Class: ActionController::Parameters
- Inherits:
- Object
- ActionController::Parameters
- Includes:
- ActiveSupport::DeepMergeable
- Defined in:
- lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb
# Action Controller Parameters
Allows you to choose which attributes should be permitted for mass updating and thus prevent accidentally exposing that which shouldn’t be exposed.
Provides methods for filtering and requiring params:
‘expect` to safely permit and require parameters in one step.
‘permit` to filter params for mass assignment.
‘require` to require a parameter or raise an error.
params ={
person: { name: "Francesco", age: 22, role: "admin" }
permitted = params.expect(person: [:name, :age]) permitted # => #<ActionController::Parameters “age”=>22 permitted: true>
Person.first.update!(permitted) # => #<Person id: 1, name: “Francesco”, age: 22, role: “user”>
Paramaters provides two options that control the top-level behavior of new instances:
‘permit_all_parameters` - If it’s ‘true`, all the parameters will be permitted by default. The default is `false`.
‘action_on_unpermitted_parameters` - Controls behavior when parameters that are not explicitly permitted are found. The default value is `:log` in test and development environments, `false` otherwise. The values can be:
‘false` to take no action.
‘:log` to emit an `ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument` event on the `unpermitted_parameters.action_controller` topic and log at the DEBUG level.
‘:raise` to raise an ActionController::UnpermittedParameters exception.
params =
params.permitted? # => false
ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true
params =
params.permitted? # => true
params = "123", b: "456")
# => #<ActionController::Parameters {} permitted: true>
ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise
params = "123", b: "456")
# => ActionController::UnpermittedParameters: found unpermitted keys: a, b
Please note that these options *are not thread-safe*. In a multi-threaded environment they should only be set once at boot-time and never mutated at runtime.
You can fetch values of ‘ActionController::Parameters` using either `:key` or `“key”`.
params = "value")
params[:key] # => "value"
params["key"] # => "value"
Class Method Summary collapse
- .allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality ⇒ Object
- .allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality=(value) ⇒ Object
.hook_into_yaml_loading ⇒ Object
.nested_attribute?(key, value) ⇒ Boolean
Instance Method Summary collapse
#==(other) ⇒ Object
Returns true if another ‘Parameters` object contains the same content and permitted flag.
#[](key) ⇒ Object
Returns a parameter for the given ‘key`.
#[]=(key, value) ⇒ Object
Assigns a value to a given ‘key`.
#compact ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with `nil` values removed.
#compact! ⇒ Object
Removes all ‘nil` values in place and returns `self`, or `nil` if no changes were made.
#compact_blank ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance without the blank values.
#compact_blank! ⇒ Object
Removes all blank values in place and returns self.
#converted_arrays ⇒ Object
Attribute that keeps track of converted arrays, if any, to avoid double looping in the common use case permit + mass-assignment.
#deep_dup ⇒ Object
Returns a duplicate ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with the same permitted parameters.
#deep_merge?(other_hash) ⇒ Boolean
#deep_transform_keys(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with the results of running `block` once for every key.
#deep_transform_keys!(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns the same ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with changed keys.
#delete(key, &block) ⇒ Object
Deletes a key-value pair from ‘Parameters` and returns the value.
#dig(*keys) ⇒ Object
Extracts the nested parameter from the given ‘keys` by calling `dig` at each step.
#each_pair(&block) ⇒ Object
(also: #each)
Convert all hashes in values into parameters, then yield each pair in the same way as ‘Hash#each_pair`.
#each_value(&block) ⇒ Object
Convert all hashes in values into parameters, then yield each value in the same way as ‘Hash#each_value`.
#encode_with(coder) ⇒ Object
- #eql?(other) ⇒ Boolean
#except(*keys) ⇒ Object
(also: #without)
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance that filters out the given `keys`.
#expect(*filters) ⇒ Object
‘expect` is the preferred way to require and permit parameters.
#expect!(*filters) ⇒ Object
Same as ‘expect`, but raises an `ActionController::ExpectedParameterMissing` instead of `ActionController::ParameterMissing`.
#extract!(*keys) ⇒ Object
Removes and returns the key/value pairs matching the given keys.
#extract_value(key, delimiter: "_") ⇒ Object
Returns parameter value for the given ‘key` separated by `delimiter`.
