Class: ActiveMerchant::Billing::Gateway
- Inherits:
- Object
- ActiveMerchant::Billing::Gateway
- Includes:
- CreditCardFormatting, PostsData
- Defined in:
- lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb
The Gateway class is the base class for all ActiveMerchant gateway implementations.
The standard list of gateway functions that most concrete gateway subclasses implement is:
purchase(money, credit_card, options = {})
authorize(money, credit_card, options = {})
capture(money, authorization, options = {})
void(identification, options = {})
refund(money, identification, options = {})
verify(credit_card, options = {})
Some gateways also support features for storing credit cards:
store(credit_card, options = {})
unstore(identification, options = {})
Gateway Options
The options hash consists of the following options:
- The order number -
- The IP address of the customer making the purchase -
- The name, customer number, or other information that identifies the customer -
- The invoice number -
- The name or description of the merchant offering the product -
- A description of the transaction -
- The email address of the customer -
- The currency of the transaction. Only important when you are using a currency that is not the default with a gateway that supports multiple currencies. -
- A hash containing the billing address of the customer. -
- A hash containing the shipping address of the customer.
The :billing_address
, and :shipping_address
hashes can have the following keys:
- The full name of the customer. -
- The company name of the customer. -
- The primary street address of the customer. -
- Additional line of address information. -
- The city of the customer. -
- The state of the customer. The 2 digit code for US and Canadian addresses. The full name of the state or province for foreign addresses. -
- The [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code]( for the customer. -
- The zip or postal code of the customer. -
- The phone number of the customer.
Implementing new gateways
Direct Known Subclasses
AdyenGateway, AirwallexGateway, AleloGateway, AlliedWalletGateway, AuthorizeNetArbGateway, AuthorizeNetCimGateway, AuthorizeNetGateway, AxcessmsGateway, BalancedGateway, BamboraApacGateway, BankFrickGateway, BanwireGateway, BarclaycardSmartpayGateway, Be2billGateway, BeanstreamGateway, BeanstreamInteracGateway, BluePayGateway, BlueSnapGateway, BogusGateway, BorgunGateway, BpointGateway, BraintreeBlueGateway, BraintreeGateway, BridgePayGateway, CC5Gateway, CamsGateway, CardConnectGateway, CardStreamGateway, CardknoxGateway, CardprocessGateway, CashnetGateway, CecabankGateway, CecabankJsonGateway, CecabankXmlGateway, CenposGateway, CheckoutGateway, CheckoutV2Gateway, CitrusPayGateway, ClearhausGateway, CommerceHubGateway, CommercegateGateway, ConektaGateway, CreditcallGateway, CredoraxGateway, CtPaymentGateway, CulqiGateway, CyberSourceGateway, CyberSourceRestGateway, DLocalGateway, DataCashGateway, DatatransGateway, DecidirGateway, DecidirPlusGateway, DeepstackGateway, DibsGateway, DigitzsGateway, EbanxGateway, EfsnetGateway, ElavonGateway, ElementGateway, EpayGateway, EvoCaGateway, EwayGateway, EwayManagedGateway, EwayRapidGateway, ExactGateway, EzicGateway, FatZebraGateway, FederatedCanadaGateway, FirstGivingGateway, FirstPayGateway, FirstPayJsonGateway, FirstPayXmlGateway, FirstdataE4Gateway, FirstdataE4V27Gateway, FlexChargeGateway, Flo2cashGateway, ForteGateway, GarantiGateway, GlobalCollectGateway, GlobalTransportGateway, HdfcGateway, HiPayGateway, HpsGateway, IatsPaymentsGateway, InspireGateway, InstapayGateway, IpgGateway, IppGateway, IridiumGateway, ItransactGateway, IveriGateway, IxopayGateway, JetpayGateway, JetpayV2Gateway, KomojuGateway, KushkiGateway, Latitude