CloudsmithApi - the Ruby gem for the Cloudsmith API (v1)
The API to the Cloudsmith Service
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: 2.0.14
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build cloudsmith-api.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./cloudsmith-api-2.0.14.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./cloudsmith-api-2.0.14.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'cloudsmith-api', '~> 2.0.14'
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'cloudsmith-api', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'cloudsmith-api'
# Setup authorization
CloudsmithApi.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: apikey
config.api_key['X-Api-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['X-Api-Key'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
# Configure API key authorization: token
config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
owner = 'owner_example' # String |
opts = {
page: 56, # Integer | A page number within the paginated result set.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of results to return per page.
query: 'query_example' # String | A search term for querying events, actors, or timestamps of log records.
#Lists audit log entries for a specific namespace.
result = api_instance.audit_log_namespace_list(owner, opts)
p result
rescue CloudsmithApi::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AuditLogApi->audit_log_namespace_list: #{e}"
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CloudsmithApi::AuditLogApi | audit_log_namespace_list | GET /audit-log/owner/ | Lists audit log entries for a specific namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::AuditLogApi | audit_log_repo_list | GET /audit-log/owner/repo/ | Lists audit log entries for a specific repository. |
CloudsmithApi::BadgesApi | badges_version_list | GET /badges/version/owner/repo/package_format/package_name/package_version/package_identifiers/ | Get latest package version for a package or package group. |
CloudsmithApi::DistrosApi | distros_list | GET /distros/ | Get a list of all supported distributions. |
CloudsmithApi::DistrosApi | distros_read | GET /distros/slug/ | View for viewing/listing distributions. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_create | POST /entitlements/owner/repo/ | Create a specific entitlement in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_delete | DELETE /entitlements/owner/repo/identifier/ | Delete a specific entitlement in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_disable | POST /entitlements/owner/repo/identifier/disable/ | Disable an entitlement token in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_enable | POST /entitlements/owner/repo/identifier/enable/ | Enable an entitlement token in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_list | GET /entitlements/owner/repo/ | Get a list of all entitlements in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_partial_update | PATCH /entitlements/owner/repo/identifier/ | Update a specific entitlement in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_read | GET /entitlements/owner/repo/identifier/ | Get a specific entitlement in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_refresh | POST /entitlements/owner/repo/identifier/refresh/ | Refresh an entitlement token in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_reset | POST /entitlements/owner/repo/identifier/reset/ | Reset the statistics for an entitlement token in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::EntitlementsApi | entitlements_sync | POST /entitlements/owner/repo/sync/ | Synchronise tokens from a source repository. |
CloudsmithApi::FilesApi | files_abort | POST /files/owner/repo/identifier/abort/ | Abort a multipart file upload. |
CloudsmithApi::FilesApi | files_complete | POST /files/owner/repo/identifier/complete/ | Complete a multipart file upload. |
CloudsmithApi::FilesApi | files_create | POST /files/owner/repo/ | Request URL(s) to upload new package file upload(s) to. |
CloudsmithApi::FilesApi | files_info | GET /files/owner/repo/identifier/info/ | Get upload information to perform a multipart file upload. |
CloudsmithApi::FilesApi | files_validate | POST /files/owner/repo/validate/ | Validate parameters used for create. |
CloudsmithApi::FormatsApi | formats_list | GET /formats/ | Get a list of all supported package formats. |
CloudsmithApi::FormatsApi | formats_read | GET /formats/slug/ | Get a specific supported package format. |
CloudsmithApi::MetricsApi | metrics_entitlements_account_list | GET /metrics/entitlements/owner/ | View for listing entitlement token metrics, across an account. |
CloudsmithApi::MetricsApi | metrics_entitlements_repo_list | GET /metrics/entitlements/owner/repo/ | View for listing entitlement token metrics, for a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::MetricsApi | metrics_packages_list | GET /metrics/packages/owner/repo/ | View for listing package usage metrics, for a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::NamespacesApi | namespaces_list | GET /namespaces/ | Get a list of all namespaces the user belongs to. |
CloudsmithApi::NamespacesApi | namespaces_read | GET /namespaces/slug/ | Get a specific namespace that the user belongs to. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/ | Delete the specified organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_deny_policy_create | POST /orgs/org/deny-policy/ | Create a package deny policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_deny_policy_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/deny-policy/slug_perm/ | Delete a package deny policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_deny_policy_list | GET /orgs/org/deny-policy/ | Get a list of all package deny policies. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_deny_policy_partial_update | PATCH /orgs/org/deny-policy/slug_perm/ | Partially update a package deny policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_deny_policy_read | GET /orgs/org/deny-policy/slug_perm/ | Get a package deny policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_deny_policy_update | PUT /orgs/org/deny-policy/slug_perm/ | Update a package deny policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_invites_create | POST /orgs/org/invites/ | Create an organization invite for a specific user |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_invites_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/invites/slug_perm/ | Delete a specific organization invite |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_invites_extend | POST /orgs/org/invites/slug_perm/extend/ | Extend an organization invite. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_invites_list | GET /orgs/org/invites/ | Get a list of all invites for an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_invites_partial_update | PATCH /orgs/org/invites/slug_perm/ | Update a specific organization invite. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_invites_resend | POST /orgs/org/invites/slug_perm/resend/ | Resend an organization invite. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_create | POST /orgs/org/license-policy/ | Create a package license policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/license-policy/slug_perm/ | Delete a package license policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_evaluation_create | POST /orgs/org/license-policy/policy_slug_perm/evaluation/ | Create an evaluation request for this policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_evaluation_list | GET /orgs/org/license-policy/policy_slug_perm/evaluation/ | List evaluation requests for this policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_evaluation_read | GET /orgs/org/license-policy/policy_slug_perm/evaluation/slug_perm/ | Retrieve an evaluation request for this policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_list | GET /orgs/org/license-policy/ | Get a list of all package license policies. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_partial_update | PATCH /orgs/org/license-policy/slug_perm/ | Partially update a package license policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_read | GET /orgs/org/license-policy/slug_perm/ | Get a package license policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_update | PUT /orgs/org/license-policy/slug_perm/ | Update a package license policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_license_policy_violation_list | GET /orgs/org/license-policy-violation/ | List all current license policy violations for this Organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_list | GET /orgs/ | Get a list of all the organizations you are associated with. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_members_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/members/member/ | Removes a member from the organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_members_list | GET /orgs/org/members/ | Get the details for all organization members. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_members_read | GET /orgs/org/members/member/ | Get the details for a specific organization member. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_members_refresh | POST /orgs/org/members/member/refresh/ | Refresh a member of the organization's API key. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_members_remove | GET /orgs/org/members/member/remove/ | Removes a member from the organization (deprecated, use DELETE instead). |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_openid_connect_create | POST /orgs/org/openid-connect/ | Create the OpenID Connect provider settings for the org. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_openid_connect_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/openid-connect/slug_perm/ | Delete a specific OpenID Connect provider setting for the org. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_openid_connect_list | GET /orgs/org/openid-connect/ | Retrieve the list of OpenID Connect provider settings for the org. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_openid_connect_partial_update | PATCH /orgs/org/openid-connect/slug_perm/ | Update a specific OpenID Connect provider setting for the org. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_openid_connect_read | GET /orgs/org/openid-connect/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a specific OpenID Connect provider setting for the org. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_openid_connect_update | PUT /orgs/org/openid-connect/slug_perm/ | Update a specific OpenID Connect provider setting for the org. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_read | GET /orgs/org/ | Get the details for the specific organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_saml_group_sync_create | POST /orgs/org/saml-group-sync/ | Create a new SAML Group Sync mapping within an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_saml_group_sync_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/saml-group-sync/slug_perm/ | Delete a SAML Group Sync mapping from an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_saml_group_sync_disable | POST /orgs/org/saml-group-sync/disable/ | Disable SAML Group Sync for this organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_saml_group_sync_enable | POST /orgs/org/saml-group-sync/enable/ | Enable SAML Group Sync for this organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_saml_group_sync_list | GET /orgs/org/saml-group-sync/ | Get the details of all SAML Group Sync mapping within an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_saml_group_sync_status | GET /orgs/org/saml-group-sync/status/ | Retrieve the SAML Group Sync status for this organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_services_create | POST /orgs/org/services/ | Create a service within an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_services_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/services/service/ | Delete a specific service |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_services_list | GET /orgs/org/services/ | Get a list of all services within an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_services_partial_update | PATCH /orgs/org/services/service/ | Update a service within an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_services_read | GET /orgs/org/services/service/ | Retrieve details of a single service within an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_services_refresh | POST /orgs/org/services/service/refresh/ | Refresh service API token. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_teams_create | POST /orgs/org/teams/ | Create a team for this organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_teams_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/teams/team/ | Delete a specific team in a organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_teams_list | GET /orgs/org/teams/ | Get the details of all teams within an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_teams_members_create | POST /orgs/org/teams/team/members | Add users to a team. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_teams_members_list | GET /orgs/org/teams/team/members | List all members for the team. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_teams_members_update | PUT /orgs/org/teams/team/members | Replace all team members. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_teams_partial_update | PATCH /orgs/org/teams/team/ | Update a specific team in a organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_teams_read | GET /orgs/org/teams/team/ | Get the details of a specific team within an organization. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_create | POST /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/ | Create a package vulnerability policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_delete | DELETE /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/slug_perm/ | Delete a package vulnerability policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_evaluation_create | POST /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/policy_slug_perm/evaluation/ | Create an evaluation request for this policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_evaluation_list | GET /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/policy_slug_perm/evaluation/ | List evaluation requests for this policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_evaluation_read | GET /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/policy_slug_perm/evaluation/slug_perm/ | Retrieve an evaluation request for this policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_list | GET /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/ | Get a list of all package vulnerability policies. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_partial_update | PATCH /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/slug_perm/ | Partially update a package vulnerability policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_read | GET /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/slug_perm/ | Get a package vulnerability policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_update | PUT /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy/slug_perm/ | Update a package vulnerability policy. |