#fetch(key, *args) ⇒ Object
Returns a parameter for the given ‘key`.
#has_value?(value) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #value?)
Returns true if the given value is present for some key in the parameters.
- #hash ⇒ Object
#init_with(coder) ⇒ Object
#initialize(parameters = {}, logging_context = {}) ⇒ Parameters
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance.
- #inspect ⇒ Object
#keys ⇒ Object
:method: to_s.
#merge(other_hash) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with all keys from `other_hash` merged into current hash.
#merge!(other_hash, &block) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: merge!(other_hash).
#permit(*filters) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance that includes only the given `filters` and sets the `permitted` attribute for the object to `true`.
#permit! ⇒ Object
Sets the ‘permitted` attribute to `true`.
#permitted? ⇒ Boolean
Returns ‘true` if the parameter is permitted, `false` otherwise.
#reject(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with items that the block evaluates to true removed.
#reject!(&block) ⇒ Object
(also: #delete_if)
Removes items that the block evaluates to true and returns self.
#require(key) ⇒ Object
(also: #required)
This method accepts both a single key and an array of keys.
#reverse_merge(other_hash) ⇒ Object
(also: #with_defaults)
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with all keys from current hash merged into `other_hash`.
#reverse_merge!(other_hash) ⇒ Object
(also: #with_defaults!)
Returns the current ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with current hash merged into `other_hash`.
#select(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with only items that the block evaluates to true.
#select!(&block) ⇒ Object
(also: #keep_if)
Equivalent to Hash#keep_if, but returns ‘nil` if no changes were made.
#slice(*keys) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance that includes only the given `keys`.
#slice!(*keys) ⇒ Object
Returns the current ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance which contains only the given `keys`.
#stringify_keys ⇒ Object
This is required by ActiveModel attribute assignment, so that user can pass ‘Parameters` to a mass assignment methods in a model.
#to_h(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a safe ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess representation of the parameters with all unpermitted keys removed.
#to_hash ⇒ Object
Returns a safe ‘Hash` representation of the parameters with all unpermitted keys removed.
#to_query(*args) ⇒ Object
(also: #to_param)
Returns a string representation of the receiver suitable for use as a URL query string:.
#to_unsafe_h ⇒ Object
(also: #to_unsafe_hash)
Returns an unsafe, unfiltered ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess representation of the parameters.
#transform_keys(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with the results of running `block` once for every key.
#transform_keys!(&block) ⇒ Object
Performs keys transformation and returns the altered ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance.
#transform_values ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with the results of running `block` once for every value.
#transform_values! ⇒ Object
Performs values transformation and returns the altered ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance.
#values ⇒ Object
Returns a new array of the values of the parameters.
#values_at(*keys) ⇒ Object
Returns values that were assigned to the given ‘keys`.
Constructor Details
#initialize(parameters = {}, logging_context = {}) ⇒ Parameters
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance. Also, sets the `permitted` attribute to the default value of `ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters`.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
params = "Francesco")
params.permitted? # => false # => ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError
ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true
params = "Francesco")
params.permitted? # => true # => #<Person id: nil, name: "Francesco">
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 300 def initialize(parameters = {}, logging_context = {}) parameters.each_key do |key| unless key.is_a?(String) || key.is_a?(Symbol) raise InvalidParameterKey, "all keys must be Strings or Symbols, got: #{key.class}" end end @parameters = parameters.with_indifferent_access @logging_context = logging_context @permitted = self.class.permit_all_parameters end |
Class Method Details
.allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality ⇒ Object
265 266 267 268 269 270 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 265 def allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality ActionController.deprecator.warn <<-WARNING.squish `Rails.application.config.action_controller.allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality` is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 8.0. WARNING end |
.allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality=(value) ⇒ Object
272 273 274 275 276 277 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 272 def allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality=(value) ActionController.deprecator.warn <<-WARNING.squish `Rails.application.config.action_controller.allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality` is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 8.0. WARNING end |
.hook_into_yaml_loading ⇒ Object
1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1072 def self.hook_into_yaml_loading # :nodoc: # Wire up YAML format compatibility with Rails 4.2 and Psych 2.0.8 and 2.0.9+. # Makes the YAML parser call `init_with` when it encounters the keys below # instead of trying its own parsing routines. YAML.["!ruby/hash-with-ivars:ActionController::Parameters"] = name YAML.["!ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters"] = name end |
.nested_attribute?(key, value) ⇒ Boolean
279 280 281 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 279 def nested_attribute?(key, value) # :nodoc: /\A-?\d+\z/.match?(key) && (value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Parameters)) end |
Instance Method Details
#==(other) ⇒ Object
Returns true if another ‘Parameters` object contains the same content and permitted flag.
