Module: CamaleonCms::ShortCodeHelper
- Included in:
- CamaleonController
- Defined in:
- app/helpers/camaleon_cms/short_code_helper.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#cama_strip_shortcodes(text) ⇒ Object
remove all shortcodes from text Arguments text: String that contains shortcodes return String.
#do_shortcode(content, args = {}) ⇒ Object
run all shortcodes in the content content: (string) text to find a short codes args: custom arguments to pass for short codes render, sample: my_model, a: true if args != Hash, this will re send as args = args args should be include the owner model who is doing the action to optimize DB queries sample: do_shortcode(“hello [greeting ‘world’]!”, @my_post) ==> “hello world!” sample: do_shortcode(“hello [greeting ‘world’]”, ‘asd’, owner: @my_post) return rendered string.
#render_shortcode(text, key, template = nil) ⇒ Object
render direct a shortcode text: text that contain the shortcode key: shortcode key template: template to render, if nil this will render default render file Also can be a function to execute that instead a render, sample: lambda{|attrs, args| return “my custom content”; } render_shortcode(“asda dasdasdas[owen a=‘1’] [bbb] sdasdas dasd as das[owen a=213]”, “owen”, lambda{|attrs, args| puts attrs; return “my test”; }).
#shortcode_add(key, template = nil, descr = '') ⇒ Object
add shortcode key: shortcode key template: template to render, if nil will render “shortcode_templates/<key>” Also can be a function to execute that instead a render, sample: lambda{|attrs, args| return “my custom content”; } descr: description for shortcode.
#shortcode_change_template(key, template = nil) ⇒ Object
add or update shortcode template key: chortcode key to add or update template: template to render, if nil will render “shortcode_templates/<key>”.
#shortcode_delete(key) ⇒ Object
delete shortcode key: chortcode key to delete.
#shortcodes_init ⇒ Object
Internal method.
Instance Method Details
#cama_strip_shortcodes(text) ⇒ Object
remove all shortcodes from text Arguments
text: String that contains shortcodes
return String
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# File 'app/helpers/camaleon_cms/short_code_helper.rb', line 117 def cama_strip_shortcodes(text) text.gsub(/#{cama_reg_shortcode}/, '') end |
#do_shortcode(content, args = {}) ⇒ Object
run all shortcodes in the content content: (string) text to find a short codes args: custom arguments to pass for short codes render, sample: my_model, a: true
if args != Hash, this will re send as args = {owner: args}
args should be include the owner model who is doing the action to optimize DB queries
sample: do_shortcode(“hello [greeting ‘world’]!”, @my_post) ==> “hello world!” sample: do_shortcode(“hello [greeting ‘world’]”, ‘asd’, owner: @my_post) return rendered string
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# File 'app/helpers/camaleon_cms/short_code_helper.rb', line 105 def do_shortcode(content, args = {}) args = { owner: args } unless args.is_a?(Hash) content.scan(/#{cama_reg_shortcode}/) do |item| content = _cama_replace_shortcode(content, item, args) end content end |
#render_shortcode(text, key, template = nil) ⇒ Object
render direct a shortcode text: text that contain the shortcode key: shortcode key template: template to render, if nil this will render default render file Also can be a function to execute that instead a render, sample: lambda{|attrs, args| return “my custom content”; } render_shortcode(“asda dasdasdas[owen a=‘1’] [bbb] sdasdas dasd as das[owen a=213]”, “owen”, lambda{|attrs, args| puts attrs; return “my test”; })
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# File 'app/helpers/camaleon_cms/short_code_helper.rb', line 127 def render_shortcode(text, key, template = nil) text.scan(/#{cama_reg_shortcode(key)}/).each do |item| text = _cama_replace_shortcode(text, item, {}, template) end text end |
#shortcode_add(key, template = nil, descr = '') ⇒ Object
add shortcode key: shortcode key template: template to render, if nil will render “shortcode_templates/<key>” Also can be a function to execute that instead a render, sample: lambda{|attrs, args| return “my custom content”; } descr: description for shortcode
