
Create unique identifiers for entities in distributed systems.

Gem Version

What's in the Box?

✅ Simple usage documentation written to get started fast. Check it out!

⚡ A fast implementation in pure ruby. Check it out!

📚 YARD generated API documentation for the library. Check it out!

🤖 RBS types for your type checking wants. Check it out!

💎 Tests against many Ruby versions. Check it out!

🔒 MFA protection on all gem owners. Check it out!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'clusterid'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install clusterid

Ruby Versions

This gem is tested against the following Ruby versions:

  • 2.6.0
  • 2.6.9
  • 2.7.0
  • 2.7.5
  • 3.0.0
  • 3.0.3
  • 3.1.0
  • 3.1.1


Create an intance of ClusterId::V1::Generator and then use the generate method to create ClusterId::V1::Value instances.

generator =
id = generator.generate

This kind of quick usage will use the default byte generator, clock, and serialization classes. The default serialization classes are null objects which will:

  • return nil for deserializing any data centre, environment, or type ID
  • serialize any value for data centre, environment, or type ID as 0.

If you would like to take advantage of these custom attributes see the Custom Attributes & Serialization section below.


The ClusterId::V1::Value objects that are created have a small API which allows read access to the individual components which make up the byte string. For example, to access the byte string for storage:

value = generator.generate
puts value.bytes

See the API docs for the full method reference.

Values are Comparable

The ClusterId::V1::Value class implements the Comparable interface, so you can sort them, check for equality, and use the typical comparison operators.

Reconstituting ClusterId::V1::Value Objects

If you've saved the byte string from one of these objects somewhere, you can manually create it again if you have a ClusterId::V1::Deserializer or a ClusterId::V1::Generator.

With a generator configured with the correct Deserializer, you can use the from_byte_string method:

byte_string = "..." # From storage, perhaps.
generator = ... # Some existing generator with the correct configuration.
value = generator.from_byte_string(byte_string)

Without a generator, you need to provide the Deserializer instance yourself:

byte_string = "..." # From storage, perhaps.
deserializer =
value =, deserializer)

Custom Attributes & Serialization

You can create subclasses of ClusterId::V1::Serializer and ClusterId::V1::Deserializer to represent your custom values for data centre, environment, and type IDs. The Serializer will need to accept your application's types for the custom attributes and return integer values, while the Deserializer should do the opposite.

You can use any type as long as you implement the serialization and deserialization steps. For example, here are two simple classes that use only Symbols.

class ExampleDeserializer < ClusterId::V1::Deserializer
  def to_data_centre(i)
    return :north_america if i == 1

  def to_environment(i)
    return :production if i == 3

  def to_type_id(i)
    return :user if i == 1
    return :settings if i == 2

class ExampleSerializer < ClusterId::V1::Serializer
  def from_data_centre(s)
    return 1 if s == :north_america

  def from_environment(s)
    return 3 if s == :production

  def from_type_id(s)
    return 1 if s == :user
    return 2 if s == :settings

# Then pass them to the Generator constructor
g =, deserializer:

Once you've implemented these custom classes you can provide your custom attributes to the generate method:

v = g.generate(data_centre: :north_america, environment: :production, type_id: :user)
puts v.type_id # Output: :user


When you implement custom serialization classes you become responsible for ensuring the bit length requirements for each attribute are correct. See the API documentation for details.

Custom Byte Generators

If you need to use a byte generator other than the default of SecureRandom you can implement your own. The only requirement is to have a bytes(n) method which returns a byte string. For example:

module GuaranteedRandom
  DICE_ROLL = [4].cycle

  def bytes(n)

Once you have a custom byte generator you can provide it to the ClusterId::V1::Generator constructor:

g = ClusterId::V1::Generator(byte_generator: GuaranteedRandom)

Custom Clock

If you need to implement a custom clock for millisecond timestamps you can implement your own. The only requirement is to have a now_ms method which returns the millisecond time as an Integer. For example:

module UltraAccurateClock
  def now_ms

Once you have created a custom clock you can provide it to the ClusterId::V1::Generator constructor:

g = ClusterId::V1::Generator(clock: UltraAccurateClock)



To get started development on this gem run the bin/setup command. This will install dependencies and run the tests and linting tasks to ensure everything is working.

For an interactive console with the gem loaded run bin/console.


Use the bundle exec rake test command to run unit tests. To install the gem onto your local machine for general integration testing use bundle exec rake install.

To test the gem against each supported version of Ruby use bin/test_versions. This will create a Docker image for each version and run the tests and linting steps.


Do the following to release a new version of this gem:

  • Update the version number in lib/clusterid/version.rb
  • Ensure necessary documentation changes are complete
  • Ensure changes are in the
  • Create the new release using bundle exec rake release

After this is done the following side-effects should be visible:

  • A new git tag for the version number should exist
  • Commits for the new version should be pushed to GitHub
  • The new gem should be available on

Finally, update the documentation hosted on GitHub Pages:

  • Check-out the gh-pages branch
  • Merge main into the gh-pages branch
  • Generate the documentation with bundle exec rake yard
  • Commit the documentation on the gh-pages branch
  • Push the new documentation so GitHub Pages can deploy it


Benchmarking is tricky and the goal of a benchmark should be clear before attempting performance improvements. The goal of this library for performance is as follows:

This library should be capable of generating new values and instantiating existing values at a rate which does not make it a bottleneck for the majority of web APIs.

Given the above goal statement, these benchmarks run on the following environment:

Attribute Value
Ruby Version 3.1.0
MacOS Version Catalina 10.15.7 (19H1615)
MacOS Model Identifier MacBookPro10,1
MacOS Processor Name Quad-Core Intel Core i7
MacOS Processor Speed 2.7 GHz
MacOS Number of Processors 1
MacOS Total Number of Cores 4
MacOS L2 Cache (per Core) 256 KB
MacOS L3 Cache 6 MB
MacOS Hyper-Threading Technology Enabled
MacOS Memory 16 GB


The performance is approximately as follows when run using:

  • The default byte generator and clock
  • Simple serializer and deserializer classes
  • A constant 16 bytes of data for Value instantiation
~/…/clusterid› bundle exec rake benchmark
date; bundle exec ruby test/benchmarks/current.rb
Sat Feb 26 17:47:17 PST 2022
Warming up --------------------------------------
            generate    23.924k i/100ms
    from_byte_string   129.369k i/100ms
               value   135.606k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
            generate    241.890k (± 2.8%) i/s -      1.220M in   5.048294s
    from_byte_string      1.270M (± 5.2%) i/s -      6.339M in   5.004944s
               value      1.358M (± 6.2%) i/s -      6.780M in   5.014634s

Being conservative in estimation and assuming:

  • all nodes in a cluster have identical millisecond timestamp values
  • 240 generated clusterid values per millisecond
  • approximately 150,000 values generated for a 5 byte value yields a 1% collision rate

The generate method supports approximately 625 machines in a given cluster before the chance of a value collision reaches 1%. The value instantiation has ample performance and should not be a bottleneck for generation of new values. The from_byte_string API is nearly as fast as the value constructor and therefore should also not be a bottleneck.