
Build Status Gem Version

A RubyGem to parse and validate barcodes.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "barcodevalidation"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install barcodevalidation


The main API is BarcodeValidation.scan. It accepts a single argument, and it's pretty flexible about what you give it.

gtin = BarcodeValidation.scan("937179-004167")
# => #<BarcodeValidation::GTIN::GTIN12(937179004167)>
gtin.to_s        # => "937179004167"
gtin.valid?      # => true
gtin.check_digit # => #<BarcodeValidation::GTIN::CheckDigit(7)>
gtin.first(6)    # => #<BarcodeValidation::DigitSequence(937179)>
gtin.slice(0..5) # => #<BarcodeValidation::DigitSequence(937179)>
gtin.to_gtin_13  # => #<BarcodeValidation::GTIN::GTIN13(0937179004167)>
# => [#<BarcodeValidation::GTIN::GTIN12(937179004167)>,

bad = BarcodeValidation.scan(937_179_004_162)
# => #<BarcodeValidation::InvalidGTIN(937179004162)>
bad.valid?               # => false
bad.check_digit          # => #<BarcodeValidation::GTIN::CheckDigit(2) invalid: expected 7>
bad.check_digit.valid?   # => false
bad.check_digit.actual   # => #<BarcodeValidation::Digit(2)>
bad.check_digit.expected # => #<BarcodeValidation::Digit(7)>
bad.to_gtin_13           # => #<BarcodeValidation::InvalidGTIN(937179004162)>
bad.to_all_valid         # => []


Download the code from GitHub:

git clone

Set up dependencies using Bundler:

cd barcodevalidation

Start the interactive development console:


Run a build:


Code Quality Checks

Rubocop is used to enforce coding standards.

bin/rubocop --help

Tests & Publishing

Code is automatically tested with each push on Buildkite. Assuming all tests pass, commits on main will be parsed with Semantic Release to produce new Git tags, and to publish to RubyGems.

Project Structure

This project's structure is inspired by the Bundler skeleton for a new Gem, created using bundler gem barcodevalidation.

  • .bundle/config: Configuration for Bundler
  • .ruby-version: Gives rvm, rbenv, chruby etc. a Ruby version to use
  • Gemfile: Lists RubyGem dependencies, to be installed by Bundler
  • Rakefile: Defines Rake tasks
  • bin/: Contains binstubs, useful for development tasks
    • bundle: Runs Bundler, in the correct way
    • console: development console (equiv. to bin/bundle exec pry)
    • rake: Runs Rake (equivalent to bin/bundle exec rake)
    • rubocop: Runs Rubocop (equivalent to bin/bundle exec rubocop)
    • setup: Sets up the project to be ready for development
  • config/boot.rb: Prepares dependencies before loading the library
  • lib/: Source files; this directory is added to Ruby's load path
  • script/ci: The script run by Buildkite to start a build


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See for the full text.