Class: Axlsx::Relationship
- Inherits:
- Object
- Axlsx::Relationship
- Defined in:
- lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb
Packages automatically manage relationships.
A relationship defines a reference between package parts.
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#Id ⇒ String
The id of the relationship (eg. “rId123”).
#source_obj ⇒ Object
The source object the relations belongs to (e.g. a hyperlink, drawing, …).
#Target ⇒ String
The location of the relationship target.
#TargetMode ⇒ Object
The target mode of the relationship used for hyperlink type relationships to mark the relationship to an external resource TargetMode can be specified during initialization by passing in a :target_mode option Target mode must be :external for now.
#Type ⇒ String
The type of relationship.
Class Method Summary collapse
.clear_ids_cache ⇒ Object
Clear cached ids.
.ids_cache ⇒ Array
Keeps track of relationship ids in use.
.initialize_ids_cache ⇒ Object
Initialize cached ids.
.next_free_id ⇒ String
Generate and return a unique id (eg.
) Used for setting #Id.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#ids_cache_key ⇒ Array
A key that determines whether this relationship should use already generated id.
#initialize(source_obj, type, target, options = {}) ⇒ Relationship
Initializes a new relationship.
#to_xml_string(str = +'')) ⇒ String
serialize relationship.
Constructor Details
#initialize(source_obj, type, target, options = {}) ⇒ Relationship
Initializes a new relationship.
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 86 def initialize(source_obj, type, target, = {}) @source_obj = source_obj self.Target = target self.Type = type self.TargetMode = [:target_mode] if [:target_mode] @Id = (self.class.ids_cache[ids_cache_key] ||= self.class.next_free_id) end |
Instance Attribute Details
#Id ⇒ String (readonly)
The id of the relationship (eg. “rId123”). Most instances get their own unique id. However, some instances need to share the same id – see #ids_cache_key for details.
49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 49 def Id @Id end |
#source_obj ⇒ Object (readonly)
The source object the relations belongs to (e.g. a hyperlink, drawing, …). Needed when looking up the relationship for a specific object (see Axlsx::Relationships#for).
79 80 81 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 79 def source_obj @source_obj end |
#Target ⇒ String
The location of the relationship target
53 54 55 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 53 def Target @Target end |
#TargetMode ⇒ Object
The target mode of the relationship used for hyperlink type relationships to mark the relationship to an external resource TargetMode can be specified during initialization by passing in a :target_mode option Target mode must be :external for now.
75 76 77 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 75 def TargetMode @TargetMode end |
#Type ⇒ String
Supported types are defined as constants in Axlsx:
The type of relationship
69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 69 def Type @Type end |
Class Method Details
.clear_ids_cache ⇒ Object
Clear cached ids.
This should be called after serializing a package (see Package#serialize and Package#to_stream) to free the memory allocated for cache.
Also, calling this avoids memory leaks (cached ids lingering around forever).
31 32 33 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 31 def clear_ids_cache Thread.current[:axlsx_relationship_ids_cache] = nil end |
.ids_cache ⇒ Array
Keeps track of relationship ids in use.
10 11 12 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 10 def ids_cache Thread.current[:axlsx_relationship_ids_cache] ||= {} end |
.initialize_ids_cache ⇒ Object
Initialize cached ids.
This should be called before serializing a package (see Package#serialize and Package#to_stream) to make sure that serialization is idempotent (i.e. Relationship instances are generated with the same IDs every time the package is serialized).
20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 20 def initialize_ids_cache Thread.current[:axlsx_relationship_ids_cache] = {} end |
.next_free_id ⇒ String
Generate and return a unique id (eg. rId123
) Used for setting #Id.
The generated id depends on the number of previously cached ids, so using clear_ids_cache will automatically reset the generated ids, too.
40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 40 def next_free_id "rId#{ids_cache.size + 1}" end |
Instance Method Details
#ids_cache_key ⇒ Array
Implement comparison of #Target based on normalized path names.
A key that determines whether this relationship should use already generated id.
Instances designating the same relationship need to use the same id. We can not simply
compare the #Target attribute, though: foo/bar.xml
, ../foo/bar.xml
etc. are all different but probably mean the same file (this
is especially an issue for relationships in the context of pivot tables). So lets
just ignore this attribute for now (except when #TargetMode is set to :External
then #Target will be an absolute URL and thus can safely be compared).
136 137 138 139 140 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 136 def ids_cache_key key = [source_obj, self.Type, self.TargetMode] key << self.Target if self.TargetMode == :External key end |
#to_xml_string(str = +'')) ⇒ String
serialize relationship
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 |
# File 'lib/axlsx/rels/relationship.rb', line 115 def to_xml_string(str = +'') h = Axlsx.instance_values_for(self).reject { |k, _| k == "source_obj" } str << '<Relationship ' h.each_with_index do |key_value, index| str << ' ' unless index == 0 str << key_value.first.to_s << '="' << Axlsx.coder.encode(key_value.last.to_s) << '"' end str << '/>' end |