Module: Bridgetown::Utils
- Extended by:
- Utils
- Included in:
- Utils
- Defined in:
- lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb,
rubocop:todo Metrics/ModuleLength
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Aux, RequireGems, RubyExec Classes: LoadersManager, SmartyPantsConverter
Constant Summary collapse
Constants for use in #slugify
%w(raw default pretty simple ascii latin).freeze
- SLUGIFY_RAW_REGEXP ="\\s+").freeze
- SLUGIFY_DEFAULT_REGEXP ="[^\\p{M}\\p{L}\\p{Nd}]+").freeze
- SLUGIFY_PRETTY_REGEXP ="[^\\p{M}\\p{L}\\p{Nd}._~!$&'()+,;=@]+").freeze
- SLUGIFY_ASCII_REGEXP ="[^[A-Za-z0-9]]+").freeze
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #chomp_locale_suffix!(path, locale) ⇒ Object
#deep_merge_hashes(master_hash, other_hash) ⇒ Object
Non-destructive version of deep_merge_hashes! See that method.
#deep_merge_hashes!(target, overwrite) ⇒ Object
Merges a master hash with another hash, recursively.
- #default_github_branch_name(repo_url) ⇒ Object
- #dsd_tag(input, shadow_root_mode: :open) ⇒ Object
- #duplicable?(obj) ⇒ Boolean
- #frontend_bundler_type(cwd = Dir.pwd) ⇒ Object
#has_rbfm_header?(file) ⇒ Boolean
rubocop: disable Naming/PredicateName.
#has_yaml_header?(file) ⇒ Boolean
Determines whether a given file has.
#live_reload_js(site) ⇒ Object
rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength.
- #log_frontend_asset_error(site, asset_type) ⇒ Object
- #mergeable?(value) ⇒ Boolean
#merged_file_read_opts(site, opts) ⇒ Object
Returns merged option hash for of (if exists) and a given param.
#parse_date(input, msg = "Input could not be parsed.") ⇒ Object
Parse a date/time and throw an error if invalid.
#parse_esbuild_manifest_file(site, asset_type) ⇒ String?
Return an asset path based on the esbuild manifest file.
#parse_frontend_manifest_file(site, asset_type) ⇒ String?
Return an asset path based on a frontend manifest file.
#pluralized_array_from_hash(hsh, singular_key, plural_key) ⇒ Array
Read array from the supplied hash, merging the singular key with the plural key as needing, and handling any nil or duplicate entries.
#reindent_for_markdown(input) ⇒ Object
Returns a string that's been reindented so that Markdown's four+ spaces = code doesn't get triggered for nested Liquid components rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity.
#safe_glob(dir, patterns, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
Work the same way as Dir.glob but seperating the input into two parts ('dir' + '/' + 'pattern') to make sure the first part('dir') does not act as a pattern.
#slugify(string, mode: nil, cased: false) ⇒ Object
Slugify a filename or title.
- #static_frontend_path(site, additional_parts = []) ⇒ Object
#titleize_slug(slug) ⇒ Object
Takes a slug and turns it into a simple title.
- #unencode_uri(path) ⇒ Object
- #update_esbuild_autogenerated_config(config) ⇒ Object
- #value_from_plural_key(hsh, key) ⇒ Object
#xml_escape(input) ⇒ String
XML escape a string for use.
Instance Method Details
#chomp_locale_suffix!(path, locale) ⇒ Object
475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 475 def chomp_locale_suffix!(path, locale) return path unless locale if path.ends_with?(".#{locale}") path.chomp!(".#{locale}") elsif path.ends_with?(".multi") path.chomp!(".multi") end end |
#deep_merge_hashes(master_hash, other_hash) ⇒ Object
Non-destructive version of deep_merge_hashes! See that method.
Returns the merged hashes.
48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 48 def deep_merge_hashes(master_hash, other_hash) deep_merge_hashes!(master_hash.dup, other_hash) end |
#deep_merge_hashes!(target, overwrite) ⇒ Object
Merges a master hash with another hash, recursively.
master_hash - the "parent" hash whose values will be overridden other_hash - the other hash whose values will be persisted after the merge
This code was lovingly stolen from some random gem:
Thanks to whoever made it.
