OS | Ruby |
Windows 2019 | 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 |
Windows 2022 | 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 |
Ubuntu 20.04 | 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 |
Ubuntu 22.04 | 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 |
Bandwidth - the Ruby gem for the Bandwidth SDK
Generated with the command:
openapi-generator generate -g ruby -i bandwidth.yml -c openapi-config.yml -o ./
Bandwidth's Communication APIs
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0-dev
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Install from RubyGems
gem install bandwidth-sdk
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build bandwidth-sdk.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./bandwidth-sdk-1.0.0-dev.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./bandwidth-sdk-1.0.0-dev.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'bandwidth-sdk', '~> 1.0.0-dev'
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'bandwidth-sdk', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'bandwidth-sdk'
# Setup authorization
Bandwidth.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
config.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Configure faraday connection
config.configure_faraday_connection { |connection| 'YOUR CONNECTION CONFIG PROC' }
api_instance =
account_id = '9900000' # String | Your Bandwidth Account ID.
create_call ={to: '+19195551234', from: '+15555551212', application_id: '1234-qwer-5679-tyui', answer_url: 'https://www.myCallbackServer.example/webhooks/answer'}) # CreateCall | JSON object containing information to create an outbound call
#Create Call
result = api_instance.create_call(account_id, create_call)
p result
rescue Bandwidth::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CallsApi->create_call: #{e}"
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Bandwidth::CallsApi | create_call | POST /accounts/accountId/calls | Create Call |
Bandwidth::CallsApi | get_call_state | GET /accounts/accountId/calls/callId | Get Call State Information |
Bandwidth::CallsApi | list_calls | GET /accounts/accountId/calls | Get Calls |
Bandwidth::CallsApi | update_call | POST /accounts/accountId/calls/callId | Update Call |
Bandwidth::CallsApi | update_call_bxml | PUT /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/bxml | Update Call BXML |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | download_conference_recording | GET /accounts/accountId/conferences/conferenceId/recordings/recordingId/media | Download Conference Recording |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | get_conference | GET /accounts/accountId/conferences/conferenceId | Get Conference Information |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | get_conference_member | GET /accounts/accountId/conferences/conferenceId/members/memberId | Get Conference Member |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | get_conference_recording | GET /accounts/accountId/conferences/conferenceId/recordings/recordingId | Get Conference Recording Information |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | list_conference_recordings | GET /accounts/accountId/conferences/conferenceId/recordings | Get Conference Recordings |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | list_conferences | GET /accounts/accountId/conferences | Get Conferences |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | update_conference | POST /accounts/accountId/conferences/conferenceId | Update Conference |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | update_conference_bxml | PUT /accounts/accountId/conferences/conferenceId/bxml | Update Conference BXML |
Bandwidth::ConferencesApi | update_conference_member | PUT /accounts/accountId/conferences/conferenceId/members/memberId | Update Conference Member |
Bandwidth::MFAApi | generate_messaging_code | POST /accounts/accountId/code/messaging | Messaging Authentication Code |
Bandwidth::MFAApi | generate_voice_code | POST /accounts/accountId/code/voice | Voice Authentication Code |
Bandwidth::MFAApi | verify_code | POST /accounts/accountId/code/verify | Verify Authentication Code |
Bandwidth::MediaApi | delete_media | DELETE /users/accountId/media/mediaId | Delete Media |
Bandwidth::MediaApi | get_media | GET /users/accountId/media/mediaId | Get Media |
Bandwidth::MediaApi | list_media | GET /users/accountId/media | List Media |
Bandwidth::MediaApi | upload_media | PUT /users/accountId/media/mediaId | Upload Media |
Bandwidth::MessagesApi | create_message | POST /users/accountId/messages | Create Message |
Bandwidth::MessagesApi | list_messages | GET /users/accountId/messages | List Messages |
Bandwidth::PhoneNumberLookupApi | create_lookup | POST /accounts/accountId/tnlookup | Create Lookup |
