Module: Aspera::Transfer

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Sync Classes: Error, FauxFile, Parameters, Spec, Uri

Constant Summary collapse


from Note that the fact that an error is retry-able is not internally defined by protocol, it’s client-side responsibility rubocop:disable Layout/MultilineHashKeyLineBreaks rubocop:disable Layout/FirstHashElementLineBreak

  # id   retry-able     mnemo                       message                                              additional info
  1  => { r: false, c: 'FASP_PROTO',                  m: 'Generic fasp(tm) protocol error',                a: 'fasp(tm) error'},
  2  => { r: false, c: 'ASCP',                        m: 'Generic SCP error',                              a: 'ASCP error'},
  3  => { r: false, c: 'AMBIGUOUS_TARGET',            m: 'Target incorrectly specified',                   a: 'Ambiguous target'},
  4  => { r: false, c: 'NO_SUCH_FILE',                m: 'No such file or directory',                      a: 'No such file or directory'},
  5  => { r: false, c: 'NO_PERMS',                    m: 'Insufficient permission to read or write',       a: 'Insufficient permissions'},
  6  => { r: false, c: 'NOT_DIR',                     m: 'Target is not a directory',                      a: 'Target must be a directory'},
  7  => { r: false, c: 'IS_DIR',                      m: 'File is a directory - expected regular file',    a: 'Expected regular file'},
  8  => { r: false, c: 'USAGE',                       m: 'Incorrect usage of scp command',                 a: 'Incorrect usage of Aspera scp command'},
  9  => { r: false, c: 'LIC_DUP',                     m: 'Duplicate license',                              a: 'Duplicate license'},
  10 => { r: false, c: 'LIC_RATE_EXCEEDED',           m: 'Rate exceeds the cap imposed by license',        a: 'Rate exceeds cap imposed by license'},
  11 => { r: false, c: 'INTERNAL_ERROR',              m: 'Internal error (unexpected error)',              a: 'Internal error'},
  12 => { r: true,  c: 'TRANSFER_ERROR',              m: 'Error establishing control connection',
                                                          a: 'Error establishing SSH connection (check SSH port and firewall)'},
  13 => { r: true,  c: 'TRANSFER_TIMEOUT',            m: 'Timeout establishing control connection',
                                                          a: 'Timeout establishing SSH connection (check SSH port and firewall)'},
  14 => { r: true,  c: 'CONNECTION_ERROR',            m: 'Error establishing data connection',
                                                          a: 'Error establishing UDP connection (check UDP port and firewall)'},
  15 => { r: true,  c: 'CONNECTION_TIMEOUT',          m: 'Timeout establishing data connection',
                                                          a: 'Timeout establishing UDP connection (check UDP port and firewall)'},
  16 => { r: true,  c: 'CONNECTION_LOST',             m: 'Connection lost',                                a: 'Connection lost'},
  17 => { r: true,  c: 'RCVR_SEND_ERROR',             m: 'Receiver fails to send feedback',                a: 'Network failure (receiver can\'t send feedback)'},
  18 => { r: true,  c: 'RCVR_RECV_ERROR',             m: 'Receiver fails to receive data packets',         a: 'Network failure (receiver can\'t receive UDP data)'},
  19 => { r: false, c: 'AUTH',                        m: 'Authentication failure',                         a: 'Authentication failure'},
  20 => { r: false, c: 'NOTHING',                     m: 'Nothing to transfer',                            a: 'Nothing to transfer'},
  21 => { r: false, c: 'NOT_REGULAR',                 m: 'Not a regular file (special file)',              a: 'Not a regular file'},
  22 => { r: false, c: 'FILE_TABLE_OVR',              m: 'File table overflow',                            a: 'File table overflow'},
  23 => { r: true,  c: 'TOO_MANY_FILES',              m: 'Too many files open',                            a: 'Too many files open'},
  24 => { r: false, c: 'FILE_TOO_BIG',                m: 'File too big for file system',                   a: 'File too big for filesystem'},
  25 => { r: false, c: 'NO_SPACE_LEFT',               m: 'No space left on disk',                          a: 'No space left on disk'},
  26 => { r: false, c: 'READ_ONLY_FS',                m: 'Read only file system',                          a: 'Read only filesystem'},
  27 => { r: false, c: 'SOME_FILE_ERRS',              m: 'Some individual files failed',                   a: 'One or more files failed'},
  28 => { r: false, c: 'USER_CANCEL',                 m: 'Cancelled by user',                              a: 'Cancelled by user'},
  29 => { r: false, c: 'LIC_NOLIC',                   m: 'License not found or unable to access',          a: 'Unable to access license info'},
  30 => { r: false, c: 'LIC_EXPIRED',                 m: 'License expired',                                a: 'License expired'},
  31 => { r: false, c: 'SOCK_SETUP',                  m: 'Unable to setup socket (create, bind, etc ...)', a: 'Unable to set up socket'},
  32 => { r: true,  c: 'OUT_OF_MEMORY',               m: 'Out of memory, unable to allocate',              a: 'Out of memory'},
  33 => { r: true,  c: 'THREAD_SPAWN',                m: 'Can\'t spawn thread',                            a: 'Unable to spawn thread'},
