Cogger is a portmanteau for custom logger (i.e. [c]ustom + l[ogger] = cogger) which enhances Ruby’s native Logger functionality with additional features such as dynamic emojis, colorized text, structured JSON, multiple outputs, and much more. 🚀


  • Enhances Ruby’s default Logger with additional functionality and firepower.

  • Provides dynamic/specific emoji output.

  • Provides dynamic/specific colorized output via the Tone gem.

  • Provides customizable templates which leverage native String Format Specification.

  • Provides customizable formatters for simple, color, emoji, JSON, and/or custom formats.

  • Provides multiple streams so you can log the same information to several outputs at once.

  • Provides global and individual log entry tagging.

  • Provides filtering of sensitive information.

  • Provides Rack middleware for HTTP request logging.




  1. Ruby.


To install with security, run:

# 💡 Skip this line if you already have the public certificate installed.
gem cert --add <(curl --compressed --location
gem install cogger --trust-policy HighSecurity

To install without security, run:

gem install cogger

You can also add the gem directly to your project:

bundle add cogger

Once the gem is installed, you only need to require it:

require "cogger"


All behavior is provided by creating an instance of Cogger. Example:

logger = "Demo"  # "Demo"

If you set your logging level to debug, you can walk through each level:

logger = level: :debug

# Without blocks.
logger.debug "Demo"                  # 🔎 [console] Demo "Demo"                   # đŸŸĸ [console] Demo
logger.warn "Demo"                   # ⚠ī¸ [console] Demo
logger.error "Demo"                  # 🛑 [console] Demo
logger.fatal "Demo"                  # đŸ”Ĩ [console] Demo
logger.unknown "Demo"                # âšĢī¸ [console] Demo
logger.any "Demo"                    # âšĢī¸ [console] Demo
logger.add Logger::INFO, "Demo"      # đŸŸĸ [console] Demo

# With blocks.
logger.debug { "Demo" }              # 🔎 [console] Demo { "Demo" }               # đŸŸĸ [console] Demo
logger.warn { "Demo" }               # ⚠ī¸ [console] Demo
logger.error { "Demo" }              # 🛑 [console] Demo
logger.fatal { "Demo" }              # đŸ”Ĩ [console] Demo
logger.unknown { "Demo" }            # âšĢī¸ [console] Demo
logger.any { "Demo" }                # âšĢī¸ [console] Demo
logger.add(Logger::INFO) { "Demo" }  # đŸŸĸ [console] Demo

The [console], in the above output, is the program ID which, in this case, is the ID of this gem’s IRB console.


When creating a new logger, you can configure behavior via the following attributes:

  • id: The program/process ID which shows up in the logs as your id. Default: $PROGRAM_NAME. For example, if run within a demo.rb script, the id would be "demo",

  • io: The input/output stream. This can be STDOUT/$stdout, a file/path, or nil. Default: $stdout.

  • level: The log level you want to log at. Can be :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal, or :unknown. Default: :info.

  • formatter: The formatter to use for formatting your log output. Default: Cogger::Formatter::Color. See the Formatters section for more info.

  • tags: Global tagging for every log entry which must be an array of objects you wish to use for tagging purposes.

  • mode: The binary mode which determines if your logs should be written in binary mode or not. Can be true or false and is identical to the binmode functionality found in the Logger class. Default: false.

  • age: The rotation age of your log. This only applies when logging to a file. This is equivalent to the shift_age as found with the Logger class. Default: 0.

  • size: The rotation size of your log. This only applies when logging to a file. This is equivalent to the shift_size as found with the Logger class. Default: 1,048,576 (i.e. 1 MB).

  • suffix: The rotation suffix. This only applies when logging to a file. This is equivalent to the shift_period_suffix as found with the Logger class and is used when creating new rotation files. Default: %Y-%m-%d.

