Welcome to use capistrano-faster-rails
What does this gem do?
to true to skiprails db:migrate
if migration files not changed.Execute copy
with one command on deployed servers.
Capistrano runs each command separately on their own SSH session and it takes too long to deploy an application, copy linked_files
and linked_dirs
on deployed servers with one command will speedup deploying process.
- Skip
bundle install
if Gemfile isn't changed.
bundle install
takes a few seconds even if Gemfile isn't changed, there is no need to execute bundle install
if it isn't changed.
- Skip
rake assets:precompile
if asset files aren't chagned.
rake assets:precompile
and yarn:install
is really slow if your Rails project has plenty of assets to precompile, even if they are not changed. There is no need to execute these commands if asset files not chagned.
Add this line to your Rails application's Gemfile and below to gem 'capistrano-rails'
. if your project have capistrano-yarn
installed, please add this line below to gem 'capistrano-yarn'
# Gemfile
gem 'capistrano-faster-rails'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Add this line to your Rails application's Capfile and below to require 'capistrano/rails'
# Capfile
require 'capistrano/faster-rails'
use set :asset_files
in config/deploy.rb to set your project assets files, asset_files
default to "vendor/assets app/assets config/initializers/assets.rb"
use set :bundle_files
in config/deploy.rb to set your project ruby Gemfile files, bundle_files
default to "Gemfile Gemfile.lock .ruby-version"
and bundle_files
are both space separated string, not array!
this gem only works with git
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ifool/capistrano-faster-rails.