This mod lets you run card events after sending an act response by using DelayedJobs.
Any card event defined in the integrate_with_delay
stage will be handled after an act
is completed. For example, suppose you define a notify
event in integrate_with_delay
that's intended to notify you when someone edits a card. With this mod, the email will
be sent after the card is edited and the editor has received his web response.
At present you will need to add the following configuration to application.rb or an environments.rb file:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job
config. = true
You will then need to run a separate background process to process these events, eg:
script/delayed_job start
See for more info.
To have access to a web interface to inspect the jobs, add something like this
to config/routes.rb
require 'decko/engine'
require 'delayed_job_web'
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount DelayedJobWeb => "/*admin/delayed_job"
mount Decko::Engine => '/'
...and then it will show up at /*admin/delayed_job