Class: Avo::Fields::SelectField
- Includes:
- FieldExtensions::HasIncludeBlank
- Defined in:
- lib/avo/fields/select_field.rb
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: EditComponent, IndexComponent, ShowComponent
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#display_value ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute display_value.
Attributes inherited from BaseField
#action, #as_avatar, #autocomplete, #block, #computable, #computed, #computed_value, #copyable, #default, #for_attribute, #for_presentation_only, #format_using, #help, #id, #null_values, #nullable, #panel_name, #readonly, #record, #required, #sortable, #stacked, #summarizable, #user
Attributes included from Concerns::IsDisabled
Attributes included from Concerns::HasHTMLAttributes
Attributes included from Concerns::VisibleInDifferentViews
#show_on_edit, #show_on_index, #show_on_new, #show_on_preview, #show_on_show
Attributes included from Concerns::IsVisible
Attributes included from Concerns::IsResourceItem
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(id, **args, &block) ⇒ SelectField
A new instance of SelectField.
- #label ⇒ Object
- #options_for_select ⇒ Object
Methods included from FieldExtensions::HasIncludeBlank
Methods inherited from BaseField
#apply_update_using, #assign_value, #custom?, #custom_name?, #database_id, #default_name, #execute_block, #fill_field, #form_field_label, #has_attribute?, #has_own_panel?, #hidden_in_reflection?, #meta, #name, #options_for_filter, #placeholder, #plural_name, #record_errors, #resolve_attribute, #table_header_label, #to_permitted_param, #translated_name, #translated_plural_name, #translation_key, #type, #updatable, #value, #visible_in_reflection?
Methods included from Concerns::UseViewComponents
#component_for_view, #view_component_name, #view_component_namespace
Methods included from Concerns::IsRequired
Methods included from Concerns::IsDisabled
Methods included from Concerns::IsReadonly
Methods included from Concerns::HasHTMLAttributes
Methods included from Concerns::HasDefault
Methods included from Concerns::HasHelpers
Methods included from Concerns::VisibleInDifferentViews
#except_on, #hide_on, #initialize_views, #only_on, #post_initialize, #show_on, #show_on_create, #show_on_update, #visible_in_view?
Methods included from Concerns::IsVisible
Methods included from Concerns::HasItemType
#is_field?, #is_heading?, #is_main_panel?, #is_panel?, #is_row?, #is_sidebar?, #is_tab?, #is_tab_group?, #is_tool?
Methods included from Concerns::IsResourceItem
Methods included from Concerns::Hydration
Constructor Details
#initialize(id, **args, &block) ⇒ SelectField
Returns a new instance of SelectField.
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# File 'lib/avo/fields/select_field.rb', line 8 def initialize(id, **args, &block) args[:placeholder] ||= I18n.t("avo.choose_an_option") super(id, **args, &block) @options = if args[:options].is_a? Hash args[:options] elsif args[:enum].present? args[:enum] else args[:options] end @enum = args[:enum] @display_value = args[:display_value] || false end |
Instance Attribute Details
#display_value ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute display_value.
6 7 8 |
# File 'lib/avo/fields/select_field.rb', line 6 def display_value @display_value end |
Instance Method Details
#label ⇒ Object
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# File 'lib/avo/fields/select_field.rb', line 42 def label # If options are array don't need any pre-process return value if .is_a?(Array) # If options are enum and display_value is true we return the Value of that key-value pair, else return key of that key-value pair # WARNING: value here is the DB stored value and not the value of a key-value pair. if @enum.present? return @enum[value] if display_value return value end # When code arrive here it means options are Hash # If display_value is true we only need to return the value stored in DB display_value ? value : .invert[value] end |
#options_for_select ⇒ Object
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# File 'lib/avo/fields/select_field.rb', line 25 def # If options are array don't need any pre-process return if .is_a?(Array) # If options are enum we invert the enum if display value, else (see next comment) if @enum.present? return @enum.invert if display_value # We need to use the label attribute as the option value because Rails casts it like that return { |label, value| [label, label] }.to_h end # When code arrive here it means options are Hash # If display_value is true we only need to return the values of the Hash display_value ? .values : end |