314 315 316 317 318 319 320 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 314 def ==(other) if other.respond_to?(:permitted?) permitted? == other.permitted? && parameters == other.parameters else super end end |
#[](key) ⇒ Object
Returns a parameter for the given ‘key`. If not found, returns `nil`.
params = { name: "Francesco" })
params[:person] # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"name"=>"Francesco"} permitted: false>
params[:none] # => nil
810 811 812 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 810 def [](key) convert_hashes_to_parameters(key, @parameters[key]) end |
#[]=(key, value) ⇒ Object
Assigns a value to a given ‘key`. The given key may still get filtered out when #permit is called.
816 817 818 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 816 def []=(key, value) @parameters[key] = value end |
#compact ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with `nil` values removed.
987 988 989 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 987 def compact new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status(@parameters.compact) end |
#compact! ⇒ Object
Removes all ‘nil` values in place and returns `self`, or `nil` if no changes were made.
993 994 995 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 993 def compact! self if @parameters.compact! end |
#compact_blank ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance without the blank values. Uses Object#blank? for determining if a value is blank.
999 1000 1001 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 999 def compact_blank reject { |_k, v| v.blank? } end |
#compact_blank! ⇒ Object
Removes all blank values in place and returns self. Uses Object#blank? for determining if a value is blank.
1005 1006 1007 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1005 def compact_blank! reject! { |_k, v| v.blank? } end |
#converted_arrays ⇒ Object
Attribute that keeps track of converted arrays, if any, to avoid double looping in the common use case permit + mass-assignment. Defined in a method to instantiate it only if needed.
Testing membership still loops, but it’s going to be faster than our own loop that converts values. Also, we are not going to build a new array object per fetch.
448 449 450 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 448 def converted_arrays @converted_arrays ||= end |
#deep_dup ⇒ Object
Returns a duplicate ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with the same permitted parameters.
1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1105 def deep_dup, @logging_context).tap do |duplicate| duplicate.permitted = @permitted end end |
#deep_merge?(other_hash) ⇒ Boolean
1040 1041 1042 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1040 def deep_merge?(other_hash) # :nodoc: other_hash.is_a?(ActiveSupport::DeepMergeable) end |
#deep_transform_keys(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with the results of running `block` once for every key. This includes the keys from the root hash and from all nested hashes and arrays. The values are unchanged.
937 938 939 940 941 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 937 def deep_transform_keys(&block) new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status( _deep_transform_keys_in_object(@parameters, &block).to_unsafe_h ) end |
#deep_transform_keys!(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns the same ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with changed keys. This includes the keys from the root hash and from all nested hashes and arrays. The values are unchanged.
946 947 948 949 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 946 def deep_transform_keys!(&block) @parameters = _deep_transform_keys_in_object(@parameters, &block).to_unsafe_h self end |
#delete(key, &block) ⇒ Object
Deletes a key-value pair from ‘Parameters` and returns the value. If `key` is not found, returns `nil` (or, with optional code block, yields `key` and returns the result). This method is similar to #extract!, which returns the corresponding `ActionController::Parameters` object.
955 956 957 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 955 def delete(key, &block) convert_value_to_parameters(@parameters.delete(key, &block)) end |
#dig(*keys) ⇒ Object
Extracts the nested parameter from the given ‘keys` by calling `dig` at each step. Returns `nil` if any intermediate step is `nil`.
params = { bar: { baz: 1 } })
params.dig(:foo, :bar, :baz) # => 1
params.dig(:foo, :zot, :xyz) # => nil
params2 = [10, 11, 12])
params2.dig(:foo, 1) # => 11
854 855 856 857 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 854 def dig(*keys) convert_hashes_to_parameters(keys.first, @parameters[keys.first]) @parameters.dig(*keys) end |
#each_pair(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: each
Convert all hashes in values into parameters, then yield each pair in the same way as ‘Hash#each_pair`.
