
Library generates markdown from a Thor CLI class. The markdown is meant to be served as part of a Jekyll static website.


To use, add the following to your Rakefile:

require_relative "lib/your_tool"
require "cli_markdown"
desc "Generates cli reference docs as markdown"
task :docs do
  CliMarkdown::Creator.create_all(cli_class: YourTool::CLI, cli_name: "your_tool")
  • The YourTool::CLI class must be a Thor class.
  • The cli_name is the name of the cli command used for your tool.

To generate docs, you can call:

rake docs

This will generate docs in the docs/_reference folder.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cli_markdown'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/cli_markdown.