CloudsmithApi::OrgsApi | orgs_vulnerability_policy_violation_list | GET /orgs/org/vulnerability-policy-violation/ | List all current vulnerability policy violations for this Organization. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_copy | POST /packages/owner/repo/identifier/copy/ | Copy a package to another repository. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_delete | DELETE /packages/owner/repo/identifier/ | Delete a specific package in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_dependencies | GET /packages/owner/repo/identifier/dependencies/ | Get the list of dependencies for a package. Transitive dependencies are included where supported. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_list | GET /packages/owner/repo/ | Get a list of all packages associated with repository. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_move | POST /packages/owner/repo/identifier/move/ | Move a package to another repository. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_quarantine | POST /packages/owner/repo/identifier/quarantine/ | Quarantine or release a package. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_read | GET /packages/owner/repo/identifier/ | Get a specific package in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_resync | POST /packages/owner/repo/identifier/resync/ | Schedule a package for resynchronisation. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_scan | POST /packages/owner/repo/identifier/scan/ | Schedule a package for scanning. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_status | GET /packages/owner/repo/identifier/status/ | Get the synchronization status for a package. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_tag | POST /packages/owner/repo/identifier/tag/ | Add/Replace/Remove tags for a package. |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_alpine | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/alpine/ | Create a new Alpine package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_cargo | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/cargo/ | Create a new Cargo package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_cocoapods | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/cocoapods/ | Create a new CocoaPods package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_composer | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/composer/ | Create a new Composer package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_conan | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/conan/ | Create a new Conan package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_conda | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/conda/ | Create a new Conda package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_cran | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/cran/ | Create a new CRAN package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_dart | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/dart/ | Create a new Dart package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_deb | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/deb/ | Create a new Debian package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_docker | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/docker/ | Create a new Docker package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_go | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/go/ | Create a new Go package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_helm | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/helm/ | Create a new Helm package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_hex | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/hex/ | Create a new Hex package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_luarocks | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/luarocks/ | Create a new LuaRocks package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_maven | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/maven/ | Create a new Maven package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_npm | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/npm/ | Create a new npm package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_nuget | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/nuget/ | Create a new NuGet package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_p2 | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/p2/ | Create a new P2 package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_python | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/python/ | Create a new Python package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_raw | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/raw/ | Create a new Raw package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_rpm | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/rpm/ | Create a new RedHat package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_ruby | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/ruby/ | Create a new Ruby package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_swift | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/swift/ | Create a new Swift package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_terraform | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/terraform/ | Create a new Terraform package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_upload_vagrant | POST /packages/owner/repo/upload/vagrant/ | Create a new Vagrant package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_alpine | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/alpine/ | Validate parameters for create Alpine package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_cargo | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/cargo/ | Validate parameters for create Cargo package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_cocoapods | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/cocoapods/ | Validate parameters for create CocoaPods package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_composer | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/composer/ | Validate parameters for create Composer package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_conan | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/conan/ | Validate parameters for create Conan