
Minimalist Jekyll theme based on Bulma.

This work is on active development, but currently suitable for use on production and GitHub pages.


What does comes with Blue?

Blue comes with the following features:

  • Bulma CSS library.
  • Kramdown as Markdown engine.
  • MathJax for LaTeX-math support.
  • Syntax highlight built-in.
  • Pagination (via jekyll-paginate rubygem).
  • Search engine optimization (via jekyll-seo-tag rubygem).
  • RSS support by default (via jekyll-feed rubygem).

Installation (GitHub Pages)

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Rename your fork as your-username*
  3. Edit the variables on _config.yml to make them yours.
  4. Replace the content of _posts/ with your own content.
  5. Enjoy and submit me any issue or improvement!

Installation (using RubyGems)

  1. Add blue-jekyll-theme to your Gemfile.
  2. Update your gems. $ bundle update
  3. Update your _config.yml file, replace your current theme by blue-jekyll-theme and add the needed plugins:
* `jekyll-paginate`
* `jekyll-seo-tag`

Config variables

Add or remove variables from the sample config file.

Available colors are the same for Bulma (default ones). You can choose between primary (light turquoise), info (blue), warning (yellow), danger(red), dark (black) and light (default). It will switch the header color.

# Permalinks
permalink:      pretty

# Setup
title:          My Site
subtitle:       My fancy site.
url:            ""

color:          danger

  name:         Jhon Doe
  email:                                           # Place your email here
  github:       JohnDoe                            # Place your GitHub username here
  twitter:      JohnDoe                            # Place your twitter username here
  mastodon:      # Place your profile URL here

# Assets
  style:        compressed

markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
  input: GFM

# Custom vars
version:        3.8.5
paginate:       5                                  # Default pagination is 5 post per page
paginate_path: "/page:num/"                        # Default route for pages

  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-seo-tag


MIT License