Module: Acfs::Resource::Attributes
- Extended by:
- ActiveSupport::Concern
- Includes:
- ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
- Included in:
- Acfs::Resource
- Defined in:
- lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb,
Acfs Attributes
Allows to specify attributes of a class with default values and type safety.
For each attribute a setter and getter will be created and values will be type casted when set.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: ClassMethods Classes: Base, Boolean, DateTime, Dict, Float, Integer, List, String, UUID
Constant Summary collapse
- Uuid =
Lower-case alias for automatic type lookup
Instance Method Summary collapse
#attributes ⇒ HashWithIndifferentAccess{Symbol => Object}
Returns ActiveModel compatible list of attributes and values.
#attributes=(attributes) ⇒ Object
Update all attributes with given hash.
#initialize(*attrs) ⇒ Object
Write default attributes defined in resource class.
#read_attribute(name) ⇒ Object
Read an attribute from instance variable.
#write_attribute(name, value, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Write single attribute with given value.
#write_attributes(attributes, **opts) ⇒ Object
Write a hash of attributes and values.
#write_local_attribute(name, value, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Check if a public getter for attribute exists that should be called to write it or of #write_attribute should be called directly.
#write_raw_attribute(name, value, _ = {}) ⇒ Object
Write an attribute without checking type or existence or casting value to attributes type.
Instance Method Details
#attributes ⇒ HashWithIndifferentAccess{Symbol => Object}
Returns ActiveModel compatible list of attributes and values.
rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName
52 53 54 |
# File 'lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb', line 52 def attributes @_attrs ||= end |
#attributes=(attributes) ⇒ Object
Update all attributes with given hash. Attribute values will be casted to defined attribute type.
70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb', line 70 def attributes=(attributes) write_attributes(attributes) end |
#initialize(*attrs) ⇒ Object
Write default attributes defined in resource class.
31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb', line 31 def initialize(*attrs) write_attributes self.class.attributes reset_changes super end |
#read_attribute(name) ⇒ Object
Read an attribute from instance variable.
81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb', line 81 def read_attribute(name) attributes[name.to_s] end |
#write_attribute(name, value, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Write single attribute with given value. Value will be casted to defined attribute type.
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# File 'lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb', line 160 def write_attribute(name, value, opts = {}) attr_type = self.class.defined_attributes[name.to_s] if attr_type write_raw_attribute name, attr_type.cast(value), opts else write_raw_attribute name, value, opts end end |
#write_attributes(attributes, **opts) ⇒ Object
Write a hash of attributes and values.
If attribute value is a ‘Proc` it will be evaluated in the context of the resource after all non-proc attribute values are set. Values will be casted to defined attribute type.
The behavior is used to apply default attributes from resource class definition.
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# File 'lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb', line 106 def write_attributes(attributes, **opts) unless attributes.respond_to?(:each) && attributes.respond_to?(:keys) return false end if opts.fetch(:unknown, :ignore) == :raise && ( - self.class.attributes.keys).any? missing = attributes.keys - self.class.attributes.keys!(&:inspect) raise "Unknown attributes: #{missing.join(', ')}" end procs = {} attributes.each do |key, _| if attributes[key].is_a? Proc procs[key] = attributes[key] else write_local_attribute(key, attributes[key], **opts) end end procs.each do |key, proc| write_local_attribute(key, instance_exec(&proc), **opts) end true end |
#write_local_attribute(name, value, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Check if a public getter for attribute exists that should be called to write it or of #write_attribute should be called directly. This is necessary as #write_attribute should go though setters but can also handle unknown attribute that will not have a generated setter method.
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# File 'lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb', line 142 def write_local_attribute(name, value, opts = {}) method = "#{name}=" if respond_to? method, true public_send method, value else write_attribute name, value, opts end end |
#write_raw_attribute(name, value, _ = {}) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Write an attribute without checking type or existence or casting value to attributes type. Value be stored in an instance variable named after attribute name.
178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/acfs/resource/attributes.rb', line 178 def write_raw_attribute(name, value, _ = {}) attributes[name.to_s] = value end |