Given the above description, here’s how’d you create a new logger instance with all attributes:

# Default
logger =

# Custom
logger = id: :demo,
                    io: "demo.log",
                    level: :debug,
                    formatter: :json,
                    tags: %w[DEMO DB],
                    mode: false,
                    age: 5,
                    size: 1_000,
                    suffix: "%Y"


Supported levels can be obtained via Cogger::LEVELS. Example:

# ["debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", "unknown"]


You can use your environment to define the desired default log level. The default log level is: "info". Although, you can set the log level to any of the following:

export LOG_LEVEL=debug
export LOG_LEVEL=info
export LOG_LEVEL=warn
export LOG_LEVEL=error
export LOG_LEVEL=fatal
export LOG_LEVEL=unknown

While downcase is preferred for the log level, you can use upcased values as well. If the LOG_LEVEL environment variable is not set, Cogger will fall back to "info" unless overwritten during initialization. Example: level: :debug. Otherwise, an invalid log level will result in an ArgumentError.


Each instance can be mutated using the following messages:

logger = io:

logger.close                                       # nil
logger.reopen                                      # Logger
logger.debug!                                      # 0!                                       # 1
logger.warn!                                       # 2
logger.error!                                      # 3
logger.fatal!                                      # 4
logger.formatter =  # Cogger::Formatters::Simple
logger.level = Logger::WARN                        # 2

Please see the Logger documentation for more information.


Templates are used by all formatters and adhere to the String Format Specification as used by Kernel#format. All specifiers, flags, width, and precision are supported except for the following restrictions:

  • Use of reference by name is required which means %<demo>s is allowed but %{demo} is not. This is because reference by name is required for regular expressions and/or pattern matching.

  • Use of the n$ flag is prohibited because it’s not compatible with the above.

In addition to the above, the String Format Specification is further enhanced with the use of universal and individual directives which are primarily used by the color formatter but can prove useful for other formatters. Example:

# Universal: Dynamic (color is determined by level).
"<dynamic>%<level>s %<at>s %<id>s %<message>s</dynamic>"

# Universal: Specific (uses the green color only).
"<green>%<level>s %<at>s %<id>s %<message>s</green>"

# Individual: Dynamic (color is determined by level).
"%<level:dynamic>s %<at:dynamic>s %<id:dynamic>s %<message:dynamic>s"

# Individual: Specific (uses a rainbow of colors).
"%<level:purple>s %<at:yellow>s %<id:cyan>s %<message:green>s"

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the above:

  • Universal: Applies color universally to the entire template and requires you to:

    • Wrap your entire template in a and start (<dynamic>) and end tag (</dynamic>) which works much like an HTML tag in this context.

    • Your tag names must either be <dynamic></dynamic>, any default color (example: <green></green>), or alias (i.e. <your_alias></your_alias>) as supported by the Tone gem.

  • Individual: Individual templates allow you to apply color to specific attributes and require you to:

    • Format your attributes as attribute:directive. The colon delimiter is required to separate your attribute for your color choice.

    • The color value (what follows after the colon) can be dynamic, any default color (example: green), or alias (i.e. your_alias) as supported by the Tone gem.

In addition to the general categorization of universal and individual tags, each support the following directives:

  • Dynamic: A dynamic directive means color will be determined by log level only. This means if info level is used, the associated color (alias) for info will be applied. Same goes for warn, error, etc.

  • Specific: A specific directive means the color you use will be applied without any further processing regardless of log level. This gives you the ability to customize your colors further in situations where dynamic coloring isn’t enough.

At this point, you might have gathered that there are specific keys you can use for the log event metadata in your template and everything else is up to you. This stems from the fact that Logger entries always have the following metadata:

  • id: The program/process ID you created your logger with (i.e. id: :demo).

  • level: The level at which you messaged your logger (i.e.

  • at: The date/time as which your log event was created.

This also means if you pass in these same keys as a log event (example: id: :bad, at:, level: :bogus) they will be ignored.

