A Rails engine to simplify building BookingSync Applications.
For version <= 4.1
Rails >= 5.0
and Ruby >= 2.3
For version >= 4.2
Rails >= 6.0
and Ruby >= 3.0
API documentation is available at
gem 'bookingsync_application'
Then bundle install:
bundle install
BookingSync Application relies heavily on BookingSync-Engine. Have a look at the project for more options.
Add authorization routes
Then mount BookingSync Authorization routes inside routes.rb
mount BookingSync::Engine => '/'
This will add the following routes:
Add a model to link with BookingSync accounts
BookingSync Application uses the Account
model to authenticate each BookingSync Account, if you do not have an Account
model yet, create one:
rails g model Account
Then, generate a migration to add OAuth fields for the Account
rails g migration AddOAuthFieldsToAccounts provider:string synced_id:integer:index \
name:string oauth_access_token:string oauth_refresh_token:string \
and migrate:
rake db:migrate
Also include BookingSync::Engine::Models::Account
in your Account
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
include BookingSync::Engine::Models::Account
Secure controllers to require a BookingSync authorized account
We now want to provide secured controllers, this controllers will be accessible only to BookingSync identified accounts.
You have 2 options pre built for this:
1) Create base API controller (it will be json
class Api::BaseController < BookingsyncApplication::Api::BaseController
2) Optionally if you want to have html
based controller:
class Admin::BaseHTMLController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html
include BookingsyncApplication::Controllers::CommonBase
Note: When saving new token, this gem uses a separate thread with new db connection to ensure token save (in case of a rollback in the main transaction). To make room for the new connections, it is recommended to increase db pool
size by 2-3.
BookingSync Universe API
You can expose the application API by taking advantage of BookingSync Universe API concept. BookingSync Universe API is about making all the APIs accessible by the same token that is acquired in standard OAuth flow as outlined in the docs. The authentication is handled on BookingSync Core API, but the authorization is up to the application to handle.
To enable BookingSync Universe API for the controller, include BookingsyncApplication::Controllers::BookingsyncUniverseApiAccess
class Api::ControllerForBookingsyncUniverseApi < BookingsyncApplication::Api::BaseController
include BookingsyncApplication::Controllers::BookingsyncUniverseApiAccess
def index
head 200
If the request includes Authorization
header (you can read more about the expected format in the docs), it will be proxied to BookingSync Core API to check if the token is valid or not. If the token is not valid, 401
error will be returned with the corresponding error in the body. If it's valid, the account that is the owner of the token will be authenticated. By default there is no any extra authorization layer and as long as BookingSync Universe API is enabled all the endpoints will be accessible. To handle authorization you can use bookingsync_universe_authorize_request!
class Api::ControllerForBookingsyncUniverseApi < BookingsyncApplication::Api::BaseController
include BookingsyncApplication::Controllers::BookingsyncUniverseApiAccess
before_action -> { :clients_read, :clients_write },
only: :index
def index
head 200
expects the list of scopes that are required to access this endpoint. If at least one of them is present on the token, the request will be authorized. Otherwise 403
error will be returned with the corresponding error message in the body.
The engine is configured by the following ENV variables:
- the url of the website, should beBOOKINGSYNC_APP_ID
- BookingSync Application's Client IDBOOKINGSYNC_APP_SECRET
- BookingSync Application's Client SecretBOOKINGSYNC_VERIFY_SSL
- Verify SSL (available only in development or test). Default to falseBOOKINGSYNC_SCOPE
- Space separated list of required scopes. Defaults to nil, which means the public scope.
You might want to use dotenv-rails to make ENV variables management easy.
We do provide some helper for RSpec users, you can include them in your spec/rails_helper.rb
(before spec/support
require 'bookingsync_application/spec_helper'
We recommend a VCR setup inspired from the following configuration. It will mask authorization tokens from your fixtures:
require 'vcr'
VCR.configure do |config|
config.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/fixtures/cassettes'
config.hook_into :webmock
config.filter_sensitive_data('BOOKINGSYNC_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN') do
# Uncomment if using codeclimate
# config.ignore_hosts ''