
The Fixably Ruby library provides access to the Fixably API for Ruby applications with automatic integration into Ruby on Rails.

Support is only provided for Ruby >= 3.0


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "fixably"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fixably


Before you begin, you will need to setup API credentials in Fixably at https://[your-domain]

You need to set your API key and subdomain in the Fixably configuration. The subdomain is the part before when you are using Fixable. For example, if you accessed Fixably via, then your subdomain is "demo".

require "fixably"

Fixably.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = ENV["fixably_api_key"]
  config.subdomain = "demo"

In a Rails application, this is best done in an initializer. For example, config/initializers/fixably.rb:

Fixably.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = Rails.application.credentials.fixably["api_key"]
  config.subdomain = Rails.application.credentials.fixably["subdomain"]


This gem utilises Active Resource under the hood to provide a Rails-like interface.

customers = Fixably::Customer.all
customer = Fixably::Customer.find(1_000)
customer = Fixably::Customer.first
customer = Fixably::Customer.last

customers = Fixably::Customer.where(first_name: "HashNotAdam")
customer = customers.first
customer.first_name = "Adam"!

customer = Fixably::Customer.create!(
  first_name: "Adam",
  last_name: "Rice",
  email: ""

Where there are known required fields, you can test validity or catch errors if using the bang functions.

customer = "HashNotAdam")
customer.valid? # => false
customer.errors.full_messages.to_sentence # => Either email or phone must be present # => false! # Exception: Failed. (ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid)

customer = Fixably::Customer.create(first_name: "HashNotAdam")
customer.persisted? # => false

customer = Fixably::Customer.create!(first_name: "HashNotAdam") # Exception: Failed. (ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid)

If you need to know the attributes of a model, you can request the schema. It should be noted that the schema only includes fields that Fixably accept when creating or updating record. For example, if you load a customer, the API will include an ID and tags but Fixably does not support modifying either attribute.

# =>
#  {"first_name"=>"string",
#  "last_name"=>"string",
#  "company"=>"string",
#  "phone"=>"string",
#  "email"=>"string",
#  "business_id"=>"string",
#  "language"=>"string",
#  "provider"=>"string",
#  "identifier"=>"string"}

We only use a small subset of the available resources so not all of the API is implemented, however, this gem is designed in such a way to make it easy to add new endpoints. If you need access to another resource, let's chat.

Currently supported resources:

Fixably actively avoid sending information about associations or even the data for a collection (Fixably docs). For example, if you were to send a request for a collection of customers, you would receive something like:

  "limit": 25,
  "offset": 0,
  "totalItems": 100,
  "items": [
    { "href": "" },
    { "href": "" },
    { "href": "" },

This gem will always pass "expand=items" with requests which expands the first layer of information. If you would also like to load associations, you can use the includes method with the name of the association. For example:

customers = Fixably::Customer.includes(:children).all
# expand=items,children(items)


When making a request that could return multiple results, you will receive a paginated collection. You can pass limit and offset parameters to manually manage pagination or use the helper methods:

customers = Fixably::Customer.where(company: "Education Advantage") # PaginatedCollection
customers.limit # => 25
customers.offset # => 0

customers.each.count # => 25

all_customers = []
customers.paginated_each { all_customers << _1 }
all_customers.count # => 100

all_customers = customers.paginated_map
all_customers.count # => 100

Remember to be respectful when using this feature; requesting all records has the potential to send a lot of requests. If you need to download a lot of data, it is probably worth your time to tweak the limit to pull in bigger batches:

customers = Fixably::Customer.all(limit: 100)
customers.limit # => 100
customers.offset # => 0

customers.each.count # => 25


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

If you would like to add a feature or fix a bug:

  • create an issue so we can discuss your thoughts;
  • fork the project;
  • start a feature/bugfix branch;
  • commit your changes (be sure to include tests); and
  • create a pull request to merge your branch into main.

Be aware that this gem monkey patches Active Resource. As such, you may need to familiarise yourself with lib/fixably/active_resource/base.rb.


The test suite does not make any requests, however, it does test up to the point that the request would be made. This means that many tests will fail unless a subdomain and API key are configured.

The dotenv gem is loaded when tests are run and will look for a .env file in the root directory. A .env.example file has been supplied so you copy it to .env and replace the example values:

cp .env.example .env


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Fixably project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.