The last key (or keys) is customizable to your needs and is known as the log event message. The only special key is the tags key which will be explained later. Here a couple of examples to illustrate:

# Available as "%<message>s" in your template. "demo"

# Available as "%<message>s" in your template. message: "demo"

# Available as "%<verb>s" and "%<path>s" in your template. verb: "GET", path: "/"`

💡 In situations where a message hash is logged but the keys of that hash don’t match the keys in the template, then an empty message will be logged. This applies to all formatters except the JSON formatter which will log any key/value that doesn’t have a nil value.


In addition to coloring to your log output, you can add emojis as well. Here are the defaults:


# {
#   :debug => "🔎",
#    :info => "đŸŸĸ",
#    :warn => "⚠ī¸",
#   :error => "🛑",
#   :fatal => "đŸ”Ĩ",
#     :any => "âšĢī¸"
# }

The :emoji formatter is the default formatter which provides dynamic rendering of emojis based on log level. Example:

logger = "Demo"

# đŸŸĸ [console] Demo

To add one or more emojis, you can chain messages together when registering them:

Cogger.add_emoji(:tada, "🎉")
      .add_emoji :favorite, "❇ī¸"

If you always want to use the same emoji, you could use the emoji formatter with a specific template:

logger = formatter:"%<emoji:tada>s %<message:dynamic>s") "Demo"
logger.warn "Demo"

# 🎉 Demo
# 🎉 Demo

As you can see, using a specific and non-dynamic emoji will always display regardless of the current log level.


Aliases are specific to the Tone gem which allows you alias specific colors/styles via a new name. Here’s how you can use them:

Cogger.add_alias :haze, :bold, :white, :on_purple

The above would add a :haze alias which consists of bold white text on a purple background. Once added, you’d then be able to view a list of all default and custom aliases. You can also override an existing alias if you’d like something else.

Aliases are a powerful way to customize your colors and use short syntax in your templates. Building upon the alias, added above, you’d be able to use it in your templates as follows:

# Universal

# Individual

💡 These aliases are used by the color and emoji formatters but check out the Tone documentation and Formatters section below for further examples.


Multiple formatters are provided for you which can be further customized as needed. Here’s what is provided by default:


# {
#    :color => [
#     Cogger::Formatters::Color < Object,
#     nil
#   ],
#   :detail => [
#     Cogger::Formatters::Simple < Object,
#     "[%<id>s] [%<level>s] [%<at>s] %<message>s"
#   ],
#    :emoji => [
#     Cogger::Formatters::Emoji < Cogger::Formatters::Color,
#     nil
#   ],
#     :json => [
#     Cogger::Formatters::JSON < Object,
#     nil
#   ],
#   :simple => [
#     Cogger::Formatters::Simple < Object,
#     nil
#   ],
#     :rack => [
#     Cogger::Formatters::Simple < Object,
#     "[%<id>s] [%<level>s] [%<at>s] %<verb>s %<status>s %<duration>s %<ip>s %<path>s %<length>s # %<params>s"
#   ]
# }

You can add a formatter by providing a key, class, and optional template. If a template isn’t supplied, then the formatter’s default template will be used instead (more on that shortly). Example:

# Registration

Cogger.add_formatter :basic, Cogger::Formatters::Simple, "%<level>s %<message>s"

# Usage

Cogger.get_formatter :basic
# [Cogger::Formatters::Simple, "%<level>s %<message>s"]

Cogger.get_formatter :bogus
# Unregistered formatter: bogus. (KeyError)

Symbols or strings can be used interchangeably when adding/getting formatters. As mentioned above, a template doesn’t have to be supplied if you want to use the formatter’s default template which can be inspected as follows:

Cogger::Formatters::Color::TEMPLATE   # "%<message:dynamic>s"
Cogger::Formatters::Emoji::TEMPLATE   # "%<emoji:dynamic>s %<message:dynamic>s"
Cogger::Formatters::JSON::TEMPLATE    # nil
Cogger::Formatters::Simple::TEMPLATE  # "%<message>s"

💡 When you find yourself customizing any of the default formatters, you can reduce typing by adding your custom configuration to the registry and then referring to it via it’s associated key when initializing a new logger.


