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A gem for easily defining client REST interfaces in ruby

Project Goals

When working in an Android environment, Retrofit provides a simple and effective way of annotating methods so that you can define your REST interface:

public interface GitHubService {
  Call<List<Repo>> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);

You can then instantiate your REST client as follows:

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

GitHubService service = retrofit.create(GitHubService.class);

What this does is allow you to focus on your handling of the REST responses, rather than worrying about the boilerplate code required to set up the client side of the REST API.

bubblez is a Gem that seeks to provide this same behavior.


If you're using Rails, it's suggested to have a config/initializers/bubblez.rb configuration file where you can easily configure your endpoints and environments. If you're not using Rails, then you can put this configuration just about anywhere, provided it's executed before where you want to use it.


In config/initializers/bubblez.rb, add the following:

require 'bubblez'

Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config.endpoints = [
      :method => :get,
      :location => :version,
      :authenticated => false,
      :api_key_required => false

  config.environments = [{
    :scheme => 'http',
    :host => '',
    :port => '1234'

The config.endpoints section is where you configure which endpoints you want to support. The config.environments defines the environments, or remote configurations, for accessing the endpoint on specific remote destinations.

Now, you can use this endpoint with:

require 'bubblez'

def version
  resources = Bubbles::Resources.new

  # The following will make a GET request to
  # and return the result.
  result = resources.environment.version


Detailed Documentation

For more examples and detailed documentation, please see the Bubbles GitHub page.