Codabel - Generate CODA files with ease
This gem allows generating CODA files (belgian financial format) from structured data. We currently support version 2.6 of the Febelfin specification:
- Support for CODA records 0, 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 8 and 9.
- Easy CODA generation from a high-level data model
- Access for fine-grained details through detailed record data
- Automatical split of mouvements to records 2.x and 3.x
- Automatic generation of next and link codes
- Automatic generation of trailer record details
- Basic check of balances and trailer record (debit, credit, record count)
- No support for ruby < 2.5
- No support for free information records (4)
- No high-level data model for transaction codes (record 2.1)
- No high-level data model for R-transaction and reason (record 2.2)
- No high-level data model for purpose and category purpose (record 2.2)
today = Date.parse('2021-11-18')
file =
file << Codabel::Record.header(
creation_date: today
file << Codabel::Record.old_balance(
balance_date: today,
balance: 1765
file << Codabel::Record.movement(
amount: 107980, # amounts are always in cents
entry_date: today,
value_date: today,
communication: {
structured: '121204102125'
file << Codabel::Record.movement(
amount: -6789,
entry_date: today,
value_date: today,
communication: {
unstructured: 'Buying flowers'
file << Codabel::Record.new_balance(
balance_date: today,
balance: 1765 + 107980 - 6789
file << Codabel::Record.trailer
puts file.to_coda
Codabel is distributed by Flexio ( under a MIT licence (see
- Fork the library
- Add the features that you want together with the unit and integration tests
- Please double check that you don't introduce a broken API without reason
- Open a pull request and relax!
- Don't hesitate to ping the maintainer by email (bernard, you know, at