Class: HDLRuby::High::TypeFloat
- Inherits:
- Object
- Base::Type
- Low::Type
- Low::TypeVector
- TypeVector
- HDLRuby::High::TypeFloat
- Defined in:
- lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb
Describes a float data type.
Constant Summary
Constants inherited from TypeVector
Constants included from Htype
Constants included from Low::Low2Symbol
Low::Low2Symbol::Low2SymbolPrefix, Low::Low2Symbol::Low2SymbolTable, Low::Low2Symbol::Symbol2LowTable
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Low::TypeVector
Attributes inherited from Low::Type
Attributes included from Low::Hparent
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(name, range = 52..-11)) ⇒ TypeFloat
Creates a new vector type named +name+ from +base+ type and with +range+.
Methods included from HvectorType
Methods included from Htype
#[], #binary, #comp_operator, #constant, #define_operator, #each_overload, #htype?, included, #inner, #inout, #input, #left, #name=, #output, #register, #right, #to_type, #typedef, #unary
Methods included from Tprocess
#&, #*, #+, #+@, #-@, #/, #<<, #==, #abs, #lr, #make, #resolve, #slice, #~
Methods inherited from Low::TypeVector
#base?, #break_types!, #dir, #direction, #each_type_deep, #eql?, #equivalent?, #fixed?, #float?, #hash, #max, #min, #set_base!, #set_range!, #signed?, #size, #to_c, #to_hdr, #to_high, #to_verilog, #to_vhdl, #unsigned?, #vector?, #width
Methods included from Low::Ltype
Methods inherited from Low::Type
#base, #base?, #boolean?, #break_types!, #direction, #each_type_deep, #eql?, #equivalent?, #fixed?, #float?, #hash, #hierarchical?, #leaf?, #max, #min, #range, #range?, #regular?, #set_name!, #signed?, #struct?, #to_c, #to_hdr, #to_high, #to_vector, #to_verilog, #to_vhdl, #types?, #unsigned?, #vector?, #width
Methods included from Low::Low2Symbol
Methods included from Low::Hparent
Constructor Details
#initialize(name, range = 52..-11)) ⇒ TypeFloat
Creates a new vector type named +name+ from +base+ type and with +range+.
- The bits of negative range stands for the exponent
- The default range is for 64-bit IEEE 754 double precision standart
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# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 1879 def initialize(name,range = 52..-11) # Initialize the type. super(name,Float,range) end |