Module: HDLRuby
- Defined in:
- lib/HDLRuby.rb,
High-level libraries for describing digital hardware.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Hdecorator, High, Low, LowDB, Prefix, Serializer, Tprocess, Unit, Verilog, Vprocess Classes: AnyError, BitString, Checker, HDRLoad, Properties
Constant Summary collapse
- Infinity =
Some useful constants
The classes meant to support to_basic.
[ # Low::SystemT, Low::SignalT, Low::Behavior, Low::TimeBehavior, Low::SystemT, Low::Scope, Low::Type, # Low::TypeNumeric, Low::TypeDef, Low::TypeVector, Low::TypeSigned, Low::TypeUnsigned, Low::TypeFloat, Low::TypeTuple, Low::TypeStruct, Low::Behavior, Low::TimeBehavior, Low::Event, Low::Block, Low::TimeBlock, Low::Code, Low::SignalI, Low::SignalC, Low::SystemI, Low::Connection, Low::Transmit, Low::If, Low::Case, Low::When, Low::Cast, Low::TimeWait, Low::TimeRepeat, Low::Delay, # Low::Value, Low::Unary, Low::Binary, Low::Ternary, Low::Concat, Low::Value, Low::Unary, Low::Binary, Low::Select, Low::Concat, Low::RefConcat, Low::RefIndex, Low::RefRange, Low::RefName, Low::RefThis, BitString ]
The names of the classes of HDLRuby supporting to_basic { |klass| const_reduce(klass.to_s) }
The classes describing types (must be described only once)
[Low::SystemT, Low::Type, Low::TypeDef, Low::TypeVector, Low::TypeTuple, Low::TypeStruct]
The list of fields to exclude from serialization.
{ Low::SystemT => [:@interface,:@parent ] }
The list of fields that correspond to reference.
{ Low::SystemI => [ :@systemT,:@systemTs ] }
The name of the reference argument if any.
{ Low::SystemI => ["systemT","systemTs"], Low::SignalI => ["type"], Low::TypeVector => ["base"], Low::TypeTuple => ["types"], Low::RefThis => ["type"], Low::RefName => ["type"], Low::RefIndex => ["type"], Low::Unary => ["type"], Low::Binary => ["type"], Low::Select => ["type"], Low::Value => ["type"] }
The table of the object that can be refered to, used when deserializing.
{ }
- @@absoluteCounter =
Method and attribute for generating an absolute uniq name. Such names cannot be used in HDLRuby::High code, but can be used to generate such code.
-1 # The absolute name counter.
- @@uniq_names =
The absolute name counter. {|sym| sym.to_s})
- @@verbosity =
Display some messages depending on the verbosity mode.
Class Method Summary collapse
.basic_to_value(basic) ⇒ Object
Convert a +basic+ structure to a ruby object.
.const_reduce(name, num = 1) ⇒ Object
Reduce a constant +name+ to +num+ number of namespace levels.
.from_yaml(stream) ⇒ Object
Convert a stream to a HDLRuby list of objects.
.is_basic_HDLRuby?(basic) ⇒ Boolean
Tells if a +basic+ structure is a representation of an HDLRuby object.
.show(*args) ⇒ Object
Display a common message.
.show!(*args) ⇒ Object
Display a critical message.
.show?(*args) ⇒ Boolean
Display a minor message.
.uniq_name(base = "") ⇒ Object
Generates an absolute uniq name.
.value_to_basic(ref, value, types = {}, generated = [[]]) ⇒ Object
Converts a +value+ to a basic structure easy-to-write YAML string.
.verbosity=(val) ⇒ Object
Sets the verbosity.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#error_manager(files, &code) ⇒ Object
Execution context for processing error messages in +code+.
Class Method Details
.basic_to_value(basic) ⇒ Object
Convert a +basic+ structure to a ruby object.
