Class: Attributor::FileUpload

Model show all
Defined in:

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from Hash


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Hash

#contents, #dumping, #validating

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Model

#attributes, check_option!, define_accessors, define_reader, define_writer, #dump, example, generate_subcontext, inherited, #initialize, #method_missing, #respond_to_missing?, #to_hash, #validate

Methods inherited from Hash

#==, #[], #[]=, #_get_attr, add_requirement, as_json_schema, attributes, check_option!, construct, constructable?, definition, #delete, describe, dsl_class, dump, #dump, #each, #empty?, example, example_contents, family, from_hash, generate_subcontext, #generate_subcontext, #get, #get_generic, inherited, #initialize, json_schema_type, #key?, #key_attribute, #key_type, keys, #keys, load, load_generic, #merge, native_type, of, parse, #set, #size, slice!, #to_h, valid_type?, validate, #validate, #validate_generic, #validate_keys, #value_attribute, #value_type, #values

Methods included from Dumpable


Methods included from Container


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Attributor::Model

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Attributor::Model