Class: CamaleonCmsAwsUploader
- Inherits:
- Object
- CamaleonCmsUploader
- CamaleonCmsAwsUploader
- Defined in:
- app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb
Constant Summary
Constants inherited from CamaleonCmsUploader
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from CamaleonCmsUploader
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_file(uploaded_io_or_file_path, key, args = {}) ⇒ Object
add a file object or file path into AWS server :key => (String) key of the file ot save in AWS :args => (HASH) false, is_thumb: false, where: - same_name: false => avoid to overwrite an existent file with same key and search for an available key - is_thumb: true => if this file is a thumbnail of an uploaded file.
#add_folder(key) ⇒ Object
add new folder to AWS with :key.
- #after_initialize ⇒ Object
#browser_files ⇒ Object
recover all files from AWS and parse it to save into DB as cache.
#bucket ⇒ Object
initialize a bucket with AWS configurations return: (AWS Bucket object).
#delete_file(key) ⇒ Object
delete a file in AWS with :key.
#delete_folder(key) ⇒ Object
delete a folder in AWS with :key.
- #fetch_file(file_name) ⇒ Object
#file_parse(s3_file) ⇒ Object
parse an AWS file into custom file_object.
#objects(prefix = '/', sort = 'created_at') ⇒ Object
load media files from a specific folder path.
- #resource_parameters ⇒ Object
- #setup_private_folder ⇒ Object
Methods inherited from CamaleonCmsUploader
#cache_item, #clear_cache, delete_block, #disable_private_mode!, #enable_private_mode!, #file_exists?, #get_file, get_file_format, get_file_format_extensions, #get_media_collection, #initialize, #reload, #search, #search_new_key, #valid_folder_path?, validate_file_format, #version_path
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from CamaleonCmsUploader
Instance Method Details
#add_file(uploaded_io_or_file_path, key, args = {}) ⇒ Object
add a file object or file path into AWS server :key => (String) key of the file ot save in AWS :args => (HASH) false, is_thumb: false, where:
- same_name: false => avoid to overwrite an existent file with same key and search for an available key
- is_thumb: true => if this file is a thumbnail of an uploaded file
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 86 def add_file(uploaded_io_or_file_path, key, args = {}) args = { same_name: false, is_thumb: false }.merge(args) res = nil key = "#{@aws_settings['inner_folder']}/#{key}" if @aws_settings['inner_folder'].present? && !args[:is_thumb] key = key.cama_fix_media_key key = search_new_key(key) unless args[:same_name] if @instance # private hook to upload files by different way, add file data into result_data _args = { result_data: nil, file: uploaded_io_or_file_path, key: key, args: args, klass: self } @instance.hooks_run('uploader_aws_before_upload', _args) return _args[:result_data] if _args[:result_data].present? end s3_file = bucket.object(key.slice(1..-1)) s3_file.upload_file( uploaded_io_or_file_path.is_a?(String) ? uploaded_io_or_file_path : uploaded_io_or_file_path.path, @aws_settings[:aws_file_upload_settings].call({ acl: 'public-read' }) ) res = cache_item(file_parse(s3_file)) unless args[:is_thumb] res end |
#add_folder(key) ⇒ Object
add new folder to AWS with :key
108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 108 def add_folder(key) return { error: 'Invalid folder path' } unless valid_folder_path?(key) key = "#{@aws_settings['inner_folder']}/#{key}" if @aws_settings['inner_folder'].present? key = key.cama_fix_media_key s3_file = bucket.object(key.slice(1..-1) << '/') s3_file.put(body: nil) cache_item(file_parse(s3_file)) end |
#after_initialize ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 2 def after_initialize @cloudfront = @aws_settings[:cloud_front] || @current_site.get_option('filesystem_s3_cloudfront') @aws_region = @aws_settings[:region] || @current_site.get_option('filesystem_region', 'us-west-2') @aws_akey = @aws_settings[:access_key] || @current_site.get_option('filesystem_s3_access_key') @aws_asecret = @aws_settings[:secret_key] || @current_site.get_option('filesystem_s3_secret_key') @aws_bucket = @aws_settings[:bucket] || @current_site.get_option('filesystem_s3_bucket_name') @aws_endpoint = @aws_settings[:endpoint] || @current_site.get_option('filesystem_s3_endpoint') @aws_settings[:aws_file_upload_settings] ||= ->(settings) { settings } @aws_settings[:aws_file_read_settings] ||= ->(data, _s3_file) { data } end |