The simple formatter is a bare bones formatter that uses no color information, doesn’t support the universal/dynamic template syntax, and only supports the String Format Specification as mentioned in the Templates section earlier. Example:

logger = formatter: :simple

This formatter can be used via the following template variations:

logger = formatter: :detail
logger = formatter: :rack

ℹī¸ Any leading or trailing whitespace is automatically removed after the template has been formatted in order to account for template attributes that might be nil or empty strings so you don’t have visual indentation in your output.


The color formatter allows you to have color coded logs and can be configured as follows:

logger = formatter: :color

Please refer back to the Templates section on how to customize this formatter with more sophisticated templates. In addition to template customization, you can customize your color aliases as well. Default colors are provided by Tone which are aliased by log level:


  debug: [:white],
  info: [:green],
  warn: [:yellow],
  error: [:red],
  fatal: %i[bold white on_red],
  any: [dim bright_white]

This allows a color — or combination of color styles (i.e. foreground + background) — to be dynamically applied based on log level. You can add additional aliases via:

Cogger.add_alias :mystery, :white, :on_purple

Once an alias is added, it can be immediately applied via the template of your formatter. Example:

# Applies the `mystery` alias universally to your template.
logger = formatter:"<mystery>%<message>s</mystery>")

ℹī¸ Much like the simple formatter, any leading or trailing whitespace is automatically removed after the template has been formatted.


The emoji formatter is enabled by default and is the equivalent of initializing with either of the following:

logger =
logger = formatter: :emoji
logger = formatter:"%<emoji:dynamic>s %<message:dynamic>s")

All of the above examples are identical so you can see how different formatters can be used and customized further. The default emojis are registered as follows:


# {
#   :debug => "🔎",
#    :info => "đŸŸĸ",
#    :warn => "⚠ī¸",
#   :error => "🛑",
#   :fatal => "đŸ”Ĩ",
#     :any => "âšĢī¸"
# }

This allows an emoji to be dynamically applied based on log level. You can add or modify aliases as follows:

Cogger.add_emoji :warn, "🟡"

Once an alias is added/updated, it can be immediately applied via the template of your formatter. Example:

logger =
logger.warn "Demo"
# 🟡 [console] Demo

ℹī¸ Much like the simple and color formatters, any leading or trailing whitespace is automatically removed after the template has been formatted.


This formatter is the Simple formatter with a different template and can be configured as follows:

logger = formatter: :detail


This formatter is similar in behavior to the simple formatter except that date/time defaults to UTC, is formatted according to RFC 3339 using millisecond precision, and the template allows you to order the layout of your keys. All other template information is ignored, only the order of your template keys matters. Example:

Default Order

logger = formatter: :json verb: "GET", path: "/"
# {"id":"console","level":"INFO","at":"2023-12-10T18:42:32.844+00:00","verb":"GET","path":"/"}

Custom Order

logger = formatter:"%<level>s %<verb>s") verb: "GET", path: "/"
# {"level":"INFO","verb":"GET","id":"console","at":"2023-12-10T18:43:03.805+00:00","path":"/"}

Your template can be a full or partial match of keys. If no keys match what is defined in the template, then the original order of the keys will be used instead.

You can always supply a message as your first argument — or specify it by using the :message key — but is removed if not supplied which is why the above doesn’t print a message in the output. To illustrate, the following are equivalent:

logger = formatter: :json "Demo"
# {"id":"console","level":"INFO","at":"2023-12-10T18:43:42.029+00:00","message":"Demo"} message: "Demo"
# {"id":"console","level":"INFO","at":"2023-12-10T18:44:14.568+00:00","message":"Demo"}