415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 415 def each_pair(&block) return to_enum(__callee__) unless block_given? @parameters.each_pair do |key, value| yield [key, convert_hashes_to_parameters(key, value)] end self end |
#each_value(&block) ⇒ Object
Convert all hashes in values into parameters, then yield each value in the same way as ‘Hash#each_value`.
427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 427 def each_value(&block) return to_enum(:each_value) unless block_given? @parameters.each_pair do |key, value| yield convert_hashes_to_parameters(key, value) end self end |
#encode_with(coder) ⇒ Object
1099 1100 1101 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1099 def encode_with(coder) # :nodoc: = { "parameters" => @parameters, "permitted" => @permitted } end |
#eql?(other) ⇒ Boolean
322 323 324 325 326 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 322 def eql?(other) self.class == other.class && permitted? == other.permitted? && parameters.eql?(other.parameters) end |
#except(*keys) ⇒ Object Also known as: without
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance that filters out the given `keys`.
params = 1, b: 2, c: 3)
params.except(:a, :b) # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"c"=>3} permitted: false>
params.except(:d) # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3} permitted: false>
882 883 884 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 882 def except(*keys) new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status(@parameters.except(*keys)) end |
#expect(*filters) ⇒ Object
‘expect` is the preferred way to require and permit parameters. It is safer than the previous recommendation to call `permit` and `require` in sequence, which could allow user triggered 500 errors.
‘expect` is more strict with types to avoid a number of potential pitfalls that may be encountered with the `.require.permit` pattern.
For example:
params = { text: "hello" })
params.expect(comment: [:text])
# => #<ActionController::Parameters { text: "hello" } permitted: true>
params = [{ text: "hello" }, { text: "world" }])
params.expect(comment: [:text])
# => ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: comment
In order to permit an array of parameters, the array must be defined explicitly. Use double array brackets, an array inside an array, to declare that an array of parameters is expected.
params = [{ text: "hello" }, { text: "world" }])
params.expect(comments: [[:text]])
# => [#<ActionController::Parameters { "text" => "hello" } permitted: true>,
# #<ActionController::Parameters { "text" => "world" } permitted: true>]
params = { text: "hello" })
params.expect(comments: [[:text]])
# => ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: comments
‘expect` is intended to protect against array tampering.
params = "hack")
# The previous way of requiring and permitting parameters will error
params.require(:user).permit(:name, pets: [:name]) # wrong
# => NoMethodError: undefined method `permit' for an instance of String
# similarly with nested parameters
params = { name: "Martin", pets: { name: "hack" } })
user_params = params.require(:user).permit(:name, pets: [:name]) # wrong
# user_params[:pets] is expected to be an array but is a hash
‘expect` solves this by being more strict with types.
params = "hack")
params.expect(user: [ :name, pets: [[:name]] ])
# => ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: user
# with nested parameters
params = { name: "Martin", pets: { name: "hack" } })
user_params = params.expect(user: [:name, pets: [[:name]] ])
user_params[:pets] # => nil
As the examples show, ‘expect` requires the `:user` key, and any root keys similar to the `.require.permit` pattern. If multiple root keys are expected, they will all be required.
params = "Martin", pies: [{ type: "dessert", flavor: "pumpkin"}])
name, pies = params.expect(:name, pies: [[:type, :flavor]])
name # => "Martin"
pies # => [#<ActionController::Parameters {"type"=>"dessert", "flavor"=>"pumpkin"} permitted: true>]
When called with a hash with multiple keys, ‘expect` will permit the parameters and require the keys in the order they are given in the hash, returning an array of the permitted parameters.
params = { name: "Martin" }, object: { pie: "pumpkin" })
subject, object = params.expect(subject: [:name], object: [:pie])
subject # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"name"=>"Martin"} permitted: true>
object # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"pie"=>"pumpkin"} permitted: true>
Besides being more strict about array vs hash params, ‘expect` uses permit internally, so it will behave similarly.
