Allure Ruby Adaptor API

Yard Docs

This is a helper library containing the basics for any ruby-based Allure adaptor. Using it you can easily implement the adaptor for your favorite ruby testing library or you can just create the report of any other kind using the basic Allure terms.


Add the dependency to your Gemfile

 gem "allure-ruby-commons"


Following configuration options are supported:

    Allure.configure do |config|
      config.results_directory = "report/allure-results"
      config.clean_results_directory = true
      config.logging_level = Logger::INFO
      config.logger =$stdout, Logger::DEBUG)
      config.environment = "staging"

      # these are used for creating links to bugs or test cases where {} is replaced with keys of relevant items
      config.link_tms_pattern = "{}"
      config.link_issue_pattern = "{}"

      # additional metadata
      config.environment_properties = {
        custom_attribute: "foo"
      # categories.json
      config.categories ="my_custom_categories.json")

Getting the configuration object:


Allure execution environment

It is possible to set up custom allure environment which will be used as custom parameter environment in every test case. This is useful if you run same tests on different environments and generate single report. This way different runs are not put as retry. Environment can be configured in following ways:

  • via ALLURE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable
  • via configure method

Environment properties

To add additional environment information to the report it is possible to set configuration property environment_properties.

Option can be set to hash or block returning a hash:

# hash
config.environment_properties = {
        custom_attribute: "foo"

# lambda
config.environment_properties = -> { { custom_attributes: "foo"} }

Log level

Log level can be also configured via environment variable ALLURE_LOG_LEVEL which accepts one of the following values: DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL UNKNOWN.

Allure lifecycle

Reports are built using API defined in AllureLifecycle class and using allure specific entities defined in models. Example of building a simple test case can be seen in integration spec.

Convenience method Allure.lifecycle exists for getting thread specific allure lifecycle instance.

Additional methods in Allure exist to add various custom attributes to test report.

Allure.add_attachment(name: "attachment", source: "Some string", type: Allure::ContentType::TXT, test_case: false)
Allure.add_attachment(name: "attachment", source: "/path/to/test.txt", type: Allure::ContentType::TXT, test_case: false)
Allure.add_link(name: "Custom Url", url: "")


It is possible to mark method definitions to be automatically added to report as steps. The class just needs to extend AllureStepAnnotation and step method needs to be used before the method definition.

class TestHelper
  extend AllureStepAnnotation

  step("Singleton step")
  def self.class_method; end

  step("Standard step")
  def standard_method; end

JSON parsing

Internally, allure-ruby-common produces JSON files. To improve performance, oj gem is used for parsing and generating JSON files if it is available. Otherwise default ruby json implementation is used.