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_serializer.rb', line 141 def self.basic_to_value(basic) # print "For basic=#{basic} (#{basic.class})\n" # Detect which kind of basic struture it is. if basic.is_a?(NilClass) or basic.is_a?(Numeric) or basic.is_a?(Low::Value) then # Nil, Numeric or Value objects are kept as they are. return basic elsif basic.is_a?(Range) then # First and last of range are converted. return basic_to_value(basic.first)..basic_to_value(basic.last) elsif basic.is_a?(String) then # String objects are cloned for avoiding side effects. return basic.clone elsif basic.is_a?(Array) then # Array objects are kept as they are, but their content is converted # to basic. return { |elem| basic_to_value(elem) } elsif basic.is_a?(Hash) then # Is the hash representing a class? # print "basic.size = #{basic.size}\n" # if basic.size == 1 then # print "name = #{HDLRuby.const_reduce(basic.keys[0])}\n" # end if is_basic_HDLRuby?(basic) then # Yes, rebuild the object. # First get the class. klass = HDLRuby.const_get(basic.keys[0]) # print "klass=#{klass}\n" # The the content. content = basic.values[0] # Handle the case of the ranges content.each do |k,v| if k.to_sym == :range and v.is_a?(Array) then content[k] = basic_to_value(v[0])..basic_to_value(v[1]) end end # Single instance variables are set with the structure, # separate them from the multiple instances. multiples,singles = content.partition do |k,v| (v.is_a?(Hash) or v.is_a?(Array)) and !is_basic_HDLRuby?(v) end # Create the object. # Get the name of the reference used in the constructor if any ref = REF_ARG_NAMES[klass] # Process the arguments of the object constructor.! do |k,v| # puts "ref=#{ref} k=#{k} v=#{v}" elem = basic_to_value(v) # puts "elem=#{elem}" # if ref == k and elem.is_a?(String) then if ref and ref.include?(k) and elem.is_a?(String) then # The argument is actually a reference, get the # corresponding object. elem = FROM_BASICS_REFS[elem.to_sym] end # puts "now elem=#{elem}" elem end # Build the object with the processed arguments. # object =*{|k,v| basic_to_value(v) }) # puts "klass=#{klass}, singles=#{singles.join("\n")}, multiples=#{multiples.join("\n")}" object =*singles) # Adds the multiple instances. multiples.each do |k,v| # puts "k=#{k} v=#{v}" # Construct the add method: add_<key name without ending s> add_meth = ("add_" + k)[0..-2].to_sym # Treat the values a an array. v = v.values if v.is_a?(Hash) # puts "v=#{v}" v.each do |elem| # object.send(add_meth, *basic_to_value(elem) ) elem = basic_to_value(elem) # puts "ref=#{ref}, k=#{k}" # puts "to add elem=#{elem}" # if ref == k and elem.is_a?(String) then if ref and ref.include?(k) and elem.is_a?(String) then # The argument is actually a reference, get the # corresponding object. elem = FROM_BASICS_REFS[elem.to_sym] end # puts "adding elem=#{elem} to object=#{object}" if elem.is_a?(SystemT) # In general it is enough to add the element to # the object. However, in the case of a systemI, # the main systemT is added to the list at # the creation of the SystemI and is therefore # not to be added. if !object.is_a?(SystemI) || object.systemT != elem object.send(add_meth, *elem ) end end end # Store the objects if it is named. if object.respond_to?(:name) then # puts "Registering name=#{} with #{object}" FROM_BASICS_REFS[] = object end # Returns the resulting object. return object else # No, this a standard hash, keep it as is but convert its # contents. return do |k,v| [ basic_to_value(k), basic_to_value(v) ] end.to_h end else # Other cases should happen. raise AnyError, "Invalid class for a basic object: #{basic.class}." end end |
.const_reduce(name, num = 1) ⇒ Object
Reduce a constant +name+ to +num+ number of namespace levels.
9 10 11 12 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_serializer.rb', line 9 def self.const_reduce(name, num = 1) levels = name.split("::") return levels[-([num,levels.size].min)..-1].join("::") end |
.from_yaml(stream) ⇒ Object
Convert a stream to a HDLRuby list of objects.
255 256 257 258 259 260 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_serializer.rb', line 255 def self.from_yaml(stream) # Get the basic structure from the stream. basic = YAML.load_stream(stream) # Convert the basic structure to HDLRuby objects. return basic_to_value(basic) end |
.is_basic_HDLRuby?(basic) ⇒ Boolean
Tells if a +basic+ structure is a representation of an HDLRuby object.