params ={
person: {
name: "Francesco",
age: 22,
pets: [{
name: "Purplish",
category: "dogs"
permitted = params.expect(person: [ :name, { pets: [[:name]] } ])
permitted.permitted? # => true
permitted[:name] # => "Francesco"
permitted[:age] # => nil
permitted[:pets][0][:name] # => "Purplish"
permitted[:pets][0][:category] # => nil
An array of permitted scalars may be expected with the following:
params = ["rails", "parameters"])
permitted = params.expect(tags: [])
permitted.permitted? # => true
permitted.is_a?(Array) # => true
permitted.size # => 2
785 786 787 788 789 790 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 785 def expect(*filters) params = permit_filters(filters) keys = filters.flatten.flat_map { |f| f.is_a?(Hash) ? f.keys : f } values = params.require(keys) values.size == 1 ? values.first : values end |
#expect!(*filters) ⇒ Object
Same as ‘expect`, but raises an `ActionController::ExpectedParameterMissing` instead of `ActionController::ParameterMissing`. Unlike `expect` which will render a 400 response, `expect!` will raise an exception that is not handled. This is intended for debugging invalid params for an internal API where incorrectly formatted params would indicate a bug in a client library that should be fixed.
799 800 801 802 803 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 799 def expect!(*filters) expect(*filters) rescue ParameterMissing => e raise, e.keys) end |
#extract!(*keys) ⇒ Object
Removes and returns the key/value pairs matching the given keys.
params = 1, b: 2, c: 3)
params.extract!(:a, :b) # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"a"=>1, "b"=>2} permitted: false>
params # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"c"=>3} permitted: false>
892 893 894 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 892 def extract!(*keys) new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status(@parameters.extract!(*keys)) end |
#extract_value(key, delimiter: "_") ⇒ Object
Returns parameter value for the given ‘key` separated by `delimiter`.
params = "1_123", tags: "ruby,rails")
params.extract_value(:id) # => ["1", "123"]
params.extract_value(:tags, delimiter: ",") # => ["ruby", "rails"]
params.extract_value(:non_existent_key) # => nil
Note that if the given ‘key`’s value contains blank elements, then the returned array will include empty strings.
params = "ruby,rails,,web")
params.extract_value(:tags, delimiter: ",") # => ["ruby", "rails", "", "web"]
1123 1124 1125 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1123 def extract_value(key, delimiter: "_") @parameters[key]&.split(delimiter, -1) end |
#fetch(key, *args) ⇒ Object
Returns a parameter for the given ‘key`. If the `key` can’t be found, there are several options: With no other arguments, it will raise an ActionController::ParameterMissing error; if a second argument is given, then that is returned (converted to an instance of ‘ActionController::Parameters` if possible); if a block is given, then that will be run and its result returned.
params = { name: "Francesco" })
params.fetch(:person) # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"name"=>"Francesco"} permitted: false>
params.fetch(:none) # => ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: none
params.fetch(:none, {}) # => #<ActionController::Parameters {} permitted: false>
params.fetch(:none, "Francesco") # => "Francesco"
params.fetch(:none) { "Francesco" } # => "Francesco"
833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 833 def fetch(key, *args) convert_value_to_parameters( @parameters.fetch(key) { if block_given? yield else args.fetch(0) { raise, @parameters.keys) } end } ) end |
#has_value?(value) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: value?
Returns true if the given value is present for some key in the parameters.
1010 1011 1012 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1010 def has_value?(value) each_value.include?(convert_value_to_parameters(value)) end |
#hash ⇒ Object
328 329 330 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 328 def hash [self.class, @parameters, @permitted].hash end |
#init_with(coder) ⇒ Object
1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1081 def init_with(coder) # :nodoc: case coder.tag when "!ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters" # YAML 2.0.8's format where hash instance variables weren't stored. @parameters = @permitted = false when "!ruby/hash-with-ivars:ActionController::Parameters" # YAML 2.0.9's Hash subclass format where keys and values were stored under an # elements hash and `permitted` within an ivars hash. @parameters =["elements"].with_indifferent_access @permitted =["ivars"][:@permitted] when "!ruby/object:ActionController::Parameters" # YAML's Object format. Only needed because of the format backwards # compatibility above, otherwise equivalent to YAML's initialization. @parameters, @permitted =["parameters"],["permitted"] end end |
#inspect ⇒ Object
1068 1069 1070 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1068 def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{@parameters} permitted: #{@permitted}>" end |
#keys ⇒ Object
:method: to_s
Returns the content of the parameters as a string.
