Welcome to Coinbot!
Coinbot is an automated, swing-trading crypto robot written in Ruby.
The goal of coinbot is three-fold:
- Identify bugs that qualify for bounty on H1
- Take the emotion out of trading crypto currency.
- Grow asset portfolios.
By combining real-time market data in conjunction with personalized portfolio and order history, coinbot leverages a collection of status indicators to derive probabilities to buy, sell, hold, cancel orders, or skip a respective crytpo.
Once these probabilities are derived (which occurs at a high cadence), the respective transaction will be submitted for fulfillment.
Tested on Linux, & OSX leveraging Ruby via RVM.
$ rvm gemset create coinbot
$ rvm list gemsets
$ rvm use ruby-<VERSION>@coinbot
$ gem install --verbose coinbot
$ coinbot --help
Create a Local Coinbot Config Folder
$ mkdir -p ~/coinbot/order_books
Copy the Gem etc to the Local Config Folder
$ cp -a $(ruby -r coinbot -e 'puts "#{Gem.path.first}/gems/coinbot-#{Coinbot::VERSION}/etc"') ~/coinbot
Copy coinbase_pro.yaml.EXAMPLE to the Local Config Folder
$ cp ~/coinbot/etc/coinbase_pro.yaml.EXAMPLE \ ~/coinbot/etc/coinbase_pro.yaml
Add Your API Details to ~/coinbot/etc/coinbase_pro.yaml:
$ vi ~/coinbot/etc/coinbase_pro.yaml
$ rvm use ruby-<VERSION>@coinbot
$ coinbot --help
$ coinbot --symbol btc-usd \
--autotrade \
--repo-root ~/coinbot
From an error monitoring perspective, they can be monitored via:
tail -f /tmp/coinbot-errors.txt
For details around contributing to this project, please refer to the Coinbot Development Guide.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/0dayinc/coinbot. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
Code of Conduct
Everyone interacting in the Coinbot project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
Coinbot is for educational purposes only. No information, forward looking statements, or estimations presented herein represent any final determination on investment performance. While the capabilities implemented in this project have been researched and thought to be reasonably accurate, any investment is speculative in nature.
0day Inc. and/or its agents cannot and do not guarantee any rate of return or investment timeline based on the capabilities provided herein. Feel free to use coinbot at your own risk.