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 61 def deep_merge_hashes!(target, overwrite) merge_values(target, overwrite) merge_default_proc(target, overwrite) duplicate_frozen_values(target) target end |
#default_github_branch_name(repo_url) ⇒ Object
402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 402 def default_github_branch_name(repo_url) repo_match = Bridgetown::Commands::Actions::GITHUB_REPO_REGEX.match(repo_url) api_endpoint = "{repo_match[1]}" JSON.parse(Faraday.get(api_endpoint).body)["default_branch"] || "main" rescue StandardError => e Bridgetown.logger.warn("Unable to connect to GitHub API: #{e.}") "main" end |
#dsd_tag(input, shadow_root_mode: :open) ⇒ Object
485 486 487 488 489 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 485 def dsd_tag(input, shadow_root_mode: :open) raise ArgumentError unless [:open, :closed].include? shadow_root_mode %(<template shadowrootmode="#{shadow_root_mode}">#{input}</template>).html_safe end |
#duplicable?(obj) ⇒ Boolean
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 73 def duplicable?(obj) case obj when nil, false, true, Symbol, Numeric false else true end end |
#frontend_bundler_type(cwd = Dir.pwd) ⇒ Object
373 374 375 376 377 378 379 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 373 def frontend_bundler_type(cwd = Dir.pwd) if File.exist?(File.join(cwd, "esbuild.config.js")) :esbuild else :unknown end end |
#has_rbfm_header?(file) ⇒ Boolean
rubocop: disable Naming/PredicateName
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 135 def has_rbfm_header?(file) # rubocop: disable Naming/PredicateName Bridgetown::Deprecator.( "Bridgetown::Utils.has_rbfm_header? is deprecated, use " \ "Bridgetown::FrontMatter::Loaders::Ruby.header? instead" ) FrontMatter::Loaders::Ruby.header?(file) end |
#has_yaml_header?(file) ⇒ Boolean
Determines whether a given file has
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 127 def has_yaml_header?(file) # rubocop: disable Naming/PredicateName Bridgetown::Deprecator.( "Bridgetown::Utils.has_yaml_header? is deprecated, use " \ "Bridgetown::FrontMatter::Loaders::YAML.header? instead" ) FrontMatter::Loaders::YAML.header?(file) end |
#live_reload_js(site) ⇒ Object
rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 411 def live_reload_js(site) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength return "" unless Bridgetown.env.development? && !site.config.skip_live_reload path = File.join(site.base_path, "/_bridgetown/live_reload") code = <<~JAVASCRIPT let lastmod = 0 let reconnectAttempts = 0 function startLiveReload() { const connection = new EventSource("#{path}") connection.addEventListener("message", event => { reconnectAttempts = 0 if (document.querySelector("#bridgetown-build-error")) document.querySelector("#bridgetown-build-error").close() if ( == "reloaded!") { location.reload() } else { const newmod = Number( if (lastmod > 0 && newmod > 0 && lastmod < newmod) { location.reload() } else { lastmod = newmod } } }) connection.addEventListener("builderror", event => { let dialog = document.querySelector("#bridgetown-build-error") if (!dialog) { dialog = document.createElement("dialog") = "bridgetown-build-error" = "red" = "110%" dialog.innerHTML = ` <p style="color:red">There was an error when building the site:</p> <output><pre></pre></output> <p><small>Check your Bridgetown logs for further details.</small></p> ` document.body.appendChild(dialog) dialog.showModal() } dialog.querySelector("pre").textContent = JSON.parse( }) connection.addEventListener("error", () => { if (connection.readyState === 2) { // reconnect with new object connection.close() reconnectAttempts++ if (reconnectAttempts < 25) { console.warn("Live reload: attempting to reconnect in 3 seconds...") setTimeout(() => startLiveReload(), 3000) } else { console.error("Too many live reload connections failed. Refresh the page to try again.") } } }) } startLiveReload() JAVASCRIPT %(<script type="module">#{code}</script>).html_safe end |
#log_frontend_asset_error(site, asset_type) ⇒ Object
359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 359 def log_frontend_asset_error(site, asset_type)[:__frontend_asset_errors] ||= {}[:__frontend_asset_errors][asset_type] ||= begin Bridgetown.logger.warn("#{frontend_bundler_type}:", "The #{asset_type} could not be found.") Bridgetown.logger.warn( "#{frontend_bundler_type}:", "Double-check your frontend config or re-run `bin/bridgetown frontend:build'" ) true end "MISSING_#{frontend_bundler_type.upcase}_ASSET" end |
#mergeable?(value) ⇒ Boolean
69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 69 def mergeable?(value) value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Drops::Drop) end |
#merged_file_read_opts(site, opts) ⇒ Object
Returns merged option hash for of (if exists) and a given param
248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 248 def merged_file_read_opts(site, opts) merged = (site ? site.file_read_opts : {}).merge(opts) if merged[:encoding] && !merged[:encoding].start_with?("bom|") merged[:encoding] = "bom|#{merged[:encoding]}" end if merged["encoding"] && !merged["encoding"].start_with?("bom|") merged["encoding"] = "bom|#{merged["encoding"]}" end merged end |
#parse_date(input, msg = "Input could not be parsed.") ⇒ Object
Parse a date/time and throw an error if invalid
input - the date/time to parse msg - (optional) the error message to show the user
Returns the parsed date if successful, throws a FatalException if not
118 119 120 121 122 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 118 def parse_date(input, msg = "Input could not be parsed.") Time.parse(input).localtime rescue ArgumentError raise Errors::InvalidDateError, "Invalid date '#{input}': #{msg}" end |
#parse_esbuild_manifest_file(site, asset_type) ⇒ String?