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# File 'app/helpers/camaleon_cms/short_code_helper.rb', line 78 def shortcode_add(key, template = nil, descr = '') @_shortcodes << key @_shortcodes_template = @_shortcodes_template.merge({ key.to_s => template }) if template.present? @_shortcodes_descr[key] = descr if descr.present? end |
#shortcode_change_template(key, template = nil) ⇒ Object
add or update shortcode template key: chortcode key to add or update template: template to render, if nil will render “shortcode_templates/<key>”
87 88 89 |
# File 'app/helpers/camaleon_cms/short_code_helper.rb', line 87 def shortcode_change_template(key, template = nil) @_shortcodes_template[key] = template end |
#shortcode_delete(key) ⇒ Object
delete shortcode key: chortcode key to delete
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# File 'app/helpers/camaleon_cms/short_code_helper.rb', line 93 def shortcode_delete(key) @_shortcodes.delete(key) end |
#shortcodes_init ⇒ Object
Internal method
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# File 'app/helpers/camaleon_cms/short_code_helper.rb', line 4 def shortcodes_init @_shortcodes = [] @_shortcodes_template = {} @_shortcodes_descr = {} shortcode_add('widget', nil, "Renderize the widget content in this place. Don't forget to create and copy the shortcode of your widgets in appearance -> widgets Sample: [widget widget_key]") shortcode_add('load_libraries', lambda { |attrs, args| return args[:shortcode] unless attrs.present? cama_load_libraries(*attrs['data'].to_s.split(',')) '' }, "Permit to load libraries on demand, sample: [load_libraries data='datepicker,tinymce']") shortcode_add('asset', lambda { |attrs, args| return args[:shortcode] unless attrs.present? url = ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_url(attrs['file']) if attrs['image'].present? ActionController::Base.helpers.image_tag(attrs['file'], class: attrs['class'], style: attrs['style']) else url end }, "Permit to generate an asset url ( add file='' asset file path, add as_path='true' to generate only the path and not the full url, add class='my_class' to setup image class, add style='height: 100px; width: 200px;...' to setup image style, add image='true' to generate the image tag with this url), sample: <img src=\"[asset as_path='true' file='themes/my_theme/assets/img/signature.png']\" /> or [asset image='true' file='themes/my_theme/assets/img/signature.png' style='height: 50px;']") shortcode_add('data', lambda { |attrs, args| attrs.present? ? cama_shortcode_data(attrs, args) : args[:shortcode] }, "Permit to generate specific data of a post. Attributes: object: (String, defaut post) Model name: post | posttype | category | posttag | site | user |theme | navmenu id: (Integer) Post id key: (String) Post slug field: (String) Custom field key, you can add render_field='true' to render field as html element, also you can add index=2 to indicate the value in position 2 for multitple values attrs: (String) attribute name post: title | created_at | excerpt | url | link | thumb | updated_at | author_name | author_url | content posttype: title | created_at | excerpt | url | link | thumb | updated_at category: title | created_at | excerpt | url | link | thumb | updated_at posttag: title | created_at | excerpt | url | link | thumb | updated_at site: title | created_at | excerpt | url | link | thumb | updated_at user: title | created_at | excerpt | url | link | thumb | updated_at theme: title | created_at | excerpt | url | link | thumb | updated_at navmenu: title | created_at | excerpt | url | link | thumb | updated_at Note: If id and key is not present, then will be rendered for current model Sample: [data id='122' attr='title'] ==> return the title of post with id = 122 [data key='contact' attr='url'] ==> return the url of post with slug = contact [data key='contact' attr='link'] ==> return the link with title as text of the link of post with slug = contact [data object='site' attr='url'] ==> return the url of currrent site [data key='page' object='posttype' attr='url'] ==> return the url of post_type with slug = page [data field=icon index=2] ==> return the second value (multiple values) for this custom field with key=icon of current object [data key='contact' field='sub_title'] ==> return the value of the custom_field with key=sub_title registered for post.slug = contact [data object='site' field='sub_title'] ==> return the value of the custom_field with key=sub_title registered for current_site") end |