How to create a decomposer

You can extend ChupaText by Ruby. You can add supported input type by writing a decomposer module.


Decomposer is a Ruby class. It needs the following two API:

  • target?
  • decompose

Both of them accept only one argument data. data is an input data.

First, ChupaText calls target? method of your decomposer. If your decomposer can decompose the input data, your target? method should return true.

If your decomposer’s target? method returns true, ChupaText calls decomposer method of your decomposer. Your decomposer needs to decomposer the input data and yield extracted text data or other format data that will be decomposed by other decomposers. Your decomposer can yield multiple times.

If your decomposer decomposes an archive file such as tar and zip archives, your decompose method will yield other format data. If your decomposer extracts text and meta-data from an input such as HTML, your decompose method will yield text data.


Let’s create a simple XML decomposer as an example. It extracts text data from input XML.

For example, here is an input XML:


Hello & World!


The XML decomposer extracts the following text:

text Hello & World!

ChupaText provides chupa-text-genearte-decomposer command. It generates skeleton code for a new decomposer. Let’s use it.

chupa-text-genearte-decomposer accepts required information by command line options or reading from standard input. You can confirm the required information by --help option:

text % chupa-text-generate-decomposer --help Usage: chupa-text-generate-decomposer [options] --name=NAME Decomposer name (e.g.: html) --extensions=EXTENSION1,EXTENSION2,... Target file extensions (e.g.: htm,html,xhtml) --mime-types=TYPE1,TYPE2,... Target MIME types (e.g.: text/html,application/xhtml+xml) --author=AUTHOR Author (e.g.: 'Your Name') (default: Kouhei Sutou) --email=EMAIL Author E-mail (e.g.: your@email.address) (default: --license=LICENSE License (e.g.: MIT) (default: LGPLv2.1 or later)

Some pieces of information have the default values. In the above case, --author, --email and -license have the default values.

XML decomposer uses the following information:

  • --name: xml
  • --extensions: xml
  • --mime-types: text/xml

Run with the above information:

text % chupa-text-generate-decomposer --name xml --extensions xml --mime-types text/xml Creating directory: chupa-text-decomposer-xml Creating file: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/chupa-text-decomposer-xml.gemspec Creating file: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/Gemfile Creating file: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/Rakefile Creating file: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/LICENSE.txt Creating directory: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/lib/chupa-text/decomposers Creating file: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/lib/chupa-text/decomposers/xml.rb Creating directory: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/test Creating file: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/test/test-xml.rb Creating file: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/test/helper.rb Creating file: chupa-text-decomposer-xml/test/run-test.rb

chupa-text-generate-decomposer generates a directory that is named as chupa-text-decomposer-#{name}/.

Look lib/chupa-text/decomposers/xml.rb:

``` module ChupaText module Decomposers class Xml < Decomposer def target?(data) [“xml”].include?(data.extension) or [“text/xml”].include?(data.mime_type) end

  def decompose(data)
    raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}##{__method__} isn't implemented yet."
    text = "IMPLEMENTED ME"
    text_data =
end   end end ```

The generated code implements target? method but doesn’t implemented decompose method completely. Let’s implement decompose method:

``` require “cgi”

  def decompose(data)
    text = CGI.unescapeHTML(untag(data.body).strip)
    text_data =

  def untag(xml)
    xml.gsub(/<.+?>/m, "")
  end # ... ```

chupa-text-generate-decomposer also generates a test. Run the test:

``` % bundle install % rake /usr/bin/ruby2.0 test/run-test.rb Loaded suite . Started F =============================================================================== Failure: test_body(decompose) /tmp/chupa-text-decomposer-xml/test/test-xml.rb:24:in `test_body’ 21: def test_body 22: input_body = “TODO (input)” 23: expected_text = “TODO (extracted)” => 24: assert_equal([expected_text], 25: decompose(input_body).collect(&:body)) 26: end 27: end <[“TODO (extracted)”]> expected but was <[“TODO (input)”]>

diff: ? [“TODO (ex tracted)”] ? inpu

Finished in 0.013355116 seconds.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications 0% passed

74.88 tests/s, 74.88 assertions/s rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [/usr/bin/ruby2.0 test/run-test.rb…] /tmp/chupa-text-decomposer-xml/Rakefile:9:in block in <top (required)>' ``

The generated test fails because the test has place holders. Look the generated test:

``` class TestXml < Test::Unit::TestCase include Helper

def setup @decomposer ={}) end

sub_test_case(“decompose”) do def decompose(input_body) data = data.mime_type = “text/xml” data.body = input_body

  decomposed = []
  @decomposer.decompose(data) do |decomposed_data|
    decomposed << decomposed_data

def test_body
  input_body = "TODO (input)"
  expected_text = "TODO (extracted)"
end   end end ```

test_body has TODO codes as place holder:

# ... def test_body input_body = "TODO (input)" expected_text = "TODO (extracted)" assert_equal([expected_text], decompose(input_body).collect(&:body)) end # ...

Fill the TODO by test XML and expected result:

``` # … def test_body input_body = «-XML

Hello & World!
  expected_text = "Hello & World!"
end # ... ```

Run test again:

``` % rake /usr/bin/ruby2.0 test/run-test.rb Loaded suite . Started .

Finished in 0.000915172 seconds.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications 100% passed

1092.69 tests/s, 1092.69 assertions/s ```

The test is passed!

You can release the generator by the following command. It requires an account on

% rake release

Can you understand how to create a new decomposer?

API reference


Both of target? and decompose receives an argument data. It is a ChupaText::Data instance or an instance of its sub class. You need to see the API reference manual just for ChupaText::Data. You don’t use sub class specific API. It is not portable.


target? should return true or false. The decomposer should return true if the decomposer can decompose received data, false otherwise.


decompose decomposes input data and yield extracted text data or decomposed other type data. decompose can yield zero or more times.

Here is a template code to yield extracted text data:

def decompose(data) text = extract_text(data) text_data = # text_data["meta-data1"] = meta_data_value1 # text_data["meta-data2"] = meta_data_value2 # ... yield(text_data) end

See lib/chupa-text/decomposers/csv.rb as an example of extracting text data.

Here is a template code to yield other type data:

def decompose(data) entries = decompose_archive(data) entries.each do |entry| path = entry.path if entry.respond_to?(:read) # The input must have "read" method. input = entry else # If the entry doesn't have "read" method, wrap String data # by StringIO. input = end decomposed_data =, input) decomposed_data.source = data yield(decomposed_data) end end

See lib/chupa-text/decomposers/tar.rb as an example of decomposing to other type data.