249 250 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 249 delegate :keys, :empty?, :exclude?, :include?, :as_json, :to_s, :each_key, to: :@parameters |
#merge(other_hash) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with all keys from `other_hash` merged into current hash.
1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1024 def merge(other_hash) new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status( @parameters.merge(other_hash.to_h) ) end |
#merge!(other_hash, &block) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: merge!(other_hash)
Returns the current ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with `other_hash` merged into current hash.
1035 1036 1037 1038 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1035 def merge!(other_hash, &block) @parameters.merge!(other_hash.to_h, &block) self end |
#permit(*filters) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance that includes only the given `filters` and sets the `permitted` attribute for the object to `true`. This is useful for limiting which attributes should be allowed for mass updating.
params = "Francesco", age: 22, role: "admin")
permitted = params.permit(:name, :age)
permitted.permitted? # => true
permitted.has_key?(:name) # => true
permitted.has_key?(:age) # => true
permitted.has_key?(:role) # => false
Only permitted scalars pass the filter. For example, given
‘:name` passes if it is a key of `params` whose associated value is of type `String`, `Symbol`, `NilClass`, `Numeric`, `TrueClass`, `FalseClass`, `Date`, `Time`, `DateTime`, `StringIO`, `IO`, ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile or `Rack::Test::UploadedFile`. Otherwise, the key `:name` is filtered out.
You may declare that the parameter should be an array of permitted scalars by mapping it to an empty array:
params = ["rails", "parameters"])
params.permit(tags: [])
Sometimes it is not possible or convenient to declare the valid keys of a hash parameter or its internal structure. Just map to an empty hash:
params.permit(preferences: {})
Be careful because this opens the door to arbitrary input. In this case, ‘permit` ensures values in the returned structure are permitted scalars and filters out anything else.
You can also use ‘permit` on nested parameters:
params ={
person: {
name: "Francesco",
age: 22,
pets: [{
name: "Purplish",
category: "dogs"
permitted = params.permit(person: [ :name, { pets: :name } ])
permitted.permitted? # => true
permitted[:person][:name] # => "Francesco"
permitted[:person][:age] # => nil
permitted[:person][:pets][0][:name] # => "Purplish"
permitted[:person][:pets][0][:category] # => nil
This has the added benefit of rejecting user-modified inputs that send a string when a hash is expected.
When followed by ‘require`, you can both filter and require parameters following the typical pattern of a Rails form. The `expect` method was made specifically for this use case and is the recommended way to require and permit parameters.
permitted = params.expect(person: [:name, :age])
When using ‘permit` and `require` separately, pay careful attention to the order of the method calls.
params = { name: "Martin", age: 40, role: "admin" })
permitted = params.permit(person: [:name, :age]).require(:person) # correct
When require is used first, it is possible for users of your application to trigger a NoMethodError when the user, for example, sends a string for :person.
params = "tampered")
permitted = params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age) # not recommended
# => NoMethodError: undefined method `permit' for an instance of String
Note that if you use ‘permit` in a key that points to a hash, it won’t allow all the hash. You also need to specify which attributes inside the hash should be permitted.
params ={
person: {
contact: {
email: "",
phone: "555-1234"
params.permit(person: :contact).require(:person)
# => #<ActionController::Parameters {} permitted: true>
params.permit(person: { contact: :phone }).require(:person)
# => #<ActionController::Parameters {"contact"=>#<ActionController::Parameters {"phone"=>"555-1234"} permitted: true>} permitted: true>
params.permit(person: { contact: [ :email, :phone ] }).require(:person)
# => #<ActionController::Parameters {"contact"=>#<ActionController::Parameters {"email"=>"", "phone"=>"555-1234"} permitted: true>} permitted: true>
If your parameters specify multiple parameters indexed by a number, you can permit each set of parameters under the numeric key to be the same using the same syntax as permitting a single item.
params ={
person: {
'0': {
email: "",
phone: "555-1234"
'1': {
email: "",
phone: "555-6789"
params.permit(person: [:email]).to_h
# => {"person"=>{"0"=>{"email"=>""}, "1"=>{"email"=>""}}}
If you want to specify what keys you want from each numeric key, you can instead specify each one individually
params ={
person: {
'0': {
email: "",
phone: "555-1234"
'1': {
email: "",
phone: "555-6789"
params.permit(person: { '0': [:email], '1': [:phone]}).to_h
# => {"person"=>{"0"=>{"email"=>""}, "1"=>{"phone"=>"555-6789"}}}
681 682 683 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 681 def permit(*filters) permit_filters(filters, on_unpermitted: self.class.action_on_unpermitted_parameters, explicit_arrays: false) end |
#permit! ⇒ Object
Sets the ‘permitted` attribute to `true`. This can be used to pass mass assignment. Returns `self`.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
params = "Francesco")
params.permitted? # => false # => ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError
params.permitted? # => true # => #<Person id: nil, name: "Francesco">
474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 474 def permit! each_pair do |key, value| Array.wrap(value).flatten.each do |v| v.permit! if v.respond_to? :permit! end end @permitted = true self end |
#permitted? ⇒ Boolean
Returns ‘true` if the parameter is permitted, `false` otherwise.
params =
params.permitted? # => false
params.permitted? # => true
458 459 460 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 458 def permitted? @permitted end |
#reject(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with items that the block evaluates to true removed.
974 975 976 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 974 def reject(&block) new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status(@parameters.reject(&block)) end |
#reject!(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: delete_if
Removes items that the block evaluates to true and returns self.
979 980 981 982 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 979 def reject!(&block) @parameters.reject!(&block) self end |
#require(key) ⇒ Object Also known as: required
This method accepts both a single key and an array of keys.
When passed a single key, if it exists and its associated value is either present or the singleton ‘false`, returns said value: { name: "Francesco" }).require(:person)
# => #<ActionController::Parameters {"name"=>"Francesco"} permitted: false>
Otherwise raises ActionController::ParameterMissing:
# ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: person nil).require(:person)
# ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: person "\t").require(:person)
# ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: person {}).require(:person)
# ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: person
When given an array of keys, the method tries to require each one of them in order. If it succeeds, an array with the respective return values is returned:
params = { ... }, profile: { ... })
user_params, profile_params = params.require([:user, :profile])
Otherwise, the method re-raises the first exception found:
params = {}, profile: {})
user_params, profile_params = params.require([:user, :profile])
# ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: user
This method is not recommended for fetching terminal values because it does not permit the values. For example, this can cause problems:
params = { name: "Finn" })
name = params.require(:person).require(:name) # CAREFUL
It is recommended to use ‘expect` instead:
def person_params
# params.expect(person: :name).require(:name)
532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 532 def require(key) return { |k| require(k) } if key.is_a?(Array) value = self[key] if value.present? || value == false value else raise, @parameters.keys) end end |
#reverse_merge(other_hash) ⇒ Object Also known as: with_defaults
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with all keys from current hash merged into `other_hash`.
1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1046 def reverse_merge(other_hash) new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status( other_hash.to_h.merge(@parameters) ) end |
#reverse_merge!(other_hash) ⇒ Object Also known as: with_defaults!
Returns the current ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with current hash merged into `other_hash`.
1055 1056 1057 1058 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1055 def reverse_merge!(other_hash) @parameters.merge!(other_hash.to_h) { |key, left, right| left } self end |
#select(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with only items that the block evaluates to true.
961 962 963 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 961 def select(&block) new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status( end |
#select!(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: keep_if
Equivalent to Hash#keep_if, but returns ‘nil` if no changes were made.
966 967 968 969 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 966 def select!(&block)!(&block) self end |
#slice(*keys) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance that includes only the given `keys`. If the given `keys` don’t exist, returns an empty hash.
params = 1, b: 2, c: 3)
params.slice(:a, :b) # => #<ActionController::Parameters {"a"=>1, "b"=>2} permitted: false>
params.slice(:d) # => #<ActionController::Parameters {} permitted: false>
865 866 867 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 865 def slice(*keys) new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status(@parameters.slice(*keys)) end |
#slice!(*keys) ⇒ Object
Returns the current ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance which contains only the given `keys`.
