
This gem provides NIO (Córdoba Oro Nicaragüense) against USD (United States Dollar) money exchange rates consuming the official Central Bank of Nicaragüa (BCN) SOAP Service or HTML page

Basic usage

# Returns the exchange rate for September 15th, 2017
day_rate = BcnNi.exchange_day(2017, 9, 15)
# => 30.3537

# Returns the exchange rate table for September, 2017
month_rate = BcnNi.exchange_month(2017, 9)
# => [
#     {:date=>Fri, 01 Sep 2017, :value=>30.2969},
#     {:date=>Sat, 02 Sep 2017, :value=>30.301},
#     {:date=>Sun, 03 Sep 2017, :value=>30.305},
#     {:date=>Mon, 04 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3091},
#     {:date=>Tue, 05 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3131},
#     {:date=>Wed, 06 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3172},
#     {:date=>Thu, 07 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3212},
#     {:date=>Fri, 08 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3253},
#     {:date=>Sat, 09 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3293},
#     {:date=>Sun, 10 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3334},
#     {:date=>Mon, 11 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3374},
#     {:date=>Tue, 12 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3415},
#     {:date=>Wed, 13 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3455},
#     {:date=>Thu, 14 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3496},
#     {:date=>Fri, 15 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3537},
#     {:date=>Sat, 16 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3577},
#     {:date=>Sun, 17 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3618},
#     {:date=>Mon, 18 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3658},
#     {:date=>Tue, 19 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3699},
#     {:date=>Wed, 20 Sep 2017, :value=>30.374},
#     {:date=>Thu, 21 Sep 2017, :value=>30.378},
#     {:date=>Fri, 22 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3821},
#     {:date=>Sat, 23 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3861},
#     {:date=>Sun, 24 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3902},
#     {:date=>Mon, 25 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3943},
#     {:date=>Tue, 26 Sep 2017, :value=>30.3983},
#     {:date=>Wed, 27 Sep 2017, :value=>30.4024},
#     {:date=>Thu, 28 Sep 2017, :value=>30.4065},
#     {:date=>Fri, 29 Sep 2017, :value=>30.4105},
#     {:date=>Sat, 30 Sep 2017, :value=>30.4146}
#    ]

Changing the request mode

For changing the request mode simply add request_mode argument at the end of the method args. The default request mode is scrapping (which incredibly resulted to be faster than SOAP and with 24/7 availability). You can change this like the example given below:

# Scrapping mode
day_rate    = BcnNi.exchange_day(2017, 9, 15, request_mode: :scrapping)
month_rate  = BcnNi.exchange_month(2017, 9, request_mode: :scrapping)
# SOAP request mode
day_rate    = BcnNi.exchange_day(2017, 9, 15, request_mode: :soap)
month_rate  = BcnNi.exchange_month(2017, 9, request_mode: :soap)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

# From git repository
gem 'bcn_ni', git: '', branch: 'master'

# From ruby gems
gem 'bcn_ni', '~> 0.1.7'

# Using gem install
gem install bcn_ni

And then execute:

$ bundle


2022.04.06 - Rails 6.x 7.x compatibility
2021.06.28 - Bugfix: Cambio en el URI para el request de scrapping, el BCN cambió de parámetros y ubicación de URL


You guys are free to send your pull requests for contributing. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.