When tags are provided, the :tags key will appear in the output depending on whether you are using single tags. If hash tags are used, they’ll show up as additional attributes in the output. Here’s an example where a mix of single and hash keys are used:

logger = formatter: :json "Demo", tags: ["WEB", "PRIMARY", {service: :api, demo: true}]
# {
#   "id":"console",
#   "level":"INFO",
#   "at":"2023-12-10T18:44:32.723+00:00",
#   "message":"Demo",
#   "tags":["WEB",
#   "PRIMARY"],
#   "service":"api",
#   "demo":true
# }

Notice, with the above, that the single tags of WEB and PRIMARY show up in the tags array while the :service and :demo keys show up at the top level of the hash. Since the :tags, :service, :demo keys are normal keys, like any key in your JSON output, this means you can use a custom template to arrange the order of these keys if you don’t like the default.


This formatter is the Simple formatter with a different template and can be configured as follows:

logger = formatter: :rack


Should you wish to use the native formatter as provided by original/native Logger, it will work but not in the manner you might expect. Example:

require "logger"

logger = formatter: "Demo"

# I, [2023-10-15T14:32:55.061777 #72801]  INFO -- console: #<data Cogger::Entry id="console", level=:info, at=2023-10-15 14:32:55.061734 -0600, message="Demo", tags=[], payload={}>

While the above doesn’t cause an error, you only get a dump of the Cogger::Entry which is not what you want. To replicate native Logger functionality, you can do use the simple formatter as follows to produce the rough equivalent:

formatter =
  "%<level>s, [%<at>s]  %<level>s -- %<id>s: %<message>s"
logger = "Demo"

# INFO, [2023-10-15 15:07:13 -0600]  INFO -- console: Demo


Should none of the built-in formatters be to your liking, you can implement, use, and/or register a custom formatter as well. The most minimum, bare bones, skeleton would be:

class MyFormatter
  TEMPLATE = "%<message>s"

  def initialize template = TEMPLATE, sanitizer:
    @template = template
    @sanitizer = sanitizer

  def call(*input) = "#{format template,*input)}\n"


  attr_reader :template, :sanitizer

There is no restriction on what dependency you might want to initialize your custom formatter with but — as a bare minimum — you’ll want to provide a default template and inject the sanitizer which sanitizes the raw input into a Cogger::Entry object you can interact with in your implementation. The only other requirement is that you must implement #call which takes a log entry which is an array of positional arguments (i.e. level, at, id, entry) and answers back a formatted string. If you need more examples you can look at any of the formatters provided within this gem.


Tags allow you to tag your messages at both a global and local (i.e. per message) level. For example, here’s what tagging looks like when used globally:

logger = tags: %w[WEB] "Demo"

# đŸŸĸ [console] [WEB] Demo

Each tag is wrapped in brackets (i.e. []) and you can use multiple tags:

logger = tags: %w[WEB EXAMPLE] "Demo"

# đŸŸĸ [console] [WEB] [EXAMPLE] Demo

You are not limited to string-based tags. Any object will work:

logger = tags: ["ONE", :two, 3, {four: "FOUR"}, proc { "FIVE" }] "Demo"

# đŸŸĸ [console] [ONE] [two] [3] [FIVE] [four=FOUR] Demo

With the above, we have string, symbol, integer, hash, and proc tags. With hashes, you’ll always get a the key/value pair formatted as: key=value. Procs/lambdas allow you to lazy evaluate your tag at time of logging which provides a powerful way to acquire the current process ID, thread ID, and so forth.

In addition to global tags, you can use local tags per log message. Example:

logger = "Demo", tags: ["ONE", :two, 3, {four: "FOUR"}, proc { "FIVE" }]

# đŸŸĸ [console] [ONE] [two] [3] [FIVE] [four=FOUR] Demo

You can also combine global and local tags:

logger = tags: ["ONE", :two] "Demo", tags: [3, proc { "FOUR" }]

# đŸŸĸ [console] [ONE] [two] [3] [FOUR] Demo

As you can see, tags are highly versatile. That said, the following guidelines are worth consideration when using them:

  • Prefer uppercase tag names to make them visually stand out.