72 73 74 75 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_serializer.rb', line 72 def self.is_basic_HDLRuby?(basic) return ( basic.is_a?(Hash) and basic.size == 1 and TO_BASIC_NAMES.include?(HDLRuby.const_reduce(basic.keys[0])) ) end |
.show(*args) ⇒ Object
Display a common message.
76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_tools.rb', line 76 def*args) puts(*args) if @@verbosity > 1 end |
.show!(*args) ⇒ Object
Display a critical message.
71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_tools.rb', line 71 def!(*args) puts(*args) if @@verbosity > 0 end |
.show?(*args) ⇒ Boolean
Display a minor message.
81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_tools.rb', line 81 def*args) puts(*args) if @@verbosity > 2 end |
.uniq_name(base = "") ⇒ Object
Generates an absolute uniq name.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_tools.rb', line 20 def self.uniq_name(base = "") @@absoluteCounter += 1 name = base.to_s + ":#{@@absoluteCounter}" # if Symbol.all_symbols.find {|symbol| symbol.to_s == name } then if @@uniq_names.include?(name) then # The symbol exists, try again. return self.uniq_name else @@uniq_names.add(name) return name.to_sym end # return base.to_s + ":#{@@absoluteCounter}" end |
.value_to_basic(ref, value, types = {}, generated = [[]]) ⇒ Object
Converts a +value+ to a basic structure easy-to-write YAML string.
Other parameters: +top+:: indicates if the object is the top of the description or not. If it is the top, the namespace it comes from is kept. +types+:: contains the type objects which will have to be converted separately. def self.value_to_basic(value, types = {}) Converts a +value+ to a basic structure easy-to-write YAML string.
Other parameters: +ref+:: indicates if the object is a reference or not. +types+:: contains the type objects which will have to be converted separately. +generated+:: is the stack of the generated named objects in the current context.
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_serializer.rb', line 95 def self.value_to_basic(ref, value, types = {}, generated = [[]]) # Depending on the class. if value.is_a?(Symbol) then # Symbol objects are converted to strings. return value.to_s elsif value.is_a?(String) then # String objects are cloned for avoid side effects. return value.clone elsif value.is_a?(Numeric) or value.is_a?(NilClass) then # Nil and Numeric objects are kept as they are. return value elsif value.is_a?(Range) # Convert to an array made of the converted first and last. return [value_to_basic(ref,value.first,types,generated), value_to_basic(ref,value.last,types,generated)] elsif value.is_a?(Array) then # Arrays are kept as they are, but their content is converted # to basic. return { |elem| value_to_basic(ref,elem,types,generated) } # elsif value.is_a?(Base::HashName) then elsif value.is_a?(Low::HashName) then # Hash name, convert it to an array. return { |v| value_to_basic(ref,v,types,generated) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) then # Maybe the hash is empty. if value.empty? then return { } end # Convert its content to basic. return do |k,v| [value_to_basic(ref,k,types,generated), value_to_basic(ref,v,types,generated)] end.to_h else # For the other cases, only HDLRuby classes supporting to_basic # are supported. unless TO_BASICS.include?(value.class) then raise AnyError, "Invalid class for converting to basic structure: #{value.class}" end # return value.to_basic(false,types) return value.to_basic(false,ref,types,generated) end end |
.verbosity=(val) ⇒ Object
Sets the verbosity.
66 67 68 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_tools.rb', line 66 def self.verbosity=(val) @@verbosity = val.to_i end |
Instance Method Details
#error_manager(files, &code) ⇒ Object
Execution context for processing error messages in +code+. The relevant error message to are assumed to be the ones whose file name is one given in +files+.
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_error.rb', line 27 def error_manager(files,&code) begin rescue ::StandardError => e # pp e.backtrace # Keep the relevant! do |mess| files.find {|file| mess.include?(File.basename(file))} end puts "#{e.backtrace[0]}: #{e.}" e.backtrace[1..-1].each { |mess| puts " from #{mess}"} exit rescue raise "Big Bad Bug" end end |