Class: Chef::Provider::Service::Debian
- Inherits:
- Object
- Chef::Provider
- Chef::Provider::Service
- Simple
- Init
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian
- Defined in:
- lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb
Constant Summary collapse
%r{/rc[\dS].d/S|not installed}i.freeze
%w{ 1 2 3 4 5 S }.freeze
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Init
Attributes inherited from Simple
Attributes inherited from Chef::Provider
#action, #after_resource, #current_resource, #logger, #new_resource, #run_context
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #define_resource_requirements ⇒ Object
- #disable_service ⇒ Object
- #enable_service ⇒ Object
- #get_priority ⇒ Object
- #load_current_resource ⇒ Object
#parse_init_file(path) ⇒ Object
returns a list of levels that the service should be stopped or started on.
- #service_currently_enabled?(priority) ⇒ Boolean
- #set_priority ⇒ Object
Methods inherited from Init
#initialize, #reload_service, #restart_service, #start_service, #stop_service
Methods inherited from Simple
#reload_service, #restart_service, #shared_resource_requirements, #start_service, #stop_service
Methods inherited from Chef::Provider::Service
#enableable?, #initialize, #load_new_resource_state, #mask_service, #reload_service, #restart_service, #shared_resource_requirements, #start_service, #stop_service, #supports, #unmask_service, #user_services_requirements
Methods included from Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers
#config_for_service, #service_resource_providers
Methods inherited from Chef::Provider
action, action_description, action_descriptions, #action_nothing, #check_resource_semantics!, #cleanup_after_converge, #compile_and_converge_action, #converge_by, #converge_if_changed, #cookbook_name, #description, #events, include_resource_dsl?, include_resource_dsl_module, #initialize, #introduced, #load_after_resource, #node, #process_resource_requirements, provides, provides?, #recipe_name, #requirements, #resource_collection, #resource_updated?, #run_action, #set_updated_status, use, use_inline_resources, #validate_required_properties!, #whyrun_mode?, #whyrun_supported?
Methods included from Mixin::Provides
#provided_as, #provides, #provides?
Methods included from Mixin::DescendantsTracker
descendants, #descendants, direct_descendants, #direct_descendants, find_descendants_by_name, #find_descendants_by_name, #inherited, store_inherited
Methods included from Mixin::LazyModuleInclude
#descendants, #include, #included
Methods included from Mixin::PowershellOut
#powershell_out, #powershell_out!
Methods included from Mixin::WindowsArchitectureHelper
#assert_valid_windows_architecture!, #disable_wow64_file_redirection, #forced_32bit_override_required?, #is_i386_process_on_x86_64_windows?, #node_supports_windows_architecture?, #node_windows_architecture, #restore_wow64_file_redirection, #valid_windows_architecture?, #with_os_architecture, #wow64_architecture_override_required?, #wow64_directory
Methods included from DSL::Secret
#default_secret_config, #default_secret_service, #secret, #with_secret_config, #with_secret_service
Methods included from DSL::RenderHelpers
#render_json, #render_toml, #render_yaml
Methods included from DSL::ReaderHelpers
#parse_file, #parse_json, #parse_toml, #parse_yaml
Methods included from DSL::Powershell
Methods included from DSL::RegistryHelper
#registry_data_exists?, #registry_get_subkeys, #registry_get_values, #registry_has_subkeys?, #registry_key_exists?, #registry_value_exists?
Methods included from DSL::ChefVault
#chef_vault, #chef_vault_item, #chef_vault_item_for_environment
Methods included from DSL::DataQuery
#data_bag, #data_bag_item, #search, #tagged?
Methods included from EncryptedDataBagItem::CheckEncrypted
Methods included from DSL::PlatformIntrospection
#older_than_win_2012_or_8?, #platform?, #platform_family?, #value_for_platform, #value_for_platform_family
Methods included from DSL::Recipe
#exec, #have_resource_class_for?, #resource_class_for
Methods included from DSL::Definitions
add_definition, #evaluate_resource_definition, #has_resource_definition?