  • Prefer short names, ideally 1-4 characters since long tags defeat the purpose of brevity.

  • Prefer consistent tag names by using tags that are not synonymous or ambiguous.

  • Prefer using tags by feature rather than things like environments. Examples: API, DB, MAILER.

  • Prefer the JSON formatter for structured metadata instead of tags. Logging JSON formatted messages with tags will work but sticking with a traditional hash, instead of tags, will probably serve you better.


Filters allow you to mask sensitive information you don’t want showing up in your logs. The default is an empty set:

Cogger.filters  # #<Set: {}>

To add filters, use:

      .add_filter "email"

Cogger.filters  # #<Set: {:login, :email}>

Symbols and strings can be used interchangeably but are stored as symbols since symbols are used when filtering log entries. Once your filters are in place, you can immediately see their effects:

Cogger.add_filter :password
logger = formatter: :json login: "jayne", password: "secret"

# {
#   "id":"console",
#   "level":"INFO",
#   "at":"2023-10-18 19:21:40 -0600",
#   "login":"jayne",
#   "password":"[FILTERED]"
# }


You can add multiple log streams (outputs) by using:

logger =
               .add_stream(io: "tmp/demo.log")
               .add_stream(io: nil) "Demo."

The above would log the "Demo." message to $stdout — the default stream — to the tmp/demo.log file, and to /dev/null. All attributes used to construct your default logger apply to all additional streams unless customized further. This means any custom template/formatter can be applied to your streams. Example:

logger = "tmp/demo.log", formatter: :json) "Demo."

In this situation, you’d get colorized output to $stdout and JSON output to the tmp/demo.log file.

There is a lot you can do with streams. For example, if you wanted to experiment with the same message formatted by multiple formatters, you could add a stream per format. Example:

logger =
               .add_stream(formatter: :color)
               .add_stream(formatter: :detail)
               .add_stream(formatter: :json)
               .add_stream(formatter: :simple) "Demo"

# đŸŸĸ [console] Demo
# [console] Demo
# [console] [INFO] [2024-06-16 15:09:38 -0600] Demo
# {"id":"console","level":"INFO","at":"2024-06-16T21:09:38.896+00:00","message":"Demo"}
# [console] Demo


Aborting a program is mostly syntax sugar for Command Line Interfaces (CLIs) which aids in situations where you need to log an error message and exit the program at the same time with an exit code of 1 (similar to how Kernel#abort behaves). This allows your CLI to log an error and ensure the exit status is correct when displaying status, piping commands together, etc. All of the arguments, when messaging #error directly, are the same. Here’s how it works:

logger =

logger.abort "Danger!"
# 🛑 [console] Danger!
# Exits with status code: 1.

logger.abort { "Danger!" }
# 🛑 [console] Danger!
# Exits with status code: 1.

logger.abort message: "Danger!"
# 🛑 [console] Danger!
# Exits with status code: 1.

You can use #abort without a message which will not log anything and immediately exit:

# Logs no message and exits with status code: 1.

This is not recommended since using Kernel#exit directly is more performant.


Rack is implicitly supported which means your middleware must be Rack-based and must require the Rack gem since Cogger::Rack::Logger doesn’t explicitly require Rack by default. If these requirements are met then, to add HTTP request logging, you only need to use it. Example:

use Rails::Rack::Logger

Like any other Rack middleware, Rails::Rack::Logger is initialized with your current application along with any custom options. Example:

middleware = application environment

The following defaults are supported:


# {
#   logger: :json),
#   timer:,
#   :key_map => {
#       :verb => "REQUEST_METHOD",
#         :ip => "REMOTE_ADDR",
#       :path => "PATH_INFO",
#     :params => "QUERY_STRING",
#     :length => "CONTENT_LENGTH"
#   }
# }

The defaults can be customized. Example: application, {logger:}

In the above example, we see overrides the default :json). In practice, you’ll want to customize the logger and key map. Here’s how each default is configured to be used:

  • logger: Defaults to JSON formatted logging but you’ll want to pass in the same logger as globally configured for your application in order to reduce duplication and save on memory.