19Gateway, LinkpointGateway, LitleGateway, MaxipagoGateway, MercadoPagoGateway, MerchantESolutionsGateway, MerchantOneGateway, MerchantPartnersGateway, MerchantWareGateway, MerchantWareVersionFourGateway, MerchantWarriorGateway, MercuryGateway, MetricsGlobalGateway, MicropaymentGateway, MigsGateway, MitGateway, ModernPaymentsCimGateway, ModernPaymentsGateway, MokaGateway, MoneiGateway, MonerisGateway, MoneyMoversGateway, MundipaggGateway, NabTransactGateway, NcrSecurePayGateway, NetRegistryGateway, NetaxeptGateway, NetbanxGateway, NetbillingGateway, NetpayGateway, NetworkMerchantsGateway, NmiGateway, OgoneGateway, OmiseGateway, OpenpayGateway, OppGateway, OptimalPaymentGateway, OrbitalGateway, PacNetRavenGateway, PagarmeGateway, PagoFacilGateway, PayArcGateway, PayConexGateway, PayGateXmlGateway, PayHubGateway, PayJunctionGateway, PayJunctionV2Gateway, PaySecureGateway, PayTraceGateway, PayboxDirectGateway, PayeezyGateway, PayexGateway, PayflowExpressGateway, PayflowGateway, PaymentExpressGateway, PaymentezGateway, PaymillGateway, PaypalExpressGateway, PaypalGateway, PaysafeGateway, PayscoutGateway, PaystationGateway, PayuInGateway, PayuLatamGateway, PaywayDotComGateway, PaywayGateway, PinGateway, PlexoGateway, PlugnpayGateway, PriorityGateway, ProPayGateway, PsigateGateway, PslCardGateway, QbmsGateway, QuantumGateway, QuickbooksGateway, QuickpayGateway, QuickpayV10Gateway, QuickpayV4to7Gateway, QvalentGateway, RapydGateway, ReachGateway, RealexGateway, RedsysGateway, RedsysRestGateway, S5Gateway, SafeChargeGateway, SageGateway, SagePayGateway, SallieMaeGateway, SecureNetGateway, SecurePayAuGateway, SecurePayGateway, SecurePayTechGateway, SecurionPayGateway, Shift4Gateway, SimetrikGateway, SkipJackGateway, SmartPs, SoEasyPayGateway, SpreedlyCoreGateway, StripeGateway, SumUpGateway, SwipeCheckoutGateway, TelrGateway, TnsGateway, TransFirstGateway, TransFirstTransactionExpressGateway, TransactProGateway, TrexleGateway, TrustCommerceGateway, UsaEpayAdvancedGateway, UsaEpayGateway, UsaEpayTransactionGateway, VancoGateway, VantivExpressGateway, VerifiGateway, ViaklixGateway, VisanetPeruGateway, VposGateway, WepayGateway, WirecardGateway, WompiGateway, WorldNetGateway, WorldpayGateway, WorldpayOnlinePaymentsGateway, WorldpayUsGateway, XpayGateway
Constant Summary collapse
'Support for using credit to refund existing transactions is deprecated and will be removed from a future release of ActiveMerchant. Please use the refund method instead.'
'Recurring functionality in ActiveMerchant is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please contact the ActiveMerchant maintainers if you have an interest in taking ownership of a separate gem that continues support for it.'
Standardized Error Codes
:incorrect_number - Card number does not comply with ISO/IEC 7812 numbering standard :invalid_number - Card number was not matched by processor :invalid_expiry_date - Expiry date does not match correct formatting :invalid_cvc - Security codes does not match correct format (3-4 digits) :expired_card - Card number is expired :incorrect_cvc - Security code was not matched by the processor :incorrect_zip - Zip code is not in correct format :incorrect_address - Billing address info was not matched by the processor :incorrect_pin - Card PIN is incorrect :card_declined - Card number declined by processor :processing_error - Processor error :call_issuer - Transaction requires voice authentication, call issuer :pickup_card - Issuer requests that you pickup the card from merchant :test_mode_live_card - Card was declined. Request was in test mode, but used a non test card. :unsupported_feature - Transaction failed due to gateway or merchant
configuration not supporting a feature used, such as network tokenization.
