronic_benefits_transfer, , wallet_type, national_net_domestic_data, , mobile_remote_payment_type, extended_credit_total_count, network_routing_order, pay_by_points_indicator, timeout, is_return_auth_record_enabled, network_partner_id, payment_type, enabler_id, processing_instruction, transaction_type_indicator, purpose_of_payment, language_code, original_payment_id].hash end |
#list_invalid_properties ⇒ Object
Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid?
463 464 465 466 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 463 def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = invalid_properties end |
#to_body ⇒ Hash
to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility)
755 756 757 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 755 def to_body to_hash end |
#to_hash ⇒ Hash
Returns the object in the form of hash
761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 761 def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) next if value.nil? hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end |
#to_s ⇒ String
Returns the string representation of the object
749 750 751 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 749 def to_s to_hash.to_s end |
#valid? ⇒ Boolean
Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid
470 471 472 |
# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/ptsv2payments_processing_information.rb', line 470 def valid? true end |