  • timer: The timer calculates the total duration of the request and defaults to nanosecond precision but you can swap this out with your own timer if desired. When providing your own timer, the only requirement is that the timer respond to the #call message with a block.

  • key_map: The key map is used to map the HTTP Headers to keys (i.e. tags) used in the log output. You can use the existing key map, provide your own, or use a hybrid.

Once this middleware is configured and used within your application, you’ll start seeing the following kinds of log entries (depending on your specific settings and tags used):



To build upon the above — and if using the Rails framework — you could configure your application as follows:

# demo/config/application.rb
module Demo
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.logger = id: :demo, formatter: :json,
    config.middleware.swap Rails::Rack::Logger, Cogger::Rack::Logger, {logger: config.logger}

The above defines Cogger as the default logger for the entire application, ensures Cogger::Rack::Logger is configured to use it and swaps itself with the default Rails::Rack::Logger so you don’t have two pieces of middleware logging the same HTTP requests.

Alternatively, you could use a more advanced configuration with even more detailed logging:

# demo/config/application.rb
module Demo
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.version = ENV.fetch "PROJECT_VERSION"

    config.logger = id: :demo,
                               formatter: :json,
                               tags: [
                                 proc { {pid:, thread: Thread.current.object_id} },
                                 {team: "acme", version: config.version}

    unless Rails.env.test?
      config.middleware.swap Rails::Rack::Logger, Cogger::Rack::Logger, {logger: config.logger}

The above does the following:

  • Fetches the project version from the environment and then logs the version as a tag.

  • PID and thread information are dynamically calculated at runtime, via the proc, as tags too.

  • Team information is also captured as a tag.

  • The middleware is only configured for use in any environment other than the test environment.

You could also add the following to your Development and Test environments so you capture all logs in a log file:

# Add this to your development and/or test environment configuration.
config.logger = io: Rails.root.join("log/#{Rails.env}.log")


Should you ever need quick access to the defaults, you can use:

This is primarily meant for display/inspection purposes, though.


Each instance can be inspected via the #inspect message:

logger =

# "#<Cogger::Hub @id=console,
#                @io=IO,
#                @level=1,
#                @formatter=Cogger::Formatters::Emoji,
#                @tags=[],
#                @mode=false,
#                @age=0,
#                @size=1048576,
#                @suffix=\"%Y-%m-%d\",
#                @entry=Cogger::Entry,
#                @logger=Logger>"

You can also look at individual attributes:

logger =      # "console"      # #<IO:<STDOUT>>
logger.tags    # []
logger.mode    # false
logger.age     # 0
logger.size    # 1048576
logger.suffix  # "%Y-%m-%d"

logger.level      # 1
logger.formatter  # Cogger::Formatters::Emoji
logger.debug?     # false      # true
logger.warn?      # true
logger.error?     # true
logger.fatal?     # true


When testing, you might find it convenient to rewind and read from the stream you are writing too (i.e. IO, StringIO, File). For instance, here is an example where I inject the default logger into my Demo class and then, for testing purposes, create a new logger to be injected which only logs to StringIO so I can buffer and read for test verification:

class Demo
  def initialize logger:
    @logger = logger

  def call(text) = { text }


  attr_reader :logger

RSpec.describe Demo do
  subject(:demo) { logger: }

  let(:logger) { io: }

  describe "#call" do
    it "logs message" do "Test."
      expect(logger.reread).to include("Test.")

The ability to #reread is only available for the default (first) stream and doesn’t work with any additional streams that you add to your logger. That said, this does make it easy to test the Demo implementation while also keeping your test suite output clean at the same time. 🎉


To contribute, run:

git clone
cd cogger

You can also use the IRB console for direct access to all objects:


Lastly, there is a bin/demo script which displays multiple log formats for quick visual reference. This is the same script used to generate the screenshots shown at the top of this document.


To test, run:

