Class: ActionView::Base
- Inherits:
- Object
- ActionView::Base
- Defined in:
- lib/action_view/base.rb
Action View Base
Action View templates can be written in several ways. If the template file has a .erb
extension, then it uses the erubi template system which can embed Ruby into an HTML document. If the template file has a .builder
extension, then Jim Weirich's Builder::XmlMarkup library is used.
You trigger ERB by using embeddings such as <% %>
, <% -%>
, and <%= %>
. The <%= %>
tag set is used when you want output. Consider the following loop for names:
<b>Names of all the people</b>
<% @people.each do |person| %>
Name: <%= %><br/>
<% end %>
The loop is setup in regular embedding tags <% %>
, and the name is written using the output embedding tag <%= %>
. Note that this is not just a usage suggestion. Regular output functions like print or puts won't work with ERB templates. So this would be wrong:
<%# WRONG %>
Hi, Mr. <% puts "Frodo" %>
If you absolutely must write from within a function use concat
When on a line that only contains whitespaces except for the tag, <% %>
suppresses leading and trailing whitespace, including the trailing newline. <% %>
and <%- -%>
are the same. Note however that <%= %>
and <%= -%>
are different: only the latter removes trailing whitespaces.
Using sub templates
Using sub templates allows you to sidestep tedious replication and extract common display structures in shared templates. The classic example is the use of a header and footer (even though the Action Pack-way would be to use Layouts):
<%= render "shared/header" %>
Something really specific and terrific
<%= render "shared/footer" %>
As you see, we use the output embeddings for the render methods. The render call itself will just return a string holding the result of the rendering. The output embedding writes it to the current template.
But you don't have to restrict yourself to static includes. Templates can share variables amongst themselves by using instance variables defined using the regular embedding tags. Like this:
<% @page_title = "A Wonderful Hello" %>
<%= render "shared/header" %>
Now the header can pick up on the @page_title
variable and use it for outputting a title tag:
<title><%= @page_title %></title>
Passing local variables to sub templates
You can pass local variables to sub templates by using a hash with the variable names as keys and the objects as values:
<%= render "shared/header", { headline: "Welcome", person: person } %>
These can now be accessed in shared/header
Headline: <%= headline %>
First name: <%= person.first_name %>
The local variables passed to sub templates can be accessed as a hash using the local_assigns
hash. This lets you access the variables as:
Headline: <%= local_assigns[:headline] %>
This is useful in cases where you aren't sure if the local variable has been assigned. Alternatively, you could also use defined? headline
to first check if the variable has been assigned before using it.
Template caching
By default, Rails will compile each template to a method in order to render it. When you alter a template, Rails will check the file's modification time and recompile it in development mode.
Builder templates are a more programmatic alternative to ERB. They are especially useful for generating XML content. An XmlMarkup object named xml
is automatically made available to templates with a .builder
Here are some basic examples:
xml.em("emphasized") # => <em>emphasized</em>
xml.em { xml.b("emph & bold") } # => <em><b>emph & bold</b></em>
xml.a("A Link", "href" => "") # => <a href="">A Link</a>"name" => "compile", "option" => "fast") # => <target option="fast" name="compile"\>
# NOTE: order of attributes is not specified.
Any method with a block will be treated as an XML markup tag with nested markup in the block. For example, the following:
xml.div do
would produce something like:
<h1>David Heinemeier Hansson</h1>
<p>A product of Danish Design during the Winter of '79...</p>
Here is a full-length RSS example actually used on Basecamp:
xml.rss("version" => "2.0", "xmlns:dc" => "") do do
xml.description "Basecamp: Recent items"
xml.language "en-us"
xml.ttl "40"
@recent_items.each do |item|
xml.item do
xml.description(item_description(item)) if item_description(item)
xml.guid(@person.firm.account.url + @recent_items.url(item)) + @recent_items.url(item))
xml.tag!("dc:creator", item.) if item_has_creator?(item)
For more information on Builder please consult the source code.
Constant Summary
Constants included from Helpers::UrlHelper
Constants included from Helpers::TagHelper
Helpers::TagHelper::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES, Helpers::TagHelper::PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS, Helpers::TagHelper::TAG_PREFIXES
Constants included from Helpers::JavaScriptHelper
Constants included from RecordIdentifier
RecordIdentifier::JOIN, RecordIdentifier::NEW
Constants included from Helpers::DateHelper
Constants included from Helpers::ControllerHelper
Constants included from Helpers::AssetUrlHelper
Helpers::AssetUrlHelper::ASSET_EXTENSIONS, Helpers::AssetUrlHelper::ASSET_PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES, Helpers::AssetUrlHelper::URI_REGEXP
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#view_renderer ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute view_renderer.