Methods included from DSL::Resources
add_resource_dsl, remove_resource_dsl
Methods included from DSL::Cheffish
Methods included from DSL::RebootPending
Methods included from DSL::IncludeRecipe
Methods included from Mixin::NotifyingBlock
#notifying_block, #subcontext_block
Methods included from DSL::DeclareResource
#build_resource, #declare_resource, #delete_resource, #delete_resource!, #edit_resource, #edit_resource!, #find_resource, #find_resource!, #resources, #with_run_context
Methods included from DSL::Compliance
#include_input, #include_profile, #include_waiver
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Chef::Provider::Service::Init
Class Method Details
.supports?(resource, action) ⇒ Boolean
33 34 35 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 33 def self.supports?(resource, action) service_script_exist?(:initd, resource.service_name) end |
Instance Method Details
#define_resource_requirements ⇒ Object
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 44 def define_resource_requirements # do not call super here, inherit only shared_requirements shared_resource_requirements requirements.assert(:all_actions) do |a| update_rcd = "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d" a.assertion { ::File.exist? update_rcd } a. Chef::Exceptions::Service, "#{update_rcd} does not exist!" # no whyrun recovery - this is a base system component of debian # distros and must be present end requirements.assert(:all_actions) do |a| a.assertion { @got_priority == true } a. Chef::Exceptions::Service, "Unable to determine priority for service" # This can happen if the service is not yet installed,so we'll fake it. a.whyrun ["Unable to determine priority of service, assuming service would have been correctly installed earlier in the run.", "Assigning temporary priorities to continue.", "If this service is not properly installed prior to this point, this will fail."] do temp_priorities = { "6" => [:stop, "20"], "0" => [:stop, "20"], "1" => [:stop, "20"], "2" => [:start, "20"], "3" => [:start, "20"], "4" => [:start, "20"], "5" => [:start, "20"] } current_resource.priority(temp_priorities) end end end |
#disable_service ⇒ Object
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 168 def disable_service if new_resource.priority.is_a? Hash # We call the same command regardless if we're enabling or disabling # Users passing a Hash are responsible for setting their own stop priorities set_priority return end shell_out!("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f #{new_resource.service_name} remove") shell_out!("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d #{new_resource.service_name} defaults") shell_out!("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d #{new_resource.service_name} disable") end |
#enable_service ⇒ Object
152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 152 def enable_service # We call the same command regardless if we're enabling or disabling # Users passing a Hash are responsible for setting their own stop priorities if new_resource.priority.is_a? Hash set_priority return end start_priority = new_resource.priority.is_a?(Integer) ? new_resource.priority : 20 # Stop processes in reverse order of start using '100 - start_priority'. stop_priority = 100 - start_priority shell_out!("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f #{new_resource.service_name} remove") shell_out!("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d #{new_resource.service_name} defaults #{start_priority} #{stop_priority}") end |
#get_priority ⇒ Object
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 92 def get_priority priority = {} rc_files = [] levels = parse_init_file(@init_command) levels.each do |level| rc_files.push Dir.glob("/etc/rc#{level}.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]#{current_resource.service_name}") end rc_files.flatten.each do |line| if UPDATE_RC_D_PRIORITIES =~ line # priority[runlevel] = [ S|K, priority ] # S = Start, K = Kill # debian runlevels: 0 Halt, 1 Singleuser, 2 Multiuser, 3-5 == 2, 6 Reboot priority[$1] = [($2 == "S" ? :start : :stop), $3] end end # Reduce existing priority back to an integer if appropriate, picking # runlevel 2 as a baseline if priority[2] && [2..5].all? { |runlevel| priority[runlevel] == priority[2] } priority = priority[2].last end @got_priority = true priority end |
#load_current_resource ⇒ Object
37 38 39 40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 37 def load_current_resource super current_resource.priority(get_priority) current_resource.enabled(service_currently_enabled?(current_resource.priority)) current_resource end |
#parse_init_file(path) ⇒ Object
returns a list of levels that the service should be stopped or started on
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 75 def parse_init_file(path) return [] unless ::File.exist?(path) in_info = false ::File.readlines(path).each_with_object([]) do |line, acc| if /^### BEGIN INIT INFO/.match?(line) in_info = true elsif /^### END INIT INFO/.match?(line) break acc elsif in_info if line =~ /Default-(Start|Stop):\s+(\d.*)/ acc << $2.split(" ") end end end.flatten end |
#service_currently_enabled?(priority) ⇒ Boolean
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 120 def service_currently_enabled?(priority) enabled = false priority.each do |runlevel, arguments| logger.trace("#{new_resource} runlevel #{runlevel}, action #{arguments[0]}, priority #{arguments[1]}") # if we are in a update-rc.d default startup runlevel && we start in this runlevel if RUNLEVELS.include?(runlevel) && arguments[0] == :start enabled = true end end enabled end |
#set_priority ⇒ Object
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 |
# File 'lib/chef/provider/service/debian.rb', line 181 def set_priority shell_out!("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f #{new_resource.service_name} remove") # Reset priorities to default values before applying customizations. This way # the final state will always be consistent, regardless if all runlevels were # provided. shell_out!("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d #{new_resource.service_name} defaults") new_resource.priority.each do |level, (action, _priority)| disable_or_enable = (action == :start ? "enable" : "disable") shell_out!("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d #{new_resource.service_name} #{disable_or_enable} #{level}") end end |