A Ruby library which implements the complete functionality of the Campaign Monitor API. Requires Ruby >= 2.0.0.
Quick start
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem 'createsend'
Or, install the gem:
gem install createsend
The Campaign Monitor API supports authentication using either OAuth or an API key.
Using OAuth
If you're developing a Rails or Rack based application, we recommend using omniauth-createsend to authenticate with the Campaign Monitor API. You might find this example application helpful.
If you don't use omniauth-createsend, you'll need to get access tokens for your users by following the instructions included in the Campaign Monitor API documentation. This gem provides functionality to help you do this, as described below. There's also another example application you may wish to reference, which doesn't depend on any OAuth libraries.
Redirecting to the authorization URL
The first thing your application should do is redirect your user to the Campaign Monitor authorization URL where they will have the opportunity to approve your application to access their Campaign Monitor account. You can get this authorization URL by using CreateSend::CreateSend.authorize_url
, like so:
require 'createsend'
= CreateSend::CreateSend.(
'Client ID for your application',
'Redirect URI for your application',
'The permission level your application requires',
'Optional state data to be included'
# Redirect your users to authorize_url.
Exchanging an OAuth code for an access token
If your user approves your application, they will then be redirected to the redirect_uri
you specified, which will include a code
parameter, and optionally a state
parameter in the query string. Your application should implement a handler which can exchange the code passed to it for an access token, using CreateSend::CreateSend.exchange_token
like so:
require 'createsend'
access_token, expires_in, refresh_token = CreateSend::CreateSend.exchange_token(
'Client ID for your application',
'Client Secret for your application',
'Redirect URI for your application',
'A unique code for your user' # Get the code parameter from the query string
# Save access_token, expires_in, and refresh_token.
At this point you have an access token and refresh token for your user which you should store somewhere convenient so that your application can look up these values when your user wants to make future Campaign Monitor API calls.
Making API calls using an access token
Once you have an access token and refresh token for your user, you can use the createsend
gem to authenticate and make further API calls like so:
require 'createsend'
auth = {
:access_token => 'your access token',
:refresh_token => 'your refresh token'
cs = auth
clients = cs.clients
Refreshing access tokens
All OAuth access tokens have an expiry time, and can be renewed with a refresh token. If your access token expires when attempting to make an API call, the CreateSend::ExpiredOAuthToken
exception will be raised, so your code should handle this. You can handle this using either CreateSend::CreateSend.refresh_access_token
(when calling class methods) or CreateSend::CreateSend#refresh_token
(when calling instance methods).
Here's an example of using CreateSend::CreateSend#refresh_token
to refresh your current access token when calling CreateSend::CreateSend#clients
require 'createsend'
auth = {
:access_token => 'your access token',
:refresh_token => 'your refresh token'
cs = auth
tries ||= 2
clients = cs.clients
rescue CreateSend::ExpiredOAuthToken => eot
access_token, expires_in, refresh_token = cs.refresh_token
# Here you should save your updated access token, 'expire in' value,
# and refresh token. `cs` will automatically have the new access token
# set, so there is no need to set it again.
retry unless (tries -= 1).zero?
p "Error: #{eot}"
rescue Exception => e
p "Error: #{e}"
In addition to raising CreateSend::ExpiredOAuthToken
when an access token has expired, this library also raises CreateSend::InvalidOAuthToken
if an invalid access token is used, and raises CreateSend::RevokedOAuthToken
if a user has revoked the access token being used. This makes it easier for you to handle these cases in your code.
Using an API key
require 'createsend'
cs = :api_key => 'your api key'
clients = cs.clients
Basic usage
This example of listing all your clients and their campaigns demonstrates basic usage of the library and the data returned from the API:
require 'createsend'
auth = {
:access_token => 'your access token',
:refresh_token => 'your refresh token'
cs = auth
clients = cs.clients
clients.each do |cl|
p "Client: #{cl.Name}"
client = auth, cl.ClientID
p "- Campaigns:"
client.drafts.each do |cm|
p " - #{cm.Subject}"
Running this example will result in something like:
Client: First Client
- Campaigns:
- Newsletter Number One
- Newsletter Number Two
Client: Second Client
- Campaigns:
- News for January 2013
Handling errors
If the Campaign Monitor API returns an error, an exception will be raised. For example, if you attempt to create a campaign and enter empty values for subject and other required fields:
require 'createsend'
auth = {
:access_token => 'your access token',
:refresh_token => 'your refresh token'
id = CreateSend::Campaign.create auth, "4a397ccaaa55eb4e6aa1221e1e2d7122",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", [], []
p "New campaign ID: #{id}"
rescue CreateSend::BadRequest => br
p "Bad request error: #{br}"
p "Error Code: #{}"
p "Error Message: #{}"
rescue Exception => e
p "Error: #{e}"
Running this example will result in:
Bad request error: The CreateSend API responded with the following error - 304: Campaign Subject Required
Error Code: 304
Error Message: Campaign Subject Required
Expected input and output
The best way of finding out the expected input and output of a particular method in a particular class is to use the unit tests as a reference.
For example, if you wanted to find out how to call the CreateSend::Subscriber.add
method, you would look at the file test/subscriber_test.rb
should "add a subscriber with custom fields" do
stub_post(@auth, "subscribers/#{@list_id}.json", "add_subscriber.json")
custom_fields = [ { :Key => 'website', :Value => '' } ]
email_address = CreateSend::Subscriber.add @auth, @list_id, "", "Subscriber", custom_fields, true, "Yes"
email_address.should be == ""
Ruby documentation is available at
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Please check the instructions for releasing the createsend