#browser_files ⇒ Object
recover all files from AWS and parse it to save into DB as cache
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 22 def browser_files bucket.objects({ prefix: @aws_settings['inner_folder'].presence || nil }).each do |file| next if File.dirname(file.key).split('/').pop == 'thumb' cache_item(file_parse(file)) end end |
#bucket ⇒ Object
initialize a bucket with AWS configurations return: (AWS Bucket object)
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 141 def bucket @bucket ||= lambda { Aws.config.update({ region: @aws_region, credentials:, @aws_asecret) }) s3 = s3.bucket(@aws_bucket) }.call end |
#delete_file(key) ⇒ Object
delete a file in AWS with :key
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 127 def delete_file(key) key = "#{@aws_settings['inner_folder']}/#{key}" if @aws_settings['inner_folder'].present? key = key.cama_fix_media_key begin bucket.object(key.slice(1..-1)).delete rescue StandardError '' end @instance.hooks_run('after_delete', key) get_media_collection.find_by_key(key).take.destroy end |
#delete_folder(key) ⇒ Object
delete a folder in AWS with :key
119 120 121 122 123 124 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 119 def delete_folder(key) key = "#{@aws_settings['inner_folder']}/#{key}" if @aws_settings['inner_folder'].present? key = key.cama_fix_media_key bucket.objects(prefix: key.slice(1..-1) << '/').delete get_media_collection.find_by_key(key).take.destroy end |
#fetch_file(file_name) ⇒ Object
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 39 def fetch_file(file_name) return file_name if file_exists?(file_name) return file_name if bucket.object(file_name).download_file(file_name) && file_exists?(file_name) { error: 'File not found' } end |
#file_parse(s3_file) ⇒ Object
parse an AWS file into custom file_object
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 48 def file_parse(s3_file) key = s3_file.is_a?(String) ? s3_file : s3_file.key key = key.cama_fix_media_key is_dir = s3_file.is_a?(String) || File.extname(key) == '' url = if is_private_uploader? is_dir ? '' : File.basename(key) elsif is_dir '' else (@cloudfront.present? ? File.join(@cloudfront, key) : s3_file.public_url) end res = { 'name' => File.basename(key), 'folder_path' => File.dirname(key), 'url' => url, 'is_folder' => is_dir, 'file_size' => is_dir ? 0 : s3_file.size.round(2), 'thumb' => '', 'file_type' => is_dir ? '' : self.class.get_file_format(key), 'created_at' => is_dir ? '' : s3_file.last_modified, 'dimension' => '' }.with_indifferent_access if res['file_type'] == 'image' && File.extname(res['name']).downcase != '.gif' res['thumb'] = version_path(res['url']).sub('.svg', '.jpg') end res['key'] = File.join(res['folder_path'], res['name']) @aws_settings[:aws_file_read_settings].call(res, s3_file) end |
#objects(prefix = '/', sort = 'created_at') ⇒ Object
load media files from a specific folder path
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 31 def objects(prefix = '/', sort = 'created_at') if @aws_settings['inner_folder'].present? prefix = "#{@aws_settings['inner_folder']}/#{prefix}".gsub('//', '/') prefix = prefix[0..-2] if prefix.end_with?('/') end super(prefix, sort) end |
#resource_parameters ⇒ Object
149 150 151 152 153 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 149 def resource_parameters return {} if @aws_endpoint.blank? { endpoint: @aws_endpoint } end |
#setup_private_folder ⇒ Object
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 |
# File 'app/uploaders/camaleon_cms_aws_uploader.rb', line 13 def setup_private_folder return unless is_private_uploader? add_folder(PRIVATE_DIRECTORY) @aws_settings['inner_folder'] = "#{@aws_settings['inner_folder']}/#{PRIVATE_DIRECTORY}" end |