Return an asset path based on the esbuild manifest file
327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 327 def parse_esbuild_manifest_file(site, asset_type) # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity return log_frontend_asset_error(site, "esbuild manifest") if site.frontend_manifest.nil? asset_path = case asset_type when "css" site.frontend_manifest["styles/index.css"] || site.frontend_manifest["styles/index.scss"] || site.frontend_manifest["styles/index.sass"] when "js" site.frontend_manifest["javascript/index.js"] || site.frontend_manifest["javascript/index.js.rb"] else site.frontend_manifest.find do |item, _| item.sub(%r{^../(frontend/|src/)?}, "") == asset_type end&.last end return log_frontend_asset_error(site, "`#{asset_type}' asset") if asset_path.nil? static_frontend_path site, [asset_path] end |
#parse_frontend_manifest_file(site, asset_type) ⇒ String?
Return an asset path based on a frontend manifest file
306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 306 def parse_frontend_manifest_file(site, asset_type) case frontend_bundler_type(site.root_dir) when :esbuild parse_esbuild_manifest_file(site, asset_type) else Bridgetown.logger.warn( "Frontend:", "No frontend bundling configuration was found." ) "MISSING_FRONTEND_BUNDLING_CONFIG" end end |
#pluralized_array_from_hash(hsh, singular_key, plural_key) ⇒ Array
Read array from the supplied hash, merging the singular key with the plural key as needing, and handling any nil or duplicate entries.
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 89 def pluralized_array_from_hash(hsh, singular_key, plural_key) array = [ hsh[singular_key], value_from_plural_key(hsh, plural_key), ] array.flatten! array.compact! array.uniq! array end |
#reindent_for_markdown(input) ⇒ Object
Returns a string that's been reindented so that Markdown's four+ spaces = code doesn't get triggered for nested Liquid components rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 262 def reindent_for_markdown(input) lines = input.lines return input if lines.first.nil? starting_indentation = lines.find { |line| line != "\n" }&.match(%r!^ +!) return input unless starting_indentation starting_indent_length = starting_indentation[0].length skip_pre_lines = false do |line| continue_processing = !skip_pre_lines skip_pre_lines = false if skip_pre_lines && line.include?("</pre>") if line.include?("<pre") skip_pre_lines = true continue_processing = false end if continue_processing line_indentation = line.match(%r!^ +!).then do |indent| indent.nil? ? "" : indent[0] end new_indentation = line_indentation.rjust(starting_indent_length, " ") if %r!^ +!.match?(line) line .sub(%r!^ {1,#{starting_indent_length}}!, new_indentation) .sub(%r!^#{new_indentation}!, "") else line end else line end end.join end |
#safe_glob(dir, patterns, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
Work the same way as Dir.glob but seperating the input into two parts ('dir' + '/' + 'pattern') to make sure the first part('dir') does not act as a pattern.