package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_conda | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/conda/ | Validate parameters for create Conda package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_cran | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/cran/ | Validate parameters for create CRAN package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_dart | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/dart/ | Validate parameters for create Dart package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_deb | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/deb/ | Validate parameters for create Debian package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_docker | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/docker/ | Validate parameters for create Docker package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_go | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/go/ | Validate parameters for create Go package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_helm | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/helm/ | Validate parameters for create Helm package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_hex | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/hex/ | Validate parameters for create Hex package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_luarocks | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/luarocks/ | Validate parameters for create LuaRocks package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_maven | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/maven/ | Validate parameters for create Maven package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_npm | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/npm/ | Validate parameters for create npm package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_nuget | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/nuget/ | Validate parameters for create NuGet package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_p2 | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/p2/ | Validate parameters for create P2 package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_python | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/python/ | Validate parameters for create Python package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_raw | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/raw/ | Validate parameters for create Raw package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_rpm | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/rpm/ | Validate parameters for create RedHat package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_ruby | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/ruby/ | Validate parameters for create Ruby package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_swift | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/swift/ | Validate parameters for create Swift package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_terraform | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/terraform/ | Validate parameters for create Terraform package |
CloudsmithApi::PackagesApi | packages_validate_upload_vagrant | POST /packages/owner/repo/validate-upload/vagrant/ | Validate parameters for create Vagrant package |
CloudsmithApi::QuotaApi | quota_history_read | GET /quota/history/owner/ | Quota history for a given namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::QuotaApi | quota_oss_history_read | GET /quota/oss/history/owner/ | Open-source Quota history for a given namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::QuotaApi | quota_oss_read | GET /quota/oss/owner/ | Open-source Quota usage for a given namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::QuotaApi | quota_read | GET /quota/owner/ | Quota usage for a given namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::RatesApi | rates_limits_list | GET /rates/limits/ | Endpoint to check rate limits for current user. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | api_repos_geoip_status | GET /repos/owner/identifier/geoip/status/ | Retrieve the GeoIP status for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repo_retention_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/repo/retention/ | Update the retention rules for the repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repo_retention_read | GET /repos/owner/repo/retention/ | Retrieve the retention rules for the repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_create | POST /repos/owner/ | Create a new repository in a given namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/ | Delete a repository in a given namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_ecdsa_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/ecdsa/ | Set the active ECDSA key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_ecdsa_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/ecdsa/ | Retrieve the active ECDSA key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_ecdsa_regenerate | POST /repos/owner/identifier/ecdsa/regenerate/ | Regenerate ECDSA Key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_geoip_disable | POST /repos/owner/identifier/geoip/disable/ | Disable GeoIP for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_geoip_enable | POST /repos/owner/identifier/geoip/enable/ | Enable GeoIP for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_geoip_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/geoip | Partially update repository geoip rules. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_geoip_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/geoip | List all repository geoip rules. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_geoip_test | POST /repos/owner/identifier/geoip/test/ | Test a list of IP addresses against the repository's current GeoIP rules. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_geoip_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/geoip | Replace repository geoip rules. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_gpg_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/gpg/ | Set the active GPG key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_gpg_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/gpg/ | Retrieve the active GPG key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_gpg_regenerate | POST /repos/owner/identifier/gpg/regenerate/ | Regenerate GPG Key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_namespace_list | GET /repos/owner/ | Get a list of all repositories within a namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/ | Update details about a repository in a given namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_privileges_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/privileges | List all explicity created privileges for the repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_privileges_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/privileges | Modify privileges for the repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_privileges_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/privileges | Replace all existing repository privileges with those specified. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/ | Get a specific repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_rsa_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/rsa/ | Set the active RSA key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_rsa_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/rsa/ | Retrieve the active RSA key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_rsa_regenerate | POST /repos/owner/identifier/rsa/regenerate/ | Regenerate RSA Key for the Repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_transfer_region | POST /repos/owner/repo/transfer-region/ | Transfer a repository to a different region. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_composer_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/composer/ | Create a Composer upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_composer_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/composer/slug_perm/ | Delete a Composer upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_composer_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/composer/ | List Composer upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_composer_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/composer/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Composer upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_composer_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/composer/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Composer upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_composer_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/composer/slug_perm/ | Update a Composer upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_cran_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/cran/ | Create a CRAN upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_cran_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/cran/slug_perm/ | Delete a CRAN upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_cran_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/cran/ | List CRAN upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_cran_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/cran/slug_perm/ | Partially update a CRAN upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_cran_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/cran/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a CRAN upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_cran_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/cran/slug_perm/ | Update a CRAN upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_dart_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/dart/ | Create a Dart upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_dart_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/dart/slug_perm/ | Delete a Dart upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_dart_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/dart/ | List Dart upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_dart_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/dart/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Dart upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_dart_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/dart/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Dart upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_dart_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/dart/slug_perm/ | Update a Dart upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_deb_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/deb/ | Create a Debian upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_deb_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/deb/slug_perm/ | Delete a Debian upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_deb_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/deb/ | List Debian upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_deb_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/deb/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Debian upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_deb_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/deb/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Debian upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_deb_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/deb/slug_perm/ | Update a Debian upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_docker_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/docker/ | Create a Docker upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_docker_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/docker/slug_perm/ | Delete a Docker upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_docker_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/docker/ | List Docker upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_docker_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/docker/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Docker upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_docker_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/docker/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Docker upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_docker_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/docker/slug_perm/ | Update a Docker upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_helm_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/helm/ | Create a Helm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_helm_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/helm/slug_perm/ | Delete a Helm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_helm_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/helm/ | List Helm upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_helm_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/helm/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Helm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_helm_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/helm/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Helm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_helm_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/helm/slug_perm/ | Update a Helm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_hex_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/hex/ | Create a Hex upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_hex_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/hex/slug_perm/ | Delete a Hex upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_hex_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/hex/ | List Hex upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_hex_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/hex/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Hex upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_hex_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/hex/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Hex upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_hex_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/hex/slug_perm/ | Update a Hex upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_maven_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/maven/ | Create a Maven upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_maven_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/maven/slug_perm/ | Delete a Maven upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_maven_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/maven/ | List Maven upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_maven_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/maven/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Maven upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_maven_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/maven/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Maven upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_maven_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/maven/slug_perm/ | Update a Maven upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_npm_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/npm/ | Create a npm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_npm_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/npm/slug_perm/ | Delete a npm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_npm_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/npm/ | List npm upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_npm_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/npm/slug_perm/ | Partially update a npm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_npm_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/npm/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a npm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_npm_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/npm/slug_perm/ | Update a npm upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_nuget_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/nuget/ | Create a NuGet upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_nuget_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/nuget/slug_perm/ | Delete a NuGet upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_nuget_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/nuget/ | List NuGet upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_nuget_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/nuget/slug_perm/ | Partially update a NuGet upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_nuget_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/nuget/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a NuGet upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_nuget_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/nuget/slug_perm/ | Update a NuGet upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_python_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/python/ | Create a Python upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_python_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/python/slug_perm/ | Delete a Python upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_python_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/python/ | List Python upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_python_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/python/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Python upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_python_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/python/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Python upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_python_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/python/slug_perm/ | Update a Python upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_rpm_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/rpm/ | Create a RedHat upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_rpm_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/rpm/slug_perm/ | Delete a RedHat upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_rpm_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/rpm/ | List RedHat upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_rpm_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/rpm/slug_perm/ | Partially update a RedHat upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_rpm_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/rpm/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a RedHat upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_rpm_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/rpm/slug_perm/ | Update a RedHat upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_ruby_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/ruby/ | Create a Ruby upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_ruby_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/ruby/slug_perm/ | Delete a Ruby upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_ruby_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/ruby/ | List Ruby upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_ruby_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/ruby/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Ruby upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_ruby_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/ruby/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Ruby upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_ruby_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/ruby/slug_perm/ | Update a Ruby upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_swift_create | POST /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/swift/ | Create a Swift upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_swift_delete | DELETE /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/swift/slug_perm/ | Delete a Swift upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_swift_list | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/swift/ | List Swift upstream configs for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_swift_partial_update | PATCH /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/swift/slug_perm/ | Partially update a Swift upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_swift_read | GET /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/swift/slug_perm/ | Retrieve a Swift upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_upstream_swift_update | PUT /repos/owner/identifier/upstream/swift/slug_perm/ | Update a Swift upstream config for this repository. |
CloudsmithApi::ReposApi | repos_user_list | GET /repos/ | Get a list of all repositories associated with current user. |
CloudsmithApi::StatusApi | status_check_basic | GET /status/check/basic/ | Endpoint to check basic API connectivity. |
CloudsmithApi::StorageRegionsApi | storage_regions_list | GET /storage-regions/ | Get a list of all available storage regions. |
CloudsmithApi::StorageRegionsApi | storage_regions_read | GET /storage-regions/slug/ | Get a specific storage region. |
CloudsmithApi::UserApi | user_self | GET /user/self/ | Provide a brief for the current user (if any). |
CloudsmithApi::UserApi | user_token_create | POST /user/token/ | Retrieve/Create API key/token for the authenticated user. |
CloudsmithApi::UsersApi | users_profile_read | GET /users/profile/slug/ | Provide a brief for the specified user (if any). |
CloudsmithApi::VulnerabilitiesApi | vulnerabilities_namespace_list | GET /vulnerabilities/owner/ | Lists scan results for a specific namespace. |