{ incorrect_number: 'incorrect_number', invalid_number: 'invalid_number', invalid_expiry_date: 'invalid_expiry_date', invalid_cvc: 'invalid_cvc', expired_card: 'expired_card', incorrect_cvc: 'incorrect_cvc', incorrect_zip: 'incorrect_zip', incorrect_address: 'incorrect_address', incorrect_pin: 'incorrect_pin', card_declined: 'card_declined', processing_error: 'processing_error', call_issuer: 'call_issuer', pickup_card: 'pick_up_card', config_error: 'config_error', test_mode_live_card: 'test_mode_live_card', unsupported_feature: 'unsupported_feature', invalid_amount: 'invalid_amount' }
- @@implementations =
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute options.
Class Method Summary collapse
- .card_brand(source) ⇒ Object
- .inherited(subclass) ⇒ Object
- .supported_countries ⇒ Object
- .supported_countries=(country_codes) ⇒ Object
.supports?(card_type) ⇒ Boolean
Use this method to check if your gateway of interest supports a credit card of some type.
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #add_field_to_post_if_present(post, options, field) ⇒ Object
- #add_fields_to_post_if_present(post, options, fields) ⇒ Object
- #card_brand(source) ⇒ Object
- #generate_unique_id ⇒ Object
#initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Gateway
Initialize a new gateway.
- #scrub(transcript) ⇒ Object
- #supported_countries ⇒ Object
- #supports_network_tokenization? ⇒ Boolean
#supports_scrubbing? ⇒ Boolean
Does this gateway know how to scrub sensitive information out of HTTP transcripts?.
#test? ⇒ Boolean
Are we running in test mode?.
Methods included from CreditCardFormatting
#expdate, #format, #strftime_yyyymm
Methods included from PostsData
included, #raw_ssl_request, #ssl_get, #ssl_post, #ssl_request
Constructor Details
#initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Gateway
Initialize a new gateway.
See the documentation for the gateway you will be using to make sure there are no other required options.
181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 181 def initialize( = {}) @options = end |
Instance Attribute Details
#options ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute options.
146 147 148 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 146 def @options end |
Class Method Details
.card_brand(source) ⇒ Object
153 154 155 156 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 153 def self.card_brand(source) result = source.respond_to?(:brand) ? source.brand : source.type result.to_s.downcase end |
.inherited(subclass) ⇒ Object
105 106 107 108 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 105 def self.inherited(subclass) super @@implementations << subclass end |
.supported_countries ⇒ Object
165 166 167 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 165 def self.supported_countries @supported_countries ||= (self.superclass.supported_countries || []) end |
.supported_countries=(country_codes) ⇒ Object
158 159 160 161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 158 def self.supported_countries=(country_codes) country_codes.each do |country_code| raise ActiveMerchant::InvalidCountryCodeError, "No country could be found for the country #{country_code}" unless ActiveMerchant::Country.find(country_code) end @supported_countries = country_codes.dup end |
.supports?(card_type) ⇒ Boolean
Use this method to check if your gateway of interest supports a credit card of some type
149 150 151 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 149 def self.supports?(card_type) supported_cardtypes.include?(card_type.to_sym) end |
Instance Method Details
#add_field_to_post_if_present(post, options, field) ⇒ Object
209 210 211 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 209 def add_field_to_post_if_present(post, , field) post[field] = [field] if [field] end |
#add_fields_to_post_if_present(post, options, fields) ⇒ Object
203 204 205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 203 def add_fields_to_post_if_present(post, , fields) fields.each do |field| add_field_to_post_if_present(post, , field) end end |
#card_brand(source) ⇒ Object
173 174 175 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 173 def card_brand(source) self.class.card_brand(source) end |
#generate_unique_id ⇒ Object
110 111 112 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 110 def generate_unique_id SecureRandom.hex(16) end |
#scrub(transcript) ⇒ Object
195 196 197 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 195 def scrub(transcript) raise 'This gateway does not support scrubbing.' end |
#supported_countries ⇒ Object
169 170 171 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 169 def supported_countries self.class.supported_countries end |
#supports_network_tokenization? ⇒ Boolean
199 200 201 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 199 def supports_network_tokenization? false end |
#supports_scrubbing? ⇒ Boolean
Does this gateway know how to scrub sensitive information out of HTTP transcripts?
191 192 193 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateway.rb', line 191 def supports_scrubbing? false end |