For example, Dir.glob("path[/*") always returns an empty array, because the method fails to find the closing pattern to '[' which is ']'
Examples: safe_glob("path[", "*") # => ["path[/file1", "path[/file2"]
safe_glob("path", "*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) # => ["path/.", "path/..", "path/file1"]
safe_glob("path", ["*", ""]) # => ["path[/file1", "path[/folder/file2"]
dir - the dir where glob will be executed under (the dir will be included to each result) patterns - the patterns (or the pattern) which will be applied under the dir flags - the flags which will be applied to the pattern
Returns matched pathes
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 235 def safe_glob(dir, patterns, flags = 0) return [] unless Dir.exist?(dir) pattern = File.join(Array(patterns)) return [dir] if pattern.empty? Dir.chdir(dir) do Dir.glob(pattern, flags).map { |f| File.join(dir, f) } end end |
#slugify(string, mode: nil, cased: false) ⇒ Object
Slugify a filename or title.
string - the filename or title to slugify mode - how string is slugified cased - whether to replace all uppercase letters with their lowercase counterparts
When mode is "none", return the given string.
When mode is "raw", return the given string, with every sequence of spaces characters replaced with a hyphen.
When mode is "default", "simple", or nil, non-alphabetic characters are replaced with a hyphen too.
When mode is "pretty", some non-alphabetic characters (._~!$&'()+,;=@) are not replaced with hyphen.
When mode is "ascii", some everything else except ASCII characters a-z (lowercase), A-Z (uppercase) and 0-9 (numbers) are not replaced with hyphen.
When mode is "latin", the input string is first preprocessed so that any letters with accents are replaced with the plain letter. Afterwards, it follows the "default" mode of operation.
If cased is true, all uppercase letters in the result string are replaced with their lowercase counterparts.
Examples: slugify("The _config.yml file") # => "the-config-yml-file"
slugify("The _config.yml file", "pretty") # => "the-_config.yml-file"
slugify("The _config.yml file", "pretty", true) # => "The-_config.yml file"
slugify("The _config.yml file", "ascii") # => "the-config-yml-file"
slugify("The _config.yml file", "latin") # => "the-config-yml-file"
Returns the slugified string.
188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 188 def slugify(string, mode: nil, cased: false) mode ||= "default" return nil if string.nil? unless SLUGIFY_MODES.include?(mode) return cased ? string : string.downcase end # Drop accent marks from latin characters. Everything else turns to ? if mode == "latin" I18n.config.available_locales = :en if I18n.config.available_locales.empty? string = I18n.transliterate(string) end slug = replace_character_sequence_with_hyphen(string, mode:) # Remove leading/trailing hyphen slug.gsub!(%r!^-|-$!i, "") slug.downcase! unless cased slug end |
#static_frontend_path(site, additional_parts = []) ⇒ Object
349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 349 def static_frontend_path(site, additional_parts = []) path_parts = [ site.base_path.gsub(%r(^/|/$), ""), "_bridgetown/static", *additional_parts, ] path_parts[0] = "/#{path_parts[0]}" unless path_parts[0].empty? Addressable::URI.parse(path_parts.join("/")).normalize.to_s end |
#titleize_slug(slug) ⇒ Object
Takes a slug and turns it into a simple title.
20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 20 def titleize_slug(slug) slug.gsub(%r![_ ]!, "-").split("-").map!(&:capitalize).join(" ") end |
#unencode_uri(path) ⇒ Object
38 39 40 41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 38 def unencode_uri(path) path = path.encode("utf-8") return path unless path.include?("%") Addressable::URI.unencode(path) end |
#update_esbuild_autogenerated_config(config) ⇒ Object
381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 381 def update_esbuild_autogenerated_config(config) defaults_file = File.join(config[:root_dir], "config", "esbuild.defaults.js") return unless File.exist?(defaults_file) config_hash = { source:[:source]).relative_path_from(config[:root_dir]), destination:[:destination]).relative_path_from(config[:root_dir]), componentsDir: config[:components_dir], islandsDir: config[:islands_dir], } defaults_file_contents = File.write( defaults_file, defaults_file_contents.sub( %r{(const autogeneratedBridgetownConfig = ){\n.*?}}m, "\\1#{JSON.pretty_generate config_hash}" ) ) end |
#value_from_plural_key(hsh, key) ⇒ Object
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 101 def value_from_plural_key(hsh, key) val = hsh[key] case val when String val.split when Array val.compact end end |
#xml_escape(input) ⇒ String
XML escape a string for use. Replaces any special characters with appropriate HTML entity replacements.
xml_escape('foo "bar"
34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/bridgetown-core/utils.rb', line 34 def xml_escape(input) input.to_s.encode(xml: :attr).gsub(%r!\A"|"\Z!, "") end |