871 872 873 874 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 871 def slice!(*keys) @parameters.slice!(*keys) self end |
#stringify_keys ⇒ Object
This is required by ActiveModel attribute assignment, so that user can pass ‘Parameters` to a mass assignment methods in a model. It should not matter as we are using `HashWithIndifferentAccess` internally.
1064 1065 1066 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1064 def stringify_keys # :nodoc: dup end |
#to_h(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a safe ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess representation of the parameters with all unpermitted keys removed.
params ={
name: "Senjougahara Hitagi",
oddity: "Heavy stone crab"
# => ActionController::UnfilteredParameters: unable to convert unpermitted parameters to hash
safe_params = params.permit(:name)
safe_params.to_h # => {"name"=>"Senjougahara Hitagi"}
344 345 346 347 348 349 350 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 344 def to_h(&block) if permitted? convert_parameters_to_hashes(@parameters, :to_h, &block) else raise UnfilteredParameters end end |
#to_hash ⇒ Object
Returns a safe ‘Hash` representation of the parameters with all unpermitted keys removed.
params ={
name: "Senjougahara Hitagi",
oddity: "Heavy stone crab"
# => ActionController::UnfilteredParameters: unable to convert unpermitted parameters to hash
safe_params = params.permit(:name)
safe_params.to_hash # => {"name"=>"Senjougahara Hitagi"}
364 365 366 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 364 def to_hash to_h.to_hash end |
#to_query(*args) ⇒ Object Also known as: to_param
Returns a string representation of the receiver suitable for use as a URL query string:
params ={
name: "David",
nationality: "Danish"
# => ActionController::UnfilteredParameters: unable to convert unpermitted parameters to hash
safe_params = params.permit(:name, :nationality)
# => "name=David&nationality=Danish"
An optional namespace can be passed to enclose key names:
params ={
name: "David",
nationality: "Danish"
safe_params = params.permit(:name, :nationality)
# => "user%5Bname%5D=David&user%5Bnationality%5D=Danish"
The string pairs ‘“key=value”` that conform the query string are sorted lexicographically in ascending order.
394 395 396 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 394 def to_query(*args) to_h.to_query(*args) end |
#to_unsafe_h ⇒ Object Also known as: to_unsafe_hash
Returns an unsafe, unfiltered ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess representation of the parameters.
params ={
name: "Senjougahara Hitagi",
oddity: "Heavy stone crab"
# => {"name"=>"Senjougahara Hitagi", "oddity" => "Heavy stone crab"}
408 409 410 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 408 def to_unsafe_h convert_parameters_to_hashes(@parameters, :to_unsafe_h) end |
#transform_keys(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with the results of running `block` once for every key. The values are unchanged.
919 920 921 922 923 924 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 919 def transform_keys(&block) return to_enum(:transform_keys) unless block_given? new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status( @parameters.transform_keys(&block) ) end |
#transform_keys!(&block) ⇒ Object
Performs keys transformation and returns the altered ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance.
928 929 930 931 932 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 928 def transform_keys!(&block) return to_enum(:transform_keys!) unless block_given? @parameters.transform_keys!(&block) self end |
#transform_values ⇒ Object
Returns a new ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance with the results of running `block` once for every value. The keys are unchanged.
params = 1, b: 2, c: 3)
params.transform_values { |x| x * 2 }
# => #<ActionController::Parameters {"a"=>2, "b"=>4, "c"=>6} permitted: false>
902 903 904 905 906 907 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 902 def transform_values return to_enum(:transform_values) unless block_given? new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status( @parameters.transform_values { |v| yield convert_value_to_parameters(v) } ) end |
#transform_values! ⇒ Object
Performs values transformation and returns the altered ‘ActionController::Parameters` instance.
911 912 913 914 915 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 911 def transform_values! return to_enum(:transform_values!) unless block_given? @parameters.transform_values! { |v| yield convert_value_to_parameters(v) } self end |
#values ⇒ Object
Returns a new array of the values of the parameters.
437 438 439 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 437 def values to_enum(:each_value).to_a end |
#values_at(*keys) ⇒ Object
Returns values that were assigned to the given ‘keys`. Note that all the `Hash` objects will be converted to `ActionController::Parameters`.
1018 1019 1020 |
# File 'lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb', line 1018 def values_at(*keys) convert_value_to_parameters(@parameters.values_at(*keys)) end |