Class: Chef::Provider::User::Windows
- Inherits:
- Object
- Chef::Provider
- Chef::Provider::User
- Chef::Provider::User::Windows
- Defined in:
- lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Chef::Provider::User
#change_desc, #locked, #user_exists
Attributes inherited from Chef::Provider
#action, #after_resource, #current_resource, #logger, #new_resource, #run_context
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #check_lock ⇒ Object
- #clear_account_rights(name) ⇒ Object
#compare_user ⇒ Object
Check to see if the user needs any changes.
- #create_user ⇒ Object
#initialize(new_resource, run_context) ⇒ Windows
A new instance of Windows.
- #load_current_resource ⇒ Object
- #lock_user ⇒ Object
- #manage_user ⇒ Object
- #remove_user ⇒ Object
- #set_options ⇒ Object
- #unlock_user ⇒ Object
Methods inherited from Chef::Provider::User
#convert_group_name, #define_resource_requirements, #load_shadow_options, #supports_ruby_shadow?
Methods inherited from Chef::Provider
action, action_description, action_descriptions, #action_nothing, #check_resource_semantics!, #cleanup_after_converge, #compile_and_converge_action, #converge_by, #converge_if_changed, #cookbook_name, #define_resource_requirements, #description, #events, include_resource_dsl?, include_resource_dsl_module, #introduced, #load_after_resource, #node, #process_resource_requirements, provides, provides?, #recipe_name, #requirements, #resource_collection, #resource_updated?, #run_action, #set_updated_status, supports?, use, use_inline_resources, #validate_required_properties!, #whyrun_mode?, #whyrun_supported?
Methods included from Mixin::Provides
#provided_as, #provides, #provides?
Methods included from Mixin::DescendantsTracker
descendants, #descendants, direct_descendants, #direct_descendants, find_descendants_by_name, #find_descendants_by_name, #inherited, store_inherited
Methods included from Mixin::LazyModuleInclude
#descendants, #include, #included
Methods included from Mixin::PowershellOut
#powershell_out, #powershell_out!
Methods included from Mixin::WindowsArchitectureHelper
#assert_valid_windows_architecture!, #disable_wow64_file_redirection, #forced_32bit_override_required?, #is_i386_process_on_x86_64_windows?, #node_supports_windows_architecture?, #node_windows_architecture, #restore_wow64_file_redirection, #valid_windows_architecture?, #with_os_architecture, #wow64_architecture_override_required?, #wow64_directory
Methods included from DSL::Secret
#default_secret_config, #default_secret_service, #secret, #with_secret_config, #with_secret_service
Methods included from DSL::RenderHelpers
#render_json, #render_toml, #render_yaml
Methods included from DSL::ReaderHelpers
#parse_file, #parse_json, #parse_toml, #parse_yaml
Methods included from DSL::Powershell
Methods included from DSL::RegistryHelper
#registry_data_exists?, #registry_get_subkeys, #registry_get_values, #registry_has_subkeys?, #registry_key_exists?, #registry_value_exists?
Methods included from DSL::ChefVault
#chef_vault, #chef_vault_item, #chef_vault_item_for_environment
Methods included from DSL::DataQuery
#data_bag, #data_bag_item, #search, #tagged?
Methods included from EncryptedDataBagItem::CheckEncrypted
Methods included from DSL::PlatformIntrospection
#older_than_win_2012_or_8?, #platform?, #platform_family?, #value_for_platform, #value_for_platform_family
Methods included from DSL::Recipe
#exec, #have_resource_class_for?, #resource_class_for
Methods included from DSL::Definitions
add_definition, #evaluate_resource_definition, #has_resource_definition?
Methods included from DSL::Resources
add_resource_dsl, remove_resource_dsl
Methods included from DSL::Cheffish
Methods included from DSL::RebootPending
Methods included from DSL::IncludeRecipe
Methods included from Mixin::NotifyingBlock
#notifying_block, #subcontext_block
Methods included from DSL::DeclareResource
#build_resource, #declare_resource, #delete_resource, #delete_resource!, #edit_resource, #edit_resource!, #find_resource, #find_resource!, #resources, #with_run_context
Methods included from DSL::Compliance
#include_input, #include_profile, #include_waiver
Constructor Details
Instance Method Details
#check_lock ⇒ Object
97 98 99 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 97 def check_lock @net_user.check_enabled end |
#clear_account_rights(name) ⇒ Object
88 89 90 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 88 def clear_account_rights(name) Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::Security.clear_account_rights(name) end |
#compare_user ⇒ Object
Check to see if the user needs any changes
- <true>
If a change is required
- <false>
If the users are identical
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 63 def compare_user @change_desc = [] if new_resource.password && !@net_user.validate_credentials(new_resource.password) @change_desc << "update password" end %i{uid comment home shell full_name}.any? do |user_attrib| new_val = new_resource.send(user_attrib) cur_val = current_resource.send(user_attrib) if !new_val.nil? && new_val != cur_val @change_desc << "change #{user_attrib} from #{cur_val} to #{new_val}" end end !@change_desc.empty? end |
#create_user ⇒ Object
80 81 82 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 80 def create_user @net_user.add(**) end |
#load_current_resource ⇒ Object
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 35 def load_current_resource if new_resource.gid logger.warn("The 'gid' (or 'group') property is not implemented on the Windows platform. Please use the `members` property of the 'group' resource to assign a user to a group.") end @current_resource = current_resource.username(new_resource.username) begin user_info = @net_user.get_info current_resource.uid(user_info[:user_id]) current_resource.full_name(user_info[:full_name]) current_resource.comment(user_info[:comment]) current_resource.home(user_info[:home_dir])[:script_path]) rescue Chef::Exceptions::UserIDNotFound => e # e.message should be "The user name could not be found" but checking for that could cause a localization bug @user_exists = false logger.trace("#{new_resource} does not exist (#{e.})") end current_resource end |
#lock_user ⇒ Object
101 102 103 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 101 def lock_user @net_user.disable_account end |
#manage_user ⇒ Object
84 85 86 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 84 def manage_user @net_user.update(**) end |
#remove_user ⇒ Object
92 93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 92 def remove_user clear_account_rights(new_resource.username) @net_user.delete end |
#set_options ⇒ Object
109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 109 def opts = { name: new_resource.username } field_list = { "full_name" => "full_name", "comment" => "comment", "home" => "home_dir", "uid" => "user_id", "shell" => "script_path", "password" => "password", } field_list.sort_by { |a| a[0] }.each do |field, option| field_symbol = field.to_sym next unless current_resource.send(field_symbol) != new_resource.send(field_symbol) next unless new_resource.send(field_symbol) unless field_symbol == :password logger.trace("#{new_resource} setting #{field} to #{new_resource.send(field_symbol)}") end opts[option.to_sym] = new_resource.send(field_symbol) end opts end |
#unlock_user ⇒ Object
105 106 107 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/user/windows.rb', line 105 def unlock_user @net_user.enable_account end |