Bandwidth::PhoneNumberLookupApi | get_lookup_status | GET /accounts/accountId/tnlookup/requestId | Get Lookup Request Status |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | delete_recording | DELETE /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recordings/recordingId | Delete Recording |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | delete_recording_media | DELETE /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recordings/recordingId/media | Delete Recording Media |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | delete_recording_transcription | DELETE /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recordings/recordingId/transcription | Delete Transcription |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | download_call_recording | GET /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recordings/recordingId/media | Download Recording |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | get_call_recording | GET /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recordings/recordingId | Get Call Recording |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | get_recording_transcription | GET /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recordings/recordingId/transcription | Get Transcription |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | list_account_call_recordings | GET /accounts/accountId/recordings | Get Call Recordings |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | list_call_recordings | GET /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recordings | List Call Recordings |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | transcribe_call_recording | POST /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recordings/recordingId/transcription | Create Transcription Request |
Bandwidth::RecordingsApi | update_call_recording_state | PUT /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/recording | Update Recording |
Bandwidth::StatisticsApi | get_statistics | GET /accounts/accountId/statistics | Get Account Statistics |
Bandwidth::TranscriptionsApi | delete_real_time_transcription | DELETE /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/transcriptions/transcriptionId | Delete a specific transcription |
Bandwidth::TranscriptionsApi | get_real_time_transcription | GET /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/transcriptions/transcriptionId | Retrieve a specific transcription |
Bandwidth::TranscriptionsApi | list_real_time_transcriptions | GET /accounts/accountId/calls/callId/transcriptions | Enumerate transcriptions made with StartTranscription |
Documentation for Models
- Bandwidth::AccountStatistics
- Bandwidth::AnswerCallback
- Bandwidth::BridgeCompleteCallback
- Bandwidth::BridgeTargetCompleteCallback
- Bandwidth::CallDirectionEnum
- Bandwidth::CallRecordingMetadata
- Bandwidth::CallState
- Bandwidth::CallStateEnum
- Bandwidth::CallTranscription
- Bandwidth::CallTranscriptionDetectedLanguageEnum
- Bandwidth::CallTranscriptionMetadata
- Bandwidth::CallTranscriptionResponse
- Bandwidth::CallTranscriptionTrackEnum
- Bandwidth::CallbackMethodEnum
- Bandwidth::CallbackTypeEnum
- Bandwidth::CodeRequest
- Bandwidth::Conference
- Bandwidth::ConferenceCompletedCallback
- Bandwidth::ConferenceCreatedCallback
- Bandwidth::ConferenceMember
- Bandwidth::ConferenceMemberExitCallback
- Bandwidth::ConferenceMemberJoinCallback
- Bandwidth::ConferenceRecordingAvailableCallback
- Bandwidth::ConferenceRecordingMetadata
- Bandwidth::ConferenceRedirectCallback
- Bandwidth::ConferenceStateEnum
- Bandwidth::CreateCall
- Bandwidth::CreateCallResponse
- Bandwidth::CreateLookupResponse
- Bandwidth::CreateMessageRequestError
- Bandwidth::DeferredResult
- Bandwidth::DisconnectCallback
- Bandwidth::Diversion
- Bandwidth::DtmfCallback
- Bandwidth::FieldError
- Bandwidth::FileFormatEnum
- Bandwidth::GatherCallback
- Bandwidth::InitiateCallback
- Bandwidth::ListMessageDirectionEnum
- Bandwidth::ListMessageItem
- Bandwidth::LookupRequest
- Bandwidth::LookupResult
- Bandwidth::LookupStatus
- Bandwidth::LookupStatusEnum
- Bandwidth::MachineDetectionCompleteCallback
- Bandwidth::MachineDetectionConfiguration
- Bandwidth::MachineDetectionModeEnum
- Bandwidth::MachineDetectionResult
- Bandwidth::Media
- Bandwidth::Message
- Bandwidth::MessageCallback
- Bandwidth::MessageCallbackMessage
- Bandwidth::MessageDirectionEnum
- Bandwidth::MessageRequest
- Bandwidth::MessageStatusEnum
- Bandwidth::MessageTypeEnum
- Bandwidth::MessagesList
- Bandwidth::MessagingCodeResponse
- Bandwidth::MessagingRequestError
- Bandwidth::MfaForbiddenRequestError
- Bandwidth::MfaRequestError
- Bandwidth::MfaUnauthorizedRequestError
- Bandwidth::PageInfo
- Bandwidth::PriorityEnum
- Bandwidth::RecordingAvailableCallback
- Bandwidth::RecordingCompleteCallback
- Bandwidth::RecordingStateEnum
- Bandwidth::RecordingTranscriptionMetadata
- Bandwidth::RecordingTranscriptions
- Bandwidth::RedirectCallback
- Bandwidth::RedirectMethodEnum
- Bandwidth::StirShaken
- Bandwidth::Tag
- Bandwidth::TnLookupRequestError
- Bandwidth::TranscribeRecording
- Bandwidth::Transcription
- Bandwidth::TranscriptionAvailableCallback
- Bandwidth::TransferAnswerCallback
- Bandwidth::TransferCompleteCallback
- Bandwidth::TransferDisconnectCallback
- Bandwidth::UpdateCall
- Bandwidth::UpdateCallRecording
- Bandwidth::UpdateConference
- Bandwidth::UpdateConferenceMember
- Bandwidth::VerifyCodeRequest
- Bandwidth::VerifyCodeResponse
- Bandwidth::VoiceApiError
- Bandwidth::VoiceCodeResponse
Documentation for Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP basic authentication