  34 => { r: false, c: 'UNAUTHORIZED',                m: 'Unauthorized by external auth server',           a: 'Unauthorized'},
  35 => { r: true,  c: 'DISK_READ',                   m: 'Error reading source file from disk',            a: 'Disk read error'},
  36 => { r: true,  c: 'DISK_WRITE',                  m: 'Error writing to disk',                          a: 'Disk write error'},
  37 => { r: true,  c: 'AUTHORIZATION',               m: 'Used interchangeably with ERR_UNAUTHORIZED',     a: 'Authorization failure'},
  38 => { r: false, c: 'LIC_ILLEGAL',                 m: 'Operation not permitted by license',             a: 'Operation not permitted by license'},
  39 => { r: true,  c: 'PEER_ABORTED_SESSION',        m: 'Remote peer terminated session',                 a: 'Peer aborted session'},
  40 => { r: true,  c: 'DATA_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT',       m: 'Transfer stalled, timed out',                    a: 'Data transfer stalled, timed out'},
  41 => { r: false, c: 'BAD_PATH',                    m: 'Path violates docroot containment',              a: 'File location is outside \'docroot\' hierarchy'},
  42 => { r: false, c: 'ALREADY_EXISTS',              m: 'File or directory already exists',               a: 'File or directory already exists'},
  43 => { r: false, c: 'STAT_FAILS',                  m: 'Cannot stat file',                               a: 'Cannot collect details about file or directory'},
  44 => { r: true,  c: 'PMTU_BRTT_ERROR',             m: 'UDP session initiation fatal error',             a: 'UDP session initiation fatal error'},
  45 => { r: true,  c: 'BWMEAS_ERROR',                m: 'Bandwidth measurement fatal error',              a: 'Bandwidth measurement fatal error'},
  46 => { r: false, c: 'VLINK_ERROR',                 m: 'Virtual link error',                             a: 'Virtual link error'},
  47 => { r: false, c: 'CONNECTION_ERROR_HTTP',       m: 'Error establishing HTTP connection',
                                                      a: 'Error establishing HTTP connection (check HTTP port and firewall)'},
  48 => { r: false, c: 'FILE_ENCRYPTION_ERROR',       m: 'File encryption error, e.g. corrupt file',
                                                      a: 'File encryption/decryption error, e.g. corrupt file'},
  49 => { r: false, c: 'FILE_DECRYPTION_PASS',        m: 'File encryption/decryption error, e.g. corrupt file', a: 'File decryption error, bad passphrase'},
  50 => { r: false, c: 'BAD_CONFIGURATION',           m: 'Aspera.conf contains invalid data and was rejected',  a: 'Invalid configuration'},
  51 => { r: false, c: 'INSECURE_CONNECTION',         m: 'Remote-host key check failure',                  a: 'Remote host is not who we expected'},
  52 => { r: false, c: 'START_VALIDATION_FAILED',     m: 'File start validation failed',                   a: 'File start validation failed'},
  53 => { r: false, c: 'STOP_VALIDATION_FAILED',      m: 'File stop validation failed',                    a: 'File stop validation failed'},
  54 => { r: false, c: 'THRESHOLD_VALIDATION_FAILED', m: 'File threshold validation failed',               a: 'File threshold validation failed'},
  55 => { r: false, c: 'FILEPATH_TOO_LONG',           m: 'File path/name too long for underlying file system', a: 'File path exceeds underlying file system limit'},
  56 => { r: false, c: 'ILLEGAL_CHARS_IN_PATH',       m: 'Windows path contains illegal characters',
                                                          a: 'Path being written to Windows file system contains illegal characters'},
  57 => { r: false, c: 'CHUNK_MUST_MATCH_ALIGNMENT',  m: 'Chunk size/start must be aligned with storage',  a: 'Chunk size/start must be aligned with storage'},
  58 => { r: false, c: 'VALIDATION_SESSION_ABORT',    m: 'Session aborted to due to validation error',     a: 'Session aborted to due validation error'},
  59 => { r: false, c: 'REMOTE_STORAGE_ERROR',        m: 'Remote storage errored',                         a: 'Remote storage errored'},
  60 => { r: false, c: 'LUA_SCRIPT_ABORTED_SESSION',  m: 'Session aborted due to Lua script abort',        a: 'Session aborted due to Lua script abort'},
  61 => { r: true,  c: 'SSEAR_RETRYABLE',             m: 'Transfer failed because of a retryable Encryption at Rest error',
                                                          a: 'Transfer failed because of a retryable Encryption at Rest error'},
  62 => { r: false, c: 'SSEAR_FATAL',                 m: 'Transfer failed because of a fatal Encryption at Rest error',
                                                          a: 'Transfer failed because of a fatal Encryption at Rest error'},
  63 => { r: false, c: 'LINK_LOOP',                   m: 'Path refers to a symbolic link loop',            a: 'Path refers to a symbolic link loop'},
  64 => { r: false, c: 'CANNOT_RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES', m: 'Can\'t rename a partial file',                   a: 'Can\'t rename a partial file.'},
  65 => { r: false, c: 'CIPHER_NON_COMPAT_FIPS',      m: 'Can\'t use this cipher with FIPS mode enabled',  a: 'Can\'t use this cipher with FIPS mode enabled'},
  66 => { r: false, c: 'PEER_REQUIRES_FIPS',          m: 'Peer rejects cipher due to FIPS mode enabled on peer',
                                                          a: 'Peer rejects cipher due to FIPS mode enabled on peer'}