This is a Ruby gem for easy integration of Bitnob For Business API for various applications written in Ruby language from Bitnob.
Getting started
This gem requires Ruby 2.6+ and Rails 5.2+
- Add the following to your gem file:
gem 'bitnob', '~> 0.0.2'
Then run:
bundle install
- To use this SDK, you need to create a new Bitnob class with your API secret key gotten from your dashboard settings. We recommend you store such keys in an environment variable name
. Instantiating such object would look like this
By default the package assumes that you are currently working using a sandbox credential in development, however to go live, your secret key
nust be a production-grade secret key and you need to specify true
when instantiating your bitnob class like this:
require 'bitnob'
wallet = # production
get_wallets = wallet.fetch_wallets
p get_wallets.body
# Sandbox environment
wallet =
get_transaction = wallet.fetch_all_transactions
p get_transaction.body
: It is best practice to always set your API keys to your environment variable for security purpose. Please be warned not use this package without setting your API keys in your environment variables in production.
Bitnob Functions
Before making use of any bitnob functions, it is expected you instantiate a new Function class and pass production as true to whatever function you wish to perform. Below is a demonstration:
- To manage customers on your Bitnob for business in your ruby application, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- create_customer
- get_customer_by_email
- get_customer
- update_customer
- To create Lightning Transactions, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- create_invoice
- pay_invoice
- initiate_payment
- decode_payment request
- get_invoice
- ln_pay :new:
- probe_for_route :new:
- probe_route :new:
Full Transaction Workflow
require 'bitnob'
ln =
payload = {
customerEmail: "",
description: "Dorime for Nonso and Tumise",
tokens: 300,
expires_at: "24h",
# Create a lightning invoice
new_ln_invoice = ln.create_invoice(payload)
LNURL vs Lightning Address
A Lightning Address is a wrapper around lnurl. A Lightning Address is an Internet Identifier that allows anyone to send you Bitcoin over the Lightning Network. No scanning of QR codes or pasting invoices necessary. The Lightning URL on the other hand, is a lot more technical and requires the embedding and scanning of lightning invoices to initiate payments The username you use to create the lnurl automatically becomes the lightning address in this case.
Lightning URL (LNURL) :new
- To create Lightning URL Operations, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- create
- decode_lnurl
- pay_lnurl
- ln_withdrawal
- decode_ln_address
- pay_ln_address
- get_lnurls
- get_by_identifier
- get_id
- update_lnurl
- To create Onchain Transactions, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- send_bitcoin
- generate_address
- list_addresses
Full Transaction Workflow
require 'bitnob'
on_chain =
payload = {
customerEmail: "",
satoshis: 30000,
address: "btcjshlidlsidskdslisidsdosilsdmxksjsjldksossjoioidjifkji.zjijsi",
description: "Go buy your momma a house!",
priorityLevel: "regular"
# Send bitcoin using onchain
new_onchain = on_chain.send_bitcoin(payload)
- To get wallets information, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- fetch_wallets
- fetch_all_transactions
- fetch_transaction
- recommend_btc_fees :new:
Virtual Cards :new
- To initiate any Virtual Card Operation, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- register_user
- create
- top_up
- withdraw
- freeze
- unfreeze
- mock_transaction
- terminate
- block
- unblock
Swap :new
- To initiate any currency SWAP Operation, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- swap_btc_usd
- swap_usd_btc
Checkout :new
- To initiate any Checkout Operation, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- create
- list_checkouts
- get_info
- get_status
StableCoin :new
- To integrate any StableCoin Operation, simply follow the instruction at the beginning of this sub-heading and instantiate a new
class.- The following functions are available:
- swap_btc_usd
- swap_usd_btc
Webhook Authentication
- You simply check to see if your webhook requests returns the appropriate body by simply doing this
require 'bitnob'
check_webhook = webhook_authentication(requests) # return true or false
Important Note
- it is important that response from each function returns both the response headers, body and status code. To work with only the reponse body simply call the
object after each function call :
require 'bitnob'
wallet = # production
get_wallets = wallet.fetch_wallets
p get_wallets.body # fetches response body
p get_wallets.headers # fetches response headers
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct. Simply create a new branch and raise a Pull Request, we would review and merge.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the BSD License