Attributes included from Context
Class Method Summary collapse
- .cache_template_loading ⇒ Object
- .cache_template_loading=(value) ⇒ Object
.xss_safe? ⇒ Boolean
Instance Method Summary collapse
#assign(new_assigns) ⇒ Object
#initialize(context = nil, assigns = {}, controller = nil, formats = nil) ⇒ Base
Methods included from Helpers
Methods included from Helpers::UrlHelper
#button_to, #current_page?, #link_to, #link_to_if, #link_to_unless, #link_to_unless_current, #mail_to, #url_for
Methods included from Helpers::TagHelper
#cdata_section, #content_tag, #escape_once, #tag
Methods included from Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
#raw, #safe_join, #to_sentence
Methods included from Helpers::CaptureHelper
#capture, #content_for, #content_for?, #provide, #with_output_buffer
Methods included from Helpers::TranslationHelper
Methods included from Helpers::TextHelper
#concat, #current_cycle, #cycle, #excerpt, #highlight, #pluralize, #reset_cycle, #safe_concat, #simple_format, #truncate, #word_wrap
Methods included from Helpers::SanitizeHelper
#sanitize, #sanitize_css, #strip_links, #strip_tags
Methods included from Helpers::RenderingHelper
Methods included from Helpers::RecordTagHelper
Methods included from Helpers::NumberHelper
#number_to_currency, #number_to_human, #number_to_human_size, #number_to_percentage, #number_to_phone, #number_with_delimiter, #number_with_precision
Methods included from Helpers::JavaScriptHelper
#escape_javascript, #javascript_cdata_section, #javascript_tag
Methods included from Helpers::FormTagHelper
#button_tag, #check_box_tag, #color_field_tag, #date_field_tag, #datetime_field_tag, #email_field_tag, #field_set_tag, #file_field_tag, #form_tag, #hidden_field_tag, #image_submit_tag, #label_tag, #month_field_tag, #number_field_tag, #password_field_tag, #radio_button_tag, #range_field_tag, #search_field_tag, #select_tag, #submit_tag, #telephone_field_tag, #text_area_tag, #text_field_tag, #time_field_tag, #url_field_tag, #utf8_enforcer_tag, #week_field_tag
Methods included from Helpers::FormOptionsHelper
#collection_check_boxes, #collection_radio_buttons, #collection_select, #grouped_collection_select, #grouped_options_for_select, #option_groups_from_collection_for_select, #options_for_select, #options_from_collection_for_select, #select, #time_zone_options_for_select, #time_zone_select
Methods included from Helpers::FormHelper
#check_box, #color_field, #date_field, #datetime_field, #email_field, #fields, #fields_for, #file_field, #form_for, #form_with, #hidden_field, #label, #month_field, #number_field, #password_field, #radio_button, #range_field, #search_field, #telephone_field, #text_area, #text_field, #time_field, #url_field, #week_field
Methods included from RecordIdentifier
Methods included from ModelNaming
#convert_to_model, #model_name_from_record_or_class
Methods included from Helpers::DebugHelper
Methods included from Helpers::DateHelper
#date_select, #datetime_select, #distance_of_time_in_words, #select_date, #select_datetime, #select_day, #select_hour, #select_minute, #select_month, #select_second, #select_time, #select_year, #time_ago_in_words, #time_select, #time_tag
Methods included from Helpers::CsrfHelper
Methods included from Helpers::CspHelper
Methods included from Helpers::ControllerHelper
#assign_controller, #logger, #respond_to?
Methods included from Helpers::CacheHelper
#cache, #cache_fragment_name, #cache_if, #cache_unless
Methods included from Helpers::AtomFeedHelper
Methods included from Helpers::AssetUrlHelper
#asset_path, #asset_url, #audio_path, #audio_url, #compute_asset_extname, #compute_asset_host, #compute_asset_path, #font_path, #font_url, #image_path, #image_url, #javascript_path, #javascript_url, #stylesheet_path, #stylesheet_url, #video_path, #video_url
Methods included from Helpers::AssetTagHelper
#audio_tag, #auto_discovery_link_tag, #favicon_link_tag, #image_alt, #image_tag, #javascript_include_tag, #preload_link_tag, #stylesheet_link_tag, #video_tag
Methods included from Context
#_layout_for, #_prepare_context
Constructor Details
#initialize(context = nil, assigns = {}, controller = nil, formats = nil) ⇒ Base
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 |
# File 'lib/action_view/base.rb', line 194 def initialize(context = nil, assigns = {}, controller = nil, formats = nil) #:nodoc: @_config = if context.is_a?(ActionView::Renderer) @view_renderer = context else lookup_context = context.is_a?(ActionView::LookupContext) ? context : lookup_context.formats = formats if formats lookup_context.prefixes = controller._prefixes if controller @view_renderer = end @cache_hit = {} assign(assigns) assign_controller(controller) _prepare_context end |
Instance Attribute Details
#view_renderer ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute view_renderer.
184 185 186 |
# File 'lib/action_view/base.rb', line 184 def view_renderer @view_renderer end |
Class Method Details
.cache_template_loading ⇒ Object
171 172 173 |
# File 'lib/action_view/base.rb', line 171 def cache_template_loading ActionView::Resolver.caching? end |
.cache_template_loading=(value) ⇒ Object
175 176 177 |
# File 'lib/action_view/base.rb', line 175 def cache_template_loading=(value) ActionView::Resolver.caching = value end |
.xss_safe? ⇒ Boolean
179 180 181 |
# File 'lib/action_view/base.rb', line 179 def xss_safe? #:nodoc: true end |
Instance Method Details
#assign(new_assigns) ⇒ Object
190 191 192 |
# File 'lib/action_view/base.rb', line 190 def assign(new_assigns) # :nodoc: @_assigns = new_assigns.each { |key, value| instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) } end |