CloudsmithApi::VulnerabilitiesApi | vulnerabilities_package_list | GET /vulnerabilities/owner/repo/package/ | Lists scan results for a specific package. |
CloudsmithApi::VulnerabilitiesApi | vulnerabilities_read | GET /vulnerabilities/owner/repo/package/identifier/ | Get a scan result. |
CloudsmithApi::VulnerabilitiesApi | vulnerabilities_repo_list | GET /vulnerabilities/owner/repo/ | Lists scan results for a specific repository. |
CloudsmithApi::WebhooksApi | webhooks_create | POST /webhooks/owner/repo/ | Create a specific webhook in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::WebhooksApi | webhooks_delete | DELETE /webhooks/owner/repo/identifier/ | Delete a specific webhook in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::WebhooksApi | webhooks_list | GET /webhooks/owner/repo/ | Get a list of all webhooks in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::WebhooksApi | webhooks_partial_update | PATCH /webhooks/owner/repo/identifier/ | Update a specific webhook in a repository. |
CloudsmithApi::WebhooksApi | webhooks_read | GET /webhooks/owner/repo/identifier/ | Views for working with repository webhooks. |
Documentation for Models
- CloudsmithApi::AllocatedLimit
- CloudsmithApi::AllocatedLimitRaw
- CloudsmithApi::AlpinePackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::AlpinePackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::Architecture
- CloudsmithApi::CargoPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::CargoPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::CocoapodsPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::CocoapodsPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::CommonBandwidthMetrics
- CloudsmithApi::CommonBandwidthMetricsValue
- CloudsmithApi::CommonDownloadsMetrics
- CloudsmithApi::CommonDownloadsMetricsValue
- CloudsmithApi::CommonMetrics
- CloudsmithApi::ComposerPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::ComposerPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::ComposerUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::ComposerUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::ComposerUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::ConanPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::ConanPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::CondaPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::CondaPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::CranPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::CranPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::CranUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::CranUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::CranUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::DartPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::DartPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::DartUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::DartUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::DartUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::DebPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::DebPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::DebUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::DebUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::DebUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::Distribution
- CloudsmithApi::DistributionFull
- CloudsmithApi::DistributionVersion
- CloudsmithApi::DockerPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::DockerPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::DockerUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::DockerUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::DockerUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::EntitlementUsageMetrics
- CloudsmithApi::ErrorDetail
- CloudsmithApi::Eula
- CloudsmithApi::Format
- CloudsmithApi::FormatSupport
- CloudsmithApi::FormatSupportUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::GeoIpLocation
- CloudsmithApi::GoPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::GoPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::HelmPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::HelmPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::HelmUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::HelmUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::HelmUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::HexPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::HexPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::HexUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::HexUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::HexUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::History
- CloudsmithApi::HistoryFieldset
- CloudsmithApi::HistoryFieldsetRaw
- CloudsmithApi::LuarocksPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::LuarocksPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::MavenPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::MavenPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::MavenUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::MavenUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::MavenUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::Namespace
- CloudsmithApi::NamespaceAuditLog
- CloudsmithApi::NestedLicensePolicy
- CloudsmithApi::NestedVulnerabilityPolicy
- CloudsmithApi::NestedVulnerabilityScanResults
- CloudsmithApi::NpmPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::NpmPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::NpmUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::NpmUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::NpmUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::NugetPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::NugetPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::NugetUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::NugetUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::NugetUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::Organization
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationGroupSync
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationGroupSyncRequest
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationGroupSyncStatus
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationInvite
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationInviteExtend
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationInviteRequest
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationInviteUpdate
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationInviteUpdateRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationMembership
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationPackageLicensePolicy
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationPackageLicensePolicyRequest
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationPackageLicensePolicyRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationPackageVulnerabilityPolicy
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationPackageVulnerabilityPolicyRequest
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationPackageVulnerabilityPolicyRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationTeam
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationTeamInvite
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationTeamMembers
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationTeamMembership
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationTeamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::OrganizationTeamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::P2PackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::P2PackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::Package
- CloudsmithApi::PackageCopy
- CloudsmithApi::PackageCopyRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageDenyPolicy
- CloudsmithApi::PackageDenyPolicyRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageDenyPolicyRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::PackageDependencies
- CloudsmithApi::PackageDependency
- CloudsmithApi::PackageFile
- CloudsmithApi::PackageFilePartsUpload
- CloudsmithApi::PackageFileUpload
- CloudsmithApi::PackageFileUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageLicensePolicyEvaluationRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageLicensePolicyEvaluationRequestRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageLicensePolicyViolationLog
- CloudsmithApi::PackageLicensePolicyViolationLogCursorPage
- CloudsmithApi::PackageMove
- CloudsmithApi::PackageMoveRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageQuarantine
- CloudsmithApi::PackageQuarantineRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageResync
- CloudsmithApi::PackageStatus
- CloudsmithApi::PackageTag
- CloudsmithApi::PackageTagRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageUsageMetrics
- CloudsmithApi::PackageVersionBadge
- CloudsmithApi::PackageVulnerability
- CloudsmithApi::PackageVulnerabilityPolicyEvaluationRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageVulnerabilityPolicyEvaluationRequestRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PackageVulnerabilityPolicyViolationLog
- CloudsmithApi::PackageVulnerabilityPolicyViolationLogCursorPage
- CloudsmithApi::ProviderSettings
- CloudsmithApi::ProviderSettingsRequest
- CloudsmithApi::ProviderSettingsRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::PythonPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::PythonPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PythonUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::PythonUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::PythonUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::Quota
- CloudsmithApi::QuotaHistory
- CloudsmithApi::RateCheck
- CloudsmithApi::RawPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::RawPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::Repository
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryAuditLog
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryCreate
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryCreateRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryEcdsaKey
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryEcdsaKeyCreate
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpCidr
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpCountryCode
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpRules
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpRulesRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpRulesRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpStatus
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpTestAddress
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpTestAddressResponse
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGeoIpTestAddressResponseDict
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGpgKey
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryGpgKeyCreate
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryPrivilegeDict
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryPrivilegeInput
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryPrivilegeInputRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryPrivilegeInputRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryRetentionRules
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryRetentionRulesRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryRsaKey
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryRsaKeyCreate
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryToken
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTokenAction
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTokenRefresh
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTokenRefreshRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTokenRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTokenRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTokenSync
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTokenSyncRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTransferRegion
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryTransferRegionRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryWebhook
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryWebhookRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RepositoryWebhookRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::ResourcesRateCheck
- CloudsmithApi::RespositoryGeoIpEnableDisable
- CloudsmithApi::RespositoryGeoIpEnableDisableRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RpmPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::RpmPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RpmUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::RpmUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RpmUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::RubyPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::RubyPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RubyUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::RubyUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::RubyUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::Service
- CloudsmithApi::ServiceRequest
- CloudsmithApi::ServiceRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::ServiceTeams
- CloudsmithApi::StatusBasic
- CloudsmithApi::StorageAllocatedLimit
- CloudsmithApi::StorageAllocatedLimitRaw
- CloudsmithApi::StorageRegion
- CloudsmithApi::StorageUsage
- CloudsmithApi::StorageUsageRaw
- CloudsmithApi::SwiftPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::SwiftPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::SwiftUpstream
- CloudsmithApi::SwiftUpstreamRequest
- CloudsmithApi::SwiftUpstreamRequestPatch
- CloudsmithApi::Tags
- CloudsmithApi::TerraformPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::TerraformPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::Usage
- CloudsmithApi::UsageFieldset
- CloudsmithApi::UsageLimits
- CloudsmithApi::UsageLimitsRaw
- CloudsmithApi::UsageRaw
- CloudsmithApi::UserAuthToken
- CloudsmithApi::UserAuthTokenRequest
- CloudsmithApi::UserBrief
- CloudsmithApi::UserProfile
- CloudsmithApi::VagrantPackageUpload
- CloudsmithApi::VagrantPackageUploadRequest
- CloudsmithApi::Vulnerability
- CloudsmithApi::VulnerabilityScan
- CloudsmithApi::VulnerabilityScanResults
- CloudsmithApi::VulnerabilityScanResultsList
- CloudsmithApi::VulnerabilityScanVersion
- CloudsmithApi::WebhookTemplate
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Api-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header