Arcadia Power Rubocop Configuration

The arcadia_cops gem contains enabled and customized rubocop cops to check and enforce our style guide.


# Add to your gemfile
gem 'arcadia_cops'

Then setup your .rubocop.yml file per rubocop docs.


Add a new cop to the enabled.yml, bump the version, and put in a PR for review.

To see all cops including those that aren't enabled run bundle exec rubocop --show-cops.

WHen developing custom cops, make sure to add specs and run run bundle exec rspec before releasing.


Ensure you have bumped the version and run rake release to release to If this command appears to be hanging, it's probably expecting an OTP code for authentication. Updating rubygems (gem update --system) and bundler (bundle update --bundler) seem to fix this.


arcadia_cops also maintains the rubocop version to maintain parity across repos.