Blinka reporter

What does this gem do?

Generate a test results report for Minitest or interpret a junit-report from Rspec. These results can then be reported to Blinka which posts your test results directly in your Github Pull Requests.

How do I install the gem?


gem install blinka-reporter

or add to your Gemfile

gem 'blinka-reporter', '~> 0.7.2'

Which ruby testing frameworks are supported?

  • Minitest
  • Rspec

Please reach out for other frameworks or create a reporter yourself.

What is Blinka?

Blinka is a web service developed by @davidwessman to store test results from CI and report interesting results back to Github, right in the pull request.

How to generate test report in the right format?


BLINKA_PATH=./tests.json bundle exec rails test

Output as ./tests.json.


Make sure rspec_junit_formatter is installed.

bundle exec rspec --formatter RspecJunitFormatter --out ./rspec.xml

How can I send report in Github Action?

Add a step to your Github Action Workflow after running tests:

- name: Minitest
    BLINKA_PATH: ./results.json
  run: bundle exec rake test

// Add a tag to be able to separate multiple jobs, e.g. "ruby-${{ matrix.ruby }}".
// This is optional.
- name: Export Blinka-metadata
  if: always()
  run: |
    echo "ruby gem" > ./blinka_tag

// Archive all files required by Blinka, json, the tag and any images.
// Blinka will automatically fetch the results when the Github Action Workflow is finished.
- name: Archive results for Blinka
  if: always()
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
    name: blinka-${{ strategy.job-index }}
    path: |
- name: Rspec
  run: bundle exec rspec --formatter RspecJunitFormatter --out ./rspec.xml

- name: Export Blinka-metadata
  if: always()
  run: |
    echo "ruby gem" > ./blinka_tag

- name: Archive results for Blinka
  if: always()
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
    name: blinka-${{ strategy.job-index }}
    path: |

How to make multiple test runs into one report?

For example when running tests in parallel you might need to run system tests separately. Output the test results to different paths with BLINKA_PATH.

- name: System tests
    BLINKA_PATH: ./system_tests.json
  run: bundle exec rails test:system

- name: Tests
    BLINKA_PATH: ./tests.json
  run: bundle exec rails test

- name: Archive results for Blinka
  if: always()
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
    name: blinka-${{ strategy.job-index }}
    path: |

How can I run multiple test runs to one file?

For Minitest this can be done by setting BLINKA_APPEND=true, make sure to clean the BLINKA_PATH file before running the tests.

- name: Tests 1
    BLINKA_PATH: ./tests.json
  run: bundle exec rails test:system

- name: Tests 2
    BLINKA_PATH: ./tests.json
  run: bundle exec rails test

How can I report tests in TAP-format?

TAP-format (Test anything protocol) is used to parse tests results on for example Heroku CI.

Generate your test results like above, replace <path> with your json or xml file.

bundle exec blinka_reporter --tap --path <path>

TAP version 13
ok 1 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_message
ok 2 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_image
ok 3 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_image_no_file
ok 4 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_report_with_image
ok 5 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_line
ok 6 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_backtrace
ok 7 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_line_no_failure
ok 8 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_report
ok 9 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_backtrace_no_failure
ok 10 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_kind_no_folder
ok 11 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_result
ok 12 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_kind
ok 13 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_message_no_failure
ok 14 - test/test_blinka_minitest.rb - test_source_location


Release new version

  1. Update version in and include changes.
  2. Update version in lib/blinka_reporter/version.rb.
  3. Create pull request and merge to default branch.
  4. gem build blinka_reporter.gemspec (make sure it matches the bumped version).
  5. gem push blinka-reporter-{version}.gem (had to use --otp because I could not enter it when prompted).
  6. Create a release and tag on Github for history.


blinka-reporter is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.